
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Why do so many gay men have model looks?

Now, before I start this post, let me make one thing emphatically clear…when I use the term ‘model looks’ in my description of gay men, I’m making reference to gay men who are ‘exceptionally good-looking’ by EUROPEAN STANDARDS OF BEAUTY.

So this is in no way an endorsement by me of physical features that conform to those standards. And in more layman’s terms, I’m saying that in no way do I deem long hawk noses, pale skin, icy blue eyes, pin thin lips and stringy blond hair as the epitome of beauty. To me nothing is more beautiful, especially on women, than dark, rich flawless-looking skin, full lips, warmly dark and soulful eyes, broad noses, ‘locked’ hair and the natural curves that grace the form of a Black woman.

So the last thing I want to do with this post is reinforce reasons why any Black man or woman should hate the way they look…especially citing the fact that white women now more than ever, are showing how much they envy the physical features of Black women.

And if you think that’s hyperbole, all you have to do is look at how white females are getting shots in their lips and butts to basically turn themselves into Black females. Now, for any brotha reading this, you should understand why white men are sporting bald heads like us, tanning their skin to look more like us and smoking cigars to make themselves look as genetically powerful as we are. This is the reason white men give out cigars when a baby’s born. It’s to legitimize that they’re sexual power or prowess is equal to ours. Cause they’ll never tell you this, but they all feel sexually inferior to us. And deep in their souls, they know we have the most genetic power to breed them out of existence.

Now with that said, let’s go in…

In 2010, the singer Ricky Martin said: “I am proud to say that I’m a fortunate homosexual man, I am very blessed to be who I am.”

He posted this on his website ‘’ and also said that his twin sons bring him boundless amounts of joy. His direct statement was: “Everything they do, from smiling to crying, feels like a blessing. Being a father feels amazing. This has been the most spiritual moment in my life."

But what Ricky failed to realize is, natural ‘heterosexuality’ bought his sons into being (through surrogate motherhood), not his exalted homosexuality. So my question is: if he really feels being a father is so amazing, then you’d think he’d research ways to correct his sexuality. How could he reconcile being a proud father, when his sexuality prohibits him from having children?

But in today’s gender-confused american social order, elites have told everyone that you can basically have your cake and eat it too. Meaning, you can call yourself gay and have kids through (other peoples) normal heterosexual means. It’s kinda’ like being a gay christian. Even the dumb-founded George Bush jr. said: “I wonder which bible they’re reading?”

CNN news anchor Don Lemon published an autobiography in 2011 where he basically came out and said he was gay. His book, ‘Transparent’, talks about his sexuality in a way that he says is ‘inspirational’ to those like him. Oddly enough, he said he was most fearful of how the Black Diaspora would react to his revelation. And I’ve personally encountered some brain-washed Black men like him who pretty much put their homosexuality first and their ethnicity second.

Let me just say, I can’t understand how any Black man can be conditioned out of his common sense to those extremes. But then again, the white fascist social order looks more kindly on Black men who give up their masculinity, so any Black male wanting to be more palatable to whatever social order they’re in can always swap their manhood for an entrée into the social mainstream.

Cause if we just look at employment disparities, Don’s network CNN did a study where they found that white men who were felons got more call backs for jobs than Black men who had no criminal history at all. So Don’s coming out, calculated or not, can only help him stay in the good graces of white fascism.

Now, in the case of Shemar Moore, he hasn’t officially ‘outed’ himself yet, but if you look into his history, he’s known to travel in circles of homosexuals and transvestites in every town he touches down in. So it’s only a matter of time before the brotha, or half-bred brotha, cashes in his ‘gay chips’ to boost his commercial viability in Hollyweird.

Now, I can remember my freshman year of high school, where I watched a certain young brotha flirt continuously with other young men. I always shook my head at this, cause this fellow was light-skinned and had european-looking facial features that included a set of cool-colored eyes that one sista called ‘dreamy’, so I was like, why would he be gay when he could have any young woman he wants?

Then a couple of years after high school, I met a latin fellow named ‘Gil’ who was one of my co-workers in a book store. Now, this guy literally was trying to break into the modeling industry and I actually saw his headshot portfolio. And I also can attest to the fact that whenever he walked down the street almost every female head would turn. One day when I was going into the bookstore’s break room, I caught Gil kissing up on one of the store’s male workers. I just bolted outta’ there. And once again, I shook my head in disbelief thinkin’ damn, he could have any woman he wants, why the hell would he be gay?

And I think anyone reading this knows that nearly every male model and/or male stripper is a homosexual.

So let’s get down to what causes this.

The reason why so many male models, or men with ‘model looks’ are gay is because as young boys their exceptionally good looks (by european standards) made them prime targets for pedophiles.

So their first sexual encounter(s) with men traumatized them into believing that homosexuality was their natural sexuality.

Now, you might be thinkin’, c’mon bruh…there’s no way you can qualify that. To that I’ll say, look into the childhood of any homosexual person and you’ll find the trauma that made them sexually conflicted.

For instance, in 2010 Don Lemon confessed to being sexually victimized by a pedophile live on CNN while discussing the scandal surrounding Georgia Bishop Eddie Long. So this is no theory.

And the reason homosexuality is being pushed so hard in the Black Diaspora is again, Black men have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence. So white fascists either want Black men to be gay or if we’re straight, they want us to marry and mate with white women so our offspring will have less of the genetic power we do to bring about the demise of their people.

Now, what I’m not saying is that gay men are intrinsically evil or morally obtuse because of their sexual victimization or orientation. What I am saying is when you come across one of these ‘good-looking’ gay men, you should feel more empathy than anger towards them. Cause you now know he was NOT BORN THAT WAY! AND NO ONE IS! He was victimized into that sexual orientation, and more than likely, he’ll never know what it’s like to operate in his natural sexuality.

Like I’ve said in the past, homosexuality is a ‘death-style’ not a lifestyle. But there is a cure for this ‘death-style’ if anyone reading this is interested in correcting and getting back to their natural sexuality.

And fortunately, the cure is the same for dealing with any other mental trauma. Anyone wanting to rid their psyche of a trauma must first consciously recognize the event that is causing some kind of character defect, and then subconsciously, they must recondition themselves out of that pain.

So, in Don Lemon’s case, he’d have to revisit the trauma he lived through, meaning, he’d have to see what happened to him and who it was that preyed on him consciously, then subconsciously, he’d have to create some kind of healing mantra to neutralize that pain. Then, he’d have to diligently repeat this mantra in his subconscious until he began seeing the results he desires.

Mind you, no one said this was gonna’ be easy. It would be hard as hell…but this method would not only take whatever character flaws have resulted from his trauma away, but it would correct his sexuality at the same time.

But the question is: Would Don ever commit to this?

I doubt Don ever really recognized his problem at subconscious levels, and if he did, I doubt he’d take on the challenge of putting in the kind of work necessary to correct his conflicted sexuality.

And there’s another hurdle…Don’s let the american social order convince him that he was born this way, even though he admitted to being sexually victimized as a child. So unfortunately for him, it’s check and mate…the game’s over.

But for anyone reading this who’s struggling with any kind of trauma, understand living with its effects is not an inevitability. We have psychic tools to help us master our minds and conquer these demons.

But again, it takes work to be victorious over these psychic maladies. And in the case of mainstreamed homosexuality, its victims are duped into believing that their sexual orientation is a life sentence.

So for anyone reading this, regardless of your sexual orientation, understand there’s no mental oppression that can’t be overcome by working it out in the subconscious. But you have to choose to do the hard work associated with winning out over whatever trauma ails you.

And this is your life we’re talking about people…so for your own future’s sake, choose wisely.


MontUHURU Mimia


  1. This blog is utter bull. You're a bigot and probably like the men mentioned above. Hanging around a bear doesn't make you one. I have gay friends who were BORN gay. Doesn't concern me since it isn't my business. I read a lot from this blog and you fail to talk about anything that matters.... Unless "duh wheight mane" is to blame. You're so busy being and advocating for victimhood that you don't see the real issue. Talk about black on black crime or at least address it! Quit blaming whites for inner city turmoil they don't make blacks commit crimes. A rat can't complain that the mousetrap keeps trapping him with the lure of easy cheese...its doing what it's made to do. So.... Avoid the mousetrap. Go to school, army, learn a trade something other than thug life. The funny thing is... Rappers love yelling about selling dope to your kids...yet they take your money you spent with them and send their kids to college... They sell blacks death yet no post from you about that... OR the fatherless homes from which most came... OR about this uplifting of single motherhood... OR black genocide by blacks...... I know I know it's whitey mans fault...

  2. 'Anonymous'...

    Ponder this, if white women understand how many advantages their white privilege affords them, then why would they want to get surgeries to look IN ANY WAY like a Black woman?

    There's a whole generation of white women injecting silicone into their butts and lips to look like the kind of woman they've been told are the least attractive on earth.

    You wanna' talk about what's 'illogical'?

    Now, I can't tell you how many white men I've seen wearing bald heads after Black men made that trend popular. And what does smoking tobacco leaves have to do with what a brown cigar...and a white cigarette really represent?

    Since your so big on logic, I'll go you one better...why would your people pay millions of dollars to tan themselves every year knowing what kind of advantages they are afforded behind having white skin?

    If anything, your people should be applying powder to their faces and bodies to get 'whiter'.

    And you don't have to take my word for the fact that Black men have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, just look at the research done by your own scientists.

    Two whites can't create a Black person, unless they have some Black genetics in them. While the whole of the human race are descendants of ours. Again, don't take my word for this, do the research.

    The saddest part about all this is you white boys are missing the whole point of this post.

  3. 'Jake'...

    Google the model 'Priscilla Caputo' and tell me how white women aren't going to crazy lengths to look like the women they've been told their whole lives are the least attractive in the world.

    Again, there's a whole generation of your women doing this to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

    So who's really keeping plastic surgeons in business? Beyonce and Lil Kim, or white women?

    You make the call.

    Again, what's sad about these comments is you white guys are so self-involved that you're not even addressing this post's topic.


  4. I think all of YOU people who think its simply natural for someone to be gay are totally delusional. I think most of all the people that comment from this site are going to hell in hand basket. So, let's just chalk it up then.

  5. Also, for those who take the time to come to this website, read these long ass articles and then type a long anti-speech, must love Black people, Black talk, Black everything. I certainly wouldn't get on an Aryan Nation or LGBT site and start reading and COMMENTING off their stupid articles. You go and inhabit wherever you feel the most comfortable, therefore, I can conclude that Everyone and I mean Everyone who is reading this comment right now, loves me dearly a beautiful gorgeous sexy-ass Black woman and others who look like me. Even gays aim to look and be like me. Lol.....

    Stop commenting if you hate what the author is writing, just go get a life, please.... Because, to be frank with you, I have enjoyed reading every article on this website and that's what keeps me coming back for more. What about YOU???

  6. Also, for those who take the time to come to this website, read these long ass articles and then type a long anti-speech, must love Black people, Black talk, Black everything. I certainly wouldn't get on an Aryan Nation or LGBT site and start reading and COMMENTING off their stupid articles. You go and inhabit wherever you feel the most comfortable, therefore, I can conclude that Everyone and I mean Everyone who is reading this comment right now, loves me dearly a beautiful gorgeous sexy-ass Black woman and others who look like me. Even gays aim to look and be like me. Lol.....

    Stop commenting if you hate what the author is writing, just go get a life, please.... Because, to be frank with you, I have enjoyed reading every article on this website and that's what keeps me coming back for more. What about YOU???

    1. 'Vero'...

      Thanks for the compliment, and I'll try to make my posts a bit shorter from now on...(lol)
