
Sunday, September 9, 2018

The gospel of white fascism (Part 37)...Obama, O'Shea, O.J., "Incels", and the cult of beta white male massacres...


On May 23rd, 2014, in Isla Vista, California, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured 14 others before committing suicide in his car.

After killing 3 men in his apartment, Elliot drove to a sorority house and shot 3 female students outside, killing 2 of them. He then drove past a deli and shot one male student, who was eating inside, to death. Thereafter, he began speeding through the streets of Isla Vista, and proceeded to shoot several other pedestrians, while running over others with his car. Once the police were called on Rodger, he exchanged gunfire with them twice, before being shot himself. And his murderous spree only came to an end when he crashed into another vehicle. Police who approached Elliot's vehicle, found him dead of a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head.

On April 23rd, 2018, in Toronto, Canada, a man identified as Alek Minassian, drove a rented van through the busiest parts of North York City Center's business district, and ran over several pedestrians. It was reported, that he killed 10 and injured 16 others, in what was called a “vehicle-ramming attack”.

The 25-year-old Alek, was arrested uninjured, after it was reported by cops, that Minassian begged to be shot and killed by them, at the crime scene. And law enforcement officials say this incident is the deadliest vehicle-ramming attack in Canada's history.

Now, while the aforementioned incident happened on a Monday, that Tuesday, police officers identified a “Facebook post”, as one belonging to Alek. And this particular post makes reference to why he went on his vehicular killing spree. The post reads as follows: Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt. 4Chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman ELLIOT RODGER!

And mind you, this is the same Elliot Rodger, I mentioned in this post's first paragraphs.

Now, for the uninitiated, “Incels” are a growing cadre of (primarily) young (and white) men, who gave themselves this name, cause it represents who and what they are, which is “involuntarily celibate”. Meaning, these are a group of guys, who women don't wanna' have sex with.

And the philosophy of these dysfunctional (beta) males, is that women in general are superficial and vindictive to a fault, thus, they only wanna' copulate with mostly muscular men, who's looks conform more to european standard(s) of beauty. On a similar note, the Incel's theories about women, parallel those of another coterie of young men who call themselves “MGTOWs”, which stands for “Men Going Their Own Way”. Albeit, MGTOWs outnumber Incels by like 4 to 1, but the prevailing message is, a new generation of young white men, are having difficulties getting laid—so much so, they're willing to kill over it.

Fast forward to August 26th, 2018, at 1:30 pm in Jacksonville, Florida—David Katz, a 24-year-old “professional gamer”, attended a tournament where “Madden” football videogamers, nearly 150 of them, competed against each other at a venue called, “The Good Luck Have Fun” Game Bar. Now, this competition was the preliminary phase of a second tournament, which was going to take place in Las Vegas, where large cash prizes would be offered.

But after David lost to one of the other gamers, he not only refused to shake their hands, he left the Game Bar. Minutes later, returning with a gun, Dave proceeded to kill 2 gamers and wound 10 others, before turning the gun on himself, and committing suicide.

So, question: what's really eating at young white men now-a-days? Even more than their increasing inability to get laid?

Answer: Their jealousy of Black men.

Now, I can hear people saying, bruh—why the heck would any white man be jealous of Black men? Have you forgotten, whitey's at the top o' the food chain?

Welp, to list off the various reasons, I'll use the personages of 3 specific Black men (who I'll call, the 3 “Big O's”), to illustrate why white men are focusing their jealous ire on us, collectively.

BigO”#3: O'Shea Jackson (a.k.a. Ice Cube)

Now, I can almost hear people sayin', Ice Cube? Really? What the hell is wrong wit' you, bruh?

The reason I'm mentioning “Cube” here, is for years I've seen whitey (whitebois especially), copy our style culturally, while thinking, there's no real skill-set (or learning curve) whatsoever, when it comes to Hip-Hop culture. And I do mean, the entire culture, ala rap music, bombing (i.e. grafitti art/the aerosol arts), fashion, vernacular, (break)dancing, Djing, etc. And, not only does Cube provide a fine example of someone who dispels that myth, but he represents the diversified Hip-Hop entrepreneur/mogul, who embodies the ingenuity to show everyone just how wrong-headed this stereotype is.

Case in point, Cube of course, started out writing lyrics for his rap group N.W.A.—years later, he started appearing in movies like “Boys in the Hood”. After that, Cube parlayed his lyric writing skills, into the screenplay for the movie “Friday”. Mind you, Friday cost $3.5 million to make, and grossed $28 million worldwide. A coupla' years after this, Cube and Lebron James teamed up to create the TV series, “Are We There Yet?”, based on the same movie Cube wrote. He also has a clothing line (which I didn't know previously) called, “Solo”. And what sets Cube's clothes apart from others is, his imprint features “hooded” sweaters with built-in audio head-phones in the hood strings. And if that weren't enough, Cube created his own basketball league called the “BIG 3” (ironically enough), where NBA greats and players, play 3 man-on-3 man basketball tournaments.

Now, according to mr. white folks, Cube wasn't supposed to be able to do anything but rap.

And, I'd be remiss if I didn't say this: a coupla' weeks ago, I was conversing with some empty-headed whiteboi at work, who's nothing short of a knucklehead, that insists on telling anyone who'll listen, that he's a “rapper”. Now, I don't expect an idiot like him to be able to make a distinction between a “rapper” and an “emcee”, but the point is, he's pursuing this as a career 'cause he thinks there's no skill involved in it—so, he'll just use that as an excuse to make bad music. But even a jerk-off like him, sees the ingenuity of young Black men being able to take a culture literally from the “streets”, and turning it into a multi-billion dollar global business. Now, he (and every other whiteboi like him) will never admit that to us, but it's as plain as day to them.

BigO”#2: O.J. Simpson

Now, you may be thinkin', wait a minute bruh—ain't nobody jealous of O.J. If anything, whitey's pissed at him for allegedly killing his wife, and the overwhelming majority of Black folk, think he's a pathetic former celebrity. And for the record, I do get that—however, the reason whitey's jealous of O.J., is back in the day, a Black man could (and would) be killed, just for whistling at a white woman (Emmett Till). So, there's no way whitey thought any Black man who allegedly killed a blond-haired, white woman, would still be breathingon top of that, whitey never considered this same Black man, would have the money to hire a world-class lawyer (the late Johnny Cochran), who'd get him acquitted of those charges—in other words, this was NEVER SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

And for the record, once again, I understand any jealousy whitey feels towards O.J., is gonna' be tempered with an overwhelming amount of animosity, but what they'll never admit is their amazement that a rich Black man BEAT THEIR SYSTEM!

Mind you, I don't care if O.J. committed the crime or not.

But lest you think I'm just cold-hearted, let me clarify what I mean...

I don't think anyone should die like Nicole Brown Simpson did. And I wouldn't wish that kind of premature death on my worst enemy. But, anybody who does 5 minutes worth of research, will find out that Nicole kept the company of drug-dealers, drug-addicts, felons, and a general assortment of low-lives (and one day, I'll write a post about this). And these are the people who led to her grizzly demise. O.J., unfortunately, just happened to be married to this harlot. So anyone thinking that Nicole was this fragile flower of a white woman, is dead wrong.

BigO”#1: Barack Obama

Now, here's another case where whitey's jealousy will be tempered with a bitter disliking/hatred, for a Black man who in whitey's terms, was the worst president in america's history. 

Mind you, Barack Obama was not this country's first Black presidentgoogle the name "John Hanson" sometimes, and you'll see this Black man was america's first president under this country's "Articles of Confederation", before the american "Constitution" was signed.

Moreover, I had some dumb-founded rube of a white guy tell me that Obama was america's worst president. But after I reminded him of the “9-11” terrorist attack, and the financial crisis that happened under Bush Jr., the whiteboi responded by saying, “Oh yeah, right.” Then, he walked his pale ass in the other direction. And this was just one mo' case, of my shutting an anglophile up and down at the same time.

But getting back to the subject matter, in america's white fascist social order, Barack Obama shouldn't have been able to even get close to this country's highest office. And for those of you who say, he's not a “pure-bred” Black man, understand that the day Obama took office, the nazi/white nationalist website, “Stormfront”, crashed due to the overwhelming amounts of traffic going through it.

And that should say it all.

So, with that said—let's get into other reasons why these bitter whitebois are hell-bent on committing these kinds of crimes...

Now, let's use Dave Katz (the whiteboi who shot-up the “Madden” videogaming tournament), as an example. But before I do that, let's start with this—I'll never forget how one day, when I visited a friend's college campus, I saw a group of particularly effeminate looking whitebois, playing “frisbee” on a football field. Now, their actions were loaded with symbolism, but here's what stood out mostwhile they attempted to mock not only their own football team, but sports athletes in general (who the overwhelming majority of these whitebois, think are young Black men), they failed to realize, that what they were really showing, is how physically powerless they feel in comparison to the strength they see in Black men, collectively.

And this, will always have them feeling (physically and sexually) inferior to us.

But back to Dave Katz... 

Now, to the right, we see Dave posing with a professional football athlete, the Buffallo Bills' Cyrus Kouandjio (and you can click on this pic to see it better). Notice how Dave proudly holds up the sports jersey displaying the words “Madden Champ” on it. And also note how the jersey's numbers are reversed, with Cyrus' number being “71” and Dave's being “17”. whitey did this to say that “eSports” are just as rigorously physical as regular, field-played sports. Mind you, white fascists still got this wrong, cause the brotha's number being 71 and Dave's number being 17, implies that Dave is inferior. Anyway, the real reason Dave's standing with a Black pro football athlete is, he wants to be connected to the kind of physical power this brotha has—cause Dave knows he'll never have that himself. And, remember how I always stress that the gold standard of cultural currency is “Black Street Cred”—welp, that's also what Dave's tryna' get in this pic.

Mind you, when Dave shot up the 2018 Madden tournament, the first person he gunned down was a brotha named Elijah Clayton, age 22, who lived in Woodland Hills, California.


And to the Black men reading this: understand that no matter how many comic books (graphic novels included) you read, or superhero movies you watch, or video games you play, whitey still feels that society considers their kind superior to your kind. 

And in every case, to them at least, if Black men are winning in any capacity, they're LOSING IN EVERY CAPACITY!


Now, you might be an anglophilic negro who says, welp, you're only giving us the example of Dave Katz, Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassain to go by—the overwhelming majority of white people don't think like that.

Well then, consider this...

Elliot, Dave and Alek, only represent the tip of the iceberg, as far as Incels and MGTOWs go—but mind you, there's several other groups of maladjusted white guys like these, who feel it's their birthright to have the best of everything

And let me break this down even further...

Elliot, Dave and Alek, represent whitebois who've been spoon-fed white fascism their whole lives. And the edicts therein, have told them they're the cream of society—and they should always expect to not only be treated like the world's greatest resource, but they should always have access to the world's greatest resources.

And when they find themselves locked out of this ideal, it drives them crazy. That is, crazy enough to shoot up schools, movie theaters, churches, video game tournaments, etc.

To top all this off, when they see white fascists pairing brothas with white women who are exceptionally good-looking, by european standards of beauty, this really pisses them off. Cause not only do brothas have the stereotype of being well-endowed, but the fact that lames like Dave, Alek, and Elliot can't seem to get laid, means someone's gonna' have to pay, for messin' wit' whitey's “natural” order of things.

Now, add on to this fact that Black men have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, while whitey's birth rates have fallen below replacement levels, and whitebois are committing suicide in droves, and white guys are overdosing on drugs like it's going outta' style. 

And what this means is, whitey's LOSING, NOW MORE THAN EVER.

So, I've said all that to say this: Black men (especially), should always realize that white fascism is a ZERO-SUM GAME!


That's why you shouldn't be surprised when the persons with the most privileges in this society, who are too stupid to capitalize off them, resort to horrendous acts of violence to try and make up for it.

So take heed to what these troglodyte-type whitebois are showing us, Black man—and that is, whitey's starting to lose, and we're starting to win. And there ain't nothin' they can do to stop it.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That's the double truth, Ruth”.


MontUHURU Mimia


Here's a vid of Elliot Rodger expounding on reason(s) why women didn't wanna' have sex with him. And all I can say about this guy's dumb-ass diatribe is, to call him pathetic, would be an understatement. But more than anything, I want those watching to note how idiot, I mean Elliot, feels that he deserves to have women attracted to him, and how he feels that the american social order should cater to him because of his white or near whiteness. These are but a few of the deleterious effects of white fascism.

*Warning: this video details and glorifies acts of horrific violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

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