
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What Melissa Ortiz found out about (Uncle) Tommy Sotomayor...

I'm guessing the majority of people looking at this Blog know I was an advocate of (Uncle) Tommy Sotomayor's a couple of years back; (and if you're new to this Blog, you can look up my first post about him titled, 'Why I no longer listen to Tommy Sotomayor', it's currently third on my 'Posts people dig most' listing).

Well occasionally, I'd see one of his 'cheerleaders' named Melissa Ortiz corroborating every word coming out of his fool mouth. 

Now, ever since I knew about this woman, she's rubbed me the wrong way. 'Cause beyond taking Uncle Tom's opinion as the gospel, this woman would swear up and down, even with a spanish sirname, that she's Black. Now understand, I know you can be Black with a spanish sirname, 'cause one of the largest Black populations outside of Africa is in Brazil. But try telling any dark-skinned, spanish-speaking person that they're'd better be ready to fist fight, 'cause that's what you'll probably wind up doing.

One thing I can give her is, she's a prolific maker of videos promoting herself; and in one particular video, titled, 'Why are Black women so argumentative', she goes on a tangential rant about the flaws of every Black women pertaining to the attitudes she sees exhibited by some of them.

This pissed me off!

What I did in response to viewing that video, was make a comment saying, 'Do you consider yourself Black or latino? Because your last name suggests you're latino, in which case I'd like to know who made you an authority on Black men or women?' 

And I did this more specifically because when I asked her a similar question on one of her other vids, she replied back, 'Don't let the good hair fool you, I'm Black.' 

This made me even more upset, for two reasons; one, if she is a Black woman, I'm wondering, is she still so brainwashed that she'd call a european's hair 'good' and a Black person's 'bad'? And two, if she really is a Black woman...which she's dare you even imply that a Black woman's hair is bad, or worse than a white person's?

What got me peeved at her more than anything is, I know she's just pretending to be Black so she won't get any flack for dissin' Black people in general and Black women in particular. But after a couple of the debates I had with her via YouTube, I just moved on. 

Now recently, a friend of mine advised me to look at her YouTube account, 'cause I heard she'd changed her tune...not about Black women, but about being a cheerleader for Uncle Tommy. And sure enough, when I did, I found out that the two are now bitter rivals...I just sat back and laughed.

There's even rumors and speculation about Uncle Tom and Melissa 'tripping the light fantastic' when they met up sometime in the not-so-distant past. 

If you go to Melissa's YouTube channel, the first vid you see, is one titled, 'Addressing fabricated YouTube beef...there's a reason for everything'. On it she details why her and Tommy had a fall out, along with some footage of Uncle Tom cursing her out. Now, I'm not happy Melissa got cursed out, not, but she shoulda' seen this coming. Here's why...

As deep a thinker as Melissa fancies herself to be, she forgot one very basic rule on who and who not to associate yourself with theoretically, or in this case maybe even romantically or sexually; and that's someone who completely hates themselves...which (Uncle) Tommy obviously does!

And this further proves to me why Melissa's not Black, because any self-respecting Black woman wouldn't be so quick to take Tom's side on his ideologies about them. Even if they were just a frequent viewer of Uncle Tom's vids; on some level, if she were really a Black woman, she'd have seen through the self-hatred inherent in all Tom's rantings. 

Funny enough, the reason she was so drawn to Tom in the first place is, in reality, she's just another spanish person who can't stand Black people...she just won't admit it to herself or anyone else. And, she found a Black man who hated Black people as much as she did. So it's no wonder why they clicked so much, so fast, at first. 

I guess the moral to this whole sordid fiasco is, especially for Black women, stay away from self-hating Black men, whether they're celebrities or not. And, don't ever wonder whether spanish people are cool with our I've said many times on this Blog, they hate you possibly more than white people do, 'cause they know they're not white themselves and never will be. 

And if you're a Black woman who works around spanish people and think they're really fond of our kind, try moving next door to your co-worker, then you'll find out what they really think about you and yours. 

I'll reiterate this for anyone who hasn't read my Blog before. We, Black people, have lost everything to our self-hatred...and we need to take care of it, before it takes care of us!

And in my next post, I'll show you why we need to rid ourselves of this self-hatred ASAP behind what's being done by the white elites as I'm writing stay tuned!


MontUHURU Mimia


Here's a video of how Melissa used to feel about (Uncle) Tom. Warning: This video contains mature language, viewer discretion is advised!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

What this Blog CAN and CAN NOT do for its readers...

"...the bitter medicines are usually the most effective."
--Shahrazad Ali

Recently, I wrote a Blog post titled 'Are you a sex toy for white people', in response to what I see as the Black Diaspora's willingness to avoid dating each other, so we can wind up oversexed and alone in decade-long pursuits of whites and other fair-skinned folk to marry.

Now, on this post, a commenter emphatically stated how they attempted to share the concepts of this Blog with other Black people who had a complete aversion to its message. This person also said, looking from someone else's perspective, that the concepts presented here were a 'bitter, painful pill to swallow, when you realize how your people as a whole have been systematically destroyed and exploited'; (and if it was 'Clair' who made this statement, I just wanna' say thanks for the insight and thANKHS for hangin' in there with a brotha, 'cause I know it ain't easy). But after reading this comment, the above quote (beneath my pictured header) from Shahrazad Ali popped into my mind (and once again, if you don't know who she is, google her). 

And I agree, the concepts presented here are 'bitter pills' for the Black Diaspora, but I'm presenting them to not only stop our 'systematic destruction', but to help us see how our loneliness, relationship-wise at least, comes from the self-hatred bred into us, so we can finally get out of it.

Now, the above comment was preceded by another comment made by someone calling themselves, 'Conga Dan'. 

This person basically made points stating why this Blog's doctrines are not helping anyone, especially not Black people; and how I'm just engaging in a self-righteous recital of stats and meditative exercises...especially pertaining to how our diaspora would be able to find relationships with 'good' Black men and women through these meditative practices. 

So, I've decided to emphatically declare what a reader of this Blog can and can not expect from it; thus eradicating any doubts about what someone can or can't glean from frequenting this space. 

First, let's explore what someone CAN NOT expect from this Blog:

1.) This Blog CAN NOT get you into a relationship with a 'good' Black man or woman within a week!

If you want a 'microwaved' solution to the complex problem of why so many Black men and women wind up oversexed and alone at fifty, this is not the Blog you wanna' read!

Let me say again, if you're looking to snap your fingers and make the ideal Black man or woman appear, or to get rid of the subconscious self-hatred keeping you out of relationships with 'good' Black men and women in minutes, this is not where you're going to find it.

Beyond that, here's the sentiment I'm starting to hear over and over again from commenters on this Blog...'is meditation all you can offer me?'

Let me make one thing abundantly clear...and this fact is really why I started this Blog in the first place...




You will wind up another statistical Black man or woman who's again, oversexed and alone at fifty after spending years being a sex toy for white, asian and spanish people...especially if you have a college degree!

And here's the real rub, 99.9% of Black people are conditioned to hate themselves and Black people as a whole...AND THEY DON'T KNOW IT!

And it's the not knowing that's a killer!

Why do you think white supremacists have done so much work, especially in the american educational system, to condition us to think of ourselves only in the context of slavery and Martin Luther King, a pacifist who died violently? It's cause they want our psyches riddled with shame and self-loathing, so we won't start relationships where we could pro-create and consequently breed them out of existence, 'cause we have the most power to. 

Let me give you an example of how well white supremacists have done their job of making us hate ourselves; this was 'Conga's' first question on the comment she last left on my Blog:  

'how the hell can the white man abuse us more than our own people....'

Here's the answer: By conditioning us to hate ourselves through two decades of covert programming via the american educational system and the media, almost guaranteeing Black men and women will have problems forming relationships for the rest of their lives! And making sure the programming we, Black men and women, get to hate ourselves, is ten times worse than what's given to any other ethnic group! 

And you can bet your bottom dollar, whitey sure as hell doesn't get this kinda' conditioning to hate himself, even though he's the most wicked and murderous person on the planet!

So here's my question to Conga, why are you so willing to forgive whitey but not Black people? Do you even see this as a problem?

So when people say they need more than 'meditation', understand what this mediation is's offering a way to recondition us out of those decades of subconscious programming, so we can in fact, love ourselves enough to attract that 'good' Black man or woman again. 

Also, understand, if you are stuck in a mental paradigm of self-hatred, you could go to work five days a week and sit directly next to a 'good' Black man or woman, and you will not see them; 'cause you're either too busy pursuing a white, asian or spanish person; or, if you do go out on a date/dates with that Black man or woman, some differing doctrine, theory or ideology will cause you to kick this person to the curb, triggered by your subconscious hatred for them, and you will wind up back at square one, being a sex toy for fair-skinned folks again.

And this is NO theory, I see this happening EVERYDAY!

I can hear people saying, well if the differing theory, dogma, ideology, etc. causes you to get in screaming arguments all the time, who wants to stick around for that? I'm not including screaming arguments or physical violence in the above example, 'cause I remember seeing one date between a Black man and woman on TV, and because one of them literally pointed at the other person to make a point, and not in a malicious way mind you, the other person canceled the date right there and then. 

I mean, think about it, why would any sane Black person choose hating themselves and other Black people over hating whites and the white supremacist institutions that made them hate themselves in the first place? It's because you've lived with your self-hatred so long that it's familiar, comfortable and it FEELS COMPLETELY NATURAL!  

I understand people wanna' be able to say a phrase, a prayer or swallow a pill to make this problem magically disappear; and hey, if you can find that, by all means go for it. But the human condition shows us that even techniques with speedy results like hypnosis have to be 'maintained' daily, bi-weekly or monthly, to keep their effects. 

So please understand, this Blog's doctrine is not a quick fix for the Black is a fix, but not an instant one.

2.) This Blog CAN NOT make you change if you really don't want to!

Meaning, if you, in your heart of hearts, really don't want to change, then be honest with yourself...and DON'T!

What has me shaking my head is how people like 'Conga Dan' will go on these tangential rants with zero intention of ever doing anything to correct their methodologies or ideologies on how to attract a 'good' Black man or woman...they just wanna' argue reasons why they can't or why my doctrines won't work. 

And understand, I know how frustrating it is to go through this, 'cause after all, we only have one life to live; but bickering and lobbing condescending insults isn't the answer.

Moreover, I bet not one of the people reading this Blog even TRIED the meditative exercise I detailed on another post. Yet they wanna' that all you can offer me?

I want to make this perfectly clear...this is WORK! It is not easy or passive; you have to make an effort to actually do it. 

Now, for the intrepid and diligent persons who actually do the exercise(s), I can assure you, the results will be miraculous. 

And again, if you're currently content and happy with your life, by all means, please go be happy! But if you're not and you want an answer to why it is so hard to find a 'good' Black man or woman to marry, then you're going to have to do something different than you've been doing!

And that may not include my meditative exercises...but you're going to have to do SOMETHING DIFFERENT! 

And I know a lot of you are saying, I am doing 'something different' by dating a white, spanish or asian person...and this is why so many of us wind up, like I continually say, oversexed and alone at fifty; 'cause all we're getting by dating these people is SCREWED!

So, by all means, let's stop letting white, spanish and asian people use us for their sexual conquests like handi-wipes! Unless you just don't care what happens to you in terms of future relationships...and if that's the case, you, as a Black man or woman, shouldn't be reading this Blog in the first place!'s what you CAN expect from this Blog...

1.) You can expect when you actually do the meditative exercises I offer, to, as a Black man or woman, love yourself more than you ever have in your life. 

And this is not hyperbole. 

Once you do the meditative work and offer your subconscious self-loving affirmations, especially pertaining to your African skin, facial features, hair texture, etc. a new world of peace and witnessing how much better we look than whites will appear before your eyes where it never existed.

And this is how our natural melanated minds are suppose to be working everyday!

Once you begin to truly love yourself for being Black, THEN you can attract other Black men and women who feel the same way...i.e. those 'good' Black men and women we're all wanting to be with.

Then, when you go out with this Black man or woman, you won't have such a guard up where any little thing that goes wrong will be an excuse to get rid of that person and go 'wasp-hunting' again. 

You see how this works?

And these changes can take place within the span of two to four weeks...and I'm saying the first 'noticeable' changes can occur during this time. 

Doing this over the course of months and years will yield even greater benefits. And, since repetition is the key to this, it has to be done daily or at least every other day.

Thus, I've dedicated myself to doing this meditative work daily for the rest of my life, so I don't ever lose any of it's benefits. Remember, we're reconditioning ourselves out of decades of self-hating conditioning, you can't do that overnight. 

Also remember, the finding of a 'good' Black man or woman starts with YOU!

The saying 'opposites attract' is incomplete. What it doesn't tell you is opposites attract up until the point where the novelty of their differences ware off and you usually wind up with someone who's just like YOU.

Now, this should be all the reason you need to do these meditative exercises, but there's one more perk they offer...

2.) These meditative exercises can be applied to ANY goal or behavioral modification you want to do in the future.

You want to stop biting your nails?

Apply the right affirmation and your nail biting will stop.

You want to lose weight?

Apply the right affirmation and the weight will come off.

Scared of the dark or public speaking?

Again, apply the right affirmation and these will slowly disappear.

Are you seeing the benefits of these meditative exercises now?

It's all about the subconscious mind people!

If you really want to change behavior, this is where you must go!

And this is why you can't pray this self-hatred away. It's because not only does prayer leave you in the limiting confines of 'praying and hoping', but it only deals in the 'conscious' mind. And anyone who knows anything about behavioral conditioning can tell you, in the battle between the conscious and subconscious...THE SUBCONSCIOUS WILL ALWAYS WIN OUT!!

The reason for this is, your subconscious needs to be the more powerful of the two because it controls more vital biological functions. 

For instance, imagine if you had to think about breathing. How would you sleep?

Imagine if you had to think about keeping your heart beating...any lapse in 'consciousness' could be fatal.

But we don't have to worry about this because the 'subconscious' takes care of all that, and again, that's why it's the most powerful part of the mind. 

And that's why it's such a bit@h to recondition!

So, I hope this answers the majority of people's questions about this Blog's doctrine and mission. 

Now, if what I detailed is something you can get wit', hey, let's get down...if it ain't...well, thanks for the time. I didn't come into this thinking my credo was going to be massively popular. But rest assured, I'm still working on the tome that will detail more in-depth and comprehensive methods of meditative exercises for us to heal ourselves; my e-book 'How to heal the rift between Black men and women' is on its way! So please, stay tuned!

Truthfully, I'm really looking for a handful of dedicated souls who I can eventually meet up with in real life, so we can actually build something to benefit the diaspora. 

So, again, if that's you...welcome aboard; if not, I ain't mad at ya', there's literally millions of other Blogs to choose from...I hope you find one that's more suited to your sensibilities.

Peace and be well...


MontUHURU Mimia

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The cult of gay white bigotry...

Several years ago, I had a Black male co-worker who I'll call Jim; and Jim was good at his job, but for a short stretch, he'd been having problems due to some sort of glitch in his work flow. 

Come to find out, the glitch Jim was experiencing was due to his bigoted, gay white male co-worker's throwing his client's mailings in the garbage after hours, 'cause this caucasoid cocksucker didn't like working around Black people. 

Fortunately, the pale-skinned degenerate fudge packer was fired.  

And this was the same gay white guy I heard talking about how his community's 'rights' were being infringed upon because he belonged to a 'marginalized faction of society'. 

Now, through the years the two loudest protests I've heard from the gay white community, at least pertaining to the Black Diaspora, are how the 'Black Civil Rights movement' and its community, should recognize white gays as an 'oppressed' minority and how Black people, especially Black men, are the most 'homophobic' in america, or possibly the world. 

So, without further ado, let's debunk these asinine theories with some cold, hard logic.  

First off, I think it's awfully audacious of the gay white community to look to the Black Diaspora to validate them, when the majority of these white men and women choose to hide their sexual orientation in the first place. The overwhelming majority of them don't come 'outta' the closet', so, if you're so ashamed of what you're doing behind closed doors with same-gendered people, why the hell should the Black Diaspora bend over backwards to validate your 'oppressed' status? 

Especially when you're not being oppressed!

And if you're a white gay man saying you still can't marry in some american states, stick around, gay marriages are being made legal in every state in this country, and it'll be coming to your state soon. 

Moreover, when you say the Black 'Civil Rights community' should acknowledge you, let me ask your community a question, where were you guys when your heterosexual peers were turning fire hoses on us and siccing dogs on our women and children during those Civil Rights marches? I'll tell you where you were, you were right behind them concealing your sexual orientation and enjoying the perks of the white male/female privilege. 

So stop asking us to validate you, when in most cases, you've shown you don't even wanna' identify yourselves sexually. 

And when I hear the arguments of how Black men are so anti-gay, I wanna' ask several gay white men, why doesn't your community acknowledge the covert bigotry in its ranks?

See, the problem with these kinds of pale-skinned inbreds is they wanna' have their cake and eat it too; meaning, white gay men want the perks of the white male privilege AND they want to be acknowledged as an oppressed minority. 

And if you happen to be a gay white man reading this, I just wanna' tell you, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!

If you want to enjoy the perks of the white male privilege, shut up and do that, but don't tell me I'm suppose to empathize with you 'cause you can't get married in a particular state. Use your white male privilege, get a job and MOVE! Problem solved!

What also gets my goat about this group is their insistence that everyone must acknowledge that gays are born that way. That's nonsense...and what they really don't like about Black people in particular is, Black men and women, consciously or subconsciously, understand this.

Like I've said in the past, homosexuality is the result of a childhood trauma, don't believe me? Look into the history of anyone you know who's homosexual and you will find a trauma that made them that way. Like I've said before, homosexuality is a 'deathstyle', not a 'lifestyle', that's why two same sexed partners can't have children.

On top of this, the white elites are doing their level best to mainstream homosexuality for a generation of young Black men and women as a means of ensuring they'll be less of us in the future. Don't believe me?

Well then, check out this June 9th, 2014 issue of 'Time' magazine. The sweet, blonde-haired biddy pictured left, used to be named Roderick Laverne it's just Leverne Cox (gotta' love the last name). This, whatever-it-is, bills itself as an american 'actress' fighting for 'transgendered' rights. And it's currently starring in a 'Netflix' dramatic series called 'Orange is the new Black' (read: gay is the new Black). This is what they're putting in the minds of our young men and women, and if there's no real parental guidance for the Black youth, what are they suppose to think? And if you are a Black young man or woman reading this, understand, you can't 'transcend' your gender, you're either born male or female...there's only two choices!

Besides this fact, there are perks for Black men giving up their heterosexuality, usually they're given more access to better jobs in the corporate world, or I've even read cases where Black male prison inmates who identify as homosexual, get certain privileges like better meals and living quarters. That's because, the white elite know Black male gays aren't going to reproduce more children, especially Black male children who could possibly breed them out of existence. 

So, I've said all that to say this, if you are a Black man or woman, know that THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT YOUR ALLIES OR FRIENDS! 

They may pretend to be, but when the chips are really down, you'll see these perverted pale-skinned types show their true colors...and they won't be rainbow colors either, they'll still be the colors that contrast most...Black and white. 


MontUHURU Mimia


If you don't believe what I'm saying about the bigotry of gay white men, especially towards Black men, then check out this vid of a homosexual white guy who saw this with his own two eyes. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The real message behind Madonna's 'Papa don't preach'?

"We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the negro population..."
--Margaret Sanger, founder of 'Planned Parenthood'

"Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep, Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep...but I've made up my mind, I'm keepin' my baby."
--Madonna, from the song 'Papa don't preach'

On June 30th, 1986, Madonna released her third studio album, 'True Blue' through Sire records. 

The single, 'Papa don't preach' was released several days before the album (June 11th), and was the LP's second single coming out after her song 'Live to tell'.  

When this song came out I was in high school; and I always remembered thinking how this was an odd subject for Madonna to sing about. Basically, this song is the story of a girl in her later teens telling her father how she's keeping her baby, despite the stigmas surrounding teenage pregnancy. 

Now, when I was growing up, Black children born out of wedlock were called 'illegitimate'; but since whitey adopting the trend, this is now called 'single parenting'. (Shouts out to Shahrazad Ali for my paraphrasing of her quote; if you don't know who she is, google her.)

Fast forward decades later, and now we have shows like '16 and pregnant' on MTV, basically showing the travails of pregnant white girls to everyone. 

Now, everyday on my way to work, I pass a 'Planned Parenthood' clinic, and I see several 'pro-lifers' discouraging women from aborting their children. Now, outside this clinic is a picture of a Black woman and beneath her is a caption stating there are alternatives to abortion; and the 'pro-lifers', some of them anyway, are carrying placards and signs with this same sentiment. Now, a casual observer would think that these pro-lifers are interested in saving Black babies from termination...but nothing could be further from the truth. 

See, a couple of years back, I wondered why the white elite would close scores of abortion clinics, when stats show how the majority of aborted babies are Black. 

Mind you, the teen pregnancy rate among Black girls is down something like 51% and are also below the rates of teen pregnancy for spanish women; but they say Black girls are still more likely to get pregnant than white girls, but I'd have to do more research on the subject in the future for verification...'cause again, I don't take whitey's word for anything anymore as the gospel truth; and like I've said in past posts, you always have to consider the source of whitey's information...but at one time, before I came into the knowledge I have now, I thought maybe whitey had a change of heart about Black babies and abortions...then I read about Ms. Margaret Sanger. 

See, good ole' Margaret dedicated her life to the promotion of birth control, and it's no coincidence that the 'Planned Parenthood' organization is the largest provider of abortions 'in the world'. 

And, over 78% of her clinics just happen to be in or near Black neighborhoods.

Just a little history about these clinics, the first Planned Parenthood clinic in the u.s. was opened in Brooklyn, New York in 1916, and guess what kinda' neighborhood this was got it, poor and Black. And in 1960, when the first birth control pill was approved by the FDA, guess which neighborhoods got 'em first through Planned Parenthood clinics? You get the idea. 

One of Sangers biggest influences was a eugenicist by the name of Dr. Havelock Ellis, who she had an affair with, which led to the divorce of her first husband by the way; he urged mandatory sterilization for the poor as a prerequisite to public aid. (Mind you, to this day, if you're a woman who receives welfare, you can't have a man living in your house)

Thing is, what whitey didn't realize, was white women, not Black women, represented the majority of females on welfare in this country. So, unbeknownst to them, Margaret and her pal Dr. Ellis basically started the campaign to get rid of white children in droves. And, it was three years ago when I found out how white birth rates are currently falling below replacement levels, and again...good ole' Margaret was a major contributor to this. 

Thanks Marge!

But coming back to Madonna, this is when I got the real message behind her song 'Papa don't preach' was for white women/girls to 'keep' and produce more babies, 'cause whitey knew in a century or two...he/they'd be history.

See, whitey's about to go the way of the dinosaur...and there's NOT A DAMN THING HE/THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT!  

But, they're not gonna' go quietly.

There's gonna' be a manic race by whitey to produce as many laboratory born biological weapons as they can put out, and their effectiveness at killing off Black people is gonna' jump exponentially. That's what the whole 'Ebola in the u.s.' craze is about now. And if you look at one of my last posts, 'The gospel of white supremacy (Part 2)...Who created the Ebola virus?', you'll see how this disease came to being.  

That's why I'm imploring every Black person reading this to work towards healing the rift between Black men and women; this is a matter of survival...and that's not hyperbole!

Between gentrification, biological weapons extermination, and covert methods of sterilization, white people intend to go down fighting 'til their very last breathe. So we have to be that much more vigilant in our quest to reunite and put a stop to this world-wide parasitic nuisance called the pale-skinned caucasian.  

Now, can we do this...absolutely! Will we do this in time? That's the 64,000 question.

So, let's get to work now...'cause this really is a matter of life and death!

Kem Wesir!

MontUHURU Mimia


If you'd like to check out my Blog post that explains how the 'Ebola' virus was created, you can look at it here.

Here's the video for Madonna's song 'Papa don't preach'. I had no idea how the white elite were campaigning for their girls to have more children even back then. In this video's opening, notice how the camera focuses on several white children in the park, especially the ones hanging on the gate; and notice Madonna's Black slinky outfit when she does her primary dance moves, the juxtaposition of this and the completely Black background against Madonna's white skin and bleached blonde hair, is sending the message that more white children need to be produced than Black, sublimely. 

And, at the end of the video, when Madonna tells her father played by actor Danny Aiello that she's pregnant, at first, he's dismayed; then at the end, he hugs her; this shows he's approved of her keeping the child. Thus, mainstreaming the approval of teen pregnancy for a generation of white girls. 

Also, Kelly Osbourne, Ozzy's daughter, made a cover version of this song in 2002...go figure.  

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Why Eminem is NOT the best rapper...

In the spring of 2003, Shawn Corey Carter a.k.a Jay-Z, came out with a line of Reebok sneakers called the 'S.Carter's'; they were a run-away success. 

And according to Jay-Z's white supremacist handlers, the entire inventory of this sneaker sold out the same day of its release. Mind you, I prefaced this factoid saying 'according to Jay's white supremacist handlers'; 'cause I don't take the white elites on their word for anything anymore. They've shown themselves to be pathological liars, and to believe them would mean I as a Black man, would have to imbibe in a ritualized self-hatred that I'd have to reinforce daily via the TV news, newspapers, radio, film, etc. 

But I digress...

Oddly enough though, Jay's partner Damon Dash, not only wasn't a part of Jay's sneaker enterprise, but he seemed to be out of Jay's business dealings entirely. This seemed strange being they were inseparable just years before. This was because the white supremacist factions exalting Jay to the status he's enjoying now, employed a centuries old technique called 'divide and conquer' to play the two against one another. And you're probably wondering why I'm waxing philosophic on the misadventures of Dame and Jay while my header's purporting to explain the reason(s) Em is not the best rapper; well, the tale of Dame and Jay ties into why Em's not the best rapper/emcee, and you'll see this once I'm done. So, I ask once again, that you indulge me for a sec'.

'Roc-a-fella' records was created in 1996 as the brainchild of Jay-Z, Damon Dash and Kareem 'Biggs' Burke. This was basically the story Jay and Dame sold to the public to tout themselves as an 'organically' grown 'boutique label' that somehow achieved success through the sheer wit and sweat equity of the three entrepreneurs involved.

Mind you, this company was named after the 'Rockefeller' family, who are/were famous oil magnates; and were equally famous for their predatory lending practices (read, 'loan sharking') and colluding with other companies to freeze out or literally 'kill off' their competition...this concept will be expounded on later in this post. 

So if we're gonna' talk about how Jay, Dame and Kareem came to a place of prominence, you have to know how all three of these men were already foot soldiers in a white supremacist secret society back then. This is evidenced in Jay-Z's first solo video 'I can't get with that' in 1994. And I'll embed the video at the end of this post. What you'll see in several scenes is Jay wearing a shirt with the word 'Columbia' on it. And for anyone who's not familiar with this Blog, I'll just briefly explain how the word Columbia is used a lot in these secret societies; if you notice several organizations bare this name like Columbia University, Columbia records, CBS (Columbia Broadcasting Station), Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) and in one of the most historically famous instances, Christopher 'Columbus' who was not an Italian, but a Spaniard originally named Cristobal Colon. 'Crist' was given the last name of Columbus (an offshoot of Columbia) to identify him as belonging to these secret societies. 

Side note: To any white persons reading this, lately I've seen a trend as to where young white guys are talking about Jay-Z like he is at the head of the 'illuminati'...understand, that's absurd!

If anything it's families or the current generations of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who put Jay 'on'...they're the ones at the heads of these hyper-dastardly and wicked tables; SO STOP ATTRIBUTING EVERYTHING THAT'S NEGATIVE TO BLACK PEOPLE! IF YOU WANNA' SEE WHICH KIND OF PEOPLE ARE REALLY DESTROYING THIS WORLD, LOOK IN THE MIRROR!

So, essentially, Jay and Dame started at the same place, as puppets of white supremacist freemasons; but something went awry with their 'friendship'; see, Damon was really independence-minded and wanted ownership of his companies, while Jay was content to work for other people. 

Now, coming back to Jay's Reebok sneakers, Damon said he wasn't with that because he didn't want a 'sneaker deal'...he wanted to 'own the company'; and on every level, he was seeing how Black people created the fashion trends for all of mainstream america in the first place. 

But the white supremacist elites will only let you get so far up the food-chain (i.e. they don't want you really competing with them on a monetary level). So a different faction of pale-skinned inbred got in Jay's ear and told him how Dame wouldn't listen to reason and how difficult he was being, so they essentially offered Jay the whole of Roc-a-fella records and its ancillary franchises; and they basically pushed Damon out the side door. 

So the degenerates, with Jay's help, effectively 'killed off' their (internal) competition. 

Now, in every press outlet and periodical, when it comes to the Hip-Hop culture and Rap music, every white music journalist says, Eminem is the best rapper.

And I'm not gonna' lie, he is exceptionally good; and if you were someone who only listened to mainstream rap music, i.e. what's on the radio, you'd probably think he was the best. 

Now, being a writer, I gather people have recognized I've got a love for words; at least I hope they have, and I've always said, the coolest films, music, books, etc. aren't on the mainstream status quo's 'best-sellers' list(s); they're on/in the underground markets. So, I've always been a listener of college radio and a viewer of 'art house' cinema; and in the last couple of years, rather than listen to what's on top 40 'Hip-Hop' radio, I've been listening or following 'Battle Rap circles'.

This is actually where Eminem came from; and in my opinion, it's really the only place where you can find 'authentic' Hip-Hop anymore. But there's a problem...with the advent of downloadable and basically 'free' music, mainstream audiences are no longer buying records like they used to, and they've gotten pretty disenchanted with the same five artists the record companies are promoting; so, more mainstream Rap audiences are coming to 'Battle Rap' as an alternative to artists like 'Lil Wayne' and '2 chains'. And as you know, once mainstream culture gets a hold of something, they pretty much destroy any 'cool points' associated with it. 

Now, because I'm a fan of the 'Battle Rap' culture, I've seen other 'emcees' or one other 'emcee' that's pound-for-pound, better, or just as good as Em; and his name is 'Loaded Lux' (Pictured left).

Now, Lux comes from Harlem, New York City, and being that NYC is the birthplace of the genre, it's seems only right how this man could win an emcee battle with Em; moreover, I've been salivating to see a battle between Lux and Em for, I'd love to see Lux take down the whiteboi and claim his rightful place on the seat of Hip-Hop and Rap music supremacy. 

Now, there's another emcee who would give Em a run for his money; and his name is 'Murda Mook', but I think more people in the mainstream world know about Mook than Lux. Mook and Lux have actually battled before and it was pretty much a draw, but I say Lux bested Mook; but the battle was 'debatable'.

I also have to give a shout-out to Mook on his win against the whiteboi 'Iron Solomon'. Everyone pretty much had Mook losin' to Solomon; and even I was thinking, maybe Mook has met his match. But Mook did a lovely job of completely dismantling and retiring the inbred in one night's battle. It was masterful stuff and I might include that vid at the end of this post also.  

Getting back to Em though...I was looking at an interview with another emcee who's worthy of the title, Talib Kweli...and for the uninitiated, let me expound on the difference between a 'rapper' and an 'emcee'...a rapper is someone who might have a bit of rhyming skills, but they're mostly people who've gotten the greatest push from the music industry because of their looks or their knowing the right people in the industry; and these types usually come across a hot hook on a song and have careers that span about two to four years before they fall off into obscurity. They basically exploit the culture. An 'emcee' is a person who's 'of' the culture, not just 'in' it; they've usually spent a solid decade studying the craft of rhyming before jumping into the industry themselves and they're able to deliver captivating live performances with their original uses of punchlines, simile, flow (cadence) and most importantly, they've got something pithy to say in their music; these include people like Tupac Shakur, Rakim, Chuck D, KRS-ONE, Black Thought (of The Roots-very under-rated emcee), Kool G Rap, etc. 

At least this is my estimation of this difference, but back to what I was saying about Talib...he had an interview where he said he was touring with his group 'Black Star' (Black Star is the duo of Talib and Mos Def...another strong emcee) and eminem was their opening act; this was before em became a 'celebrity', and Talib said by the time they performed that show, the 'Slim Shady' LP had dropped and Em was on the cover of 'RollingStone' magazine; Talib says, this was the fastest any rap artist had gotten the cover of RollingStone. 

And he also said 
Em was slated to perform their show when he was still a brunette; and I'd never known em to have dark hair, but when I did some research, sure enough it revealed he's a brunette. Which means it was 'industry' folk that made him a blonde.

And notice on this cover of RollingStone (right), which deals with em's bout with drug addiction, how he's suddenly draped in all Black.

Now recently, and unbeknownst to me, Eminem got his own 'Battle Rap league'. Mind you, the league I usually rock with is 'Smack's URL'; because, brotha Smack was doin' it for years before it got popular and I used to watch and purchase Smack DVD's all the time a decade or so ago when DVD's weren't being bootlegged as much (google 'Smack URL' if ya' don't know what or who I'm talking about). 

I remember Hip-Hop heads used to go crazy over Smack DVD's! 'Cause it was one of the only franchises that rightly represented the culture without exploiting it. He and his DVD's were that revolutionary. 

Now, recently Lux and Mook battled in Em's league. I really didn't want this to happen, because to me, it would represent a schism between the two best Black emcees of this generation, in my opinion. I wanted them to just drop albums and continue beating the pants off white rappers. But white fascists got slick after Mook took Iron Solomon to school; so what they recently did was, again, give Em his own rap league; and they put up the monies for Lux and Mook to battle one another. 

Now, if these two were gonna' battle, I say, at least let 'Smack' get the revenues from this event. 'Cause Smack was the one who not only nurtured the careers of Lux and Mook, but he basically took the Battle Rap genre/culture to the prominent spot it's enjoying now. 

Now, I haven't seen the recent battle between Lux and Mook, but the 'industry' is saying Mook won. And I can't seem to find the battle on-line to judge for myself. 

Now, Mook has a reputation for retiring emcees/rappers he battles, like he did with Iron Solomon. So it stands to reason that if he won against Lux, then Lux's career is pretty much over; and where the mainstream rap world is concerned, if Mook did beat him, Lux could kiss those dreams goodbye forever. 

But what this looks like to me is the white fascist technique of effectively 'killing off' the competition; just like they did to Damon Dash who wanted too much ownership of his company. They knew Lux was the Black emcee who had the best chance to de-throne Em; and they couldn't let that happen. 

Now, what could happen is Em could get in the ring with Lux in his own league...but again, Em would have too much to lose; and that would pretty much mark the end of his league, and quite possibly, his career. Or they, Em and Lux, could go to another league and battle it out, but that's just wishful thinking too. Note, Lux has/had a battle rap league called the 'Lionz Den'; but he couldn't get sponsors to fund the bouts or the venues needed to hold these battles in. Smack himself had to get in bed with white supremacist freemasons in order to promote and expand his league; Lux just became one of them too, but Smack's been with them longer. 

So, it looks like we'll never see the epic battle between Lux and Em, and the Hip-Hop world and rap culture will be all the worse off for it. 

Because they know if Em was usurped as the world's 'best' rapper, that could lead to the most revolutionary and influential culture our generation has ever seen (Hip-Hop) affirming once and for all how the Black man is genetically and culturally superior to every other kind of man...WHICH WE ARE!



MontUHURU Mimia


Here's a vid of Damon Dash's travails with Def Jam when white supremacists wanted him expelled 'cause he sought too much ownership of his company. Note: some of this footage is blurred due to its being live and the camera having to move frequently. Please note, due to the copious amounts of profanity used in this clip, viewer discretion is advised!

Here's a vid showcasing the best of Loaded Lux's oeuvre; this is really a treat for anyone who's a fan of 'bars' over 'hot 16's'...shouts out to 'Themupdy' who put this together...Again, due to mature language, viewer discretion is advised. Enjoy this!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The gospel of white supremacy (Part 2)...Who created the Ebola virus?

"Who you gonna' believe, me or your lying eyes?"
--Richard Pryor, in regards to how Black people deal with white supremacy. 

I remember being sixteen and walking with a white acquaintance of mine who casually told me how AIDS came from some anonymous Black man having sex with a monkey. 

A second later, I told him where to go and how to get there before I walked off and never spoke to him again. 

About five years after, I remember listening to a radio show where a Black person called in saying how it's ashamed AIDS was running rampant in the Black Diaspora 'cause our people aren't able to control their impulses. 

A decade later, I was working alongside a young brotha who was here directly from Africa; and he relayed a similar sentiment to me about how it was ashamed our people were stricken with AIDS because we're so promiscuous. Fortunately, by this time I'd come into some of the consciousness I have now, and I was able to tell him how white scientists went into Africa and gave our people there the AIDS virus disguised as a Polio vaccine, and this is how Africa got AIDS.

I could see the brotha's countenance change, and it spoke to his feeling 'humanized' for the first time in a long while. 

Now, fast forward nearly a decade later, and it seems AIDS is new and improved; only this time, they're calling this biological weapon/disease, the 'Ebola' virus. 

For the past few days, all I've seen or read about on or in the news are reports of the first cases of the Ebola virus in america. 

Now, supposedly, a Black man from Liberia is the primary source of how this dreaded disease got to these shores and this press coverage is designed specifically for our people to internalize these bogus facts, so it can reinforce the reason(s) why we should hate ourselves for being Black, and everyone else who looks like us. 

And if I weren't a curious-minded Black person, these reports would compound the white supremacy induced, negative self image I've got embedded in my already shame-ridden psyche with the expressed purpose of making me feel like trash. 

Fortunately, I know enough about how these elite pale-skinned degenerates roll to have the low down on where AIDS and the Ebola virus really come from...with this said, let me give you a little background on these plaques...

In 1964 after the John F. Kennedy assassination, the World Health Organization created the 'International Reference Center for Immunoglobulins' at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. They did this for the expressed purpose of studying how certain viruses affect the human immune system. 

Between 1964 and 1968, the organization's principal advances in 'virology' had given the administration a greater knowledge of natural viruses as 'infectious agents'; this led to the Department of Defense offering them a $10 million dollar contract to find a synthetic biological agent with 'NO IMMUNITY'. 

Mind you, the World Health Organization (WHO) had several international 'reference' centers working on these viruses at the same time; and amongst the myriad viruses worked on, the one continually receiving the most dollars was the monkey viruses, especially the 'simian pox virus'. This was because the anatomical make up of simians was said to bare the greatest resemblance to that of humans, thus, making their trial testing more effective and accurate regarding human responses. 

Shortly after this, the WHO had its virus making operations transferred to the U.S., more specifically the areas in and around Bethesda, Maryland. Coincidentally, it was at this time the U.S. Congress gave america's Army $23.2 million dollars for 'biological warfare' research. 

Now, between 1967 and 1968 the Johnson administration languished amid american citizens wanting a withdrawal of american troops from the Vietnam War; Nixon was (s)elected after that, and for a moment america seemed a safer and more democratic place; but this myth would soon be shattered behind the 'Watergate' scandal. While this went on, the WHO in conjunction with organizations like the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute(s) of Health (NHI) provided the Center for Disease Control (CDC) with multiple viruses and plaques in the name of advancing the mythical 'international viral research program'. 

And in the early 1970's, the NCI was responsible for giving american children, a polio vaccine made from monkey kidney tissue; unbeknowst to the public, these 'vaccines' also had an assortment of 'cancer-causing' monkey viruses in them...and this precipitated the american cancer epidemic we're in currently. And with funding from the WHO to find a cancer cure, this team of virologists, created a 'cancer-like' disease that caused an 'immuno-deficiency' in humans. 

This would become what the WHO and all the rest of these organizations would call the 'HIV' and 'Ebola' viruses respectively.   

Now, throughout the 70's, these same dastardly virologists hid this new plaque inside of polio vaccines that would be distributed throughout Africa, with a concentration of these programs being held in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Now, isn't it interesting how the Congo just happens to be the 'birthplace' of the Ebola virus and how it's said to have some of the largest HIV infected populations on that continent? 

And if that don't tell you these are man made diseases, then check out this pic of the Ebola River in the Congo (where the Ebola virus gets its name from) and pictures of an actual strain of Ebola virus. See any resemblance? Now, tell me this is just a coincidence and not the signature of a man-made genetically engineered disease.

Now, as I'm writing this, the latest american news reports say the Liberian man who was stricken with the Ebola virus has died; well, we certainly know who killed him, and let me give you a wasn't any person from Africa mating with a monkey, it was the team of dastardly pale-skinned degenerate crackas who's story I'm giving you right now!

And if you're a Black man or woman reading this, make no mistake, these diseases were created to kill off Black people especially, 'cause WE, more than any other people, have the power to literally breed these inbreds out of existence. 

So the next time you see something about this virus on the TV news, engage your melanated mind and turn that crap off!

And the next time your flirting with, snuggled up with, or bedding down with one of these icy-blue eyed, pale-skinned inbreds, think about how much these people have invested in DESTROYING your people, psychologically and physically!





MontUHURU Mimia


Once again, if you need to enlarge the picture of my header or the pictured comparison of the Congo River and the Ebola strain, just put your mouse over the pic and click onto it.