
Monday, October 14, 2019

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 46)...Tyler Perry Studios, Rupaul, childhood traumas and the Black psyche, adopting and adapting to white fascist social engineering, and contextualizing the "art of discernment"... (Special Columbus Day Edition)

To the (consistent) readers of this Blog: Yesterday morning, I was at a “7eleven” getting some coffee, and when I arrived, there were 3 white folks huddled around the store’s coffee dispensers tryna’ get their java “fix”. Mind you, the second I started walking towards them, they got tense and uneasy. Now, brothas and sistas can relate to knowing how whitey gets when there’s a group of them and one of us. That’s when they show their true colors, pun intended. So, I ignored their reticence, and went and got my coffee anyway. Needless to say, once I wandered over, they scattered. So, while I creamed my coffee with the “Pumpkin Pie Spice” flavoring I like, a lone white woman moseyed towards the coffee dispensers. But once she saw me, she hung back. So again, I just continued filling my cup. Mind you, this is in a “liberal” part of New York City, where whitey’s supposedly free of these kinds of prejudices.

Now, for a few seconds, this trailer trash Tina looked longingly at the coffees and creamers, and I could almost hear her thoughts screaming, “Damn, I wish that negro would get outta’ here.” That’s when I shook my head and said out loud, “Gotta’ love liberal white people.” A second later, I was finished and headed towards the cashier. Seeing that I was leaving, she finally made her way to the coffee dispensers and towards me. And once our eyes met, she smiled and said, “Good morning.” I said nothing and kept it movin’.

Their conceit sickens me.

And if it’s possible, I think I’m more offended by white women than their men, ‘cause white women try to pass themselves off as an oppressed minority by calling themselves “feminists”. But once they’re out of their respective collegiate enclaves, they’re the first ones to vote for Donald Trump-types. Mind you, like the stats bear out, the majority of people who voted for Don Trump were white women. So, these “white fascist” feminists are voting for the very poster-boy of patriarchal social orders. Moreover, this is the person brothas and sistas should be leery of, cause a white women’s more finessed and subtle stylings of fascism will fool us into believing that ALL white people ain’t like Don Trump. And if you think that, let me remind you…


Now, does this mean every one of them hates your guts and wants to burn a cross on your lawn? No.


Whether they realize it or not.

Now, beyond my apologizing once more for the dearth of posts here in the last couple of weeks, I must reiterate, the mission statement of this blog is to thwart OUR feelings of inferiority behind the deluged propaganda we’re targeted with telling us we’re the dumbest, ugliest, and poorest people on earth. ‘Cause that’s the message we get since we start walking. Well, at least that’s the message I got, especially in america’s (mis)educational system. And it’s in instances like the one I just mentioned where those mores of inferiority are likely to be reinforced—and if we’re not aware of what’s happening in our psyches, we’re almost helpless in our endeavors to keep us from hating ourselves and everyone who looks like us.

So, it’s with this in mind that I’d like to address, or at least give my opinions on Tyler Perry’s recent acquisition of his new film studio, which used to be a “Confederate Army” base (and I’ll tell you the real reason he keeps repeating that). But what I wanna’ speak on mostly, is what this symbolizes to us, and the perspective(s) we should keep in mind as we celebrate the success of Black men like Perry and Rupaul. So, with that said y’all, let’s go all the way in…

—MontUHURU Mimia

Emmitt Perry Jr., better known as “Tyler” Perry, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on the date of September 13th, 1969. He’s the son of Willie Maxine Perry and Emmitt Perry Sr., and Ill say straight off, I think we already know how brutally abusive Tyler’s father was towards him and his mother. So much so that at age 16, Tyler changed his name so he could distance himself from his father’s legacy of brutality. On top of this, it’s documented that after Tyler saw the movie, “Precious”, he revealed that he’d been molested by a friend’s mother at the age of 10, and how he’d been molested by 3 other men prior to that. He also found out that his father Emmett, had molested a friend of his.

Later on in life, Tyler would take a DNA test, proving that Emmett was not his biological father.

In Tyler’s early 20’s, inspired by what he’d seen on an episode of Oprah, he began journaling his feelings, and within these letters he wrote to himself were the makings of Tyler’s first on-stage play called, “I Know I’ve Been Changed”.

When Tyler first staged and performed, “I Know I Been Changed”, in 1992, it was at an Atlanta, Georgia community theater. The then 22-year-old Tyler had put all of his $12,000 lifesavings into the show, which unfortunately flopped. Several years and rewrites later, at age 28, Tyler staged the show again, and it enjoyed a successful run at Atlanta’s “House of Blues” and the citys “Fox Theater”. Tyler continued to create and stage new shows on america’s “Chitlin’ Circuit”, where he developed a devout following. And in 2005, it was this following that purchased tickets to Tyler’s movies in droves, which helped him amass $100 million in ticket sales, $30 million in video sales of his performances, and an estimated $20 million in merchandise.

With Tyler’s stage shows, he raised the $5.5 million that went into financing his first film, “Diary of a Mad Black Woman”. This movie went on to gross $50 million dollars domestically. Tyler’s next movie, an adaptation of the play, “Madea’s Family Reunion”, had it’s opening weekend on February 24-26 in 2006, and it’s box office numbers had it come in at #1 with $30.3 million. Thereafter, Tyler’s movies have become a staple of america’s cinematic experience.

Rupaul, whose original name is Rupaul Andre Charles, was born in San Diego, California, on November 17th, 1960. His mother, Ernestine “Toni” Charles, supposedly named Rupaul after the “roux” base of Gumbo, which is a staple of Creole soups and stews—which Ernestine was raised on. When his parents divorced in 1967, Ru and his 3 sisters lived with their mother.

Now, on multiple occasions Rupaul has recounted stories of growing up seeing his parents fight verbally and physically. One such incidence had Ernestine threatening to set her husband’s car on fire—and it was so serious that the local authorities were called. Rupaul recounted this moment, saying it was so traumatic that he had an out-of-body experience where he saw what was happening to him and his siblings from several feet above their house.

At age 15, Ru moved with his sister Renetta to Atlanta, where he studied the performing arts. There, he struggled as a musician and a filmmaker in the 80’s and joined the area’s underground theater scene. He was instrumental in helping to create the low-budget flick, “Star Booty”, which had an accompanying album of the same name. While in the “ATL”, Ru became a staple dancer at the “Celebrity Club” and acquired a manager named, Larry Tee. And his first national exposure came via being a background dancer in the 1989, music video for the song “Love Shack” by the “B-52’s”.

Thereafter, In the early 1990’s, Ru worked in various New York City nightclubs becoming a fixture on that scene. Appearing at the annual “Wigstock” festival in New York City, he gained national attention by being in the documentary, “Wigstock: the movie”. This would lead to a meeting with executives of the rap label “Tommy Boy” records, who produced Ru’s dance/house album, “Supermodel of the World”.

The lead single, “Supermodel (You Better Work)”, debuted in 1993, and the song’s video became a surprise hit on MTV. The song itself, peaked at number 45 on the “Billboard Hot 100”. National appearances on TV programs like “The Arsenio Hall Show” gave the song even more credibility. Recognizing Ru’s charisma and star power, he was signed to a contract for “MAC” cosmetics. A year later, VH1 offered Ru his own show, eponymously titled the “Rupaul Show”. After that show’s multi-seasoned run, In 2008, Rupaul started production of the TV program, “Rupaul’s Drag Race”—and it would go on to become a staple of VH1 and the LOGOtv networks. So much so, that Ru was once quoted as saying, “I’m the one who keeps the lights on at LOGO.”

Alright, here we go—on the 6th of this month, Tyler Perry invited many of his friends to the gala opening of his new studios in Atlanta, GA. The sprawling space sits on 330 acres which used to be a confederate army base, and it boasts replicas of the White House, schools, city streets, and everything else you’d find in a sprawling metropolis. And when I saw video footage of this, even I was impressed by its opulence and sheer size. Then I was hearing that Tyler’s studio is bigger than Disney’s and Warner Brothers combined, which made me even more enthralled. That’s when I started thinkin’—alright, what’s really being said here…and that led me to these “3” points I wanna’ make. So, without further ado, here they are…

Point#1. Tyler and his white fascist handlers are identifying him as a high-ranking freemason

Meaning, the reason Tyler’s studios sit on “330” acres of land is whitey’s letting us know that Tyler’s a “33rd” degree freemason. Which is the highest degree you can get in that fraternity. Now, there’s actually a 33 and a third degree, but that’s reserved for white families with the “bluest” bloodlines—like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.

Point#2. Adoption and Adaptation

Tyler’s white fascist handlers, and their methods of social engineering, can’t deal with the effects and/or information coming out of the “conscious” and woke” Black communities. Cause those truths are effectively disrupting the social structure that keeps us feeling inferior to whites.

Meaning, whitey needs us to believe in the lie of the “Transatlantic Slave Trade” narrative, so we’ll not only be more easily controlled, but we’ll never REJECT THIS WICKED wHITE FASCIST SOCIAL ORDER OUTRIGHT. Thus, what whitey’s doing is giving Tyler this land so we can stay in the mindset of ADOPTING AND ADAPTING TO wHITE FASCISM RATHER THAN LEAVING IT. Understand, whitey NEEDS US TO STAY ON THE MENTAL (AND PHYSICAL) PLANTATION Y’ALL!


Meaning, instead of completely rejecting white folks and their social order(s) seeing they’re intrinsically evil, like we should have during segregation, we’re once again being “baited” into believing that following whitey is ultimately what’s gonna’ save us. So, instead of concentrating on uniting amongst ourselves, we stay focused on whitey’s materialism, or better (adopting) and adapting to the model of the “white fascist confederacy” that was designed to kill us. And what better way to do that than to have one of our celebs buy some acres of land that were once owned by a confederate army (which is meant to remind us of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and that’s why Tyler keeps saying that y’all). That’s also why they keep us focused on economics. Cause what we don’t realize is concentrating on money, not only keeps us (physically and mentally) closer to white folks, but it keeps us in a permanent state of destabilized self-hatred—and again, IT KEEPS US OUT OF UNITY.

So, long story short, they gotta’ make the poisoned Kool-Aid sweeter y’all—that’s why they gave Tyler those acres—so we can more effectively BUY INTO OUR OWN DESTRUCTION.


See, what whitey don’t want you to realize is with UNITY, we can get EEERRRYTHANG else, up to and including money. Without it, we’ll never get back to the “nuclear family model that helped us thrive during the days of the “Black Wall Street”.

Point#3. Ultimately, this is “QUEER BAITING” 2.0 Y’ALL!


So, this is really a clarion call to ALL BLACK MEN who wanna’ climb america’s socio-economic ladder. Whitey’s tellin’ us that the best way to get rich in america is to be a GAY BLACK MAN! 

Now, I can almost hear people sayin’, hold up bruh, Tyler ain’t gay—he’s married to a woman and has a child. And my answer to that is, Tyler’s pal Oprah, still brings out that prop-of-a-stuntman Stedman, when she’s going out to an event. And they’ve had this “arranged” relationship goin’ on for decades. So, I don’t know if Tyler’s really married and/or, if he had a child by “artificial insemination”, or whatever—all I know is the means to this man’s success came through his PRANCING AROUND IN A DRESS, which leads me to 3 mopoints…

#1. Both Tyler and Rupaul were brought up in abusive and/or traumatizing households—and this is the common denominator for homosexuals on the whole.

#2. Because homosexuality is brought on by childhood traumas, IT IS NOT NATURAL. Meaning, NO ONE IS BORN THAT WAY! But whitey’s wants you believing in “gender confusion”, ‘cause they know a person (or persons) with an unstable or destabilized mind is easier to control. And what better way to gender confuse (or mentally destabilize) a group of people than to empower the Black man who portrays a Black woman.

#3. Now, am I saying that Black people collectively, shouldn’t be inspired or proud of Tyler for his accomplishment? HELL NO! What I’m saying is, Tyler’s accomplishment can give us inspiration, but it shouldn’t lead to indoctrination. And that means what? It means we need to use “discernment” when comparing our pride for Tyler’s accomplishments with what his studios actually symbolize in regards to OUR manhood. So, we can be proud and inspired WITHOUT REJECTING OUR MASCULINITY. Moreover, this should show us just how VALUABLE OUR MANHOOD IS. And to break this down even further, we should understand that this studio symbolizes whitey’s endgame for us, which is his need to get rid of OUR ABILITY TO REPRODUCE OURSELVES. See, being that Black men have the most genetic power to breed mr. white folks outta’ existence, which is happening right now, the last thing whitey wants us to do is BRING MORE “PURE BRED” AND HIGHLY MELANATED CHILDREN INTO THIS WORLD. Cause if the majority of america’s Black men are gay, they’ll be less of us to contend with.


And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia

Here's an interview and overview of Tyler's new Atlanta movie studio.


  1. I pray that he come out from upon they've gentiles and be separate. It going to br hard giving up that money, but will be worth it for eternal salvation from hellfire

    1. "Unknown"…

      Tyler’s been bought and sold a long time ago, so there’s no hope for his “salvation”, especially when it comes to ending the agenda to emasculate Black men.

      Moreover, I probably mentioned this somewhere in the post, but “Medea” is a greek play which involves the main character of Medea killing off her sons as revenge for her husband going off and wedding another woman. Conversely, Tyler’s “Madea” (note the “mad” in the name), was crafted by him and white fascists to mainstream the agenda of killing off Black masculinity.

      Thus, Tyler serves as an example of why the Black Diaspora should strive for UNITY, and not necessarily “individual” wealth, ‘cause with unity, we can (collectively) get every other resource. Individual wealth only yields a further allegiance to the white fascist status quo which is engineered to destroy us.

      Thanks for commenting!
