
Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 59)...

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 59)—Nicki Minaj and the beauty of "controlled opposition", one mo' iteration of the Hegelian Dialect, Don Corleone's maxim, and tips on reversing (a global) psychology...

“...keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”

—Don Corleone, from the movie, "Godfather 2"

"Whoever said that (above) didn't have many enemies."

-King Stannis Baratheon, from HBO's "Game of Thrones"

“In order to truly win a game you have to control both teams.”

-David Icke

Onika Tanya Maraj, better known by her stage name, “Nicki Minaj”, was born on December 8th, 1982 in the Saint James area of Trinidad and Tobago. Nicki’s father, Robert Maraj, was a financial executive and a part-time gospel singer. Her mother, Carol Maraj, worked in finance as a payroll accountant and also had a gospel singing background. Nicki’s father was an alcoholic and a drug addict with a violent temper, who burned down the family’s home in December of 1987. Thus, Nicki’s mother left Robert, while placing Nicki, along with her brothers and sister, to grow up in their grandmother’s house with 11 other cousins.

At the age of 24, Nicki’s mother got her green card and moved to an apartment in the Bronx, in New York City, and eventually moved her children in with her, before getting a home on 147th Street in Jamaica, Queens, New York. Nicki is reported as saying, “I don’t think I had a lot of discipline in my household. My mom motivated me, but it wasn’t a strict household. I kind of wanted a strict household.”

As a teenager, Nicki successfully auditioned for the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts, this is the “Fame” movie school y’all, in New York City. After Nicki graduated, she was set on becoming an actress and was cast in the Off-Broadway play, “In Case You Forgot” in 2001. At age 19, while being a struggling actress, Nicki waited tables at Red Lobster in the Bronx, but was fired for being “discourteous” to a customer. Nicki later confessed to being fired from at least 15 other jobs for similar reasons. However, this was the time when she realized she had a gift for “emceeing”.

After Nicki’s emceeing style quickly gained her some attention in the music industry, she was signed to a rap group called, “Full Force”, and in 2004, Nicki acquired a manager by the name of Debra Antney. They shopped Nicki’s demos around, until a man named “Fendi”, who was the CEO of Brooklyn, New York’s “Dirty Money Entertainment” signed Nicki to an 180-day contract. Originally, Nicki went by the stage name, Nicki “Maraj”—which represented her last name, but Fendi renamed her, Nicki “Minaj”, ‘cause he said her emceeing “flow” was so "nasty".

Nicki released her first mixtape, “Playtime is Over”, on July 5th, 2007, and her second, “Sucka Free”, on April 12th, 2008. Her third mixtape, “Beam Me Up Scotty”, was released on April 18th, 2009, and the single, “I Get Crazy”, gained her industry-wide attention reaching the number “20” spot on the “Billboard Hot Rap Songs” chart. The single also caught the attention of the rap-star “Lil’ Wayne”, and the same year is when he signed her to his “Young Money Entertainment” label—and this is where Nicki got her first tastes of national and international success.

The “Hegelian Dialectic” is an interpretive method where the contradiction between a proposition (thesis) and its “antithesis” is resolved at a higher level of truth (synthesis). Now, I like to break this concept down into “3” parts y’all—meaning, a lot of people use the phrase, “problem, reaction, solution”, to explain this technique of social engineering. So, at this point, you might be asking yourself, what could this possibly have to do with Nicki Minaj? Welp fam, to show you the intersectionality between the two, let’s deep dive into the main part o’ this post…

On September 13th @ 5:44 pm, Nicki tweeted she’s not gonna’ get the “vaxx” ‘cause her cousin knows another young man in Trinidad who got it, and shortly thereafter, his testicles became swollen and he became impotent. She also said, her cousin’s friend was about to get married, but when this young man’s female fiancé found out he'd become impotent, she called off the wedding. Mind you, social media has facetiously called this incidence “BallGate”—but beyond the comedic aspects of this imbroglio, I wantcha’ to pay attention to the date and time of this “tweet” (mind you, I just looked at the clock and it’s reading 4:44pm—so, the universe/Netcheru approve of this message, lol!)

If we look at the numbers associated with Nicki’s tweet, namely 13 and 5:44, and if we focus on the number “44” for a sec’, we’ll not only see how this is one of the freemasonic “master numbers”, but its numerological “meaning” in freemasonry is one of a “master HEALER”. Meaning, this is what America’s medical industry is tryina’ pass themselves off as in regards to this “vaccination” campaign. Also, in regards to 5:44, we’ll see how 5+4+4=13, and how this tweet was published on the 13th, so we’re looking at a mirror number of “13 and 13”. Mind you, according to the numerology of “Tarot” cards, the 13:13 number represents DEATH—or, the end of a cycle. Now, if we add the two 13’s, we get 26, and in numerology, this means a person (or persons) deepest desires will be answered—basically, this number is associated with “success”.

So, this means what fam? It means, Nicki’s performing a ritual by sending the aforementioned tweet, so her freemasonic handlers who control America’s medical industry, will be successful in their massive “sterilization”/vaccination campaign. Thus, Nicki is playing the part of white fascism’s “controlled opposition”. Also, the reason Nicki included the story of her cousin’s male friend becoming impotent by getting the vaxx, is ‘cause white fascists understand how Black men of the “woke” and “Black Conscious Community” know this is what’s actually going on, which is why WE have a vaxx “hesitancy”. 

Now, I can imagine folks reading this saying, bruh, I was wit’ you in terms of your other breakdowns of numerology and all—but right now, you’re just reaching for stuff man. Welp fam, lemme break down the rest of this “pLandemic” event, ‘cause there’s other parts (and numbers) to it…

Now, besides the Trinidadian Health Minister, Terrence Deyalsingh, American disease “expert” Dr. Tony Fauci, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, along with his Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, wholly denouncing Nicki’s claims about the “vaxx”, Nicki says she’s been invited to the White House, to talk to officials about this vaccination program. So, essentially, Nicki’s gonna’ go get "educated" by some government officials in regards to the “jabs”. Mind you, this is meant to symbolize the conditioning we get in America’s “educational system”.

Topping this off, I watched the journalist Joy Reid on MSNBC talk about how ludicrous Nicki’s claims were, and how irresponsible she’s being behind her published “tweet”. Mind you, when I did some more research, I found out, both Nicki and Joy Reid were born on “December 8th”. Coincidence? Hmmmm… So fam, this not only shows us Nicki is being compliant in her role as “controlled opposition”, but Joy Reid, is the “controlled opposition” to Nicki’s “controlled opposition”.

Now fam, in regards to these dates and numbers, what I DON’T want you to do is take my word for ANY of this—PLEASE, DO THE RESEARCH AND CHECK THIS OUT FOR YOURSELF!

Also, a couple of days ago, Nicki was quoted as saying, she will get the vaxx to tour. Meaning, this was just a trick to convince more of us, to get the jab(s).

So, I’ve said all this to say, this is one mo' CLASSIC example of how the “Hegelian Dialectic” works within its 3 fold frame of "problem, reaction, solution"—and we can look at it like this: 1. The problem, is the “Woke” and “Black Conscious Community”, especially the younger factions of said community, getting wiser to the fact of this vaxx being nothing more than a massive sterilization campaign. 2. The reaction is, the white fascist focus on their freemasonic “flunkie” Nicki, who pretends to be on the side of the young “Woke” folks, until she sees, or talks to government officials who “educate” her about the vaxx. 3. Thus, the solution is, Nicki has a change of heart and gets the jabs behind being “educated” and influences a large swath of young Black folks with a vaxx hesitancy to do the same.

Family, master chess players are always thinking two or three steps ahead of their current move, and we have to adopt this kind of prescience, especially in these days when mr. whitefolks understands he'll have to pull out ALL THE STOPS in order to keep himself from being bred outta’ existence.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “…and that’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia

Fam, here’s MSNBC’s Joy Reid talking about Nicki’s tweet.

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