
Saturday, February 10, 2018

The gospel of white fascism (Part 32)...the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, what Lincoln and Mo'Nique have in common, and one mo' comment about the "Gullah Wars"...

“Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes the laws.” 
—Mayer Rothschild

Just the other day, I was conversing with a 19 year old brotha, and the american president “Abraham Lincoln” came up. Immediately, this young brotha stated that Lincoln “freed the slaves”—meaning, he freed Black american slaves, during periods of american chattle and indentured slavery. And when I told him the reason(s) why Lincoln didn't free any Black american slaves, the brotha asked: “Then why was he killed if he didn't free us?”

I didn't let the young brotha know this—but I was mortified.

Cause not only was the brotha tricked into believing that Abraham Lincoln freed our people, but the american (mis)educational system, conditioned him to think that's the very reason why he was murdered.

Then I thought, it's a darn shame that our young people are being so misguided by america's schools—which is why I'll soon write a post about “homeschooling”, but then I thought, wait a sec'—most Black american adults, don't really know why (stinkin') Lincoln was murdered.

So that's what I'll expound on in this post.

Now, to answer the question of why Lincoln was murdered, we have to look at america's “Civil War” (1861-1865), and the nature of war itself. And what every Black man and woman reading this needs to know is, all national and international wars are fought so elites can keep the proletariat in “debt”.


Meaning, white fascist-run federalized banking systems, only make money by charging interest to the public (us) for the privilege(s) that go along with handling their “currency” (dollars, yen, pesos, shekels, etc.). Now, at a more localized, or “tribal” level, any kind of “civic” war might have to do with the principles of fighting off oppressive forces, or liberating yourself from an invading enemy, but once these battles go national and international, they're being financed by white fascists.

Now with that said—let's look at Lincoln...

During america's “Civil War”, Lincoln needed money to finance “war efforts” from the North. And the “international” bankers, were more than happy to oblige him, but as par for the course, these “banksters” were gonna' charge him 24% to 36% interest on those notes. So what Lincoln did was create a currency that would be exclusively american, and he printed about $400 million dollars worth of this money, which had a “green” color affixed to it's back—thus people started calling american dollars, “greenbacks”.

A short time later, The “London Times” published an article stating that if these greenbacks were to become a “staple” of america's economy, they would not only satisfy Civil War efforts, but our country would be debt free behind them. This article also stated that it would set a precedent for other countries to follow, and as a result, it would: “...destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

Needless to say, whitey can't have that...

So, a short time later, international bankers hired a mercenary named, John Wilkes Booth, to fire the fatal shot that assassinated america's 16th president.

That's also why, in 1913, america created and passed the “Federal Reserve Act”. Now, abiding by this, meant america's Congress gave up the right to print its own money—and it gave that power solely to a “Federal Reserve” (read: privately owned) bank, that freely charges any amount of interest it wants.

Now of course, there's gonna' be some silly negroes who make reference to the “Emancipation Procrastination”, I mean, “Proclamation”—so let's cover that right quick...

america's “Emancipation Proclamation” was an executive order issued by Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It ordered the freedom of slaves—not all slaves mind you, just those in 10 states. And to top that off, it was not an order backed by Congress, meaning, it was really a rubber stamp from jump. Additionally, the confederate states where slavery was legal, didn't recognize the proclamation as legitimate.

In other words, slave owning states simply ignored it.

Moreover, (stinkin') Lincoln was so low-down, that he ordered hundreds of freed Black americans, to be shipped to a Haitian cotton plantation, so they could be “re-enslaved” there.


In addition, when we look at the “Gullah Wars” (1739-1858), which is how Black men really fought and won their freedom, we see how literally hundreds of revolts like Nat Turner's, were commonplace amongst our people. Meaning, the american (mis)educational system telling us that we just sat back and were content to be slaves, was a LIE!


Now, I realize there's still gonna' be some anglophilic negroes, who're so indoctrinated to the white fascist fable of Lincoln freeing Black slaves, that they're bound to be sayin—c'mon bruh—there ain't no whites who can vouch for any of us fighting that fiercely in or outside the Civil War.

So ya' want some proof?


Check out what James Gilpatrick Blunt (who was a white Civil War general) said about the Black troops, who ultimately won the war for the north. "The question that negroes will fight is settled; besides, they make better soldiers in every respect than any troops I have ever had under my command."

James wrote this in a letter to a friend on July 27th, of 1863. 

And speaking of written letters, check out what stinkin' Lincoln wrote in a letter to his friend, Horace Greely: “If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it...”

And that's why I put this particular pic of Lincoln (right) in the center of this post's Header. Here, we see the true “honest” Abe Lincoln, who looks like some kinda' drunken fool (and you can click on the pic to enlarge it). Now, you may ask, bruh, why would you call Lincoln a fool, when he's so exalted around the world as this great emancipator?

Here's why...

It's cause Abe was shot in the head, by the same elitists he worked for. He did everything in his power to save the union, but couldn't save his own life.


So like I said in my previous post about Mo'Nique, when you get in bed, literally or figuratively, with white fascists, you need to understand that you can ONLY be successful, ON THEIR TERMS! If you challenge them, they're either gonna' kill you, or your career—and that's what Abe Lincoln and Mo'Nique have in common.

So in conclusion, if and when you ever get the notion to praise stinkin' Lincoln for the “liberation” of our people, do some research and venerate the memories of revolutionary brothas like Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey instead (and if ya' don't know who they are—google them).

And after you do, throw the memories of presidents like Abe Lincoln, George Washington and Thom Jefferson, where they rightfully belong—on the trash heaps of history.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That's the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

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