
Sunday, May 26, 2019

The end of feminism (Part 5)...Ayesha Curry's controversial needs, Hannah's horrific deeds, and the acculturation of impulsively careless cruelty...(Special Memorial Day Edition)

To the (consistent) readers of this blog: Marione Anne Perrine Le Pen, better known as, “Marine” Le Pen (right), is a French politician and lawyer who serves as president of the “National Rally” Political Party, formerly known as the “National Front” since 2011 (and we’ll talk more about the name National Front later). And more than just being the front-runner for her party, she almost became France’s President, until her vote count was bested by current French President, Emmanuel Macron.

Now, what makes Marine so intriguing is the fact that she’s a political party leader, of a confederacy that’s considered “far-right” wing—so, putting that into more layman’s terms: this is a party comprised (almost) solely of “white nationalists”—you know, the same bunch that had that rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Yeah, those guys. And once again, I’m not talking about some white woman who’s been born and raised in the bayous of Alabama or Mississippi—I’m talking about one o’ those aryan, blondish-blue-eyed types coming outta’ the (supposedly) liberal, and highly cultured, country of France.

So, while Frances white women are showing their true colors (pun intended), over here in the “states”, the majority of america’s white women, voted for Donald Trump. Ya’ dig? Now, in regards to Marine Le Pen’s political party calling themselves the “National Front”, I find it interesting that state-side, one of america’s most popular white nationalist websites is called, “Stormfront”. Long story short fam, as whitey grows more desperate to keep themselves around behind the fact that they’re being effectively bred outta’ existence, they’re showing more and more of who they really are—especially the “liberal” white folks we call “Dixiecrats”, I mean, Democrats. Moreover, mr. white folks is so paranoid about their birthrates falling below replacement levels, that abortions have now been banned in Alabama. Additionally, abortion clinics nationwide are going the way of the dinosaur.

So, I’ve said that to say this, when I titled this series, “The end of feminism”, that wasn’t hyperbole, what we’re seeing more and more of is white women dropping their “liberal” facades and exposing themselves for the inbred bigots that they really are—also, we see the bigoted ideologies they’re standing for, backfiring on them—and we’ll discuss that in greater detail going over the recent Hannah Payne murder trial.

Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for a hot sec’, you know that I always preface these posts with whitey’s real agenda behind the social engineering technology we call feminism. And, while I don’t wanna’ be redundant, I gotta’ tell how this initiative got started, one mo’ time—so please, indulge me…

One day while watching a PBS documentary, a white man who looked an awful lot like George Soros (and if you don’t know who he is, google him) said he attended a party with a Rockefeller. And this man said the Rockefeller asked him a question: what do you think about “Women’s Lib”? And for those of you born after the 80’s, I’m referring to the “Women’s Liberation” movement, that eventually became the “Feminist movement”—so, to answer the Rockefeller’s question, the George Soros-looking man replied, “Well, I think it’s positive, equal pay for equal work and all…” To which the Rockefeller responded, “We funded ‘Women’s Lib’, and the reason we did was, we couldn’t tax half the population if women were staying at home and being housewives—we had to get them into the workforce to get at that revenue. On top of that, with both parents out of the home, all that would be left to raise the kids is the television—so the future generations will be easier to program.”

And in more layman’s terms, “feminism” was a TRICK PLAYED ON WHITE WOMEN Y’ALL! BY THEIR OWN MEN NO LESS!

And to Black women reading this, let me reiterate that WHITE (FASCIST) FEMINISM HAS NOTHING TO OFFER YOU! POINT BLANK, PERIOD!


So, with that said, let’s dive deeper into how this flawed and failing ideology is hurting the very gender it’s supposed to help—and, let’s see how this is directly affecting the futures of women like Ayesha Curry and Hannah Payne.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Ayesha Disa Curry-Alexander (left) was born on March 23rd, 1989, and was raised in Toronto, Canada until the age of 14, when her family moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. Ayesha’s bi-ethnic, like her mother, who’s half Jamaican and Chinese, and her father who’s half African-american and Polish—on top of this, Ayesha has four siblings, and they are: Maria, Janiece, Jaz and Chad.

Now, throughout her 20’s, Ayesha was an actress known for her work in B-movies like: “Love for Sale” (2008), “Dan’s Detour of Life” (2008), and “Underground Street Flippers” (2009). After marrying her husband, Steph Curry, who we’ll talk about later, he encouraged her to turn her passions for cooking into a career—so, with his help, she created a blog and a YouTube channel focused on food recipes and lifestyle tips. Shortly thereafter, the popularity of the two, led to Ayesha’s being recognized by the “Food Network”, and their producing her show called, “Ayesha’s Homemade”. After that, in 2016, she released a cookbook called, “The Seasoned Life” and she collaborated with chef Michael Mina, on a restaurant called, “The Mina Test Kitchen of International Smoke”. In 2017, Ayesha starred in another show on the “Food Network” called, “Ayesha’s Home Kitchen”, which featured several cameos of her husband Steph, and their kids. And lastly, on September 20th, of 2017, Ayesha became a spokesperson for “CoverGirl”.

Now, on May 7th, of this year, miss Ayesha appeared on Jada Pinkett’s show, “Red Table Talk”, and openly admitted that because she’d gained some weight behind having children, and because her husband Steph has so many sports groupies, that she’s feeling insecure to the point where she now needs “more attention” from men. But lest this editorial be taken out of context, instead of paraphrasing, let me just write exactly what miss Ayesha said—and that’s: “I have zero—and this sounds weird—but like male attention. So, then I begin to internalize it and I’m like, ‘Is there something wrong with me?’” And she continued, “I don’t want it (male attention), but it would be nice to know someone’s looking.”

Meanwhile, in Georgia state, on the date of May 9th, of this year, 21-year-old Hannah Payne (right) witnessed what she said was a hit-and-run accident, involving a Black man, 62-year-old Kenneth Harring, who allegedly hit another car, and sped off. Now, because of this, miss thang, I mean, miss Payne, trailed Kenneth’s car for a mile, before she blocked his path with her jeep, refusing to let him pass. Then miss thang got out of her car to confront Kenneth—an argument ensued, Hannah pulled a gun, and Kenneth wound up dead.

Now, if that weren’t egregious enough, it’s said that Hannah called the cops from her car, right after she blocked Kenneth’s path—and the cops told her to stay in her vehicle until they arrived, but that wasn’t in her plans. On top of that, it’s said that Hannah called the cops after she pulled the trigger saying Kenneth actually had a gun of his own, which he didn’t. Then she told the cops that the reason she shot Kenneth, was he’d hit her jeep with his car, but forensics proved the two cars never collided. Long story short, fam—Hannah, or as I call her, trailer trash Tina, had an itchy trigger finger, and went out with the intention of killing one of US.

Now, let’s stop here.

So, question: what do Ayesha and trailer trash Tina, I mean, Hannah, have in common?

Answer: they’re BOTH victims of white fascist feminism.

Now, I know people are thinkin’, bruh—are you crazy? Victims? That don’t even make sense—how the heck are these 2 victims? Especially in Tina’s, I mean, Hannah’s case?

Here’s how…

The american “Women’s Lib(eration)” movement, that eventually became feminism, embedded this (unwritten) rule into the minds of america’s women, and that rule is: It’s your ABSOLUTE right, as a female, born in america, to do WHATEVER THE HELL you wanna’ do—without suffering ANY CONSEQUENCES!

And one of the greatest examples of this was the HBO series, “Sex in the City”. On that show, we followed this coterie of adult girls who answered to no one, and basically lived their lives to shop and screw. Now, Black women followed suit when Shondra Rhimes executive produced the TV show, “Scandal”—there, you saw Olivia Dope, I mean, Pope, catering to one thing, and one thing only—her own whimsy. And sadly enough, women have based their whole lives on these shows.

Now, Tina, I mean, Hannah Payne, committed a horrifically egregious crime when she followed her whimsical feelings and pulled that trigger—which makes you wonder why, when you see her handcuffed in a courtroom, she’s got a genuinely perplexed look on her face, and you can almost hear her thinking—all I did was kill some random negro—what’s the problem? But, she’s not the only woman who’s a “murderess”—cause after what ole girl, Ayesha, said on the “Red Table Talk” show, she’s officially become a murderess too. And right now, I can hear people saying, “Now, how the heck can you say something as crazy as that? You’ve mos def crossed the line now, bruh.” Welp, I’ll tell you for a fact that Ayesha not only murdered one virtue—she’s killed off “3”—and they are…

Virtue#1. Trust

And I can still hear people saying, “Bruh, you still ain’t makin’ no sense—how the heck did Ayesha kill off some “trust”? Here’s how…when miss Ayesha got on national TV and said she wanted more “attention” from men, she was telling her husband Steph, and the whole world, that she’s not only feeling unfulfilled sexually or emotionally, but she’s telling her husband she CAN’T BE TRUSTED when he’s not around. Why? Well, put yourself in Steph’s shoes, while he’s playing an “away-game” outta’ town, he’ll probably be thinking ‘bout how his wife told everyone on national TV, that she wants more “male attention”—so how can he ever trust her to do the right thing? Especially when he’s gone. Mind you, when a married woman tells men that she’s seeking more attention from OTHER men, like I wrote about when Charlize Theron did something similar (and I’ll leave a link for that post), what the men of the world hear is: well, Ayesha must wanna’ have a tryst behind Steph’s back—or with his permission. So, Ayesha’ll definitely get more attention from men now—cause she’s sounded the tramp alarm that says: I’m a mom, who’s looking for an extramarital “fling”—HOLLA AT ME! Now, they’ll be some women who say, why can’t she just speak her truth if that’s what she’s feeling?—okay, well, let’s flip the script—what if Steph had said he needed more attention, instead of Ayesha—as a woman married to him, how would you feel?

Virtue#2. Reputation

With Ayesha’s statement of wanting more “male attention”, she knowingly or unknowingly, went from being the “stately” wife of an NBA-star, to looking like a slut-bag whore, within the span of seconds. Understand, once your “good name” is gone, it’s almost impossible to get back—and unfortunately, I think Ayesha is finding out now, how disgraceful she’s made herself look to the public.

Virtue#3. Black “FEMININITY

Ayesha made a statement once that she didn’t feel “Black enough for the Black community…”, now, let me tell you what she really meant—Ayesha was saying that she not only feels unfulfilled for marrying a Black man, but she’s saying, she wants attention from the kind of man she really wanted to marry—a white one. Understand, bi-ethic Black folks often have the “whiter than thou” curse, meaning, they believe by virtue of their bi-ethnicity, they deserve to be with someone who’s white and/or non-Black. Welp, Ayesha is understanding now (hopefully), that not only is she viewed as a Black woman but she was revered as a Black mother and wife, who was in an “ideal” Black marriage—but, all that’s gone up in smoke wit’ miss Ayesha’s dumb-founded statement. And more insidiously, she’s saying that she probably had her eyes on a few white men she wanted to marry, but none of them (she knew) had Steph’s kind of money. Poor little “mixed” girl.

Now, I know I said Ayesha killed off “3” virtues, but let’s be audacious and talk about “4”…

Virtue#4: Work ethic

I can really see folks scratching their heads now thinkin’—what? Okay, let me break this one all the way down…another way Ayesha is practicing the insipidly unrealistic mores of white feminism is thinking, she shouldn’t have to work to get men’s attention(s). Meaning, she’s mentioned several times how self-conscious she’s become about her weight, but rather than work to lose it, so men will be more attentive to her, she feels she deserves more of men’s attentions, without having to EARN IT!

So, the moral of this story—especially for “SWIRLERS” is…as a Black man or woman, if you know in your heart of hearts, you wanna’ be married to a white or “non-Black” person, and you’re not currently, JUST WORK HARDER TO ATTRACT PEOPLE OUTSIDE OUR ETHNIC GROUP—AND LEAVE “US” ALONE!!

Cause quite frankly, if you settle (in your mind) for marrying and/or dating a Black man or woman, all you’re gonna’ do is make one of us MISERABLE! And let me tell ya’, far too many SWIRLERS are guilty of this.

But the real-real moral of this story is, if you’re a Black woman you need to TAKE YOUR “FEMININITY” SERIOUSLY!!

white fascist feminism, just like good ole fashioned white fascism, wants and needs for you to be ALONE! So, white women (and their institutions) are gonna’ encourage you to embrace the tenets of hypermasculinity and hypersexuality, so wHITE WOMEN CAN CAPITIALIZE OFF THE STEREOTYPE OF BEING THE WORLD’S PRETTIEST FEMALES VIA “THEIR” EXALTED FEMININITY!

So, understand Black women, Black men are NOT KEEPING YOU FROM SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH, we’re saying, peep the game that whitey’s playin’ on you—and, it’s imperative you understand where white (fascist) feminism wants to keep you, cause believe it or not—YOUR FUTURE HAPPINESS DEPENDS ON IT!

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia


And you can read about Charlize Theron’s wanting more attention from men HERE.

And if you'd like to read the other posts in this series, you can do that HEREHEREHEREHERE, and HERE.

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