
Sunday, June 1, 2014

The legend of Henry T. Sampson...(The Remix)

Henry T. Sampson was born in Jackson, Mississippi on April 22, 1934.

His father Henry T. Sampson Sr., was a former executive dean of Jackson State University and has a library wing named after him at Jackson State U.

Henry Jr. graduated from Lanier High School in Jackson, MS and went on to attend Morehouse College in Atlanta, before transferring to Purdue University in Indiana. He received a bachelor's degree in science at Purdue in 1956 and graduated with a Masters of Science in engineering from the University of California in 1961.

Sampson also received an MS in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 1965 and his PHD in 1967.

He is the first Black person to earn a PHD in Nuclear Engineering in the u.s.

And, on July 6th, 1971, Henry was awarded a patent for his invention, the 'Gamma Electric Cell'. This patent's number is 3,591,860 and every Black person reading this should take note that the Gamma Electric Cell is where we get the term 'cell phone' from.

The Gamma Electric Cell provides and produces high voltage radio waves that transmit and receive audio signals. And it's inside every cell phone...including the one you own.

This device is what makes 'mobile' telecommunication possible. 

Not only that, this device is what makes mobile internet service possible in every tablet, cell phone and laptop computer...just like the one I'm using to create this post. 

But if the Black Diaspora depends on the white media to tell us about great Black inventors like Henry, we'll never hear about them. 

Now, besides Henry, another name you'll see tethered to this invention is George H. Miley. This is supposedly the white man who helped Henry build this invention. 

But after doing some research, it seems what George is most famous for is a process of 'cold fusion' that produces 'low-energy reactions' in thin metal films. While the Gamma Electric Cell produces much more powerful, high voltage radio waves. 

George was an assistant and associate professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; so I guess whites figure sheer proximity to Dr. Sampson would be enough to associate him with the invention of the Gamma Electric Cell.

This smacks of whitey not wanting to give credit to Henry for his creation. But I wouldn't expect anything more from those fair-skinned folks. They've gotta' keep us thinking we're inferior to them, or else we might see them for the icy-blue eyed degenerates they really are.

So anytime you see a story about Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerburg and you see how they're lauded for their brilliance, or if some white person is keen on telling you how their people have created everything, you can tell them about Dr. Sampson...and you can watch them shut them the hell up!

Another reason we should celebrate Dr. Sampson is HE'S STILL LIVING! So we should honor the man while he can still appreciate the accolades in his lifetime.


MontUHURU Mimia


  1. Don't know why I've never heard of him, among my own conscious brothers and sisters. Good for him, I hope he gets greater recognition and acknowledgements for his remarkable contribution to humanity! More importantly, I hope he and his progeny continue to get PAID for his great invention.

    1. "Providence"...

      Whether or not the masterful Henry T. Sampson gets paid for his invention, it's still vitally important that WE KNOW WHAT HE DID!

      If for no other reason than, I remember in grade and high school, the only things teachers told me our people contributed to the world never went past slavery and Martin Luther King Jr.

      So it's IMPERATIVE that we know how much our people have contributed to not only past technologies, but modern ones.

      I do hope brotha Henry gets paid as well, but my greater hope is one of our young people will be inspired to create something equally ingenious behind knowing about this brilliant Black man.
