
Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 67)...

 The Gospel of white fascism (Part 67)…DL Hughley, Monique, and Ayesha Curry, the rotted “Roots” of the “Juneteenth” fallacy, the Black woman’s “bet” and how it continually messes up singles “mixers”, and MontUHURU’s message to Black men about “confidence” and “discernment”…

“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way, the social and political equality of the white and Black races…”

--Abraham Lincoln, during his debates with Senator Stephen Douglas, on September 18th, of 1858

“With confidence you have won before you started.”

--Marcus Garvey

“The gender war is over. It’s now time for the Black woman to come to the Black man’s table, and to show us why we should consider taking them back.”

--Kevin Samuels

“So who taught you to front and flaunt your grip, you can’t buy no relationship, you ‘PLAYED YOURSELF’…”

--Ice-T, from his song, “You Played Yourself”

“I don’t care what Tyrone thinks…”

--Black female YouTuber

Part 1.

The “rotted” Roots of the “Juneteenth” fallacy

Family, expand this  video to "full screen" and watch it...

Now family, here’s why I was beyond pissed when I saw this cartoon. For anyone above the age of forty, you’ll recognize the melody of this particular vid as a direct copy of the “School House Rock” episode called, “I’m Just A Bill.” Conversely, for those of you under thirty, who don’t know what I’m talking about, School House Rock was part of the American “miseducational” system’s “Afterschool Special” and Saturday morning cartoon line-ups, which were created to teach young people whitey’s version of revisionist “his-story”.

So, to make this a bit more palatable to the “Hip-Hop” generation, the ABC network used “The Roots” rap band to present chez whitey’s nonsensical retelling of what “Juneteenth” is supposed to represent. Now, for those of you who read this blog on a regular basis, I need to apologize before I once again tell you how Black people freed themselves from the tyrannies of American fascism in the forms of chattel and indentured slavery.

First off, less than 6% of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (TST) came to America. Meaning, the majority of the TST took place in the Caribbean islands—places like Jamaica, Haiti, the Bahamas, and such. Now, what whitey will never tell US about are the 100 plus years of warfare brothas waged in America called “The Gullah Wars” which took place from 1739 to 1858. Mind you, these wars got their name from the Black population of “Gullah/Geechee” brothas in the swamps of the American South. Now, when I made the above comment beneath the vid’ I just showed y’all on YouTube, someone replied and stated how we were “hiding out” down in the Florida swamps. Then I had to correct them and say, we weren’t hiding down there, we were waging what mr. whitefolks calls “rural” or “guerilla” warfare, which is how we beat the bricks off them southern whitebois.  Moreover, whatever kind of oppression whitey tried to impose on us got shut down via the revolutionary battles of these wars, which included: the “Stono Rebellion” (1739), “The Battle of the Horseshoe Bend” (1814), “The Battle of Negro Fort” (1816), “The Battle of Suwanee” (1818), “The Denmark Vesey Conspiracy” (1822), “The Dade Massacre” (1835), “The Battle of Withlacoohee River” (1835), and “The Battle of Okeecobee” (1837). 

Now, even in this crap video, you’ll see a montage where a kid asks, “If the Emancipation Proclamation was passed in 1863, why weren’t you freed until 1865?” Then a cartoon Questlove says, “Well it took 2 years for the Civil War to end.” Now, lemme tell y’all what really happened fam’. Abe Lincoln DIDN"T free any Black slaves ‘cause southern slave-owning states told him, we’re sovereign territories, so not only don’t we recognize your “proclamation”, but we’re gonna’ keep doin’ what we’ve been doing before we got it. Topping this off, white northerners were gettin’ their butts kicked by the south. In the midst of this, a couple of them northern whitebois saw how Black men were kickin’ mudholes in the butts of Opie and ‘em on southern battlefields. They then asked Black men to fight alongside them, we agreed, and shortly after is when BLACK MEN WON THE WAR FOR THE NORTH, WHICH ENDED THE “CIVIL WAR”! No white man in a boat came and told us we were free, like you see in this dumb-a$$ cartoon, we freed ourselves AND the northern inbreds.

So I've said all this to say, here’s what “Juneteenth” really symbolizes fam’: “Juneteenth” is a “psy-op” meant to keep Black Americans thinking white folks freed us, ‘cause we were too cowardly to free ourselves. Period. Now, with this outta' the way, let's get down to the main part o' this post, which'll be in...

Part 2.

The "Black woman’s bet” and how it continually messes up singles “mixers

Fam', expand this vid' to "full screen" too, and check it out...

Now, for the uninitiated, this is a clip from a Houston, Texas “Black Love mixer”, and the woman wearing a grimace in the vid’, is the sista who shot this particular clip--which went viral by the way. She showed up to said mixer, and noticed there were only Black women there, and no Black men. Now, there are levels to this narrative beyond what we see on the surface, so I wanna’ break those down real quick, but before I do, lemme speak on an ancillary incident dealing with Black male and female relationships which is congruent to this one…

On May 28
th, of this year, DL Hughley and Monique (right) played Chicago’s Fox Theater and judging by the video footage of the show, the crowd was electrified and ready to receive the two with open arms. Now, what went awry, according to Monique, was the order of the performances, meaning, Mo’ said she was slated to “headline”, thus she should’ve went on last. Feeling slighted, she proceeded to deliver an excoriating tirade about why she wasn't headlining, the show’s contract, and why she couldn't stand her co-worker, DL Hughley. Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, I’m sure you already know about this—meaning, you've already seen how vulgar and explicit Mo’s dissertation was. The way she stomped across the stage with her 200 plus-pound frame, reminded me of a linebacker from a local football team, and she didn’t fail to tell the audience how she figured DL’s initials stood for his being on the “down low” sexually. This said, lemme now get back to what I wanted to say about the Houston “mixer”…

So, before I talked about Monique and DL, I said there were “levels” to the meanings of what went down at the Houston mixer, in terms of Black male and female relationships, so lemme break these down here, starting with…



Now, originally, the woman who shot this video, who goes by the name of “dannyd2cute”, posted the clip with the intention of showing Black women how they couldn’t trust Black men for anything, up to and including, showing up for a social “mixer”. What she didn’t realize was, in her attempts to shame and discredit Black men, she was making Black women look like the world's least desirable type of female. Her video was basically saying, neither Black men specifically, nor men in general, wanted to be around Black women, period—even if there’s a chance at being sexually intimate with them. Mind you, the majority of the Black women attending this mixer were overweight and nearly obese, like Monique, and just like her, they refused to see how they might have contributed to the problem which led to what was happening.  


Discrediting Black men

So, once this clip started its viral spread, Black women started rationalizing why Black men weren’t showing up by saying, Black men are either broke or gay. Just like what Monique said about DL Hughley. Meaning, when Mo' couldn't get her way, or didn't understand what was going on, she resorted to being foul-mouthed and disrespectful. This also led to Black women at the mixer saying they should’ve held a “swirling” event instead.


Black men’s arrivals

When Black men did arrive, Black women immediately showed pics and clips of them at the mixer to prove the narrative of Black men not showing up, the narrative they created, wrong. Mind you, they didn’t bother explaining how we were showing up to the mixer, in spite of them thinking we're all broke and gay. Mind you, when it was all said and done, there were maybe 15 to 20 Black men there, surrounded by what looked like 100 Black women—but they still called this a success. So, much like Monique, these women never got around to doing any kind of self-reflection to analyze what this event was really telling them. Which is, their abrasive, combative, argumentative, and disrespectful attitudes towards Black men, were making them undesirable to not only Black men, but men overall. Now, with this said, let’s delve into another aspect of this maladjusted mixer, by moving on to...

 Part 3.

MontUHURU’s message to Black men about “confidence” and “discernment

Lastly, watch this y'all...

Now fam’, this is a response video from a brotha attempting to answer the question of why Black men, or very little numbers of Black men, showed up at the Houston mixer. So, right off the bat, I wanna’ tell you why I find this video so disturbing. As men, we have a moral imperative to attain personal and political power—and as Black men specifically, we can’t do this if we’re explaining to people who don’t like us, why we don't wanna' be around them. Now, what this brotha’s really looking for is not a feminine Black woman, but sympathy (or “Simp”-athy) from Black women. This said, I wantcha’ to notice some o’ this guy’s traits--which are, he's overweight, he’s doesn’t pay much attention to how he looks, and he’s hypersensitive. Meaning, not only isn’t he going to have much success with women, Black or otherwise, but these traits will stop him from being successful in other parts of his life as well.

Now, lemme tell ya’ what I’m NOT saying about this man, or Black men in general. I’m not saying there’s no place for Black men to be emotionally vulnerable—especially when it comes to people we love. What I’m also not saying is Black men don’t have interior lives, or we don’t feel like other humans do. I’m saying, we can’t gain personal or political power and fight white fascism and racism, if we’re trying to figure out why Black women have all this animosity towards us. At some point Black men are gonna’ have to acknowledge and accept the fact of modern-day Black women, the majority of them anyway, wanting NOTHING TO DO WITH US! GET OVER IT! Moreover, what Black men need to realize is, the behaviors Black women exhibit around us don’t qualify as garden-variety "rejection", the more accurate category they'd fall under is DISRESPECT. PERIOD. When a group of Black women, or any group of women, go out of their way to tell us and the world, how Black men are lazy, ignorant, oversexed, broke, predisposed to cheat more than any other kind of man, gratuitously abusive, and gay, these women are being DISRESPECTFUL TO US! AGAIN, THESE BEHAVIORS DON'T FALL UNDER THE UMBRELLA OF ORDINARY “DATING” REJECTION.

Meaning, what the overwhelming majority of Black women are telling Black men with their actions is, go find a white, latin, or asian woman to be with, and leave us the hell alone. Now, being a Black man, I understand the majority of us want to be with Black women, or we feel an obligation to be with them—contrary to stereotypes--but collectively, we need to understand how the majority of Black women are so conditioned to hate Black men, they’ll never have a successful relationship with one—EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO!

Additionally, when you see this chagrined and depressed looking brotha in the video, you should realize, this is what happens to a Black man who goes on a “needle-in-a-haystack” search, to find the unicorn of a Black woman, who isn’t conditioned to hate us. Also, this video shows a man who’s lacking the confidence to accept the truth about Black women, thus, he doesn’t have the discernment to see the other options available to him. So, if you’re a Black man reading this, especially a young Black man under the age of 30, you need to understand this fact…


Meaning, with confidence you can accomplish ANYTHING, without it, you can’t accomplish NOTHIN’!

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”…”That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


--MontUHURU Mimia

*Addendum: Fam', I'd be remiss if I didn't include this: next week, I'm gonna' talk about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and it's implications on Black Americans. However, I can remember a time when a Black woman commented on this blog saying, there's no way Black people, and Black men more specifically, have the genetic power to breed chez whitey outta' existence. This was in 2016. Mind you, in 2019, the Brookings Institute revealed a study showing how, for the first time, more than half of Americans under the age of 16 were "non-white", thus making whitey the new American "minority". Now, in 2022, whitey's banning abortions. Coincidence? Hmmmm... Now, the Black woman who told me this said because I didn't take "Anthropology 101", I couldn't understand how Black people breeding whitey outta' existence was impossible. So, I republished this post on my "Ancient Future" page, under the title, "Part 61", so you can have a laugh at the misinformation whitey got this "pseudo-scholar" to believe was the gospel truth. Check it out if you got a spare minute y'all.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Bold-faced lies about Black men (Part 10)...

Bold-faced lies about Black men (Part 10)…A critical analysis of the "3" messages white fascists have sent behind Idaho's "Patriot Front" arrests, the dispelling of yet another stereotype about upwardly-mobile, modern-day, Black American men, and the Black woman's bet: parables of YouTubers Cynthia G., Christelyn Karazin, and Aquarius Maximus…

“The white race is absolutely disagreeable to get along with in peace. No other people on the face of the earth have been able to get along with white people since white people have been on our planet.”

-Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad

“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, and respect everyone; but if someone puts his hands on you, send him to the cemetery.”

--Malcolm X

Part 1.

A critical analysis of the “3” messages white fascists have sent behind Idaho’s “Patriot Front” arrests

Family, unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve heard about the arrest of “31” members of the white nationalist (read racist) gang who call themselves, “Patriot Front” in Idaho last Saturday (pic above). Now, law enforcement had been tipped off about this gang’s plans to disrupt a gay pride event scheduled to take place in Idaho’s Coeur D’Alene area, and the local cops were quick to neutralize the threat of these inbred bigots before they got a hold of their sexually-conflicted brethren. However, what’s not talked about is the symbolism and messages behind these arrests and why the media put out pics of these white racists knelling on a grassy knoll with their wrists bound for the entire world to see. This said, lemme give y’all a breakdown of what whitey was really communicating wit’ these photos, starting with…


The white racist’s failing attempts at random assaults

Fam’, for months now, I’ve been expounding on the fact of white racists being more comfortable fighting each other than declaring an “all-out” war with Black people, and Black men especially. Mind you, the white riot at D.C.’s Capitol Building is a prime example of this. Hence, the message white fascists and racists are sending with these arrests is, Black men have begun to retaliate against random white shootings and inbred sightings in predominately Black areas nationwide—and the disruption of Patriot Front's white nationalist march in Philadelphia is just one example of this--and I'll show you this later. Thus, the Patriot Front members were put in a kneeling position to publicly emasculate them and send a message out to other racist groups so they can fall back with confronting Black men in their communities. This gives white fascists time to focus on other ways of ridding themselves of the Black menace which is currently breeding them out of existence.


The white gay community is to be protected because they’re part of America’s white fascist infrastructure

Make no mistake fam’, the reason homosexuality is, has, and will continue to be mainstreamed, comes from whitey’s need to keep Black people specifically from pro-creating, so they can do away with the population who has the most genetic power(s) to breed them outta’ existence. This is why they’re consistently given protections and resources which are routinely denied to Black Americans. Now, if you’ve been reading this blog on a regular basis, you know how white birth rates have been falling below replacement levels for the better part of the last several decades. You should also know how back in 2019, the “Brookings Institute” revealed how more than half of Americans below the age of 16, were “non-white”. Meaning, as I’m writing this, white people are officially the new “minority” in America. Which is why the Supreme Court is looking over legislation to legally ban abortions in this country.


America’s borders are porous so whitey can recruit immigrants to fight against us

The reason (Jim Crow) Joe Biden and ‘Kop’mala Harris are paying out literally billions of dollars to Ukranians, Afghans, Mexicans, etc. so they can call America home, is to get these groups to cooperate with their “anti-Black” agendas. Like I mentioned before, whitey can’t fight us on their own--thus they're searching far and wide for reinforcements, white or otherwise. Mind you, the silver lining here is, the sooner we understand how white fascism has no place for us, the sooner we can unite and effectively insulate ourselves against whatever tyrannies white fascists have in store for us. Also, keep in mind fam’, even with the help of other ethnic groups, whitey’s NEVER DEFEATED US, AND THEY NEVER WILL!

Part 2.

The dispelling of yet another stereotype about upwardly-mobile, modern-day, Black American men

Family, a couple of weeks ago, I was watching a live YouTube broadcast of a “conscious” Black forum, and one of the Black women made a comment about the Buffalo, New York massacre and asked, “Why aren’t we retaliating?” So, I responded by saying, “The next Chris Dorner is coming, trust me.” Mind you, I didn’t know about brothas like Darreon-Parker Bell, who shot up a police precinct in Milwaukee behind his friend dying in police custody this past March, and James Shaw Jr. who disarmed one o’ them inbred mass shooters with his bare hands in 2018, when the pale-skinned degenerate tried to kill people in a “Waffle House” restaurant. Now, after I made my statement about Chris Dorner, the Black woman replied, “Well, I’m waiting.” Now, this comment reminded me of a “tweet” written by another Black woman, who stated, “Black men are cowards, they’d rather war with their own women than take on white racists.” So in response to this stereotype, I’d like to present two more cases where brothas showed up and let whitey know what they better not do when they come to our neighborhoods.

First off, on June 2nd, of this year, a 17-year old whiteboi named “Ethan Liming” decided he and his friends were gonna’ drive up to a school’s basketball court and shoot at unarmed brothas with paintball guns. Now, when they pulled up on these young brothas, the whitebois got out and started firing. The brothas took cover not knowing if this was a real gun--mind you, I imagine they were thinking about the deluge of mass-shooting whitebois who’ve been in the news lately. After the young brothas figured out the gun wasn’t real, they whipped the whiteboi’s a$$ and killed him. Mind you, Ethan had his friends with him, so I dunno’ what happened to them, but them brothas beat Ethan to death. Now lemme make something clear, I don’t wish death on anyone, but people, especially whitebois gotta’ learn to respect Black men who are FED UP WITH THEIR NONSENSE! I guess they figured the Buffalo shooting wasn’t enough, so these whitebois thought they were gonna’ have some fun at these brothas' expenses. Well, if you play stupid games, you’ll win stupid prizes. Hey, if Tamir Rice wasn’t spared…

Next up, on July 3rd, of last year, them good ol’ bois in “Patriot Front” decided to hold a “flash mob” rally in the city of “brotherly” love, Philadelphia. Literally hundreds of them showed up and marched chanting racist slogans with what looked like “homemade” shields in case they needed to defend themselves. Welp, even though the racist inbreds appeared without warning, some near-by brothas balled-up their fists and chased those crazy bald-heads outta’ town. The brothas began beating the bricks off these whitebois to the point where, they let off smoke bombs, so they could retreat to their vans and drive off. Mind you, I’ll show a short clip of this at the end of the post.

So lemme just say, this is unequivocal proof of Black men showing there’s no lack of heart or courage in our communities. Moreover, I gotta’ add, when you compile this list with the other facts of Black men making more money collectively than Black women, being less incarcerated and more educated, and fighting on behalf of our people as well…I must admit, right now, is the PRODUEST I’VE EVER FELT TO BE A BLACK MAN IN MY LIFE! WE’RE STRIVING THROUGH WHATEVER STRIFE wHITEY’S THROWING AT US FAM'! Now, the flip side of this are the Black women who constantly say, either Black men are cowardly, or they're under-employed, under-educated, and over-sexed, so they don’t see the strides Black men are making. Well, I’ll examine this in the next section o’ this post which'll be…

Part 3.

The Black woman’s bet: parables of YouTubers Cynthia G., Christelyn Karazin, and Aquarius Maximus

So fam', there was another instance a couple of weeks ago where I was watching another one of YouTube’s live broadcasts, and this one featured a guest who is a “conscious” Black "sista" going by the name of Aquarius Maximus (pic right). So, the topic of the forum centered around astrology and relationships in the Black community. Mind you, since Aquarius is conscious, I was sure I wouldn't hear the same talking points I've grown accustomed to hearing from the feminist/womanist crowd...but guess what? Aquarius checked off darn-near every box in the book of white fascist feminism.

Now, during the course of the interview, Aquarius said she couldn’t understand why she kept attracting these Black “beta-males”. Mind you, as she continued talking about astrological signs, she blurted out how Black women shouldn’t make any meals for Black men they’re dating ‘cause those are “wifely duties”. Mind you, if you’re casually dating someone, or just playing the field, the majority of the time, you’re eating out—I get it. However, if you’re dating with the intention of getting into long-term relationships or marriages, holding on to the philosophy of never making a man a meal, immediately disqualifies you for anything beyond a “friends with benefits” dynamic. Also, Aquarius just happens to weight well over 200 lbs. Topping this off, she admitted how much she likes to ride motorcycles. After hearing all this, I thought to myself, and she’s wondering why she’s attracting beta-males?

The above broadcast then made me think about the YouTuber Cynthia G (pic right). I recently saw her in another podcast where she was reciting her usual talking points about the ignoble ways of Black men. Now, there was one Black man on the panel with her, who was married to a white woman, so Cynthia pointed her venom at him. Then she started her dissertation on "data" which shows Black men who marry white women are usually depressed, while Black women who marry white men are usually happier.

So when panelists asked Cynthia to qualify her “data” with cited sources, she deflected by saying, these are university stats and facts. When panelists then asked her to name the professors and universities associated with her data, she told the panel to just look this information up. Now, lemme play devil’s advocate and take Cynthia’s word for all her unqualified data being true. There’s still an overriding problem, Cynthia's unmarried. Meaning, even if Black women are happier in relationships with white and non-Black men, Cynthia’s failed to find a white or non-Black man to marry. Mind you fam', this is what I call the “Black woman’s bet”, meaning, Black women, especially collegiate Black women, bet  on white fascism and LOST. Now, you might be saying, how you figure bruh? Black women are better-educated and more upwardly mobile than Black men. Actually, Black women collectively make less than Black men, they earn less “professional degrees” than Black men, and they have less success dating outside our ethnic group than Black men—and if you wanna’ see the stats on this, I’ll leave a link to my blog post which details this data. So, whitey’ll tell Black women they're “winning”, just so they can be be kept in three specific states of existence--which are, overweight, oversexed, and alone.

So fam', now I wanna' talk about Christelyn Karazin (pic left). Now, you know good ol’ Chris Karazin, she’s the Black girl who wrote the book, “Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed”. Mind you, for the uninitiated, this book is basically the Black girl’s manifesto for dating and mating with white men. Moreover fam', I have to say, Chris’ methods worked. She married a white man and had his kids. So, for her it was mission accomplished. Then, a couple of years back, I saw one of her videos where she interviewed this whiteboi who called himself the “Vegainator”, ‘cause he was a vegan weightlifter. Now, supposedly this guy was all about swirling with sistas, then, for some odd reason, he said he was done with swirling and he started advising his white peers to follow suit. Needless to say, Chrissy didn’t take this too well. Matter of fact, on a live podcast, she burst into tears behind the Vegainator’s anti-swirling diatribe. Then I thought, wait a minute, if she’s married to a white man, why’s she coming to pieces behind this whiteboi rejecting her swirling philosophy. Then it hit me. Her marriage is on the rocks. Nevertheless, I went about my business afterwards, and a couple of years later, it was another Black female YouTuber who said Chrissy got divorced from her white husband. Hence, I paid a visit to my good friend “research” and confirmed this was true. 

So, the moral of this story fam’, is the salvation of our diaspora lies with the Black man, not the Black woman, because sistas are incapable of helping us to fight white fascism, behind trying to find a place in it for themselves. Now, we’ve seen what the Black matriarchy has done to the Black community, left to it's own devices, so now it’s time for the Black “patriarchy” to pull us out of the morass of loving whitey, so we can build sovereign states where our people can not only survive, but thrive, like Black men are doing right now.

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


--MontUHURU Mimia


Fam’, here’s the video of what happened when “Patriot Front” decided to try their “flash mob” rallies in Philly.

Also fam’, here’s what happened to Chrissy Karazin when her “swirling” misadventures went wrong.

Lastly, you can check out the data which compares the present accomplishments of Black men and women HERE.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Bold-faced lies about Black Men (Part 9)...

Bold-faced lies about Black men (Part 9)…American unemployment rates, an addendum on white fascist Bible narratives, and one mo’ bold-faced lie about Black men…

“The last place you’re going to find out the truth about Christianity, is in Christianity.”

--Dr. Phil Valentine

“…Black people think everything in the Bible is true. I question the intelligence of anyone who thinks everything in the Bible is true, or is supposed to be true. It’s allegory, stories told to illustrate a point at a time where very few people were reading books. And most of what went into the making of the Bible was copied from the “Egyptian” text. Now, if you want to get so dewy-eyed over the Bible, which is a carbon copy of a carbon copy, why don’t you go back and read the original Egyptian text?”

--Dr. John Henrik Clarke, from the "We have no friends speech"

Part 1.

An addendum on white fascist Bible narratives

Family, the other day I watched a Tariq Nasheed video on YouTube, where he had people calling in on the subject of man’s biological origins. Now, this one caller made an argument against all humans originally coming from Africa—but then the conversation took a strange turn. Within minutes, this man started talking about Noah from the Bible, and he referred to Noah as a “giant”. Now, Tariq countered by saying, if Noah were a giant, then how did he build an “arc”? The caller replied, “Well, I guess it was a big arc.” Then Tariq asked, well, if Noah were a giant, how did he fit two of every animal on the arc, and how did he clean up all the fecal matter of these animals if they were on this arc for forty days and forty nights? Basically, Tariq quickly broke down this guy’s Biblical arguments with common sense—and I happened to comment on this particular video. Now, my comment stated: It’s ashamed how people still think the Bible is an actual historical text. I guess this guy also believes Jonah survived in the belly of a whale for three days.

Now, someone responded to my comment saying: The “Noah flood” had been confirmed as fact, and this happened 8,000 to 12,000 years ago. To which I replied: well, if the Bible’s based on historical facts, can you explain how a virgin birth is possible? This same person replied: Hey, I didn’t write the book, I’m just saying you don’t have to believe every sentence to draw information from it. I then went on to explain how easy it is to debunk the fallacies within the white fascist narratives of the Bible, and how most Christians never go about researching real historical texts--they just stick to whatever Bible verses make them feel good. This is why I felt it necessary to debunk the “Curse of Ham” and the “400 years of slavery” myths connected to Black people in my last post--so at least the Black men and women who read this blog won’t have to live with the psychic burdens of this kind of misinformation.

So, after I was done debating this moron about the historicity of the Bible, I happened upon yet another of its verses dealing with slavery, and the verse is as follows: Peter 2:18, Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourself to your masters, not only those who are good and considerate, but to those who are HARSH. Now, this got me thinking, what Black person could read this and still follow the Bible, or be a Christian? Answer: a Black person who’s a mentally lazy anglophile—which unfortunately, most Black Christians are. Mind you, when I was debating the aforementioned brainwashed Christian, I told him: research is work—and Christians don’t like hard work. Meaning, it’s easier to just ignore the fundamental principles of your belief system, so you can rationalize your mental sloth. This said, I then realized I never wrote about the Kemetic (Egyptian) text the majority of the Bible was copied from.

This is the “Egyptian Book of the Dead” (left), or the “Book of Going Forth By Day” fam'. Mind you, this is called the Book of the Dead because it was placed in the coffin or burial chamber of the deceased, and was part of a “funerary” text which includes the earlier “Pyramid Texts” and “Coffin Texts”. This book contains some of the historical literature and spells our ancestors thought were most vital in the journey to the “afterlife”. Also fam’, the reason the Bible deals so much with Kemet or “Egypt”, is because the Bible is basically a copy of this book. Now, if you wanna’ investigate even further, you can look at a separate text called the “42 Laws of Ma’at” and you'll see where the “10 Commandments” come from. So, I’ve said all this to say, if you fancy yourself a “Black Nationalist”, or Black historian of any sort, you must remember…


Moreover, the larger lesson learned here is, the last place you’ll find out the truth about any organization, is IN the organization. You have to go outside of it, to get an objective perspective which’ll more than likely show you the true nature of whatever it is you’re studying.

Part 2.

American unemployment rates and one mo’ bold-faced lie about Black men

A couple of days ago, I was watching some YouTube videos when a "suggested" vid’ came up amongst my choices. It spoke about "Black unemployment", so I clicked on it. After I did, I saw this headline: “Black male unemployment is the highest in America”. Then, when I typed in the topic of Black male unemployment in YouTube’s search bar, several videos popped up with this same title—and the majority of these vids were uploaded 4 months ago. Meaning, this must've been the same time some stat was broadcast about this over the mainstream media.

Now fam’, when I saw this, steam came outta’ my ears. 'Cause yet again, whitey’s putting out the narrative of Black American men being the worst case scenario in every negative statistic. So, after calming myself down, I started to think, well, this MIGHT be true. Hence, what I did right afterwards, was pay a visit to my good friend “research”—and this is what “research” showed me…

So, according to this year's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for Black men rose to 6.1%. At the same time, labor force participation from Black men jumped to 68.9% in April. Mind you, this was amidst an overall dip in unemployment for Black Americans from last year. However, check out what “research” also showed me, when I paid it another visit five minutes later…

Now, prior to the “P(L)andemic”, Native Americans had the highest unemployment rates of any demographic--meaning, their rate was at 7.5% in February of this year. So guess where their unemployment rate is at now y’all? Wait for it…post-pandemic, meaning RIGHT NOW, the Native American unemployment rate is at 28.6%. Mind you, this rate is comparable to American unemployment during the Great Depression. So, this means what? It means…


Now, what pissed me off more than the lie itself, is how Black men made videos around this lie, explaining it as if it were the gospel truth. So I can almost hear people saying, well, you can’t really count “Native Americans” in unemployment stats, 'cause there’s really not much of them in the country—mind you, Black people are the real “native” and INDIGENOUS population of this country, but I’ll touch on this in another post. This said, I’ll give you “3” reasons why “Native Americans” shouldn’t only be counted in America’s unemployment stats, but I’ll show you why NONE OF ‘EM should be unemployed or “under-employed”.



In 1946, America’s Congress created the “Indian Claims Commission”, which was set up to hear “Native” historic grievances and compensate them for lost territories. Behind this, Native Americans were awarded $1.3 BILLION dollars for their losses—and this was back in the 40’s fam’.



Fam', 224 “Native” tribes were given “casinos” to operate by America’s federal government through generations old treaties, grants, and contracts which were created exclusively for them.  


Tax Exemption

Like all other Americans, “Natives” pay federal taxes, but they don’t pay any state taxes for income earned within “reservation” boundaries--and their casinos just happen to fall within these boundaries. Moreover, as of 2015, the Department of Interior estimates America’s federal government allocates $20 Billion dollars a year exclusively to Native American tribes. Now, I realize I only said I’d give you “3” reasons, but since I’m ON ONE wit’ my good friend “research”, lemme give you one mo’, which’ll be...



Fam’, as of this year, Native Americans who’re California residents won’t have to pay any tuition or fees for public colleges in one of America’s largest university systems.

So y'all, this is yet another case which confirms this obvious statement: YOU CAN’T TRUST wHITE STATS FOR NOTHIN’!

Meaning, any Black man or woman reading this should be reminded to visit my good friend “research” whenever you hear some funky stats which don’t smell right--ya’ dig. Moreover, my friend research says, their door is always open to dispel any nonsensical misinformation chez whitey might throw at us.

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


--MontUHURU Mimia


Fam', here's what my good friend "research" showed me when I asked about who's got the highest unemployment rates in America. You can check this info. out HERE.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 66)...

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 66)...Memorial Day's massive shootings and the "3" tenets of white fascism, Damning the “Curse of Ham”, and debunking the "400 years of slavery" myth...

“Religion is for people who are afraid to go to hell, Spirituality is for people who’ve already been there.”

--Ralph Smart

“Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is expensive pain.”

--Ralph Smart

“There is no game, there’s only control.”

--Dr. Phil Valentine

Part 1.

Memorial Day’s massive shootings and the “3” tenets of white fascism

Family, about a week ago, I was thinking my next post should definitely tackle the subject of religion and its effects on the Indigenous Black peoples of America. This is when I got wind of the 12 mass shootings which happened over the course of this Memorial Day weekend. Now, I’m still gonna’ tackle the subject of religion in this post, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the elephant in the room, which is this summer's spate of massive gun homicides. Mind you, a couple of posts back, when I said this was gonna’ be a “killing season”, I didn’t realize how prescient a statement this was.

Now, what’s most important is putting all this in perspective--meaning, there’s actually a silver lining to the storm clouds of these gratuitously egregious killings—and before you accuse me of sippin’ on lean or somethin’, lemme make these points clearer using the "3" tenets of white fascism, which are...

Tenet#1: Fear

First off, these killings are being allowed to flourish to keep America’s Indigenous Black populations traumatized--basically y'all, this is being done to keep our communities destabilized, 'cause in accordance with white fascist doctrines, when you want to better control any organism or organization, you throw it into chaos, and keep it there, until you offer the "target" a solution which fits your agenda. 

                        Tenet#2: Militarized law enforcement 

Family, these mass shootings are being used to reinforce reasons why American law enforcement shouldn’t be “defunded”. Remember the campaign to defund the police y’all? Welp, these mass shootings and incidents like the “smash and grab” mobs which seemed to disappear overnight (?), are “psy-ops” to keep white fascist institutions like the police not only operational, but loaded to bare with whatever kind of resources they need to keep up their campaigns of domestic terrorism on US. 

Tenet#3. Genetic survival

Understand, the real reasons whitebois, who're cops, are letting other inbreds shoot up churches and schools indiscriminately, is to put everyone on notice of who’s really got the artillery to not only wage some kind of revolutionary war, but to stay in a position of power in this country. Conversely, whitey's also letting these shootings happen to hide the most OBVIOUS TRUTH OF THEM ALL, which is...wHITEY CAN'T WIN A FIGHT WITH INDIGENOUS BLACK MEN WITHOUT WEAPONS! 'Cause just like I showed you in my last post with the example of James Shaw Jr., who disarmed one o' them whiteboi shooters--when they're without their high-powered rifles, or when they gotta' throw down wit' their bare hands, they're light work for the average brotha. Topping this off, whitebois--especially elitist crakas, not only realize they're the new American minority, but they know they're being bred outta' existence globally, which makes them even more "trigger-happy" around US

So you may be asking, what’s the silver lining in this situation? It's this y'all…the more the white fascist American social order REJECTS Black people, THE STRONGER IT'LL MAKE US! Meaning, the more oppressive and antagonizing this country gets towards us, the more we’ll be forced into unifying with each other, and the quicker we’ll be able to liberate ourselves from the tyrannies of white fascism. Now, you might be thinkin’, I don’t follow you bruh. Well, lemme put it this way…


So the quicker we UNIFY, INSULATE, AND WILLINGLY SEPARATE OURSELVES from whitey’s American social order, the BETTER OFF WE’LL BE. Now, lemme define what I mean by “willingly separate” fam’—I’m not talking about goin’ back to Africa y’all, ‘cause we’re the ONLY PEOPLE INDIGENOUS TO AMERICA. I’m not even necessarily talking about physically moving from where we’re currently living, ‘cause America’s communities are already segregated. What I’m talking about is EXCHANGING AND CIRCULATING OUR RESOURCES WITH EACH OTHER (ALMOST) EXCLUSIVELY, like we did during “legalized” segregation, so we can survive and thrive like we did BEFORE INTEGRATION. This way, we won’t need chez whitey for nothin’—we’ll be FORCED into being completely autonomous. Mind you, traumatic events like mass shootings and losing access to necessary resources, are the only way we’re gonna’ separate from mr. whitefolks, ‘cause quite frankly, the majority of our people are still too in love wit' mr. charley to leave 'em—and this applies to ALL BLACK PEOPLE, FBA OR NOT!

So, let’s not get too emotionally involved in the mass shooting sprees we see happening around the country y'all. Instead, let’s keep focused on the goal of UNITY AND BLACK NATION-BUILDING, so we can stay clear-headed and EVEN-TEMPERED for the work we'll need to do in the future.

Part 2.

Damning the "Curse of Ham"

Family, no matter which Black neighborhood you go to in America, you’re guaranteed to find one commonality—there’s a church on every corner. Now, decades ago, the church was a place where our people could get resources like food, cloths, emergency shelter, and even money for bills. So, it had its communal benefits--but with the advent of “prosperity preaching” and government funding, the church was quickly turned into a kind of weekly fashion show, and a haven for oversexed Black women and homosexual Black men. Mind you, this is but one of the reasons for my writing about this topic--but mostly, it’s because of a certain incident I recently remembered.

Almost a year ago, I was speaking to one of my co-workers, who just happened to be a Black male Christian, and this guy told me in a casual conversation, “The devil operates with impunity.” Then, he asked me, “…uh, what does impunity mean?” I just shook my head and walked off. A week later, I saw this same guy talking to another brotha, and he was saying, “Black people are...” Then he sighed, before uttering, “…the Transatlantic Slave trade and the curse of Ham…” Now, not only was he taught this over the course of several decades, but he internalized it as the “gospel truth”—and you could see the inferiority complex it gave him, ‘cause he wore it like a cheap suit. Saddest part of all is, this guy had no alternative facts to debunk this misinformation with, and he wasn’t looking for any. His faith, pretty much doomed him to a mediocre life. Topping this off, this moron loved to denigrate the Black youth, ‘cause his church-going brethren told him to. He didn’t see white fascism as the enemy, he saw the Black youth as our community’s greatest problem. This said, I just wanna’ debunk this curse o’ Ham nonsense once and for all, or at least for the brothas and sistas reading this, so no one here has to carry around this crap theory in their heads anymore.

So the fable goes, Ham had sinned against the righteous patriarch, Noah, so God cursed his son Cannan and his descendants into perpetual servitude and slavery in the book of Genesis, 9:25-27. Now, due to this curse, Ham’s name in Hebrew was interpreted as meaning "dark or Black”--and just as "Cain" had a "cursed" mark on him (Genesis 4:15), this dark-skinned "mark" would be given to the “peoples of Africa” through Ham. So here’s where this biblical idiocy comes from y’all. This said, let’s get right into debunking this nonsense, ‘cause just writing about this pisses me off.

Firstly, the book titled, “The Curse of Ham”, by the author David M. Goldenberg, published by the Princeton University Press in 2003, reveals how the name “Ham” is not related to the Hebrew language, or to any Semitic word meaning “dark” or “Black”. Second, and this is the real kicker y’all—according to the Bible…



Now, some biblical “scholar” reading this is probably saying, well, Ham’s SON CANNAN was cursed--thus, Ham must be the one who bore this “original sin”. Well, here’s my question, if this was the fact, why wouldn’t God curse Ham DIRECTLY? Moreover, since Cannan was the one directly cursed, why don’t they call this the CURSE OF CANNAN? I’ll tell ya’ why, ‘cause Ham is thought to be the progenitor of the “darker-skinned” people of the earth in the bible, thus, if you’re gonna’ rationalize why Black people should be enslaved, who better to name this curse after?

So, the next time some “Christian” talks to you about this curse, you can tell ‘em about Cannan, or you can do like me, and tune 'em out completely before walking off. ‘Cause time and time again, you’ll find, the people who know the least about Christianity, are Christians themselves. 

Part 3.

Debunking the "400 years of slavery" myth

Lastly family, here’s another historical bone of contention I’ve got with America’s, and the white fascist world’s “miseducational” system--the myth of Black Americans being enslaved for 400 years. This said, I’m gonna’ do something a little different here fam’…first off, in all fairness, let’s say I didn’t have any alternate facts to debunk this nonsense with. What I mean is, lemme play devil's advocate, and take these lies at face value, and see if they still hold up—and I’ll do this with the “3” leading lies about Black people’s enslavement in America, the first being…


The historical dates of Black American slavery

Now, according to white revisionist “his-story”, the first 20 Black slaves from Africa, or Black people period, came to America on a ship back in 1619—and in December 6th, of 1865, the Constitution’s “13th Amendment” set Black Americans free by officially ending slavery. Well, if you subtract 1619 from 1865, you get “246” years—not “400”. So, right from jump, this whole concept is completely bogus fam’.


Christopher Columbus discovers America

Once again, America’s miseducational system taught me another fallacy when they got me to believe a man named Christopher Columbus, who was actually named Cristobal Colon, discovered America in 1492. Well, you might be thinking, what’s this gotta’ do wit’ the Black American slavery narrative? Funny you should ask fam’, ‘cause it just so happens, good ol’ Chris kept a diary of his travels, and according to renowned historian, Leo Weiner of Harvard University, Chris wrote in one of his journal entries about tan-skinned “natives” who explained how “Black-skinned people had been there doing some trading with 'gold-tipped’ spears”. Also, at least a dozen other white “explorers” who were Chris’ contemporaries, like Vasco Nunez de Balboa, spoke of seeing Black-skinned “Negroes” in the “New World” when they arrived.

Topping this off fam’, archeologists have shown how the “Olmecs” had established the first “civilization” in America. Mind you, their empires date back from 1400 B.C. to 400 B.C., and if you look at one of the ancient “Olmec head” carvings (right), you can clearly see these were brothas. Now, some of you may say, c’mon bruh, everyone knows the Olmec civilizations were founded in Mexico, NOT the Americas. Well, this actually does makes sense, ‘cause Mexico was part of America y’all. More specifically, California, Nevada, Utah, Texas, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, and of course, New Mexico, were all part of the “Americas” before the 1900’s. 


Deuteronomy 28:68

So fam', in Genesis 15:13, it reads, “And he said unto Abraham, know of a surety that thy seed shall be strangers in a land which is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them for 400 years.” Now, we just proved this has no historical basis in reality, but there’s also another bible verse, Deuteronomy 28:68 more specifically, which states, “And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again; and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.”

Now, this has also been used to “verify” the enslavement of Black people in America, but when I saw this verse, one thing stuck out immediately, and it was the last part, which says, “…ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.” So, I was thinking, if we were enslaved and physically sold, then why would this verse end with, “…and no man shall buy you.” Welp, long story short fam’, this isn’t talking about physical slavery, which is why this makes a reference to “bonded”, and not “bound” men and women. This reference is talking about “DEBT SLAVERY”. Ya’ know like college loans, mortgages, credit card debt, etc. Seems like prostitution ain’t the world’s oldest profession y'all, “loan sharking” is. Meaning, one of the best ways to keep any population in control is by making them believe in a “debtor’s” or “debt” system, this way you can enslave them without physical restraints. 

Now, if you’re a white fascist freemason who really wants to take social engineering to the next level, you can add the other “d-word” to debt when it comes to controlling the masses, and this word is “disease”. Debt and disease are the one-two, knock out combination which keeps people under the thumb of elitist oligarchs everywhere. Now, the moral of this story fam', is “NOTHING ESCAPES ANALYSIS” when it comes to white fascism. Meaning, you can’t take whitey’s word for ANYTHING! So, it’s imperative for the Indigenous Black diaspora to have alternate facts for everything concerning our well-being, ‘cause believing any tropes this social mainstream gives us is tantamount to social and psychological suicide in terms of our ability to take back our rightful place in this world--which is complete rulership over it.

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


--MontUHURU Mimia