
Sunday, March 18, 2018

The cult of Black and white cinematic symbolism (Part 14)...The Black Panther's "Dora Milaje", Harriet Tubman's 20, and the white fascist attack on Black femininity...

To the readers of this Blog: Once again, I must apologize about the sparsity of posts here as of late. Now, sometimes life does get in the way of me facilitating and curating this space, but that's not an excuse, cause everyone's busy. Conversely, just cause I'm absent from this forum, doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it in some way, shape or form. So I do have a back-log of subjects I wanna' tackle. Now, some of my forthcoming editorials may sound dated, cause I've been away, but trust that the reason I'm committing my time to them is cause I must. I've never been one to write about frivolous topics, and I'm not about to start now.

And as always, to the people who cared enough to check back on my blog from time to time, I say thank you, thank you and thank you.

--MontUHURU Mimia

Law #5: So much depends on reputation—guard it with your life.
--Robert Greene, from the book “The 48 Laws of Power”

In 1820, Harriet Tubman was born Armanita “Minty” Ross, in Dorchester County, Maryland, to parents, Harriet “Rit” Green and Ben Ross.
Now, the dilemma I've run into while writing Harriet's bio is this: the more research I do on the “Transatlantic Slave Trade” in america, the more I find out that 90% of it was pure fiction. For example, several of the “slave ship” diagrams, like the one to the upper left, that supposedly illustrate how we were “transported” here from Africa, were found by Black scholars to be completely false (and you can always click on my pics to enlarge them). And I'll definitely site examples of this, in a forthcoming post I'll write on this topic.

But according to a multitude of Black scholars, there's no way these ships could hold this many people on them, while traveling across the Atlantic for months, or close to a year at a time.

So that says what?

It says that the above illustration, is JUST A PICTURE!


Well, let me rephrase that—the “slave ship” graphic is more than just a “picture”—it's a propagandized mental trigger, that's meant to keep any Black man and woman looking at it, hating themselves for being descendants of lowly, conquered slaves. It's a “Psy-op” y'all. And might I add, it's one of the most effective ever created.

And I liken this to the “Flat Earth Theory”. In so much as, what matters more than it being true of false, is white fascists knowing how much control they have over the minds of the proletariat (us). Meaning, whitey wants to know that they can give us one reality, and then switch it on a dime, to see if we'll go for it.

Also, another fact that leads me to believe that nearly all of the Black “Transatlantic Slave Trade” (TST) was bogus, is that I was never taught about the “Barbary Slave Trade” alongside it. Now, for those who don't know, the Barbary Slave Trade was one where the Black North African “Berber” tribes, enslaved some two million white people, at the same time the TST was happening. So question: why are we always taught about the TST, but never the Barbary Slave Trade?

Here's why...

If Black people, and Black children especially, knew about the Barbary Slave Trade, then we wouldn't think we were the world's only slaves. Thus, we'd be prouder and less self-hating—so we couldn't be as easily manipulated or mind-controlled.

See, the only way whitey wins over us, is by making sure we hate ourselves.


And if they can do that, white fascists know we'll never UNITE—and that's the only way we're ultimately gonna' beat 'em. 

Additionally, over the course of the last decade, I've found out that we, Black people, were the world's first inhabitants on EVERY CONTINENT OF THIS EARTH! So why would we be shipped from Africa, when we were here already?

But let's get back to sista Harriet...

(white) Historians say Harriet “escaped” to Philadelphia, and then immediately returned to Maryland to “rescue” her family. And it's said that one group at a time, she brought relatives with her out of the state to “freedom”. And traveling by night on the “underground railroad”, it's said Harriet “never lost a passenger”.

Now, after the Civil War began, Harriet worked for the Union army. First as a cook and nurse, then as an armed scout and spy. It's also said that she was the first woman to lead an armed expedition in the war, when she guided the raid at “Combahee Ferry”, which is said to have freed more than 700 “slaves”. And after Harriet's death in 1913, she's become an icon of american courage and freedom.

Now, it struck me as funny that Harriet's once “illegal” slave-freeing activities, which had her labeled as public enemy #1, lead to her becoming an armed scout, spy and the first woman to lead a battle in america's Civil War. But then I noticed something in a picture featuring Harriet that kinda' showed me the advantage she might've had when and if she actually made this transition.

Meaning—Harriet Tubman was a white fascist freemason.

Now, I can already hear the jeers behind my saying this—and I can also hear people once again proclaiming, bruh—you say that about everybody. But what tipped me off was Harriet's hand gesture in the above photo. And if we do a bit of a comparison between Dr. Umar Johnson's hand gesture and Harriet's, you'll notice the same interlocked fingers and pyramid shape that both their thumbs make (And you can click on this pic to make it larger).

Now, let me also state, that my saying this about Harriet, in no way, shape or form, takes away from the noble work she's alleged to have done. Several narratives I've heard about her, say that if you didn't agree to leave with her on the “freedom” trail, she'd gun you down on the spot. That's gangsta. But I need you to also understand, that every time her name is mentioned, the first thought that comes to your mind, is Black slavery.

So, at this point, you might still be thinking, bruh—I still ain't convinced Harriet was any kinda' freemason, and I ain't gonna' be.

Okay, lemme give you one more reason I'm inclined to think Harriet was down wit' tha' freemasons.

Back in April of 2016, Obama's Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew, said Harriet would appear on the new version of america's 20 dollar bill. It was widely announced that it would be the first time that a Black woman has ever appeared on any U.S. currency. However, when Harriet's 20 was brought up a year later, Jack stated: “Ultimately, we will be looking at this issue, (but) it's not something I'm focused on at the moment.”

Now, don't get me wrong, the Harriet 20 was said to be slated for release in the year 2020—so, it might very well become a reality. But a person, renowned abolitionist or otherwise, doesn't get this kinda' recognition, unless they're connected to freemasonic networks. But let me get to the point of why they'd elect to put Harriet on america's 20 dollar bill—it's cause white fascists figure, Harriet's likeness on the bill, will get Black women to buy more consumer goods with it.


And at this point, you might be thinking, what the heck does this have to do with Marvel's “Black Panther” movie and the “Dora Milaje”?

So let's get into that right quick...

Now, I can't tell you how many times I've heard Black women, on or off TV, say they love Marvel's Black Panther movie, cause the Dora Milaje (DM) represent powerfully strong and independent Black women, who are their male counterparts equal in every way. And if you're a Black woman reading this, they can serve as a great source of pride to you and your woman friends, looking at it from that perspective.

But let's examine what message white fascists are sending to the world about Black women via the DM.

At one point in the Black Panther film, the DM are referred to as “Grace Jones look-a-likes” (that's a pic of Grace to the left). Now, let's break that statement down real quick—Grace Jones was a runway model, and a (dope) musical artist, who was known for looking “hyper-masculine”. And I can remember watching a videotaped musical performance of hers, curiously titled: “Grace Jones: A One Man Show”.

Now, Grace enjoyed the height of her stardom in the 80's, and ever since then, it seems like every Black female runway model has been a clone of hers. Meaning, Black female models, (and I'm speaking strictly of ones who adorn fashion runways), are for the most part, exceptionally dark-skinned and have exceptionally short hair. One example of this would be the fashion model, Alex Wek (upper right pic).

Fast forward to 2018, and we have the lovely women of the DM who are all dark-skinned, bald-headed, and hyper-masculine sistas, who're carrying spears.

Now, I need to make one thing emphatically clear about the DM, and more specifically about Danai Gurira and Letitia Wright (right pic), and that's this: I personally think these sistas are gorgeous. They've got flawless skin, lovely physiques, and they're always ladies in public—but by european standards of beauty, these women would be considered unattractive.

And let me just repeat that, so you understand what I'm NOT SAYING. I myself, am not saying these sistas are unattractive, I'm saying by european standards of beauty, that's how they'd be perceived.

Now, the question that should pop into your mind is this: bruh, why are you concerned with european standards of beauty?

And the answer is, I'm NOT—consciously—but what am I thinking subconsciously?

Understand, since I've done the subconscious work to rid myself of european beauty standards, I can truly say I see past them, but don't get me wrong, getting (and staying) at that point involves a daily meditative practice, or else my anglophilic instincts will return. I'm referring more to the overwhelming majority of us who don't even recognize the problem at that level. I'm asking, how could that Black person, or those Black people, SUBCONSCIOUSLY, not think of these sistas as unattractive? And forget about other ethnic groups, cause you already know how they feel.

Ultimately what I'm getting at is this: the way white fascists have depicted the DM, is sending 3 very distinct messages to not only Black men, but to the world's men about Black women—and they are...

Message#3: Black women's physical aggression, means they're also sexually aggressive and insatiable.

What we see in Marvel's Black Panther movie, is the hyper-masculine looking DM physically fighting men in battle. And that coupled with what's been termed as the “Angry Black Woman Syndrome”, suggests to the world's men that Black women are too physically and verbally combative to be in long-term relationships or marriages. So white fascists are sending the message that the world's men should only look to Black women for sex, and nothing more.

Now, I can hear a multitude of Black women saying, “Well, what about Wonder Woman?” And I agree she's physically fighting men in her movie as well. But not only does Gal Godot still look like a woman, but we've been told our whole lives that the white woman is the most exquisitely feminine female on the planet (by european standards)—so they don't have the same “hyper-masculine” stereotype to contest with.

Now, I know a lot of Black women reading this will think: well, that's just this brothas opinion, it's not all that serious. And if you are, I'll direct your attention to an article former “L.A. Times” journalist, Sandy Banks wrote, pertaining to this topic.

Now, Sandy's a Black woman, who wrote an article asking why it's so hard for a “professional” Black women to find comparable mates in Black men. And the conclusion she drew was there just wasn't enough “quality” Black men to satisfy the needs of america's Black women—and she asked the public to voice their opinion on the matter. Welp, a “white middle-aged” man named Alan, wrote in with his opinion, and here's his two cents on the matter: "Any male, black or not, would be intimidated by the loud, raucous, foul-mouthed 'braying' of so many black women. They are often offensive in the extreme, obese or have a tendency to be so, and challenge the masculinity of any male."

And I'll leave a link for that particular article at the end of this post.

Message#2: Black women should always trust that a white male will be their saviors, no matter how much whitey's abused them in the past.

Now, understand that “Wakanda” is an African nation in hiding, cause they don't wanna' suffer the “ravages” of (white) colonizers. But “Shuri”, T'Challa's sister, nurses a white male “CIA agent” (Everette Ross) back to health, and the white colonizer is so grateful, that he helps Wakandans fight against other colonizing factions who are trying to overthrow their government. 

So the moral of that story is, any and every white man, up to and including a darn CIA agent, can rely on a Black woman to assist them in any and every circumstance or situation. Mind you, in real life, white missionaries would come to Black nations, or island nations, with resources like food and clothing for our people, to win over their trust, before they sent in the armed troops to overthrow their gov't. Also, white missionaries had a predilection for a particular style of sex they'd have with native women—and this is where the term “missionary position” comes from.

Now, it goes without saying that the “Disney” corporation, wouldn't put that truth on screen, so we have to be savvy enough to see that for ourselves. Thus, in accordance with history, what Shuri should have done when she had that white CIA agent on the “operating” table, was kill him. Cause in reality, a white fasicst's “soft touch” always comes before they pull out tha' machete. And finally...

Message#1: A Black woman's beauty will never equate to a white woman's.

Now, that's the bottom line to all this, in regards to why the DM are portrayed as bald-headed, spear-carrying woman warriors, who look like they wanna' be men, instead of being with one. Ultimately, both Black men and women have to be kept thinking that european standards of beauty will always trump any other kind of beauty standard, so we can always feel inferior to whites. 

And whitey does this in an effort to keep Black men and women apart, cause we have the most genetic power to breed them out of existence.


Moreover, what the DM really represent is the white fascist attack on Black femininity. Now, I can hear some Black men saying, bruh—what kinda' “simptatstic” crap is that? So for brothas who think I'm just saying this to pander to a Black female demographic, lemme break this sentiment all the way down...

white fascists have a vested interest in keeping Black women in 3 perpetual states of being, and those are: well-paid, oversexed and alone. And here's why...

Because Black women have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, white fascists have her perpetually slated to be the world's greatest consumer—and what does that mean? Well, let's break this statement further down with a little “Q&A”...

Question: why are Black women the most overweight demographic in america?

Answer: Cause whitey understands that conditioning Black women to hate Black men, while portraying Black women as fiercely hyper-masculine, will make every kind of man think she's cold, combative and ultimately unapproachable. Thus, whitey knows that the affection(s) Black women are missing in their personal lives, will result in them seeking out solace in “consumer goods”.

Now, you might be thinking: so what the hell does that have to do with Black women being overweight? Simple—when Black women feel alone and “unloved”, whitey knows she'll compensate for that by buying more cloths, cars, jewelry, expensive trips, and ultimately, buying and consuming more food.

So “sweets” become a replacement for a lack of loving relationships.

Now, a Black woman reading this might be thinking, hold up—what kind of simple psychological B.S. is this? Everyday I see commercials endorsing white men being with Black women—so again bruh, this is just your opinion.

Okay, let's tackle that real quick...

Yes, it looks like on every commercial, or TV show that whitey's pairing Black women up with white men. And the reasons for this are, again, Black women have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, so the last person they want her to marry and produce children with, is a “pure-bred” Black man. But then you have to ask yourself, why would whitey go out of his way to portray Black women as hyper-masculine and unattractive?

And the answer is: so white (and non-Black men) can see Black women as sex toys (Olivia Pope) and not wives. Thus, keeping them alone. This is what I call the “white fascist fake-out”, cause one promise is offered, but what actually happens is meant to have the opposite affect. It's just like Harriet's 20 dollar bill—in so much as, when the bill was announced, Black women at that moment, felt proud to go out and spend more dollars, but when asked about the bill a year later, the former Treasury Secretary said: “'s not something I'm focused on at the moment.”

And if the bill does come out, you'll know it's intended purpose.

So, I've said all that to say this, Black women, even though the DM look like they're representing “strong” Black females, they're actually meant to have you looking like undesirable “she-males” to the world's men.

Thus, what's ultimately gonna' save you Black woman, is your femininity, not feminism. 

Understand that your “reputation” is precious, so you should fight fiercely to protect it by understanding that no man thinks you're physically weak, so you don't have to go around proving that you're not. What you need to show men, is your more demure, quiet and soft-spoken side, and this is especially true around Black men.


Cause quiet as it's kept, the barometer of how any woman will treat other men, is how she treats her own man. Now, if she's hell-bent on being abrasive, foul-mouthed and disrespectful around her own man, then other men feel she'll be disrespectful to them. Thus, these women will be seen as a one-night stand, rather than someone who's a possible wife or life partner.

And to the Black women reading this, understand that the same white feminists who are getting you to hate Black men and everything to do with any kind of patriarchy, are the same ones who voted Donald Trump into office.

And that Black woman, should say it all.


MontUHURU Mimia


Now, if you're a Black woman who thinks I'm totally lying about the white fascist assault on Black femininity, then peep this vid out. Literally yesterday, I came across this video explaining why Angela Bassett, would make a great “Killmonger”. Yeah, you heard right—these low-life miscreants were saying that Angela Bassett would make a great MALE VILLIAN!

Now, do you think they'd have said that about Gal Godot?

Anyway, why this vid just pissed me right off, is cause Angela, in my opinion, is not only the gold-standard of actresses, but she represents the kinda' sista every Black man wants to marry. She's physically beautiful, she goes out of her way to comport herself like a lady, she's got a regal air about her and she's exceptionally gifted in her vocation. She's the whole package.

But ultimately, white fascists thought she was TOO FEMININE for a Black woman. And that's why this video was made.


And if you'd like to see the Sandy Bank's “L.A. Times” article, you can do that here. 


I couldn't rightfully end this post without showing one of the many reasons I think the “TST” is 90% fictionso this vid featuring Tarik Taj Bey explains the absurdity behind the “slave shipments” of Black peoples to the americas. And a big shout out to “Kev” for reposting this vid on his YouTube channel. And, I apologize for this vid's lack of visual clarity, but I think it's message more than makes up for it.


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