
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 43)...KRS-ONE, Nick Cannon, color-coordinated clothing, the magnificence of Michael Jackson, and the "art of discernment"...

   Heres the REMIX Y’ALL. ENJOY!


                              —MontUHURU Mimia

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Bold-faced lies about Black men (Part 5)...How to fuel hot fires while being "in the zone", myriad fronts of biological warfare, white women's "missionary position", and the cult of Black men being "deadbeat" dads...

“Have no fear of atomic energy, ‘cause none of them can stop the time.”
—Bob Marley, from “Redemption Song”

“…we know we shall win, (as) we are confident, in the victory of good over evil…”
—Bob Marley, from the song “War”

“…always bet on Black.”
—Wesley Snipes, from the film, “Passenger 57”

To the (consistent) readers of this blog:


2.#2045-Gallo NCI 1980


So, right now you’re probably thinkin’—okay bruh, what are we lookin’ at? Welp, let me break it down…

The first series of numbers represent the american patent on the “EBOLA VIRUS”—the second series of letters and numbers is the american patent for the “AIDS VIRUS”—and the real-real kicker is, the third number is the american patent for the “AIDS CURE”.

Now, with that said, let’s go ALL the way in…

The first U.S. PATENT in this list, # 20120251502, is one of the HUMAN EBOLA VIRUS SPECIES AND “COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS THEREOF”.

Now, what does that mean?

So, for those who don't know, let me explain what a “patent” is. A patent is basically, a declaration of ownership for a “MAN-MADE INVENTION”! Or let me use whitey's more “official” definition: A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling AN “INVENTION”.

And there's a list of INVENTORS FOR THIS VIRUS! They are Johnathan S. Towner, Stuart T. Nichol, James A. Comer, Thomas G. Ksiazek and Pierre E. Rollin. Now, what do all these guys have in common? They ALL work or are affiliated with the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Mind you, the NIH is responsible for pharmaceutical drug approval trials for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

But wait, it gets worse…

The “filing date” for the EBOLA patent was October 6th, 2009...but it's “priority date” was filed on October 24th, 2008. So, what’s the difference? A priority date is the date of the first application for the patent—it’s when the patent office first examines the novelty or invention for consideration. Mind you, I remember 2008 was the year I personally starting hearing about this “virus”—and now I know why.

Now, for the second of these patents, “2045-Gallo NCI 1980”, we have to delve into the secretive world(s) of the american government’s “U.S. Special Virus Program” (USSVP). The USSVP is a federally-funded initiative whose main objective was to come up with a biological “weapon” that would attack the HUE-man immune system—and mind you, the USSVP was officially in operation from the years of 1962 to 1978. And to put this in mo’ layman terms family, this initiative was founded and funded to get rid of the world’s population of Black people (in cinematic terms, “Thanos” from the “Avengers” movies, getting rid of half the life in the universe/his “overpopulation” argument), cause Black people, again, HAVE THE MOST GENETIC POWER TO BREED wHITEY OUT OF EXISTENCE—WHICH IS HAPPENING AS I’M WRITING THIS!

Mind you, the lead american “scientist” in the USSVP was named “Robert Gallo”—which is why his surname is embedded in the patent’s serial numbers. Moreover fam, Dr. Robert Gallo, was not only the lead scientist in this organization, but he is the man who created the AIDS virus.

And the third patent, #US5676977A, is for the invention of the semiconducting molecular crystal, “Tetrasilver Tetroxide”, which was introduced to me as the compound, “Tetrasil”. Now, the reason I’d heard of this “cure” before is, I’d become acquainted with the KING-of-a-Black man, DR. BOYD E. GRAVES. And it was through his book titled, “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”, where I read about his research and how he found this “cure” that he administered to himself, to get rid of his own HIV infection. But I never knew this cure had a government patent on it—until now.

And here’s “3” mo’ points I wanna’ share wit’ you fam…

#1. Here and now, I’m emphatically stating that every Black man and woman reading this SHOULDN’T JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR THESE FACTS! PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, ‘CAUSE WHEN YOU SEE THIS INFO. FOR YOURSELF, IT’LL HAVE MORE OF AN IMPACT ON YOUR PSYCHE! Mind you, at the end of this post, I’ll leave some links towards those efforts.

#2. My intentions for telling you this is not to frighten you with whitey’s power and/or resources—I want to inform you of how the plague of AIDS came to this world, so no one can make any Black man or woman reading this think we’re the “Hamites” of the bible, and thus, we’re a doomed people—and I certainly don’t wanna’ give any credence to the ridiculous thought that any of our people had sex with monkeys, and that’s how this virus came into existence. That’s why I prefaced this info. with Bob Marley’s pithy lyrics that tell us (and it’s why we’re “now” seeing karmic incidents that show us) how whitey’s doomed to be bred outta’ existence—AND THEIR AIN’T A DAMN THING HE (OR SHE) CAN DO ABOUT IT!

#3. I often wondered why (in the united states) the AIDS virus made its first appearance in americas “gay” community—and behind this post’s research, I now know how this was the result of a special “vaccination program” that was offered to promiscuous homosexual men, who thought these “shots” would protect them from whatever STD’s they were afraid of acquiring. Mind you, the first appearance of AIDS in Africa, happened behind white scientists initiating a similar “vaccination program” in Africa’s “Congo”, where the first overall sightings of the AIDS plague appeared.

Now, I said “3” points, but I’ve got a fourth…

#4. A lot of you might still be asking, why are you touching on this subject now, bruh? It’s cause I was walking a downtown street a couple of days ago and saw an ad for a “National Geographic” movie called, “The Hot Zone”. Mind you, this is based on the book of the same name by the author, Richard Preston. Now, the premise of this book and flick is retelling the story of the “EBOLA virus” and its first appearance on american soil. Mind you, I’d read this book in the past, and knowing its narrative and seeing this blood-red movie poster (upper right), I can tell you—I was LIVID when I laid my eyes on it, fam. Cause I knew the real-real narrative of this story was yet another attempt to paint an image of Black people as this degenerate race of HUE-mans, who’re so genetically predisposed to creating these kinds of viruses that our very existence is detrimental to “mankind”—and notice I didn’t say HUE-manity fam, I said mankind, i.e. white folks.

But the reason I used this movie poster’s graphic for my header, was to illustrate (what I consider to be) the perfect portrait of white fascism’s stealthiest and deadliest weapon—the white woman. Cause check it—white women’s more finessed style of fascism, has the ability to make Black men and women let their guards down in efforts to befriend her. Meaning, for Black men, we’ve been taught our whole lives that this woman is the most exquisitely beautiful female on earth, thus, if we make boatloads of money, this is one of the prizes we should acquire. Conversely, Black women can see this trailer trash Tina as a friend in their “feminist” battles—mind you, not only will a white woman tell a sista she should subscribe to the feminist/womanist ideology, but she’ll do it promising sistas “3” things…1.) a false sense of Black men being their real oppressors instead of white men, 2.) a sense that if Black men are their real oppressors that they don’t “need no man”, especially not a Black one, and 3.) a promise of more access to a pool of white men they could possibly date and marry. Now, you might be thinkin’—hold up bruh, you just said that white women will have Black women thinkin’ they don’t need a man, so why would a Black woman care about dating a white man. And the answer is, for the same reason(s) that these white feminists who’re in college are desperately seeking one of these “oppressive” white men to hook-up with, date, and possibly marry—so she (or they) can cash-in some “white privilege” chips. Cause again, if there’s anyone who likes white patriarchies more than white men, it’s white women.

Mind you, to me, white women are like religious “missionaries” cause they employ some of the same techniques they did to colonize a territory. First these missionaries would offer natives resources like food, clothing, and/or gifts, then they’d politely ask for the natives to convert to their “religion”, and after that, is when they’d call the armed troops in to (forcibly) take over the terrain. Moreover, male missionaries liked to have a certain style of sex with native women, which is where we get the term “missionary position” from.

Another thing fam, as of late, I’ve been doing these “mash-up” posts, as a way to get out the backlog of subjects I have to write about, along wit’ new ones like this “Hot Zone” flick, that just came up on the spot—so, I’ll be asking for your indulgences more often in the near future, but always remember, I’m writing wit’ y’all in mind—so, I’m constantly thinking up methods to make sure my posts read more like your favorite magazine article, and not some passionless newspaper editorial.

With that said, let’s get to the business of delving into this post’s main subject which is the stereotyping of Black men as “deadbeat” and “absentee” dads—and mind you, I’m writing this while in full “debunking” mode, so again, this may run long, but it’ll mos def be in the interest of one of this blog’s unofficial mission statements—which is proving that you shouldn’t take whitey’s word for anything ever again, cause 99.9% of what he (and she) conditioned us to believe isn’t only wrong—it’s meant to have us hating ourselves (and everyone who looks like us) from the cradle to the grave—and that’s whitey’s real-real agenda family—WORD!

—MontUHURU Mimia

Years ago, I worked with a middle-aged white woman who had a penchant for telling “ethnic” jokes—but, she’d never joke about her own ethnicity. So, I began to avoid her, cause I knew, sooner or later, she’d have some jokes about “US” she’d wanna’ tell. That happened on a particular “Father’s Day”, when she said, “…oh, ‘Father’s Day’ is the most confusing day in Harlem (NYC).” To which I replied, “Well, I don’t know about you, but I know who my father is.” She never spoke to me again.

Which leads me to this post’s main topic, and that is how one of the myriad stereotypes plaguing Black men is that we “don’t” take care of our children—and quite frankly fam, this was a hard post to write, cause even I was thinking to myself…am I gonna’ find any facts to refute this stereotype? And this is why I included Wesley Snipes’ line from “Passenger 57” at the beginning of this post (“…always bet on Black.”), and that’s why it’s so dope being in the “Black Conscious Community” (BCC) or “woke” as the young folks say—cause here’s what I found…

According to the “National Center for Health Statistics” (NCHS), and mind you, this organization is part of the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC), in regards to “father’s living with their children” Black men are “more” likely to: 1. Feed their children or eat meals with their children daily, 2. Bathe, diaper, and dress their children daily, 3. Play with their children daily, and 4. Read to their children daily. Now, notice I said that Black men “statistically” are MORE likely to do these things than other men.

Now, in terms of “fathers who are not living with their children”, Black men are MORE likely to 1. Feed their children or eat meals with them daily, 2. Bathe, diaper, and dress their children daily, 3. Play with their children daily, and 4. Read to their children daily. And mind you, once again, I said Black men are MORE likely to do this than white or latino men—and don’t worry, I’ll leave links to studies showing this at the end of this post.

At this point, I can almost hear some Black women and men sayin’, “Yeah, right.” Then they’ll probably think, well how many Black fathers are in the home, bruh? Answer that. Now, according to these same stats, 60% of Black fathers are living with their children—that’s more than half. Now, this is where I can see some brothas and sistas sayin’, hold up bruh, stats I’ve researched say that more than 70% of our babies are born to single-mother households—both stats can’t be true.

Yes, they can—and here’s how…

whitey loves playin’ with numbers to make himself look better and us look worse, case in point—when mr. whitefolks says 70% of our babies are born into single mother households, what he’s forgetting to say is he’s only accounting for mothers whore unmarried, when using the term “single mothers”—and that’s regardless of her living with a man or not. Meaning, if a Black man and woman are living in a home and raising a child, but they’re not married, whitey’s census calls this a “single-mothered household”.

Now, what does this mean? It means that if whitey had a category for Black couples raising a child in a household who were “unmarried”, then the number of Black fathers living with their children could go up by 15-20%, and raise this stat to 70 or 80% of Black fathers living with their children.

With that said, do we need more Black men living at home with their children, of course we do, but this stat has been grossly distorted just like every other negative statistic I’ve researched about our people.

So, I’ve said all that to say this, I’ve come across a lot of Black folks who calls those in the BCC, a bunch of “Hotep-ers” and “Blackity, Black,” or “Wokity, Woke” Black folks who’re just looking for a hug from whitey—but I tell you, and this ain’t hyperbole—being part of the BCC is truly a “gift that keeps on giving”—cause without the BCC, I wouldn’t know half of the esoteric info. I do about our people—especially concerning the “Black Spiritual Sciences”. And mind you, our “spiritual sciences” are the exact way that you can truly apply this info. to manipulate spiritual forces in our favor. So, once again, I say in all honesty, it’s a pleasure, privilege, and honor to be part of this community, and I hope I can give back a third of what this community has given to me, with the writing of this post and of this blog.

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”, “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s the trailer for “The Hot Zone” movie, airing on the “National Geographic” network. 


Now, if you wanna’ see the articles pertaining to the AIDS virus patents, you can check those out HERE
and HERE. *Note: some of the vids on the last links website are really lacking in clarity, but I think their content will make up for that.

And fam, here’s one of the articles I read on Black fatherhood right HERE.

*Addendum: 6/5/19Family, heres a vid on Black fatherhood that I wanted to post earlier.

*Addendum: 6/5/19—And this is one mo article on the AIDS virus patent HERE.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Bold-faced lies about Black men (Part 4)...How whitey takes the "throne" at "gamin'" the system, elitism vs. white fascism, and why everyone thinks Black men are too scared to stand up against police brutality

To the (consistent) readers of this blog: Family, right from jump, it’s important for me to point out, that this post is gonna’ be a bit unorthodox, even for this forum—meaning: this editorial’s gonna’ be a bit of a “mash-up” between the “Gospel of white fascism” series and the “Bald-faced lies about Black men” series that I haven’t revisited in a while. Mind you, the reason I’m doing this, is so I can address some issues I’ve encountered as of late—3 of those being, 1.) Lord Jamar (formerly of the rap group, Brand Nubian) and the female-rapper “Rah Digga”, and their show, the “Yandanameen God-cast”, having an episode talking about the “Game of Thrones” finale, 2.) the Wu-Tang Clan’s documentary, “Of Mics and Men”, and 3.) elitism vs. white fascism, mixed in with the decades-old narrative of the “zombie apocalypse”.

Now, I can hear people saying, bruh—what the hell does any of that have to do with Black Nationalism? Or, anything else dealing with this blog’s “mission statement”? Welp, that’s exactly what I wanna’ address in this “3-part” prologue to this editorial. Mind you, I usually ask for your indulgences in the “body” of my blog posts, but here, I’ll ask for them a bit earlier—so once again, please indulge me…

Part 1. The “Godcast” and “Game of Thrones”

The other day, I was perusing through my “YouTube” video “feed”, when I came upon the rappers, Lord Jamar and Rah Digga, and their new “podcast”, the “Yandanameen Godcast”. Now, for people who don’t know what-the-heck this is, let me give you a bit of a primer on the show—for years now, Lord Jamar (again, of the rap group, “Brand Nubian”) has appeared on the popular rap music-oriented “Podcast” “DJ Vlad”, and they’re usually discussing any and everything that’s sociopolitical, to the point where, that’s what Lord Jamar has become known for. And the fact that Lord Jamar is a wordy and worldly scholar, is at the nucleus of why he’s become so celebrated. He’s become so well known for his points-of-view in fact, that people started telling Jamar that he needs his own show. So, with that inspiration, Lord Jamar “bossed up” and created the “Godcast”, with his comrade, Rah Digga, who was down wit’ “Busta Rhymes’” “Flipmode squad” back in the day—and together they launched this media vehicle. Cool.

Well, the other day, I saw the topic for one of their “Godcasts”, and it just happened to be the Wu-Tang Clan’s documentary, “Of Mics and Men”, which I’m excited to see—and the “Game of Thrones” (GOT) final episode that aired on May 19th, of this year—and after hearing that, I was like—what?!

Now, let me explain why Lord Jamar and Rah Digga were discussing the Game of Thrones HBO series, by using a similar movie as an example—the film, “Troy”, starring Brad Pitt and Eric Bana (movie posterright). Now, this movie was released in american theaters on May 13th, of 2004. And this war epic features great folk heroes like the warrior Achilles, and iconic maidens like, “Helen of Troy”, and it grossed $497 million dollars worldwide—now, if you ever saw this flick, while you watched it, I hope you kept this fact in mind…



All these “mythological” characters were adapted from the Greek poet “Homer” and his book of “poems”, the “Iliad”, which chronicles incidences of the “Trojan War”. So, let me break this statement all the way down, and qualify it at the same time—according to Shelly Barclay, who’s a writer for the “Boston History Examiner”: The Trojan War is an epic story…and this has led some to coin the term, “Trojan War myth”, in reference to the “incredibility” of the story. And she continues: Unfortunately, separating the truth from the fiction is a monumental task, considering the war itself is in question. She also writes: As for Achilles, he is a hero of the Greeks in the story, but there’s nothing more than tales of his skill and bravery to support his existence. All these characters are widely regarded as myth.

Understand, whitey needs to keep US thinking that his history goes as far back as OURS—and again, THAT’S ANOTHER BIG FAT LIE! Black people being the “UNIVERSAL INDIGENOUS” of this planet, were here CENTURIES before any white person existed. The reason(s) why whitey don’t want us to know that, is cause he (and she) need to keep us thinking they’re superior in EVERY way—biologically, as well as historically.

Now, the HBO series “GOT” follows in this trajectory. Meaning, we all know this series isn’t based on facts, but, its dramatic overtures imply a historical accuracy that gives it an air of looking “real-enough” for everyone to think mr. white folks has a more extensive history than he actually does.

But the reason Lord Jamar and Rah Digga are talking about this show is another example of how “Black Street Cred” equals “white profitability”. Meaning, they’re giving the show some “cool points” by connecting it with the “Hip-Hop Community”—cause in all truth, no one connected to our community is obsessing over GOT. Now, I know there’s some wanna-be-white “negro nerds” thinking, that ain’t true—plenty, of Black people watch GOT. Okay, but they’re just doing that so they can prove some kinda’ cultural diversity around their white friends—no mature Black person, in their right mind at least, is gonna’ binge-watch some “Dungeons and Dragons” dramafest. To top that off, I saw an episode of GOT, and immediately noticed how there was a darker-skinned “tribe” introduced to that particular plot’s narrative, and sure enough, they were made to look more gratuitously sexual and violent than the lighter-skinned folk of whatever province they were in—at that point I turned away from that crap—and if you’re a Black man or woman who’s continuously tuning into this show, I suggest you do the same.

Part 2. The “Wu-Tang Clan’s” Showtime documentary, “Of Mics and Men”

The movie director, Sacha Jenkins, has curated a “4-part” TV documentary, on the ingenious “Wu-Tang Clan” and how this Hip-Hop juggernaut was created. It’s first episode aired on May 10th, of this year, on the Showtime network. Sad to say, I haven’t seen this TV doc, but myself, along with several million others were eagerly awaiting this project from its inception. Now, the reason “Showtime” was so interested in this project, was the same reason that Lord Jamar and Rah Digga’s freemasonic handlers had them talking about GOT—and that reason is, once again, to give these cable networks, some much needed “Street Cred”.

Now, you might be thinkin—c’mon, bruh—these cable networks got literally billions of dollars at their disposal, they ain’t thinkin’ about no Hip-Hop credibility, or Black “cool points”. Need some mo’ proof that Black Street Cred turns into white profitability?

Alright, bet.

Take a look at what I came across walking downtown on a trip I recently made to Philadelphia, PA. Now, this sign (right) was hanging on the front window of a “Good Year” tire dealership (you can click on the pic to make it larger). And I think this kinda’ says it all.

                    Moving on…

Part 3. Elitism vs. white fascism and the age-old narrative of the “zombie apocalypse”

Recently, it was brought to my attention that another brotha who’s blog I followed (and I’m using the term “followed” cause after a decade, he stopped blogging) made a sly reference to a post I wrote. Now, this post was the one where I talk about Blythe Masters, the financial engineer who came up with the “exotic financial instrument” called the “Credit Default Swap”. And this blogger took a sideways shot at me by saying, in a round-about manner, that he thinks I’m an “anti-elitist”. Meaning, he thinks I’m against any and all kinds of social orders where a certain class of folk are dictating policies and infrastructure for any given society—and let me tell ya’—nothing could be farther from the truth. And that says what?

It’s saying I subscribe to being “anti-white fascist”, not “anti-elitist”.

So, what’s the difference? 

Here’s the difference…

I’m not against a coterie, or coteries, of “advanced” thinkers who’re working to build an infrastructure or methods of governance for any social order—moreover, I’m not even against these people making more money than the working-class proletariat. That is, under “2” conditions…1. They should be Black like US, and 2. They should be working “solely” in the best interest of Black people. Now, does this automatically guarantee that Black folks will receive just treatment under their law?


But in the kind of social order I’m working to build, those people would not only be held accountable to the working classes, but they’d get booted if they didn’t SHOW US that they had our best interest at heart. Conversely, if you’ve got a “non-Black” consortium who’s dictating the structure of any social order that we’re living in—we know from jump, that they’re destined to work in their best interest and NOT OURS! And in more layman’s terms, if you have an elite class that’s white, latino, asian, etc., you can bet money that they’re working not only for themselves, but AGAINST US.

Now, you might be thinkin’, bruh, I can name countless numbers of Black politicians that sold US out—skin folk ain’t always kin folk. I get it. But, if you follow the money to any Black politician, in america or abroad that’s working against US, 9 times outta’ 10, you’ll find a white master they’re ultimately serving—cause the ones who genuinely do work on our behalves generally wind up dead. So, what I’m really talking about is a society that’s SEGREGATED, where we can truly work by ourselves and for ourselves—now, is this a “full-proof” way of getting justice out of a circle of elites—no, it ain’t—but in that circumstance, we’d have a better chance of not only getting justice, but ousting those crooked elitists who cross us—and it’s been done in the past in areas like the “Black Wall Street”, for instance. So, it’s not totally unprecedented.

Moving on…

“The Walking Dead” TV series, on the “American Movie Classics” or “AMC” network, is a serialized TV drama focused on a cast of survivors in a good ole “zombie apocalypse”. Mind you, the plot twist to the series is, there’s factions of “living” communities who’re fighting one another over moral and ideological differences. Now, this show’s so popular, that it’s not only lasted 10 seasons, but it spawned a “spin-off” series called, “Fear the Walking Dead”, that debuted on the same network in August of 2015.

Now, for the sake of brevity, what I’ll say about the long-standing talks of a zombie apocalypse is, this “apocalypse”, unlike the mythological movie “Troy”, is not only real, but it’s ALREADY HAPPENED!

Now, I can hear readers collectively sayin’, bruh—I knew sooner or later, you’d blow a head-gasket—you most def need to put down whatever it is you been drinkin’. Well, let me break this statement all the way down (one mo’ time)…think about the characteristics of a zombie—what are they? First off, these creatures are “soulless”, second, they’re cold and emotionless, third, they’re pallid and not HUE-man (thus, the Walking Dead title), and lastly, they’re cannibalistic predators-on-human-life. Now, which kind of person(s) does that sound most like to you?

Hmmm…let me think…

Family, the “real” zombie apocalypse happened the day these pale-skinned, genetic dead-enders we call white folks were put in positions of power all over the world. So, if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, congratulations, you are “currently” surviving through a real-life zombie apocalypse.

Now, with all that cleared up, I can get on to the business of this post’s main topic—so, without further ado, let’s delve into reasons why Black men are painted with such broad brush-strokes of cowardice when it comes to combating white fascism in the form(s) of police brutality. And once again, thanks for your earlier indulgences.

—MontUHURU Mimia

The “Red Line” TV show, was an 8-part dramatic mini-series that made its debut on April 28th, of this year, on the “CBS” network. Now, beyond this show’s title referring to a Chicago, Illinois rapid-transit line running through that city, its premise centers around a white cop shooting down (and killing) a Black doctor. And this program’s storyline follows the “3” families that are affected by the tragedy. Also, keep in mind, that the term “red-lining” was a method used by white fascists who’d literally “red-line” parts of the city on a map that were predominately Black, so these areas would be targeted to pay more for loans, insurance, retail items, etc.

Now, I happened to catch an episode of this show a couple of weeks ago, and when I saw the narratives it followed, not only did I shake my head, but I thought—CBS…it figures. But first off, I gotta’ tell you that the Black male doctor who was killed, was a homosexual married to a white man. Now, that in and of itself sets off a litany of messages that can’t be ignored—and “3” of ‘em I got right off the bat were…

#1. Gay Black men are smarter than “straight” Black men 

Let’s keep it a hundred fam, on TV, at least for Black folks, one of us represents our entire ethnic group—thus, the gay Black doctor being shot dead, makes it more of a tragedy, according to white fascist mores, than if it were Ray-Ray, Craig, or Earl who got shot. So, what this ultimately says is the most valuable type of Black man is an “educated queer”—and why is that? Cause not only won’t the queer Black man have any kids (thus, being less likely to create offspring with the same genetic power he’s got to breed whites outta’ existence), but because he’s effeminate and brainwashed, I mean “educated”, he’s more likely to be complicit with the policies and/or politics of whatever social order he’s living in.

#2. A queer Black man should always put his “sexuality” before his “ethnicity” 

For aforementioned reasons, a Black man wanting to climb the socioeconomic ladder, should be ready (and willing) to swap his “manhood” for an exalted “social status” at the drop of a hat (or other items of clothing).

#3. It behooves an educated Black man to be married to a “non-Black” person 

And regardless of your sexuality, whitey can always fall back on the fact that he’s so thoroughly conditioned us to hate ourselves, that once a Black man (or woman) gets a college degree, they feel the next step towards a completely fulfilled life is dating or marrying any kind of man or woman, but a Black one.

Now, the main reason I was peeved while watching this show was, the slain Black doctor’s white “husband”, was being portrayed as some sort of activist against police brutality, as well a Black woman who was running as a Mayoral candidate, while every Black male politician they both encountered was uncooperative in efforts to stop these white thrill-kill cops from killing other Black men. And not only did I see this narrative play out here, but I remember reading a Facebook post stating that Black men didn’t wanna’ stand up against police brutality cause we were a bunch of cowards, and how this had its roots in slavery. And I was also taught in america’s (mis)educational system that the basic reason(s) why Black people were enslaved for centuries, was we (Black men) didn’t fight hard enough to get free.

And this is the prevailing sentiment that I was made to believe before I did my research to find out the truth—that NO ONE FREED BLACK PEOPLE, OR BLACK MEN SPECIFIALLY, WE FREED OURSELVES! And I talk about this extensively in another post, that I’ll leave a link to at the end of this one. Moreover, it was through a myriad of battles called the “Gullah Wars”, that Black men got themselves out from under the tyrannies of white fascism—and it had nothing to do wit’ that fraud, (stinkin’) Abe Lincoln.

First off, when you talk about the “Emancipation Proclamation”, you have to understand that the “slave owning” states of the confederacy, just ignored that document, cause they’d seceded from the “union”—so, Black men grabbed up some guns, machetes, bricks, whatever we could get our hands on, and we FOUGHT OUR WAY TO FREEDOM!

So, what I’d like to detail here are “3” ways that Black men are fighting and have fought against police brutality in the last several decades—mind you, some of these methods are state-sanctioned, and some are not, but what they ALL have in common is, they represent Black men fighting against americas culture of crooked cops. So, let’s get down…

Method#1. The petitioning initiatives of the “100 Black Men in Law Enforcement Who Care”

Now, even though this is but one organization, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include the “3” initiatives this group has engaged in to bring an end to the domestic terrorism(s) we call police brutality. And they are…

#1. On June 20th, 2002, the “100 Black Men in Law Enforcement Who Care” (100BMLEWC) along with the “American Civil Liberties Union”, wrote up a petition to Raymond Kelly, the then Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, to protest against the backlog of unresolved police misconduct cases on the docket of New York City’s “Civilian Complaint Review Board”. Eric Adams, the “Co-Founder” of the 100BMLEWC, demanded a meeting with the Commissioner and the Chairman of the Civilian Complaint Review Board to hash out what was being done in regards to stopping domestic terrorism in the form of white police officers brutalizing Black people.

#2. The 100BMLEWC actually took the New York Police Department (NYPD) to federal court in 2003, because members had found out that their phones were being “tapped” in an effort to curtail their endeavors to stop the police from killing US indiscriminately.

#3. And lastly, in 2016, this organization teamed up with another NYPD officer named Edwin Raymond, to combat police quotas that force cops to meet numerical goals for summons given and arrests made.

Method#2. Chris Dorner’s valiance and vengeance

In February of 2013, former LAPD officer, Chris Dorner, was compelled to avenge the random killing(s) of Black people by white copsand behind that, he killed four police officers and wounded several others in Orange County, LA and Riverside Counties in California. And the reasons why he took these actions are some he’d written down in a “manifesto”—and here’s some excerpts from that document: “The department has not changed since the ‘Rodney King’ days. It has gotten worse…The only thing that’s evolved (happened to) those police officers is they’ve since been promoted to supervisory, commander, and command staff, and executive positions.” And beyond these facts, every Black man and woman reading this should know that Chris crusade against the LAPD eventually cost him his life.

Now, there’s a heck of a lot more in this manifesto, and I’ll leave a short documentary about Chris and his mission statement at the end of this post, but in the meantime, I’ll say, to this brotha’s memory, REST IN PEACE AND POWER TO THE NAGA/NEGUS/KING CHRIS DORNER, YOUR POWERFUL LEGACY WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN!


Method#3. Ferguson, Missouri

On August 9th, of 2014, after the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, residents of Ferguson made a makeshift memorial to the slain brotha that evening. Now, word on the street was belligerent cops let a police dog not only urinate on Mike Brown’s memorial, but the cops themselves crushed the memorial with their police cars.

That’s the final straw that literally ignited those beautiful brothas into action. And what did they do? THOSE BROTHAS BURNED THAT DAMN TOWN DOWN FOR TWO TO THREE MONTHS IN PROTEST! And I say the ancestors were smiling down on them the whole time they did it.

Now, it never fails that when I talk about these kinds of revolts that some wanna’-be-white anglophilic negro will say, what good did it do for brothas to burn down the very areas they live in? Well, first off, those brothas DIDN’T burn down the apartments, condos, or homes they lived in, they burned down, destroyed, and took items from stores that DID NOT BELONG TO BLACK PEOPLE!

And those same brainwashed anglophilic negroes will come back with the comment that, stealing is wrong and illegal—well, let me ask you a question: how long have latinos and asians who’ve built businesses in our neighborhoods been stealing from us? Every brotha and sista reading this can remember a time when they’ve been overcharged for expired products these people sell us, and on top of that, they’ve got the nerve to have a nasty attitude towards us while doing it. I clearly remember a time where I went into a latino-owned convenience store (trying its best to look like a real supermarket) in a predominantly Black neighborhood, where the cashiers and staff made it a point to have the nastiest attitudes they could towards our people. Well, THEY GOT ROBBED! And from then on, miraculously, they had a much more pleasant attitude.

Mind you, I AM NOT endorsing theftbut in circumstances like this, these methods ain't about immoralityIT'S ABOUT JUSTICE, YALL!

Now, I know I said I’d give you “3” examples, but I’d be real remiss if I didn’t mention this fourth method—so, let me give this organization a shout out…

Method#4. The Black Panthers

The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was founded in October of 1966, in Oakland, California, and this organization was perhaps the best one I can think of when it came to methods of stopping police brutality against Black people. On top of this, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seal, the party’s founders, implemented some of the dopest ancillary community programs our people have ever seen.

Just two of these were the Black Panther’s “ambulatory services”, cause even back then, ambulances would show up hours after emergency calls were placed—or they wouldn’t show up at all. And the most “revolutionary” (sorry, I had to go there—lol!) of these was the Panther’s “Free Breakfast Program”, where they would literally feed whole communities of our children. Mind you, this program was one the “O.T.” (Original Tranny) J. Edgar Hoover called, “the greatest threat to the internal security of the united states”.

So, to the Black men and women reading this, understand, and I want you to hear me clearly—BLACK MEN ARE NOT COWARDS!

We have a robust and storied history of our revolts against crooked cops SPANNING BACK DECADES!

And this is yet another reason why I can truthfully say, I LOVE BEING A BLACK NATIONALIST, A BLACK SPIRITUAL SCIENTEST, AND A BLACK MAN!


—MontUHURU Mimia

*Addendum: 6/5/19Family, heres the trailer for the “Wu-Tang Clan documentary, Of Mics and Men, currently airing on the Showtime network.


*Addendum: 6/5/19Family, heres the movie trailer for the film, Troy (2004). Note how this short clip starts by saying, Nearly 3,000 years ago, the passion for one woman, ignitied the greatest battle ever fought... Understand that mr. white folks wants you to believe this is real, so he (and she) can write themselves into a history as great as ours.


*Addendum: 6/5/19And lastly family, heres a short documentary (20 minutes) on Chris Dorner, and his righteous vengeance against the LAPD, who (for me at least) represent the thrill-kill, criminally-insane, sociopathic white cop culture, thats become synonymous with american law enforcement. Mind you, Davey Ds commentary in this doc can be a bit long-winded, but he makes a lot of important points, so please hear him out. And let me state emphatically, I am not endorsing the killing of anyone, but in instances like this, it's not about immorality, it's about JUSTICE yall. 

 *Addendum: 6/6/19—And the last-last addendum I'll leave fam *smiles*, is a link for the previous posts in this series that you can check out HERE, HERE, and HERE.