
Monday, April 22, 2019

The end of white people (Part 5)...Charlize's single-mothered charades, "CARA" cares for whites hooked on heroin, and what happens when Paris is burnin'?

“…have no fear of atomic energy, for none of them can stop the time.”

—Bob Marley

To the (consistent) readers of this blog: In my last post, I spoke about one of the Black men whose blog I followed (after a decade, this man decided to stop blogging), eluding to his feelings about my (supposed) obsession with the power(s) of white fascism—and how I’m focusing too much of my reader’s attention(s) on that power. And let me reiterate, if anyone feels that I’ve done this in the past, or ya’ think it’s what I’m doin’ now, I BESEECH you to tell me family. Anyway, over the course of the last decade, I’ve made it a point to write about several events that have spoken to the steady disintegration of white fascist forces—and, much to whitey’s displeasure, what I’ll expound on in this post are a couple o’ mo’ tell-tale signs of how the devil’s, I mean, whitey’s time IS UP!

Moreover, I have to reiterate that if you’re an indigenous Black man or woman (and mind you, ANY Black man or woman qualifies) the fact that you’re reading this means you’re among one of the lucky souls who’ve been born at a time, where you’ll have a front row seat to witness whitey’s demise (especially in regard to their institutions). And I must say, once I saw the 3 particular events I’ve singled out in this post, every sentiment I’ve written or uttered sayin’ that it was a wrap for whitey’s wrath, came even more clearly into focus. So, if you’re one of the persons who thought I’d laser-beamed your focus on the immeasurable odds we face fighting mr. white folks, let me be the first to state emphatically, that our ancestors are givin’ whitey the karmic asskickin’ he (and she) so rightly deserve.

So, let’s heed Bob Marley’s prophetic words while we sit back and watch whitey’s world unravel—and let’s savor the fact that our ancestors are unleashing a spiritual vengeance that CAN NOT AND WILL NOT be reversed.

And if ya’ don’t know, ya’ betta ask somebody.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Sign #3. Charlize Theron’s single motherhood

Charlize Theron (left) was born in Benoni, South Africa on August 7th, 1975, the only child of mother Gerda Maritz, and father, Charles Theron.

One day, on June 21st, 1991, more specifically, while growing up on her parent’s farm, Charlize’s father, an alcoholic, physically threatened both a teen-aged Charlize and her mother while drunk—this involved Charlize’s father actually firing off a gunshot at them. In response, Charlize’s mother grabbed her own gun, before she shot and killed Charles. Charlize’s mother went to trial over killing her father, but the courts ruled that her mom acted in self-defense, so she faced no charges.

Thereafter, Charlize began her school career at the Putfontein Primary School, where she confessed to not being able to “fit in”, thus, she was sent to a boarding facility at the National School of the Arts in Johannesburg—and it was there, that she began working towards a career as a ballet dancer.

Now, even though Charlize thought of herself as a dancer, at 16, she won a one-year modeling contract at a competition in Salerno, Italy. She took up the offer, and her mother moved with her to Milan. Once there, Charlize spent a year modeling throughout europe before they moved to the U.S.—landing in New York City. Charlize, with her mother in tow, enrolled into New York Citys Joffrey Ballet School. Charlize trained there, before a knee injury side-tracked her dancing ambitions. Thereafter, Charlize, now 19, flew to L.A. to pursue an acting career. During her initial months there, she went to a Hollywood Boulevard bank to cash a check her mother sent to help out with the rent. When the teller refused to cash it, Charlize engaged in a shouting match with him—while this was going on, a talent scout named John Crosby, who was waiting behind her, handed her a business card. After Charlize called John, he began introducing her to casting agents and also found her an acting school to attend. John eventually became her manager, but Charlize fired him months later for only sending her scripts for flicks similar to the movie, “Showgirls”.

Charlize then got an offer for a movie role in the 1995 horror film, “Children of the Corn 3: Urban Harvest”, which she took—and her first speaking role, was in a flick called, “2 Days in the Valley”, in 1996. Though this was a small role, a lingerie-clad Charlize got people’s attention with her prominent display on the movie’s poster. “Hot chick” roles started flooding in for her, and against her manager’s advice, she turned them down. However, her “break-out” role did come along, when she signed on for the horror flick “The Devil’s Advocate” playing alongside Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves in 1997—thereafter, she became an “A-listed” actress in Hollywood’s circles.

Okay, let’s stop here.

In 1999, Charlize was featured on the cover of “Vanity Fair” magazine, as the “white Hot Venus”—and she was also featured on “Playboy” magazine’s cover the same year. And I can vouch for the fact that she was touted as the second coming of Marilyn Monroe, with her bluish-blond looks adhering to whitey’s “aryan ideal”—and despite the fact that other actresses/models, like Anna Nicole, were supposed to fit that bill, it seemed like Charlize would be the one who could ultimately fill Marilyn’s red-heeled (stripper) shoes.

Now, fast forward to 2019.

While talking to anchors on the TV show, “Entertainment Tonight” earlier this month, Charlize declared that she’s “shockingly single”—and has been that for 10 years, and how some man needs to “…grow a pair and date her.”

With that said, let’s break down 3 points Charlize made with her statement—whether she knows it or not…

Point#1. Charlize saying that she’s “shockingly single”, speaks to her feeling that she was never supposed to be.

Like I mentioned previously, Charlize was Hollywood’s “great white hope” back in the day—cause she supposedly represented a return to european standards of beauty—and not just for movie starlets, but for the whole of humanity. And in more layman’s terms, she was supposed to reinstate the white woman’s place as the world’s prettiest female…now look at her.

Understand, when a woman has to ask men for their attention, it marks the end of their feminine and sexual appeal—so what Charlize really told every man in the world, again, whether she knows it or not, was how she’s a (desperately) dateless single mother, and thus, how she’s damaged goods. And to break it down even further, Charlize just let the world’s men know that she’s open to gratuitous sexual encounters—meaning: she’s putting men on notice that SHE’S COOL WIT’ BEING A JUMP-OFF Y’ALL!

Point#2. Charlize hasn’t resolved the childhood trauma that probably has her chasing men away.

Ultimately, Charlize suffers from the same dysfunction that Halle Berry does—meaning, both these women come from severe traumas that have almost doomed them to having unsuccessful relationships with men for the rest of their lives. Now, understand what I’m NOT saying—coming from a trauma doesn’t mean someone is damned to be without a mate for the rest of their lives—but it does mean that you must recognize and do the work to resolve the damage that trauma has done to you. Problem is, these celebrities believe they’re immune from these kinds of ailments simply ‘cause they’re “celebrated” by society.

Point#3. Charlize doesn’t realize that her childhood trauma isn’t only keeping her out of loving relationships, but it’s poised to do the same for her adopted children.

A couple of days ago, Charlize announced that the Black male child (Jackson) she adopted was “transgendered”—ya’ know why? Cause this child told her that he was a girl—at the age of 3.

Now, this is grossly neglectful on so many levels, but again, Charlize can’t see that cause she’s so mentally unstable. And mind you, this is a form of child abuse that should be grounds for Jackson to be taken away from her. But don’t think this was just happenstance—Charlize’s freemasonic handlers did this purposely, so other white people adopting young Black men will follow suit in co-opting the sexuality of young brothas, so they’ll be less threatening to mr. white folks and society-at-large. And how profoundly stupid is it to heed the advice of a 3-year-old in regards to them telling a full-grown adult, that they’re “choosing” their gender regardless of their anatomical features. Mind you, it’s been documented that Charles Manson’s mother would dress him up in girl’s clothes as a child—which goes to show you what kind of trauma this kind of “gender confusion” can cause.

*Addendum: 4/25/19—family, Im really remiss for leavin out one mo' extremely valid piece of info., relating to miss thang, I mean, Charlizeso here's a fourth point...

Point#4: Charlize (also) doesnt realize that white fascists ruined her chances at finding (a white) Mr. Right.

Understand, the reason these white celebrities made a trend outta adopting Black children from Africa, is to show they have the moral high-ground over everyone elseand to ease the inevitable karmic ass-whippin they might get from us. But whitey didnt tell ole girl Charlize that adopting Black children as a single-mother, is gonna make her less desirable to white men. Thus, like I mentioned earlier, white fascists have relegated miss thang to being a sex toy for white playboys who wanna put a celebrity notch on their belts.

Moreover, have you noticed lately that Charlize is now a brunette(left) whos dressing in more and more Black clothing? Well, whitey did this to make her more attractive to Black men. Now, you might be thinkin, hold up bruhif Charlize wanted to be more attractive to Black men, she shoulda kept the blond hair. My answer to that is: whitey knew that Charlize would be less desirable to white men with Black children in tow. Cause they know Charlize adopting these children, in the eyes of white men, makes it look like her whiteness was defiled by having sex with and producing children by a Black man—even though thats clearly not the case. So, Charlize is being used as bait for Black men. Meaning, shes mainstreaming whiteys campaign to pair up Black men and white women, with the intention of getting brothas (whove got a lower self-esteem) to create offspring that'll have less of the genetic power(s) to breed white folks outta existence. And if you wanna read about celebrity brothas with a lower self-esteem gettin wit white women, Ill leave a link for the post I wrote about the circumstances Seal met and married Heidi Klum under.

Sign#2. “CARA” and the continuing (white) “Opioid Crisis” vs. the “Rockefeller Drug laws”

On July 22nd, of 2016, President Barack Obama signed into law the “Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act” (CARA)—and this happened to be, at the time, the first major federal “addiction” legislation to come down the pike in 40 years. Also, at that time, it was the most comprehensive initiative set forth to thwart the opioid epidemic, encompassing prevention, treatment, recovery, law enforcement, criminal justice reform, and overdose reversal—moreover, this was done to the tune of $181 million dollars of taxpayers money—and this wasn’t a one-shot deal fam, cause this law allows these expenditures to be released on a “per-year-basis”. And from 2016 ‘til now, there’s been an assortment of laws aimed at limiting access to prescription pain medications that can also lead to opioid addiction.

Mind you, when we talk about “opioids”, in regard to this “epidemic”, we should call the people who indulge in these narcotics what they really are, white heroin addicts.

Now, let’s rewind back to the 1970’s, when heroin was mainly thought of as a drug almost exclusively used and abused by “Black” addicts. Now, in response to the 70’s heroin epidemic, New York Governor, Nelson Rockefeller, who was formally an advocate for drug rehabilitation, job training, and housing initiatives, suddenly decided to take a “hard-line” when it came to narcotics abuse. So, in 1973, to thwart the growing proliferation of drugs in Black neighborhoods (yeah, right), notorious Nelson created the “Rockefeller Drug Laws”, which basically doled out “mandatory” prison sentences of 15 years to life for both dealers and addicts—and this was also applicable for those caught with “small” amounts of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Mind you, it was this initiative that almost single-handedly doubled and tripled the american prison population in the 1980’s, after crack cocaine was imported into our neighborhoods by the C.I.A., I mean, came into america’s Black communities nationwide.

And behind these laws, non-violent drug offenders wound up behind bars in droves—especially in the 80’s, when these types of inmates made up 48% of the general population in america’s federal prisons.

Now, this ultimately says what?

It plainly shows the hypocrisy whitey employs when it comes to dealing with us and their own kind—mind you, what mr. and ms. charley never expected, was to wince once they felt the karmic boot up their backsides, while their kids began shooting and snorting up any drug that wasn’t nailed down. And on some level, it reinforces to white fascists that whatever dastardly campaign they forge against us, will one day come back to bite ‘em on their rear-ends. To top this off, whitey’s also committing suicide in droves, while their birth rates have fallen below replacement levels. Mind you, that’s why were seeing so many “white” rabbits in films in the last couple of decades (whitey wants his people to mate and procreate like rabbits), reference the movies: “US” (2019), “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” (2011), and “The Matrix” (1999), just to name a few.

Sign#1. Paris is “burning”

Now, I think this one’s a “no-brainer”, especially when it comes to karmic “coincidences”. On April 15th, of this year, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France went up in flames over the course of 15 hours. Mind you, this is just months after several Black churches were vandalized by arsonists in america. Moreover, Notre Dame’s church was completed in the year 1345, so not only does this structure represent a house of worship, or a tourist “landmark”, but it’s become something like an institution to Parisians, and europeans period. And the plainest way I can put this is, that fire represented the burning or disintegration of whitey’s institutions en masse. 

And peep this out…

Protests have sprung up amongst Parisian proletariats. Meaning, working-class Parisians are revolting against the economic injustices of the hundreds of millions of dollars raised to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral, as opposed to what’s being spent on the average Parisian taxpayer.

And that means what? It means that it’s not just whitey’s institutions that are being destroyed, but the very infrastructure of the white privilege(s) trickling down to the pallid Joes and Janes of the world, are being eradicated as well.

So, like I said earlier, for any Black man or woman reading this, we are watching our ancestors exercise a “comprehensive” karmic correction of massive proportions—and in more layman’s terms: THERE’S MORE O’ THESE KARMIC ASS-WHIPPINS ON THE WAY FOR wHITEY Y’ALL—AND WE GOTTA’ FRONT ROW SEAT TO WATCH!


        And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s some footage of white Parisians protesting in lieu of their white privileges.



Heres a video that I created showing (via the movie, Panther) how the CIA worked with the american mafia to fly and float drugs into the Black community. And if youd like to see a larger version of this vid, you can do that on my YouTube channel HERE.

And lastly family, The end of white people blog post series is one I havent revisited in a while—so, if youd like to see the other posts in this series, you can read em HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

And the last-last link Ill leave (lol!), is one for the post I wrote about Seal and Heidi Klum HERE.

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