
Sunday, September 29, 2013

What (Uncle) Tommy Sotomayor doesn't realize about his hatred for Black women...

"The most dangerous place for a Black man to be is with a black woman."

"Are black women the biggest enemy of Black men?"

"The most classless, vile and unladylike women are..."

"Systas can't keep their legs or their mouths closed."

"Sistas are made of weaves, tattoos and bad attitudes." 

These are but a few of the sentiments Uncle Tommy has spewed on his several YouTube channels.

Tommy has basically made a career out of slandering black women; and he has hordes of them and Black men, hanging on his every word. 

I should know, I was one of 'em. 

But after hearing these sentiments repeatedly, and hearing Tom say how Black people in general, lack the capacity to think critically, I came to my senses and dumped this self-hating Uncle Ruckus bastard. 

But if Uncle Tommy knew what I've recently found out, he'd stop his rants about black women tommorrow. 


And what I mean is, if you're a Black man who hates black women, guess what? You're gonna' hate yourself consciously or subconsciously for being Black. 

Just like if you're a Black elder who hates the Black youth, you're gonna hate yourself for being Black; and if you're a Black African who hates Black americans, you're gonna hate yourself for being Black...etc.etc. 



Now, understand what I'm saying; I'm not suggesting that as a Black man or woman you have to love and trust every single Black person you meet...that's impractical. I'm just saying again, you can't hate any one group of Black people without it affecting you. 

Now, if Tommy knew this, he'd rethink his whole approach to dealing with black women and Black people altogether. 'Cause if we know nothing else about Tom, we know he loves himself above anything or anyone else. 

With that being said, here's why Uncle Tom will never come to this conclusion. 

It's because Black people like Tommy actually like feeling inferior to white people. 

They're comfortable feeling subordinate to them, because they've been so conditioned to think white people created everything known to mankind, that to them, it feels intrinsically right to let them have their way. Even when it hurts them and their kind. 

I remember talking to a Black co-worker of mine, and this person was a mature Jamaican man; we talked about a white co-worker who was obviously dim-witted and while we verbalized this to each other, this man said to me: "Yeah, that guy's an idiot. But I shouldn't say that, because he is white after all."

I thought my head was gonna' explode. 

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. 

There was another instance where I worked along side a mature African guy who would always boast about his 'manly' status. He would question other men about how sexually active they were and tell black women he couldn't be with them because he's such a 'big African man'. 

I remember one day, some white man rejected him in some form or fashion, and this 'big African man' started balling like a baby. He was so conditioned to love them, that he was literally brought to tears by some pale-skinned inbred because that person disliked him. 

Now, I'm not casting aspersion on Black Jamaicans or Africans, but this is how conditioned Black people on the whole are to hate themselves and love whites. And because we spend the majority of our lives mired in this kind of conditioning, it feels totally natural. 

Now, what this makes me think of, is brotha Gil-Scot Heron's hyper-prescient and timeless quote: "The revolution will not be televised." 

This proverb is beyond pithy 'cause it's the stark raving truth. And in it's truest sense, especially pertaining to Black people, the greatest revolution isn't going to happen in the streets, or on social media, or anyplace where it can be publicly broadcast. 

It's gonna' happen in our minds. 

'Cause until you and I do the subconscious work to recondition ourselves out of the white supremacist mindset we've had force fed into us, we'll always love whites more than we love ourselves. 

And for those of you who want to include brown people in our revolution, understand, they love white people just as much, or possibly more than we do. And consciously or subconsciously, they hate us just like white people again, possibly more so. 

So understand, we have to do the meditative, subconscious work necessary to truly love our Black selves and each other again.

And for those Black people who think it's all about finance, remember, the Black 'nuclear' family was more intact when we as a people had less than we do now. 

So I'm saying to every brotha and sista out there, the subconscious mind is the real battlefield. And I've begun building my arsenal with a meditative regimen that'll help me fight off the truest enemy of our people...and that's Black self-hatred. 

Now, might our revolution involve taking to the streets in the future? Possibly. But again, until you're mentally ready to defend yourself and your communities, you won't take up arms to protect yourself anyway.

And I for one, intend to be ready to defend myself. 

Kem Wesir, 

MontUHURU Mimia


  1. I don't see how any person of color (especially what's considered black)could follow Sotomayor or anyone that lives in stereotypes of any kind towards other people of color. It really baffles me. Those same folks are capable of seeing white people as individuals though when circumstances call for it. It's as if they don't see people that look similar to them as "people."
    It speaks of self hate/a hatred of "blackness". I never saw what the appeal was with him or women that live in the anti-black man stereotypes. It's just foolish. It misses the fact that the society we live in has created these stereotypes and now those folks are pushing them further.
    I don't get why people are content with the labels given by "white" people. They made the categories of race that we go by today, what's White(Caucasoid), Black(Negroid) and Asian(Mongoloid). People of color, instead of rejecting the labels embrace them and separate themselves according to what white people have taught them, instead of lifting each other up, they keep the hatred white people have towards them alive, pass it down to their children and willingly spread the message to everyone who listens. Black is on the bottom, white on the top.
    People of color have internalized the "white is right" message and it's one that is difficult to shake. It's in everything we see. From the standard of beauty(Good hair/nappy hair, look who represents what's considered beautiful on television and movies now, almost of them conforming to Eurocentric standards) to what's considered intelligent(acting/talking "white")We're all human, pigment and hair texture really shouldn't mean diddly-squat, but because we have allowed those in power(white people) to tell us what we are and what's right/wrong, we then get treated poorly because of these silly labels by them.

    1. In regards to Uncle Tommy and people like him, they don't have a clue and they don't want one. They're content to feel inferior, because there's no thinking involved.

      So if ignorance is bliss, Uncle Tommy must be ecstatic.

  2. So.... You only dislike Sotomayor because he verbally degrades Blacks in general? I read a different post on here that says you agreed with his rants against Black women, but when you realized he spoke also about Blacks in general and about Black men, that's when you came to your senses. So, if he would focus only on putting our women down, then you'd still be a fan as long as he didn't include the men?

    1. The Blog post you're referring to is 'Why I no longer listen to Tommy Sotomayor'...and you're right; I USED TO BE A FAN OF TOMMY SOTOMAYOR'S!

      I readily admit this; 'cause I grew up being exposed to the same self-hating conditioning you were, if you are a Black woman...and I'm thinking you are, if not you can correct me later.

      In the aforementioned post, I state, I followed Unlce Tommy because he was giving voice to the abrasive attitudes of SOME Black women.

      But during the course of curating this Blog, I had a revelation that I talk about in this very post.

      I saw that if I indulged in any hatred towards ANY PART OF THE BLACK DIASPORA, i.e. women, men, the youth, the elderly, etc. I'd be falling for the same self-hating trap I'd been falling for the majority of my life.


      So yes, I was thinking erroneously. But I found a way to get myself out of that white supremacist mind set...and the first key to changing this, was to RECOGNIZE IT.

      Once you see a problem, then you can change it. It's when you can't see the problem that you're truly doomed.

      So, in every one of my posts now I try to use language that's a lot less divisive; sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I'm not...but I always do the best I can to speak to erasing the rift between Black men AND women.

      And if you've looked at my posts over the course of the last months, you've gotta' admit that's been the main tenet of this forum.

      So, I hope this clears things up for you regarding where I stand with sistas...if you haven't read any more of my posts besides this one, please look them over and you'll see what I mean.

      Thanks for commenting, and let me know what you think of this response!

  3. Well, I do get where you stand now. I was wondering more so about what (you said) brought you to that conclusion, but I suppose that is irrelevant.

    I am a black woman who does not fit into the stereotypes touted by Sotomayor. Yes, I am a single mother. I grew up on and was a recipient of welfare until a few yrs ago. I had "daddy issues" and was promiscuous and let men's opinions of me define my worth. However, I now have a Bachelor's degree (and working on 2 Master's). I work for my local government's library system (and have received 2 promotions in the last year and a half-now working on the 3rd) and pay ALL of my own bills (and some bills for people around me who are in worse situations than I am). My daughters are both identified as advanced learners and have been reading and writing since they were 3 yrs old. I speak to them about EVERYTHING, admitting my (past) bad decisions to them and what caused me to end up where I was/am so that they don't repeat my failures and are inspired by my successes. (I work towards the same goal for the young women I mentor.) I also talk to them about their birth father who seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth and how now there is a man in our lives who loves them even more than their birth father did (BONUS! lol). I am in a loving, uplifting relationship with a young black man, who's father was sent to prison during his teen years and will NEVER be let out, but is not a thug and is purposed everyday not to be, works Monday through Friday, respects me as (and calls me) a queen, loves my daughters like they are his own (which people really don't get anymore) and volunteers with black inner-city youths after work. And I've never been the angry, bitter black chick although I have been burned emotionally (and sometimes financially) by several black men before. I have never seen black men as anything less than kings and gods of the earth. As a matter of fact, its natural for me to edify men who don't see themselves that way, even when they don't deserve that kind of treatment. And most importantly I love me (my skin, my personality, my body, my potential-every bit of me, even the parts I'm working to improve) and I have a desire to know more about me through the history of my ancestors (which I'm unfortunately a NEW student of).

    What made the difference for me wasn't meditation but simply making a decision to live better and acting on that decision. What encouraged me when it seemed impossible to change was God and God-sent people calling out what is good in me - my talents, my intelligence, my heart, my beauty - encouraging me to be better (convincing that I was better than what I believed myself to be). To reinforce negative opinions about myself would have had a totally opposite affect (and it did-I was seriously depressed for about a year allowing my mind to focus on my failures and the person I was at the time but didn't want to be). Still, maybe negative reinforcement works for some people (like the one lady I saw who made the sarcastic video about how Sotomayor's videos made her better-weird).

    Anyway, I don't remember how I came across his videos a couple days ago, but all I can say is God help us! It seems like we can't win: hated by outsiders AND self-destructive. But that only motivates me even more so to create and pass on a legacy of self-love and a proud history to the generations that come through me.

    I really didn't mean to type all that rambling stuff. Sorry. :)

  4. Oh, and I applaud you for what you are attempting to do. We surely need to get it together.
