
Saturday, June 24, 2017

3 rules for Black 'Swirlers'...

The Black man who inspired me to write this Blog, was not only someone who wrote passionately and eloquently on his own Blogging posts—to the point where I found myself visiting his site several times a day, but he was a man who professed to be a pro-Black advocate.

Unfortunately, over the course of reading his work, I noticed he'd infuse his editorials with messages that were hyper-critical of Black folks, while giving white fascism a pass for creating the dysfunctions he commented on in our communities. Sometime later, I saw how he wasn't only hyper-critical of our people, but how he flat-out hated being Black—and how he completely despised being a Black man.

One example of this is how he'd put white females on his novel's covers and give them the name 'ISIS'. I saw this again when I read into one of his novels, and in a certain chapter, I noticed how he described one of his characters, who was a white woman, and how she relished having her derriere stared at by a white guy with a trucker's physique. And it was as that moment I knew, this Black man really wanted to be a white woman. This also explained why he primarily writes for and about them.

Additionally, this man extols the virtues of 'goth' culture, which is primarily the domain of young, post-adolescent white girls, and he's also a 'men's advocate', who espouses the virtues of being a MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way).

And for those who don't know, MGTOWs, are a group of men, overwhelmingly white, who feel the american mainstream is being turned against them in favor of women. Now, my question is, what sane Black man would align himself with an organization full of white guys who feel like an oppressed minority? Mind you, this group is comprised almost completely of closeted gay white men. Now, I understand that Black (indigenous) americans are not a monolithic group, although we should be for our own survival, but another question I'd ask this guy is, what could he, being a middle-aged Black man, possibly have in common with these white 'goth' girls?

And I'll answer these questions later on in this post—but I'd be remiss if I didn't also say that this man is a masterful author and a very astute businessperson, cause again, he's the one who inspired me to write this very Blog. And, to this man's defense, he doesn't know that he's caught in this intensive cycle of self-hatred. Cause one thing I've also noticed is—and this is true of myself as well, it's a lot easier to point out someone else's flaws, but it's a hell of a lot harder to see and fix your own.

I also need to mention that this man creates a good many YouTube videos. And one of his most popular subjects, is the topic of 'Swirling'. And if you don't know, Swirling is a euphemism for people who date, almost exclusively, outside of their ethnic group.

And speaking of Swirling, I recently watched a YouTube video on this subject by a Black man who calls himself Kirigakure Jones. And this brotha, or half-brotha, is not only an advocate of Swirling, but he's promoting a cultural movement amongst Black men called 'Save Yourself Black Men' (#SYSBM). Now, I'd never heard of this movement until I saw his video. But I guess, this ideology is gaining more and more credence with Black men, and this fellowship's manifesto more or less states that the only way a contemporary Black man will encounter true freedom, from turbulent relationships at least, is to date and marry non-Black women exclusively.

I also noticed Kirigakure is fond of adorning his video's titles with Japanese lettering, and he also likes to conclude his vids by speaking a bit of Japanese. And I'll tell you why that's important in a sec'.

Now, a couple of years back, a Black woman who called herself 'Monique' frequented my Blog. She said that Black women could identify with a good number of my posts, cause I seemed to share the same frustration she did about Black men dating outside our diaspora. She even asked for my advice on starting up her own blog with more of a Black Nationalist bent. So I was like, cool—she's a real down sista.

After she started her Blog, I noticed she'd constantly excoriate and denigrate Black men, while giving Black women a complete pass on their foul attitudes towards us. And when I said that my goal was to heal the rift between Black men and women, so I could possibly save one or two Black 'nuclear' families, she stated: 'The rift between Black men and women is irreparable, and the battle to save the Black nuclear family is dead'.

I was shocked.

Later, I found out that this Black woman dated white and non-Black men exclusively, but got angry when she saw Black men with non-Black women. *smh*

Now, what all three of these Black people have in common is: they're all doing everything they can to extol, explore, and imbibe in cultures that they feel don't have a lot of Black people in them, to escape the fact that they're Black themselves.

And examples of these are: Kirigakure, doing his level best to identify himself with fair-skinned asians by adding Japanese writing to his video titles, and his speaking of the language in an effort to further distance himself from our diaspora (I noticed he didn't learn to speak any foreign languages primarily spoken by Black people). And in the case of the Black man who inspired me to write this Blog, his obssessions with the 'goth' culture and blindly agreeing with everything these mostly white MGTOWs say. And lastly, 'Monique' just flat out refusing to date Black men, cause according to her, finding a decent Black man to date is too hard, even though she admits that all white and non-Black men seem to want from her is sex.

And another commonality amongst all these Black people is: they've all, on some level or another, advocated the Swirling lifestyle.

Now, as a Black Nationalist, it's disheartening to see the overwhelming majority of my people taking up with this Swirling non-sense, especially if they have a college degree. It seems like any and every Black man and woman is hell-bent on dating anyone besides another Black man or woman.

But what's most distressing is, we don't see all the white fascist social engineering that went into making us feel this way. The majority of Black people think Black men and women are natural enemies and that the dysfunctions we don't like about ourselves are ones we're born with.

And NOTHING could be further from the truth.

Now, I know that there's Black men and women reading this saying, bruh, there's no way I'm about to date or get into a relationship with one of these Black men or women—and with the way they act, can you blame me?

And the laundry list of reasons why Black women don't wanna' date Black men usually involves them describing us as: broke, uneducated or under-educated, violence prone, formerly or currently incarcerated, being a closeted homosexual, being unemployed or under-employed, engaging in illegal activities, being exceptionally lazy and having too many children out of wedlock.

Conversely, the laundry list of reasons why Black men don't wanna' date Black women, involves a description of Black females as: abrasive, condescending, obese, foul-mouthed, power-drinking, riddled with STDs, being over-sexed, being unnecessarily combative, being completely conditioned by single mothers to hate Black men, seeing white men as their real god, and also, having too many children out of wedlock.

Now, before any Black man or woman breaks their neck nodding their head in agreement with these descriptions, consider this: according to stats from the u.s. Census Bureau, in the 1950's, 80% of Black children were born into two-parent households. As opposed to 2016, where less than half were. Mind you, these stats don't come with the explanation of the white fascist initiatives that broke up the Black nuclear family—but according to the american social order, if we have more money, which we do, and we're more educated, which we are, then our families are supposed to be better off, right?


Now, let me show you why integrating with these pale-skinned degenerates we call white people, is what ultimately destroyed the Black nuclear family and caused the deep rift between Black men and women.

And for the sake of time, I'll give y'all the abbreviated version of the trick that was played on us called 'integration'.

In the 1920's, Black americans created areas of thriving commerce like the 'Black Wall Street' in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And in these areas, we had our own candy stores, banks, bus lines, airports, theaters, hospitals, etc. To the point where some of our businesses were thriving better than whitey's. So, in 1921, white fascists bombed the Black Wall Street.

And mind you, this was during the era of american Segregation.

Five years after the bombing of the Black Wall Street, we built our businesses back up. So a smart white fascist said, if we continue destroying their businesses, they're just going to re-build them—meaning, we need a way to more permanently get their dollars into our pockets. Then the same white fascist said, “Ah, we'll integrate them into our communities.”

Thus, the Black 'Civil Rights' movement was born. Now, these initiatives were promoted throughout the 1950's (when 80% of Black children grew up in a two-parent household) and the 1960's.

Under integration, the white fascist plan was to completely disenfranchise and incarcerate as many Black men as they could, while telling Black women that they'd give them government-sponsored programs that would pay for their food, clothing and shelter. Under one condition—they couldn't have a Black man in the house.

Now, this issued a near-fatal blow to the Black nuclear family. But not every Black woman went for this. There were still scores of Black women who decided to stay with Black men. Thus, even in the 1970's Black people's collective median income began to rise, even through the trick of integration. So, whitey had to pull out three of his deadliest tricks to completely stamp-out the remaining embers that burned in the Black nuclear family.

So in the 1980's, white fascists came up with the deadly troika of 'Reaganomics', crack and AIDS.

And it's these initiatives that basically killed off any semblance of unity between Black men and women—this is what drove such a deep wedge between us.

Now, if you're saying, bruh, I don't care about none of that—all I know is, I can't deal with no more Black men or women, I want you to at least understand this: as a Black man or woman, if you hold onto a grudge towards the opposite gender, it's ultimately gonna' lead to you hating yourself. And let me elaborate on this point...

As a Black man or woman who's sworn off Black men and women, understand that once you get slighted by a Black person of your same gender, you're gonna' start hating Black people on the whole—and eventually, you're gonna' start hating yourself for being Black. And the most celebrated example of this is (Uncle) Tommy Sotomayor's precipitous rise to fame. And I was once one of his fans.

I also need to add that this is no theory. I've done this myself and have seen several Black people do this too.

Now, you still might be thinking, bruh, rationales be damned, I ain't messin' with no Black man or woman—I'm done, point blank, period. Well, if this is where you stand, let me take some time to better accommodate your point of view.

I'm of the belief that, if I enter into any culture or activity that I'm unfamiliar with, it's best that I do some research on it. Thus, while I'm in and around that cultural fellowship, I can comport myself with some poise and dignity. And even if I'm somewhat familiar with the habits of a particular ilk, I can still know more about it so I can be better prepared for what I might encounter. Now, if you're a Black man or woman who's wholly dedicated to gettin' your Swirl on, then I've got three rules that should help you better navigate the inter-ethnic waters you're about to venture, or have already ventured into. So, without any further ado, let's go in...

Black Swirler's Rule # 3: As a Black Swirler, please don't blame the fact that your Swirling on not being able to find a good Black man or woman—cause truthfully, you weren't looking for one in the first place.

I meet so many Black men and women who say, I'd definitely be with one of my own kind, if I could find a decent brotha or sista to be with. That's a bold-faced lie. Basically, you're saying this cause you don't wanna' be seen as disloyal to your people. So you might say, or even think this on a conscious level, but subconsciously, you've been wishing to be with a white or non-Black person since your pre-teens. And if you wind up being over-sexed and alone at fifty, again, please don't blame this on Black folks. Cause your dumb ass should have known that the overwhelming majority of white and non-Black men and women, only want us for sex—and nothing more.

Black Swirler's Rule # 2: Don't let yourself become a human hand-wipe for the sexual gratification of white and non-Black people.

And in more layman's terms, don't let your Swirling be an excuse for you turning into a complete slut-bag whore for every white and non-Black person who comes within a foot of you. What I see nearly every Black Swirler doing, is throwing themselves at any non-Black person who talks to them for more than ten minutes. These people feel that the best way to endear themselves to whites and non-Blacks is by spreading their legs or unzipping their flies at the drop of a hat, or some other kind of garment.

Understand, the faster you hop into bed with one of these people, the faster they lose respect for you and your kind. And let me repeat, since some of you are too dense to grasp this concept, the quickest way to show someone that you're not marriage or long-term relationship material, is to offer them sex from the word go. You're playin' yourself like one of them corny-ass John Tesh records.

Black Swirler's Rule # 1: And the number 1 rule for Black Swirlers is this: if you're in between white and non-Black people to date and mate with, just double and triple your efforts to find one. Whatever you do—DON'T date any Black person you might be physically attracted to as a substitute.

Reason I'm saying this is, I see far too many Black Swirlers who default to dating one of their own kind when the well runs dry with whitey, or any non-Black persons. Then, when they go out with a Black man or woman, they proceed to make that person miserable. And what happens right after is, the Black men and women this Swirler dated will inevitably use their terrible experience as an excuse to stop dating one of us themselves, and this cycle just perpetuates itself.

So to the dumb-founded Black Swirlers out there engaging in this behavior, you're not only hurting yourself, but your hurting the rest of us as well. And to put it in more plainly: LEAVE BLACK PEOPLE ALONE, STUPID! Cause you've already sworn us off anyway.

Now, let me say in conclusion, that if you happen to be one of those epic Black Swirlers who's been dating white and non-Black folks for decades, and you still wound up alone...GOOD FOR YOUR DUMB ASS!!!

Cause like I stated earlier, if you chose to ignore all the insidious initiatives white fascists foisted on our people, and you still thought that whitey and non-Blacks had the moral high-ground over us, then you deserved to get used like an expired sex toy.

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's movie, 'Do The Right Thing': “That's the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

Sunday, June 18, 2017

The cult of Black and white cinematic symbolism (Part 11)...Tupac Shakur, Assata Shakur, the Black Panthers and Luke's cage...

Tupac Amaru Shakur was born Lesane Parish Crooks in the East Harlem section of Manhattan, New York City on June 16th, 1971. His mother Afeni, and biological father Billy Garland, changed his name in 1972 to Tupac Amaru II, which paid homage to the 18th-century Peruvian revolutionary who led an indigenous (Black) uprising against Spanish oppressors.

Now, I think we all know of Afeni Shakur's illustrious legacy as a member of the Black Panther Party, but what's lesser known is Tupac's biological father Billy, and his step-dad, Mutulu, were also leaders and active members of that cadre as well. Moreover, Afeni, while pregnant with Tupac in prison, acted as a legal attorney in a court trial that get herself and 20 other members of the Black Panthers acquitted of charges that would've resulted in decades-long jail sentences.

At the age of 12, Tupac enrolled in Harlem's 127th street Repertory Ensemble, and was cast as Travis Younger in the Ensemble's production of 'A Raisin in the Sun'. It was during this performance at New York's Apollo Theater where Tupac would later admit to being bitten by the acting 'bug'.

In 1986, Tupac's family moved to Baltimore, Maryland. There, Tupac would attend Paul Dunbar Lawrence High School until his sophmore year. Afterwards, he'd transfer to the Baltimore School for the Arts. And it was there
that he'd start and build a life-long friendship with a young Jada Pinkett.

We all need to keep in mind, that when Tupac was 13, someone asked him what he wanted to be and he replied, “A revolutionary”. Meaning, the seeds that Afeni, Billy and Mutulu had planted in him were taking root, and they'd dictate the course of his life, and ultimately lead to his early death.

In 1988, Tupac's family moved to Marin County, California, located five miles north of San Francisco. Once enrolled in Tamalpais High School, he was active in their drama department and performed in several of their productions. He also began attending the poetry classes of a teacher named Lisa Steinberg, who organized a concert featuring one of Shakur's musical groups called 'Strictly Dope'. And it was at this performance where the manager Atron Gregory signed him to be a roadie and back-up dancer for the group, 'Digital Underground'.

Needless to say, once Tupac found his voice on the Digital Underground record, 'Same song', it wasn't long before those around him saw he was more than just a back-up dancer. The cream of his genius began rising to the top of the group, until he landed his own record deal with the label Interscope. And in 1991, he released his solo debut album '2Pacalypse Now'.

And even though this album didn't generate any Top 10 hits, it displayed Pac's penchant for politically-tinged lyrics, and the songs 'Trapped' and 'Brenda's got a baby' showcased his socially-conscious bent early on.

Later in his career, the songs 'Keep ya' head up', 'Dear Mama' and 'So Many Tears' would show the world where Pac's heart really was.

Assata Shakur was born Joanne Debra Byron in Flushing, Queens, New York City on July 16th, 1947.

She lived for three years with her mother, her aunt Evelyn, and retired grandparents Lula and Frank Hill. In 1950, Assata's parents divorced and her grandparents moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, where she spent the majority of her childhood with her younger siblings, Mutulu and Beverly.

Assata's teenage years were riddled with the twin difficulties of her disliking for the american education system and her being shuttled from household to household. Eventually, her aunt Evelyn, who lived in Manhattan, New York City, took her in. And these years shaped her post-adolescence and introduced her to the stability she so often craved. Additionally, her aunt inspired her mental curiosities with trips to museums, libraries and trips to other cultural events.

After quitting high school, Assata got her equivalency diploma and enrolled in the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC). While there, she took part in many protests, sit-ins and political activities which put her in touch with members of the Black Panther Party in the mid-1960's. In 1967, she married fellow BMCC student-activist Louis Chesimard, and took his last name. Three years later, they divorced. And this ultimately happened due to their coming from unstable and abusive households, where they never learned how to form solid relationships.

At 23, Assata graduated from BMCC and officially joined the Black Panther Party. She eventually became a leading member of the Harlem, New York branch and coordinated a school breakfast program for students in need.

Mind you, J. Edgar Hoover (FBI leader) had openly declared that the most dangerous initiative of the Black Panther Party was the 'free breakfast program'. Now, with the Black Panther's assortment of firearms and manpower, you may ask, why would sexually conflicted J. Edgar be so concerned about a breakfast program? That's an important question, I'll answer later.

Assata left the Black Panthers saying they weren't knowledgeable enough about Black revolutionary history. She declared that members of the Black Panthers were reading the 'Red Book', but didn't know who Harriet Tubman and Nat Turner were. After leaving the Panthers, she joined the Black Liberation Army (BLA) which was described by american periodicals as a 'radical and violent organization of Black activists'. Alternatively, the BLA described itself as an organization dedicated to 'the fight for independence and self-determination for Afrikan peoples in the united states'.

Between 1971 and 1973, Assata was targeted by the american government's 'Counterintelligence Program' on Black revolutionaries, and charged with several bogus crimes, most of which she would later be acquitted of in american courts.

The culmination of these trumped-up charges came to a head in May of 1973, when Assata was pulled over in a car by New Jersey State Troopers. One of the troopers later said Assata and her car-mates, which included BLA member Zyed Shakur, were pulled over for slightly exceeding the speed-limit (wink, wink). Long story short, a shoot out ensued when cops pulled guns on Assata and Zyed, and this resulted in the state trooper Werner Foerster and Zyed Shakur being killed. Assata was also wounded in the encounter, but survived.

In 1977, she was convicted of the first-degree murder of Werner Foerster resulting in Assata getting a life sentence.

On November 2, 1979, three BLA members posing as prison visitors, drew pistols and took two corrections officers hostage. They then proceeded to break Assata out of jail by seizing a prison van. Once they were outside of the federal prison, they switched vehicles and let the corrections officers go free. The C.O.'s were unharmed.

After escaping prison, it's believed that Assata lived as a fugitive in the u.s. until she fled to Cuba, where she's remained ever since.

Now, let's fast forward to 2017...

On the 16th of this month, the Tupac 'biopic', 'All Eyez on Me' was released in american theaters. Mind you, Pac's birthday is on June 16th.

To top this off, the american presi-dunce, I mean president, Donald Trump, said he would not lift sanctions off Cuba, until Assata Shakur was returned to america.

Now, the logical question in anyone's mind should be, why the hell would Trump care about Assata's return to america some 40 years later? Does he even really know who Assata Shakur is?

And here's the answer—No, he doesn't really know about Assata, but what he does know is, the entire Shakur family represents the revolutionary spark that could possibly rally Black people to unite. And like I said in my post about Tariq Nasheed, any organization (or icon in this case), that has even the slightest chance of uniting Black folks, must be destabilized, dismantled and destroyed. Period.

The reason that pansy J. Edgar Hoover was so adamant about Assata and the Black Panther's 'free breakfast program' being so dangerous is, he knew they could condition hundreds of young Black men and women with revolutionary mind-sets in that situation. See, once the youth sat down to the Panther's breakfast, they would partake in sing-a-longs that told them, 'Black is beautiful' and 'Free Huey', which served to indoctrinate them into the Party's ideologies. And Hoover knew that out of one of those young minds, would come the 'Black Messiah' that he and his organization were dreading.

And my generation's last best hope for a Black messiah did come out of those free breakfast programs—and that messiah's name was Tupac Shakur.

Understand, on the down-low, Tupac was the national chairman of a group called 'NAPO', which stood for the 'New Afrikan Panthers Organization'. And this cadre was dedicated to replicating what the Black Panthers had done without making the same mistakes they'd made. Mind you, Tupac took on this title right out of high school. So all through his career he carried those manifestos and mission-statements with him. And when Pac became head of NAPO, they were already active in 8 american cities.

Now, as for the east coast/west coast rap war that the movie All Eyez on Me, will tell us was wholly responsible for Pac's death, I'll say, I'm willing to bet money that what won't be shown is how prisoners in jail told Pac that Notorious B.I.G. had him set up to be shot. And how those prisoners turned out to be FBI agents. And this was proven in the Nick Broomfield documentary, 'Biggie and Tupac'.

Also, in the 1970's, FBI infiltrators had east coast factions of the Black Panthers battling west coast factions of the Party. To the point where they termed these battles, the 'East Coast versus West Coast Panther War'. Google it sometimes.

And speaking of Black Panthers, the movie trailer for Marvel's 'Black Panther' was released this month as well. And while all the special effects of the trailer looked exceptionally well done, we still see Black folks (in the most advanced country on earth, 'Wakanda') holding spears, wearing plates in their lips and grass skirts on their hips.

And while I'm on this subject, let me tell you what I though about another movie adapted from a comic book series, 'Luke Cage'.

I'll confess that one of the reasons I got a subscription to 'Netflix' is because so many people were talking about the Luke Cage series. So when I first sat down to watch the premiere episode of this show, I thought, I'm in for a real treat.

What I saw a few minutes into the first episode was Mike Colter, who plays Cage, working a menial job sweeping up hair at a barbershop, even though he knows he possesses super powers. After that, I saw Alfre Woodard playing this crooked politician who works with this local gangster to garner funds for her campaigns. And in one scene, Alfre is attending some community organizational event where she's endorsing the 'new' Harlem Renaissance, i.e. the gentrification of Harlem (meaning they're kicking the Black folks out). And then she boasts about opening some affordable public housing complex called the 'Crispus Attucks complex'. Mind you, Crispus is renowned for being the first person to die in the 'american revolution'. So, what the show is really saying is this complex, and the new Harlem Renaissance, is suppose to kill off, or get rid of the Black residents there.

But what really made me wanna' punch my TV screen was the moment at the end when Cage decides to be a crime-fighter. Cause the first people he decides to save are a fair-skinned asian couple. And after he saves their lives, the asian man says to Cage, “You cause more trouble, now they are gonna' come back.”

Essentially, this korean guy (or whatever kinda' fair-skinned asian he was), told Cage, thanks for saving us, but you're still a negro.

So, I've said all that to say this, these films are engineered to make us feel one way—inferior to whites.

More specifically, they're saying even though you come from the most advanced country on earth (Wakanda), and even though you have super-natural powers (Cage), and even though your parents brought you up with the virtues of helping your people (Pac), you're still nothing but a bunch of dumb savages who are predisposed to hurting and hating each other.

And that's why I canceled my subscription to Netflix and I've sworn off superheros movies.

But if I ever do wanna' see some brother with super-natural powers get his scrap on...I'll just watch 'Blade' one mo' time.


MontUHURU Mimia

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 14)...What do MO'Nique and Damon Dash have in common?

Damon Anthony Dash, also known as Dame Dash, was born in Harlem, New York City on May 3rd, 1971.

Growing up, Dame had a paper route—so did Sean 'Puffy' Combs coincidentally, and Dame reportedly swept floors in a local barbershop where he was exposed to the 'hustler's ethic' that he espouses and extols whenever he's interviewed. Also, according to Dame, his mother was a living example of Harlem's hustler mentality, and bred this into him and his brothers, Bobby and Jeremy.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck the Dash household when Dame was 15, when his mother died suddenly of an asthma attack. And being that Dame's father was only in his life intermittently, he had little available to him in terms of monetary resources. However, young Damon, being a whiz at standardized tests, was able to acquire school scholarships that eventually led to his attending an exclusive boarding academy called the “Dwight School, Isaac Newton, Manhattan Center, South Kent” in Connecticut, New York. And this experience helped Dame see how he could marry his Harlem street hustling mentality with a mainstream/corporate sensibility he'd use to win over clients and consumers.

After finishing school, Dame became a party promoter. And those parties were so successful, that he and his business partners thought about starting a record label and clothing line like the Hip-Hop mogul, Russell Simmons.

A short time later, Dame, along with his close friend, Kareem 'Biggs' Burke, and his cousin Darien, began managing the recording artists 'Future Sounds', and got them a record contract with Atlantic Records. Coincidentally, it was Clark Kent, the world-renowned Hip-Hop DJ, whose real name is Rodolfo Franklin, who signed Future Sounds to Atlantic. And being that Kent had an ear to the streets, in 1994, he began telling Dame about an exceptionally gifted emcee hailing from Brooklyn, who was a former drug dealer. The emcee's name was Shawn Carter, who'd later rename himself, 'Jay-Z'.

Unable to secure a record deal for Jay, Dame put up his own money to start 'Roc-A-Fella' records, and put out Jay's first album, 'Reasonable Doubt' in 1996. Although the release got mixed reviews, it's deemed a cultural 'classic' in Hip-Hop circles and did the job of putting Jay-Z on the national radar.

Dame and Jay followed up 'Reasonable Doubt' with the album 'In my lifetime...Volume 1' on November 4th, 1997, which went platinum. But, the duo's lives would be forever changed when they put out 'In my lifetime...Volume 2: A Hard Knock Life' on September 29th, 1988.

Now, I can attest to the fact that once I heard the title track, 'Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)', I instantly saw the ingenuity of the 'Annie' musical sample as the song's hook. And even though a lot of white critics panned the track, anyone who loved Hip-Hop and rap music knew this represented a quantum leap in terms of marrying irresistible sonics with insightful lyrics. The song was scalding hot.

'Volume 2...Hard Knock Life' went 5 times platinum as a result of it's enhanced production and Jay's evolution as a masterful emcee. And Roc-A-Fella records, along with Roc-A-Fella clothing, became lucrative brands that america's mainstream could no longer ignore.

Now, I mentioned Sean 'Puffy' Combs earlier, and one of his sayings rang true of what happened to the duo of Dame and Jay, which is: 'Mo' Money, Mo' Problems'.

In 2002, rumors began spreading about a rift between them. At the nucleus of this, supposedly, was Dame giving Cam'ron, a childhood friend of Dame's, and someone Jay-Z didn't particularly care for, his own imprint label at Roc-A-Fella. And allegedly, Dame did this without Jay's knowledge. Now, unbeknownst to Dame, Jay was making friends with Def Jam executives, Kevin Liles and Lyor Cohen. And when this team was offered the top spots at Warner Music (Lyor was CEO of Warner Music, and Kevin Liles was executive Vice President), they offered Jay the chance to be the CEO of the seminal Hip-Hop record label, Def Jam Recordings.

So in December 2004, Jay asked Dame out to dinner, and told him that he'd been offered the top spot at Def Jam. Dame agreed that Jay should take the job, but he told Jay not to take Roc-A-Fella with or from him. Jay told Dame, he could keep Roc-A-Fella, a subsidiary of Def Jam, if he'd agree to give him back the rights to the master recording of 'Reasonable Doubt'. Dame refused.

Now, after this happened, the passionate vitriol that Dame used to fight for monies that fueled the success of Jay's career, and his brash convictions that his victories gave him the leeway to operate more or less independently from the executives he worked with, got Dame labeled as being 'difficult'. Therefore, when industry execs saw that Jay and Dame were splitting, they went with Jay.

Years later, Jay-Z would enjoy an almost unprecedented success, not only as a rapper, but as a businessman as well. Simultaneously, Dame would watch his finances and parts of his life fall into an unpredictable downward spiral.

Monique Angela Hicks, better known as MO'Nique, was born on December 11th, 1967 in Baltimore, Maryland. Her parents, Alice and Steven Imes Jr. also had three other children: Millicent, Steve and Gerald. 

MO'Nique graduated from Baltimore's Millford Mill High School in 1985, and then went on to attend Morgan State University. Shortly after, she graduated with a degree from the Broadcasting Institute of Maryland in 1987.

She got her start in comedy at the Baltimore Factory Outlet, while she worked a job as a customer service rep. at 'MCI', a phone company located a couple of towns away from her.

Now, MO'Nique's acting prowess, if you can call it that, in the movie 'Precious', was due to her real life experiences. And this resulted in her confessing in a 2008 interview with 'Essence' magazine, that her brother Gerald had sexually molested her from the ages of 7 to 11 years old. That same brother went on Oprah and stated how he abused MO'Nique cause he himself had been sexually assaulted by a relative, and also said, this led him to abuse drugs for the majority of his life.

But before the Essence article, MO'Nique won a role on the 'UPN' network's TV show 'Meet the Parkers' from 1999 to 2004. She also had recurring appearances on 'It's Showtime at the Apollo' and 'Russel Simmon's Def Comedy Jam'. And she had parts in an assortment of films like: 'Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins', 'Beerfest', 'Three Strikes', 'Two Can Play that Game', 'Half Past Dead' and 'Soul Plane'.

Now, in 2009, MO'Nique played the hyper-abusive and dastardly mammy-of-a-mother, in the Lee Daniel's movie, 'Precious'. This film was about the trials and travails of a Black girl from an impoverished home, who was also molested and impregnated by her father, twice. And to top this off, Precious could neither read nor write. And let me just state for the record, that I haven't see this film—and I never will. Cause this flick is just more grist for the ol' self-hatred mill in regards to conditioning the psyche of Black folks.

Anyways, it was after this role that MO'Nique won an assortment of awards, up to and including the 'Oscar' for her performance. I also found in my research, that not only was MO'Nique's Oscar dress fashioned after the actress Hattie McDaniels (maid in 'Gone with The Wind'), but she proudly stated that she'd bought the rights to Hattie McDaniel's life story. And supposedly, she was gonna' play this epic mammy in a movie that was slated to be directed by Lee Daniels. It would've been a cavalcade of coons spectacular for sure.

Unfortunately for MO'Nique, she made the fatal error of not supporting the traveling coon-fest of press junkets that was required of her to promote Precious. Thus, she is now saying that Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry and Oprah, have expelled her from their cooning coterie 'cause she's been labeled as being 'difficult'.

So ultimately, what did MO'Nique and Dame Dash learn, and what do they have in common?

Well, let me just say this—for the record, I can't stand Lee Daniels. He's a sexually-conflicted and mentally emasculated, third-rate movie director—but, what he said on CNN's the 'Don Lemon' show was correct, and he stated this: “...this is the show business, and you've got to play ball...”

Meaning, and be forewarned, I'm about to drop the 'f-word' again—you can't take a freemasonic order's money and opportunities, and then challenge them right after. See, what Jay-Z and Lee understood that Dame and MO'Nique didn't, is if you're gonna' play the freemasonic game, you can only be successful ON THEIR TERMS!

And you might be thinking, well, how do you know Dame and MO'Nique are down with the freemasons? Well, in Dame and Jay-Z's case, you can't talk about their success without mentioning a man named Dr. Dwight D. York.

Dr. York is a 33rd degree mason who set up something called the 'Ansaru Allah' community in Brooklyn, New York City in the 1970's. And coincidentally, this community was only several blocks from the 'Marcy Projects' where Jay grew up. 'Jaz-O', Jay's mentor, was the person who introduced Jay to Dr. York, and they were the ones who started Jay's music career. *Note: Other rappers Dr. York made famous were KRS-ONE and Queen Latifah.

Now, in MO'Nique's case, I think anyone with common sense should understand that Oprah, Lee and Tyler, are three homosexuals tasked with mainstreaming this lifestyle to Black people for their freemasonic orders. And they're doing this so we'll produce less children who have the most potential to breed whites out of existence. Cause again, whitey's birth rates have fallen below replacement levels for the last quarter century plus. So white fascists are scrambling to get rid of as many pure-bred Black people as they possible can, and the mainstreaming of homosexuality to our Diaspora is just another way of making sure Black children don't get born, period.

So I've said all that to say this, NO ONE should feel sorry for MO'Nique's (and Dame's) plight. Cause they truly bought this on themselves. 

My question is, why would MO'Nique have a problem doing anything her freemasonic handlers asked of her, after she played this disgustingly horrific, mammy-of-a-mother in Precious? Maybe she didn't read the fine-print on her freemasonic contract that said, you'll take what we give you and like it, or, we'll take all your money and opportunities away.

But hopefully, MO'Nique can get back in the good graces of her freemasonic brethren. If not, it serves her right for casting aspersion on Black women everywhere with her role in Precious. And let me add, what's happening to MO'Nique is a karmic-reckoning (ass-kicking) that's righting the wrongful stereotyping white fascists have foisted on our people for far too long.

So in this case, I say what any right thinking Black person would say—I say it's justice. And I also say, that's something our people could use a hell of a lot more of.


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