
Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 67)...

 The Gospel of white fascism (Part 67)…DL Hughley, Monique, and Ayesha Curry, the rotted “Roots” of the “Juneteenth” fallacy, the Black woman’s “bet” and how it continually messes up singles “mixers”, and MontUHURU’s message to Black men about “confidence” and “discernment”…

“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way, the social and political equality of the white and Black races…”

--Abraham Lincoln, during his debates with Senator Stephen Douglas, on September 18th, of 1858

“With confidence you have won before you started.”

--Marcus Garvey

“The gender war is over. It’s now time for the Black woman to come to the Black man’s table, and to show us why we should consider taking them back.”

--Kevin Samuels

“So who taught you to front and flaunt your grip, you can’t buy no relationship, you ‘PLAYED YOURSELF’…”

--Ice-T, from his song, “You Played Yourself”

“I don’t care what Tyrone thinks…”

--Black female YouTuber

Part 1.

The “rotted” Roots of the “Juneteenth” fallacy

Family, expand this  video to "full screen" and watch it...

Now family, here’s why I was beyond pissed when I saw this cartoon. For anyone above the age of forty, you’ll recognize the melody of this particular vid as a direct copy of the “School House Rock” episode called, “I’m Just A Bill.” Conversely, for those of you under thirty, who don’t know what I’m talking about, School House Rock was part of the American “miseducational” system’s “Afterschool Special” and Saturday morning cartoon line-ups, which were created to teach young people whitey’s version of revisionist “his-story”.

So, to make this a bit more palatable to the “Hip-Hop” generation, the ABC network used “The Roots” rap band to present chez whitey’s nonsensical retelling of what “Juneteenth” is supposed to represent. Now, for those of you who read this blog on a regular basis, I need to apologize before I once again tell you how Black people freed themselves from the tyrannies of American fascism in the forms of chattel and indentured slavery.

First off, less than 6% of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (TST) came to America. Meaning, the majority of the TST took place in the Caribbean islands—places like Jamaica, Haiti, the Bahamas, and such. Now, what whitey will never tell US about are the 100 plus years of warfare brothas waged in America called “The Gullah Wars” which took place from 1739 to 1858. Mind you, these wars got their name from the Black population of “Gullah/Geechee” brothas in the swamps of the American South. Now, when I made the above comment beneath the vid’ I just showed y’all on YouTube, someone replied and stated how we were “hiding out” down in the Florida swamps. Then I had to correct them and say, we weren’t hiding down there, we were waging what mr. whitefolks calls “rural” or “guerilla” warfare, which is how we beat the bricks off them southern whitebois.  Moreover, whatever kind of oppression whitey tried to impose on us got shut down via the revolutionary battles of these wars, which included: the “Stono Rebellion” (1739), “The Battle of the Horseshoe Bend” (1814), “The Battle of Negro Fort” (1816), “The Battle of Suwanee” (1818), “The Denmark Vesey Conspiracy” (1822), “The Dade Massacre” (1835), “The Battle of Withlacoohee River” (1835), and “The Battle of Okeecobee” (1837). 

Now, even in this crap video, you’ll see a montage where a kid asks, “If the Emancipation Proclamation was passed in 1863, why weren’t you freed until 1865?” Then a cartoon Questlove says, “Well it took 2 years for the Civil War to end.” Now, lemme tell y’all what really happened fam’. Abe Lincoln DIDN"T free any Black slaves ‘cause southern slave-owning states told him, we’re sovereign territories, so not only don’t we recognize your “proclamation”, but we’re gonna’ keep doin’ what we’ve been doing before we got it. Topping this off, white northerners were gettin’ their butts kicked by the south. In the midst of this, a couple of them northern whitebois saw how Black men were kickin’ mudholes in the butts of Opie and ‘em on southern battlefields. They then asked Black men to fight alongside them, we agreed, and shortly after is when BLACK MEN WON THE WAR FOR THE NORTH, WHICH ENDED THE “CIVIL WAR”! No white man in a boat came and told us we were free, like you see in this dumb-a$$ cartoon, we freed ourselves AND the northern inbreds.

So I've said all this to say, here’s what “Juneteenth” really symbolizes fam’: “Juneteenth” is a “psy-op” meant to keep Black Americans thinking white folks freed us, ‘cause we were too cowardly to free ourselves. Period. Now, with this outta' the way, let's get down to the main part o' this post, which'll be in...

Part 2.

The "Black woman’s bet” and how it continually messes up singles “mixers

Fam', expand this vid' to "full screen" too, and check it out...

Now, for the uninitiated, this is a clip from a Houston, Texas “Black Love mixer”, and the woman wearing a grimace in the vid’, is the sista who shot this particular clip--which went viral by the way. She showed up to said mixer, and noticed there were only Black women there, and no Black men. Now, there are levels to this narrative beyond what we see on the surface, so I wanna’ break those down real quick, but before I do, lemme speak on an ancillary incident dealing with Black male and female relationships which is congruent to this one…

On May 28
th, of this year, DL Hughley and Monique (right) played Chicago’s Fox Theater and judging by the video footage of the show, the crowd was electrified and ready to receive the two with open arms. Now, what went awry, according to Monique, was the order of the performances, meaning, Mo’ said she was slated to “headline”, thus she should’ve went on last. Feeling slighted, she proceeded to deliver an excoriating tirade about why she wasn't headlining, the show’s contract, and why she couldn't stand her co-worker, DL Hughley. Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, I’m sure you already know about this—meaning, you've already seen how vulgar and explicit Mo’s dissertation was. The way she stomped across the stage with her 200 plus-pound frame, reminded me of a linebacker from a local football team, and she didn’t fail to tell the audience how she figured DL’s initials stood for his being on the “down low” sexually. This said, lemme now get back to what I wanted to say about the Houston “mixer”…

So, before I talked about Monique and DL, I said there were “levels” to the meanings of what went down at the Houston mixer, in terms of Black male and female relationships, so lemme break these down here, starting with…



Now, originally, the woman who shot this video, who goes by the name of “dannyd2cute”, posted the clip with the intention of showing Black women how they couldn’t trust Black men for anything, up to and including, showing up for a social “mixer”. What she didn’t realize was, in her attempts to shame and discredit Black men, she was making Black women look like the world's least desirable type of female. Her video was basically saying, neither Black men specifically, nor men in general, wanted to be around Black women, period—even if there’s a chance at being sexually intimate with them. Mind you, the majority of the Black women attending this mixer were overweight and nearly obese, like Monique, and just like her, they refused to see how they might have contributed to the problem which led to what was happening.  


Discrediting Black men

So, once this clip started its viral spread, Black women started rationalizing why Black men weren’t showing up by saying, Black men are either broke or gay. Just like what Monique said about DL Hughley. Meaning, when Mo' couldn't get her way, or didn't understand what was going on, she resorted to being foul-mouthed and disrespectful. This also led to Black women at the mixer saying they should’ve held a “swirling” event instead.


Black men’s arrivals

When Black men did arrive, Black women immediately showed pics and clips of them at the mixer to prove the narrative of Black men not showing up, the narrative they created, wrong. Mind you, they didn’t bother explaining how we were showing up to the mixer, in spite of them thinking we're all broke and gay. Mind you, when it was all said and done, there were maybe 15 to 20 Black men there, surrounded by what looked like 100 Black women—but they still called this a success. So, much like Monique, these women never got around to doing any kind of self-reflection to analyze what this event was really telling them. Which is, their abrasive, combative, argumentative, and disrespectful attitudes towards Black men, were making them undesirable to not only Black men, but men overall. Now, with this said, let’s delve into another aspect of this maladjusted mixer, by moving on to...

 Part 3.

MontUHURU’s message to Black men about “confidence” and “discernment

Lastly, watch this y'all...

Now fam’, this is a response video from a brotha attempting to answer the question of why Black men, or very little numbers of Black men, showed up at the Houston mixer. So, right off the bat, I wanna’ tell you why I find this video so disturbing. As men, we have a moral imperative to attain personal and political power—and as Black men specifically, we can’t do this if we’re explaining to people who don’t like us, why we don't wanna' be around them. Now, what this brotha’s really looking for is not a feminine Black woman, but sympathy (or “Simp”-athy) from Black women. This said, I wantcha’ to notice some o’ this guy’s traits--which are, he's overweight, he’s doesn’t pay much attention to how he looks, and he’s hypersensitive. Meaning, not only isn’t he going to have much success with women, Black or otherwise, but these traits will stop him from being successful in other parts of his life as well.

Now, lemme tell ya’ what I’m NOT saying about this man, or Black men in general. I’m not saying there’s no place for Black men to be emotionally vulnerable—especially when it comes to people we love. What I’m also not saying is Black men don’t have interior lives, or we don’t feel like other humans do. I’m saying, we can’t gain personal or political power and fight white fascism and racism, if we’re trying to figure out why Black women have all this animosity towards us. At some point Black men are gonna’ have to acknowledge and accept the fact of modern-day Black women, the majority of them anyway, wanting NOTHING TO DO WITH US! GET OVER IT! Moreover, what Black men need to realize is, the behaviors Black women exhibit around us don’t qualify as garden-variety "rejection", the more accurate category they'd fall under is DISRESPECT. PERIOD. When a group of Black women, or any group of women, go out of their way to tell us and the world, how Black men are lazy, ignorant, oversexed, broke, predisposed to cheat more than any other kind of man, gratuitously abusive, and gay, these women are being DISRESPECTFUL TO US! AGAIN, THESE BEHAVIORS DON'T FALL UNDER THE UMBRELLA OF ORDINARY “DATING” REJECTION.

Meaning, what the overwhelming majority of Black women are telling Black men with their actions is, go find a white, latin, or asian woman to be with, and leave us the hell alone. Now, being a Black man, I understand the majority of us want to be with Black women, or we feel an obligation to be with them—contrary to stereotypes--but collectively, we need to understand how the majority of Black women are so conditioned to hate Black men, they’ll never have a successful relationship with one—EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO!

Additionally, when you see this chagrined and depressed looking brotha in the video, you should realize, this is what happens to a Black man who goes on a “needle-in-a-haystack” search, to find the unicorn of a Black woman, who isn’t conditioned to hate us. Also, this video shows a man who’s lacking the confidence to accept the truth about Black women, thus, he doesn’t have the discernment to see the other options available to him. So, if you’re a Black man reading this, especially a young Black man under the age of 30, you need to understand this fact…


Meaning, with confidence you can accomplish ANYTHING, without it, you can’t accomplish NOTHIN’!

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”…”That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


--MontUHURU Mimia

*Addendum: Fam', I'd be remiss if I didn't include this: next week, I'm gonna' talk about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and it's implications on Black Americans. However, I can remember a time when a Black woman commented on this blog saying, there's no way Black people, and Black men more specifically, have the genetic power to breed chez whitey outta' existence. This was in 2016. Mind you, in 2019, the Brookings Institute revealed a study showing how, for the first time, more than half of Americans under the age of 16 were "non-white", thus making whitey the new American "minority". Now, in 2022, whitey's banning abortions. Coincidence? Hmmmm... Now, the Black woman who told me this said because I didn't take "Anthropology 101", I couldn't understand how Black people breeding whitey outta' existence was impossible. So, I republished this post on my "Ancient Future" page, under the title, "Part 61", so you can have a laugh at the misinformation whitey got this "pseudo-scholar" to believe was the gospel truth. Check it out if you got a spare minute y'all.

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