
Saturday, July 28, 2018

The gospel of white fascism (Part 36)...What do the world's first "steam engine" and the Pythagorean theorem have in common?

I remember about a decade ago, I was watching the “Tavis Smiley” show on PBS, and one of his guests, a brotha, professed that a Black man invented “air conditioning”. Well, that was all the motivation I needed to start researching his claim. And sure enough, the brotha was right—it was Mr. Fred Mckinley Jones, a Black man, who not only created conditioned air, but built the device responsible for “talking” movies. Also, I remembered reading an article, in a magazine about movies, that said Black people made no contributions to  early cinema. Now, being that I consider myself a bit of a cinephile and a Black Nationalist, I intrinsically knew that was false, I just didn’t have any evidence to prove it. But now I do—and that’s just one of the perks of being an older Black Nationalist.

Anyways, I also recall being told by someone, that the first “steam engine” was created by a Black man—so, my curious mind got to researching again, only this time I ran into a bit of a roadblock. Now, when I googled, “who created the world’s first steam engine”, what immediately popped up were the names of 2 white men: Thomas Savery and Edward Somerset.

And wikipedia says, Thom Savery was an engineering inventor, born in 1650, who lived in an area called Modbury, in the United Kingdom. It also says he was born in a “manor house”, meaning, he came from a well-to-do family—supposedly. Anyway, wiki also said that Thom invented the first commercially used “steam-powered device”that being a steam “pump” referred to as a steam engine.

That’s when I cocked an eyebrow, and thought to myself, a water “pump” was referred to as a steam engine? Hmmmm.

Now, when I read further, I saw that a guy named Thomas Newcomen’s advances on Thom Savery’s “steam engine”, had them working together cause Newcomen’s device fell under Savery’s steam engine “Patent”, that he acquired in 1698. I also saw that both these devices came from an earlier version of a “steam engine”, created by Frenchman Denis Papin in 1690.

But what struck me most, was a reference to an invention that predated all of these, called an “Aeolipile”, and this was also mentioned in the “wiki” article.

And when I researched this, it’s said that the secondary name for an Aeolipile, is a “Hero’s Engine”—and it’s described as being a “simple, bladeless” radial steam turbine, which spins when the central water container is heated (above). It’s also said that this device creates torque much like a tip jet or a rocket engine would, and in the 1st century AD, a (white) guy named Hero of Alexandria, described how this device existed in “Roman-occupied Egypt”—thus, Hero of Alexandria, was given credit for the Aeolipile’s invention. *shaking head*

Now, beyond the craptastic fact that this white boi took credit for something that already existed, I immediately thought to myself—ain’t it funny how this story is leading me back to Africa—and back to Kemet/Egypt more specifically?


Then I thought to myself, okay—let me check out what’s up wit’ this other dude, Edward Somerset.

Turns out, Eddie Somerset was a 2nd Marquee of Worcester, and was born on March 9th, of 1602. He was royalty fam. And this guy also lived in the UK—London more specifically. Now, in 1655, Ed authored a book of textual descriptions (meaning written theories y’all—there were no diagrams in this book) of 100 separate inventions. This book was published in 1663, and it’s said that this tome included a device called a “water commanding engine”. Thereafter, some person said this was an obvious prototype for the steam engine. Then, in 1663, someone visited Ed’s workshop, where they saw and described the “hydraulic machine which the Marquee of Worcester had invented”. Mind you, no one saw him build it, or saw him oversee its construction—regardless, this is how Ed Somerset got credit for being one of the inventors of the first steam engine.


Now, when I saw that another name for the Aeolipile was the “Hero’s Engine” and it came out of Africa, I nodded my head and thought, it figures—here’s why…

The Kemetic deity “Heru” (left), was said to be the mythological son of Ausar and Aset (Greeks call Ausar and Aset, “Osiris” and “Isis” y’all). And the name Heru, is where we get the term “Hero” from. I’m sure if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, you’ve seen one or two t-shirts with the word “SuperHeru” on it—well, this is where that’s from. And for those who wanna’ know more about the original “superhero/Heru” story that every magical and mythological hero follows, read the allegory of Ausar, Aset, and Heru sometimes—then note how this story also contains the origins of another religious superhero, “Jesus Christ”.

Now, this “hero/Heru” reference coupled with the term, “Aeolipile”, made me immediately think of Alessandro Volta’s “pile battery”. Now, you may ask yourself, what the heck does Volta’s battery have to do with the African Aeolipile? Welp, it was discovered that Volta learned how to create his pile battery, by studying the African “Djed Pillar Battery”, based on the African “Djed Pillar” symbol (right). And I’ll show you how the Djed Pillar battery works in a masterful video curated by Professor A.C.E. (African Creation Energy), that I’ve kept in my archives for several years.

So, at this point you may be thinking, okay—so what’s all this gotta’ do with the “Pythagorean Theorem”?

Well, let me show ya’…

Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who is said to have lived around 500 BC, and this man is credited with the mathematical equation known as the Pythagorean theorem. Now, this theorem expresses the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. And it basically shows where the square of the hypotenuse of the triangle (the hypotenuse is the longest side opposite the right angle y’all), is equal to the sum of the squares of the other 2 sides of the triangle (above leftand you can click on this pic to make it larger, fam). Mind you, this theorem is also called, the “47th Problem of Euclid”—cause Euclid, who lived centuries after Pythagoras, was called the “father of geometry” behind his work to solve what’s known as the ratio “3:4:5 Pythagorean triple”.

But here’s what whitey won’t tell you…

The Babylonians (ancient indigenous Black Africans), not only knew, but wrote about this theorem centuries before Pythagoras was born. The ancient artifact known as “Plimpton 322” (left), illustrates these sample “triples” named after Pythagoras. Moreover, in the book “Stolen Legacy” by G.M. James, he states that Pythagoras traveled to Egypt (Kemet) and was taught geometry by the Egyptian priests, and they were the ones who showed him the proof of the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. Meaning, good ole Pythagoras didn’t discover this theorem, so his name shouldn’t be attached to it. Moreover, it’s said that the Kemetic priests also trained Pythagoras in musical theories, while he was in Kemet (Egypt).

Now, had I been taught this in school, maybe geometry wouldn’t have seemed so dull and useless.

And I’ve said all that to say this: once you start looking at or for, the origins of any art or science, you’ll find Black men and women at its nascent stages—no matter how hard whitey tries to cover it up.

And this is but 2 examples of that.

So, to the Black men and women reading this, understand there’s no invention, skill craft, or science, that didn’t start with you. And now that you’re armed with this info., you can go to the mirror, look at yourself, and say loudly and proudly…


And mean it.


MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s the video clip I was talking about, showing our ancient ancestor’s ingenuity behind building the “Djed Pillar battery”. Fam, theres a lot of text to read in this clip, so if you wanna see a larger version of this vid, just click onto the videos “title”, and thatll take you to the live YouTube window where its currently playing. Enjoy.


Id be remiss, if I didn't show you how the “Djed Pillar” has also influenced american cinema—and if ya wanna know what Im talkin about, you can find out HERE.

Monday, July 23, 2018

(UN)Schooling 101: A guide for Black (Nationalist) parents on homeschooling children...

To the readers of this blog: I knew the white guy who probably had a relationship, or at least a long-term “fling”, with my ex, after I broke up with her. Now, at the time, I was in my mid-20’s, and he was in his 30’s, so he was more established than me, and to his credit, he was well-educated and even-tempered. Conversely, he was nerdy (he wore glasses), emotionally constipated (at least for my taste), and he was sexually-conflicted—meaning, he was “openly” bi-sexual—that means he was gay y’all (But his being white, made up for that, I guess). Now, you’re probably thinking, yeah right, he was gay *pursing lips*, you’re just angry at this guy for taking your girl—it was decades ago, man, just get over it. And to that I say, trust me, there’s a point to this that doesn’t involve how I felt about this guy being’ wit’ my ex, so keep reading.

Mind you, while our relationship was cooling off, I noticed she was spending more and more time with this guy, and I understood whatever we had, was surely coming to an end. Then, the darndest thing happened, one day my ex told me she was conversing wit’ this dude, and she’d used some type of vernacular to get a point across—and after she did, he replied, “Oh my god, you sound so Black.”

Now, regardless of how I felt about this guy, my ex was “head over heels” in love with him. So, think about what kind of psychic damage that did to her. And mind you, one thing she never mentioned while telling me this, was not talking to him again. So, I left her a short time later.

And I can already hear folks saying, once again, yeah right—you left her (pursing lips, one mo’ time *lol*). You just told us she was dating this guy while she was with you—she probably just got sick of you and bounced. Welp, my modus operandi, at least when it comes to women, is this: if a woman I’m with, sees greener pastures elsewhere, I implore her to pursue them. But, you’re not gonna’ do that while you’re with me. So, we broke up on less that amicable terms, and she left a message on my answering machine one last time, before I knew, Id never call her again.

Moving on…

A few weeks ago, the Black man who inspired me to write this blog, curated a video detailing how he was bullied in his Bronx, New York City, junior high school, and how that experience, and his dealings with Black folks in general, had him feeling like Sigourney Weaver, in the movie, “Gorillas in the mist”.

Now, let’s break this brotha’s statement, ALL THE WAY DOWN!

This middle-aged Black man is saying, he feels like a white woman, in regard to living amongst his own kind. And to top that off, he’s calling the (hostile) young Black men he dealt with, or Black males period, gorillas. This is how perverted america’s white fascist social order, has made this man’s mind. So, here’s a question: with this kind of mind-set, how could he not hate himself for being Black? Especially, Black and male.

Moreover, you should understand that this man has amassed literally thousands of followers on his YouTube channel, 99% of which, are Black men who subscribe to this same point of view.

But I’d be remiss if I didn’t say this: when I first read this man’s blog, he came off like a “pro-Black” brotha, and he seemed to have a network of peers who voiced similar sentiments. But beyond all that, his writing was so exquisitely addicting, that it had me returning to his blog not only every day, but several times a day. So long story, short, if it weren’t for this man’s work, my blog wouldn’t exist.

With that said, I wish this man could understand how conditioned he’s been to hate his own kind. And just as important, I hope he understands he wasn’t born with these feelings. I also hope someday he’ll see the reason(s) why the Black Diaspora might be exceptionally dysfunctional, is because we have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, thus, the white fascist social order called america, has programmed us to hate ourselves and one another, more than any other kind of person on the planet.

Still, the above two examples are only the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to the kinda’ psychic sickness the american status quo afflicts on Black folks. And for those who still think, what I’m saying is hyperbolic, remember, only our people, are made to believe that we’re the poorest people on earth, the ugliest people on earth, the laziest people on earth, etc. And I’m sad to say that unfortunately, I think this man is doomed to think this about himself til the day he dies—mostly ‘cause, he’ll never see or work with the problem of his self-hatred, at subconscious levels. That is, if he ever recognizes he’s got a problem.

Thus, it’s with these two examples in mind, that I finally write about a homeschooling solution to Black self-hatred.

Now, why do I say that homeschooling is a solution to the collective problem of Black self-hatred? For 3 reasons—and they are…

Reason #3: Homeschooling gives us more (physical) time with our kids, so we can more easily gauge what and who’s influencing them.

Reason#2: Black children who are home schooled and come through a nurturing academic system that caters to them, will have a greater chance of “wanting” to work with their own kind, thus the prospect of real unity for our people, can become a reality.

Reason#1: And finally, homeschooling gives Black parents a way to mold the subconscious minds of their children, in a way that’ll have them loving and not hating themselves.

So, without further ado, let’s get into the steps needed to start this most important endeavor. And let me say, I sincerely hope this post not only leads to a real first step for Black folks looking to invest in home schooling for their children, but to a first step towards the prospect of a real unity for every member of the Black Diaspora.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Now family, I thought I was gonna’ get into a bit more of a discourse as to why homeschooling is such a vital endeavor, but I think everyone reading this, gets that. So, let’s just dive right into the 3 most necessary steps needed to start homeschooling…

Step#1. First off, start with your state’s requirements.

The best way to do this, is just by googling your state and the words, “homeschooling requirements”. And understand, every state’s standards are gonna’ be different, but this will give you a list of everything needed to get you up and running.

And more than likely, this google query will pull up a link to your state’s board of education, and their list of whatever they’ll need to certify your homeschooling initiatives. And these will probably include: hours of instruction you, the homeschooler, must provide per year, how to notify the state’s school superintendent of your intention to home school, and how often you’ll need to do so, how to provide assessments of your child’s schoolwork, etc. There are also usually “pdf” files you can download, which detail everything needed when it comes to qualifying yourself as a homeschooler.


Step#2. Choose your curriculum

Now, this might be the toughest part of the process, especially if you’ve never done this before, however, there’s an entire industry totally dedicated to creating home schooling (curriculum) packages. And on the Black homeschooling side of things, if you take a look at the “National Black Home Educators” (NBHE) website, you’ll find Black-owned companies, who have educational “packets/packages” geared towards teaching our children. One such example is: Joyce Burges’s “Classification of Science”, A US History Series by Joy Hakim, Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition books, etc. And I’ll mos def leave a link to that website and others like it, at the end of this post.

Additionally, there’s free online curriculum-building resources, if none of the “box sets” are to your liking. Either way, you shouldn’t feel alone while doing this, cause there’s literally hundreds of homeschooling brothas and sistas out there, that got your back.

Step#3. Decide your daily and yearly schooling schedule.

Now, depending on what your state requirements are, you may have the option to home school year-round, or you can follow the traditional school months and years to coincide with whitey’s school system, so your children don’t feel like they’re in any way socially awkward when it comes to summertime activities with their friends.

And (another) one of the perks of home schooling is, you can be flexible about course scheduling if you need to. Meaning you can tailor make a schedule to fit your specific needs—so again, don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with any of these tasks, cause there’s a lot of help out there.

Now, I know I said I’d give ya’ 3 tips, but since I’m enjoying writing this post, let’s go for 4. And the 4th is…

Step#4. Find your network

Understand, that there’s hundreds of thousands of brothas and sistas who’re home schooling in america alone—so again, don’t feel like you have to do this all by yourself. Once more, what I’ll do at the end of this post, is provide several links to Black home school collectives, and there, you can find resources and networking partners you’ll need to better serve your children, so you can keep their (subconscious) minds outta’ whitey’s clutches.

And lastly, if you have no intention of homeschooling yourself, you can always send your child to a home schooling co-op or collective. Again, there’s one in every major city.

Additionally, the greatest perk of the Black homeschooling equation is, even if you’re a brainwashed Black man or woman, who wants nothing to do with Black men and women (Swirlrs), you should be able to understand, THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU STUPID, IT’S ABOUT OUR CHILDREN

So, if you have no intention of home schooling, or sending your child to a home school, it would still behoove you (and all of us), to at least contribute to these organizations.

Just buying or donating some pens, notebooks, crayons, bookbags, etc. could mean the difference between one of our children being taught to love themselves or hate themselves in P.S. whatever # school in your area.


Cause one thing I’m sure of right off the rip, is any Black person over 30 ain’t thinkin about, thinking about changing, when it comes to doing the work of reconditioning the subconscious mind. So, it’s up to us to switch our focus to saving the babies—cause that’s our last, best hope for creating a generation of our people, that want to unite with each other. And let me say again, that unity is the only antidote to white fascism—so let’s give our children the ammunition they’ll need to administer the lethal injection that’ll kill off this pale-skinned, degenerative disease.


—MontUHURU Mimia


*Addendum: 7/25/18 I must apologize to the family for the former video that accompanied this post. I'd only viewed three-quarters of that video, and when I viewed the latter parts, I saw that the parents, the Black father especially, was saying his son would eventually go to whitey's learning facilities at some point in his grade or secondary school career. Now, that was a classic case of whitey's bait and switch technique. Meaning, that vid was a propagandized piece of non-sense, meant to dissuade Black parents from homeschooling their children. Cause we should understand, the last thing whitey wants, is a generation of our children who aren't operating in a self-hating and self-destructive mind-set. Cause well-adjusted young Black men and women who don't hate themselves and each other, might produce "pure-bred" Black children, with the most genetic power to breed them out of existence. And whitey can't have that. So, here's a clip that better displays the advantages of homeschooling our children. Enjoy.


HERE and HERE are listings of Black homeschooling collectives, that I promised earlier in this post.


Family, I encourage you to let me know if this post was helpful in the comment section, and if you have any helpful resources to add, please leave those comments as well. I want this post to be more like a resource page, than an editorial, so your input would mos def be appreciated. Thanks.