
Monday, May 30, 2022

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 65)...

 The Gospel of white fascism (Part 65)…The Uvalde Texas shooting, the Kyle Rittenhouse effect, and rumors of a second American Civil War, The white fascist agenda to alienate Black women, and reflections on Darreon Parker-Bell and the traitorous terms of the Black matriarchy…Special Memorial Day Edition

"The war in the Ukraine stopped for 3 minutes after (Will Smith slapped Chris Rock)."

--Dave Chappelle

"Genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger."

--Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health

“As a group, Black men have proven to be hard targets, and you can’t win a race war by attacking the odd Black man here, or a solitary Black man over there, you need to be able to carry out full frontal assaults…”

--Professor Black Truth

Part 1.

The white fascist agenda to alienate Black women

“N26” is an online bank founded in Munich, Germany in 2013. The company was originally a financial technology startup, and its founders got the idea for the company’s name from the 26 smaller cubes in a “Rubik’s Cube”. Now, in April of 2015, N26 received ten million dollars in a “series A round” of venture capitalist funding from the company Valar Ventures, which was co-founded by Peter Thiel, who is also PayPal’s co-founder.

Now, how I originally found out about this company was by seeing the above advertisement. Mind you, what I saw more than the elements of the ad, was its REAL message. So lemme go in real quick, ‘cause there’s a lot of ground to cover here. Now fam’, what do you notice most about this ad? Well, if you’re like me, it’s the faux “Astronaut’s helmet” the sistas wearing—even if it looks more like a small aquarium. Now question, why would N26’s marketing team use this for their ad? ‘Cause it shows their primary target and agenda—which I'll break down wit’ these “3” points…

Point#1.The white fascists who funded this enterprise are using the “spaceman's helmet” as a way of signaling their intentions to “alienate” the Black woman from the world’s population of men—and they’re gonna’ do this by keeping the Black woman obese, oversexed, and looking hyper masculine. Now, before you think I been sippin’ on any kind o’ spirits, I wantcha’ to check out the triptych of pics above. I saw the first pic to left on the side of a building, and this fam' is an ad for an exfoliating cream. Now, the first thing you’ll notice are this particular sista’s fat rolls on full display, before you’ll see how she’s not only a sista, but a darker-skinned female. This Black woman is basically a Lizzo look-a-like, but let’s go even deeper into the sublime message of this pic. Essentially fam’, whitey’s using this woman to make it abundantly clear how a Black woman’s beauty will never equate to a white woman’s in any way, shape, or form--especially by European standards.

Mind you, if you’re a “bi-ethnic” looking Black woman, this applies to you too, which is why you have the middle pic of the tan-colored Black girl in another one of N26's "space helmets". Now, the last pic is one of the “actress”, and I use this term lightly, Zoe Kravitz. In this pic, we see Zoe wit’ a peach (representing a woman’s hind-parts) in her mouth, looking like a slaughtered and cooked animal ready to be served. Now, this pic's saying, regardless of skin-color, Black women are gonna’ be sexualized prey for the carnal appetites of white and non-Black men.

Point#2. In numerological terms, if you look at the N26 logo on the first ad, you’ll notice the “26” is right by the sista’s helmet. Now, the 2 plus the 6 equals “8”, which is the number of infinity—and this is how long white fascists plan to run this agenda. Also, the letter “N” is the 14th letter of the alphabet. Now, 14+8=22, and “22” just happens to be the number of a “master building” freemason.

Point#3. To the right of the helmet-wearing sista in the first ad, are the words “Loved for Transparency”. Now, this is supposed to speak to this bank’s policy of not having any “hidden fees”, but what it’s really saying is, white fascists understand how effective their brainwashing techniques have been on Black women and how they've socially-engineered sistas to the point where they know exactly how they're going to react to certain stimuli. Case in point, if you look at the sista’s hair underneath the helmet, you’ll see it’s dyed blonde--now white fascist “MK Ultra handlers” use blonde hair to signal to their peers how their programming has worked on a “subject”. A real life example of this was Kanye West after his hospitalization in 2016 for a “nervous breakdown” (above right pic). Once "Ye" finished his handler’s “treatments” to stop him from having another episode where he might reveal some trade secrets, whitey dyed his hair blonde to signal to other freemasonic handlers how the programming had been successful.

Now, in accordance with whitey’s brainwashing techniques, Black women have been acting in some rather predictable ways in regards to these “psy-op” shootings, and I’ll connect these concepts in "Part 3" of this post—but until then, let’s get into…

Part 2.

The Uvalde Texas shooting, the Kyle Rittenhouse effect, and rumors of a second American Civil War

Family, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know about the Robb Elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, committed by 18 year old Salvador Ramos on May 24th. Now, this happened almost a week after the Buffalo, New York shooting, which was also committed by another 18 year old, Peyton Gendron. Mind you, all of these mass shootings have culminated into what’s being called the “Rittenhouse effect”, which refers of course to Kyle Rittenhouse, who gunned down two people and was cleared of all charges in nothing less than a “Kangaroo court” with a white racist judge at its helm.

Hence, what’s being promoted now, are rumors of a second American Civil War—‘cause according to news media, white racists are on a rampage which will ultimately lead to a full-fledged bloody revolution harkening back to the late 1800’s. Now, what Black folks need to understand is, this is just one mo’ fear-inducing campaign whitey’s inflicting on OUR communities. ‘Cause I can tell you unhesitatingly people, another Civil War AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!   Moreover, if you wanna’ know why I’m so sure of this, I’m gonna’ give you not one, but “3” reasons why whitey DON’T WANT THIS SMOKE! So, let’s start wit’…


The Gullah Wars

Family, the “Gullah Wars” were a series of revolutionary battles which took place from 1739 to 1858—this is more than 100 years of warfare we’re not told about in America’s “miseducational” system y’all. First off, less than 6% of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (TST) took place in America—most of the ravages of the TST took place in tropical islands like Haiti, Jamaica, the Virgin Islands, etc. Now, whatever kind of oppression whitey tried to impose on us got shut down via the Gullah Wars which included the revolutionary battles of the “Stono Rebellion” (1739), “The Battle of the Horseshoe Bend” (1814), “The Battle of Negro Fort” (1816), “The Battle of Suwanee” (1818), “The Denmark Vesey Conspiracy” (1822), “The Dade Massacre” (1835), “The Battle of Withlacoohee River” (1835), and “The Battle of Okeecobee” (1837). 

Long story short y’all, Indigenous Black Americans were beating the bricks off southern white boys who tried to impose whatever kind of tyrannies they thought they could hold over us. Mind you, the aforementioned battles weren't only how we fought whitey off, but it's how we liberated ourselves from slavery. Mind you, white northerners saw what we were doing to their southern brethren and thought, if we don’t get those brothas on our side, we might have to fight ‘em. Which is why they offered us tangibles in exchange for our helping them to neutralize southern armies--and this brings me to my next reason, which is…


The American Civil War

Now fam’, on January 1st, of 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which was SUPPOSE to free enslaved Black people. Problem was, the southern slave owning states declared themselves sovereign territories, so they just flat out ignored it.  Mind you, in August of 1862, stinkin’ Lincoln wrote a letter to Horace Greeley where he states, if I could save the union without freeing any slave, I would do it. Meaning, his whole focus was on saving the union, Black slaves be damned. Also, white troops in the north were being routinely defeated in battle, which is another reason why they solicited help from Black men—and after Indigenous Black men, or FBA’s, joined in the battle, we WON THE WAR FOR THE NORTH. Contrary to the bogus narratives you saw in movies like “Glory”, we overcame whatever obstacles were presented to us and we kicked A$$. Which leads me to my final reason, this one being…


2021's United States Capitol Building Riot

Fam’, I think we all remember the day Don Trump’s minions stormed D.C.’s Capitol Building a year ago. Now, mr. whitefolks had every stripe of racist inbred out there breaking windows, knocking down doors, and looting Congressional offices. These pale-skinned degenerates had literally hundreds of 4-chan followers, Klansmen, and an assortment of armed white militias wading in on the very government which works for them more than any other kind of person in this country.

So, why am I saying this is one of the reasons there won’t be a REAL race war? ‘Cause whitey could o’ just as easily used those cowardly coteries to come into Black neighborhoods and start one. Meaning, if jethro and ‘em really wanted to kick off a full-frontal assault, and throw a gauntlet down to make a real declaration of all-out war, they would o’ done it right then. Instead, what they did was TURN ON THEMSELVES, SO THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO FIGHT US! Which is yet another reason I know white fascism is DOOMED—‘cause what they REALLY showed us was white racism and fascism CANNIBALIZING ITSELF-thus, we should be better able to see how the days of whitey's rule are numbered.

This said, let's get into the final part o’ this post which’ll be…

Part 3.

Darreon Parker-Bell and the traitorous terms of the Black matriarchy

In March of this year, a 23 year-old brotha, Darreon Parker-Bell (left), went into the Milwaukee police precinct’s “District Five Station” and opened fire on the cops inside. Darreon was avenging the death of his friend, Keishon D. Thomas, who died in police custody at this very same police precinct. After Darreon opened fire in the precinct, he was shot and injured. He was later taken to the hospital before he too was taken into police custody.

Now, you may be asking, bruh, why are you writing about this? It’s ‘cause just the other day, I was in a chatroom hosted by the “Shrine of Ma’at”--and this is a “Kemetic” priesthood which is officiated by a brotha named Jabari Osaze. So, in one instance, a sista in this chatroom asked in reference to the Buffalo shooting, why aren’t we retaliating? To which I replied, the next Chris Dorner is coming soon, trust me. She retorted, “Well, I’m waiting.” Now, this happened before I knew about the aforementioned story of brotha Darreon Parker-Bell.

Mind you, there’s another story I recently heard involving a brotha named James Shaw Jr. (right), and how in 2018, another inbred shooter with a high-powered rifle came into a Waffle House restaurant in Tennessee and opened fire. When this inbred stopped to reload, Shaw wrestled the gun outta’ this whiteboi’s hands and disarmed him. After James subdued the cracka, the police came and put the miscreant inbred in jail. These are the stories Indigenous Black Americans, or FBA’s, don’t hear about fam'. Yet, Black women are constantly talking about how cowardly Black men are. Moreover, for decades I’ve heard Black women talking about how Black men are lazy, under-educated, oversexed, genetically predisposed to cheat more than any other kind of man, how we’re not “intellectually stimulating”, and how we don’t make good leaders—but when the racist white men these modern-day Black women love start killing them, all of sudden they're looking at Black men and asking, why aren’t you protecting us?

Now, you may be thinkin’, bruh, there’s no way you can say modern-day Black women love “racist” white men—moreover, what in the world would Black women and racist white men have in common? Answer: they both hate Black men. Moreover, if you think I’m lying about Black women’s romantic fantasies involving racist white men, there's a whole genre of romance novels dedicated to this very dynamic. For example, I found a novel on Amazon, titled “The Slave Master’s Son”, written by a Black woman, and the storyline is one where a white slave master's son falls in love with his slave mistress--kinda' reminds you of the TV show "Scandal", don't it? 

Topping this off, if there’s a flaw in a particular whiteboi Black women are dating, they’ll find a way to blame this on Black men. Case in point, Travis Kelce, who’s a white male athlete playing for the NFL, recently broke up with his Black woman friend, Kayla Nicole, ‘cause Kayla’s claiming she had to pay for everything and she says Travis only gave her $100 during the course of their five year relationship. Mind you, it doesn’t stop there—Kayla also said, the reason Travis was so cheap is because he’s copying the Black men who always treat women this way. So, even bedwenches who’re dating penny-pinching white men are blaming their flaws on brothas. 

Now, herein lies the ingenuity of what Kevin Samuels was teaching Black men. He let Black men know, if we endeavor to get into relationships with Black women, we’d be the ones settling, not them, and he also let us know this jewel-laden axiom: Black men don’t need the modern-day Black woman to defeat white fascism or racism. Moreover, he let us know, the modern-day Black woman can't help us defeat white fascism ‘cause she’s too busy trying to find a comfortable place in it for herself. This is why Kevin’s likeness adorns this post and it’s why Black men should realize, we need to unite amongst ourselves to defeat the tyrannical monster of white fascism—and we must ALSO realize, with our dominant genetics, we can take any other kind of woman and still recreate a Black race where we can build strong, functional, and upwardly-mobile families.  

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

Family, I think the best way to end this post and examine the point of Black women’s cognitive dissonance when it comes to how they denigrate Black men and also want us to protect them, is this conversation Kevin had with a Black female therapist. I want you to pay particularly close attention to how he masterfully breaks down her arguments to get at the truth. Lastly, in regards to Kevin's recent passing, I want to say...RISE IN PEACE AND POWER TO THE KING/NAGA/NEGUS KEVIN SAMUELS!

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