
Sunday, August 20, 2017

The end of white people...

"Never interfere with an enemy while he's in the process of destroying himself."
--derived from Sun Tzu, The Art of War

On March 22nd, 1994, the heavy metal band Pantera released their seventh studio album, 'Far Beyond Driven'. Now, back in the days when I was an anglophile, I purchased this album being a fan of their music. And not only is this one of those classic albums that you can just play from the first track to the last, but what solidified this band's mastery, at least to me, was one song off this album in particular.

After breaking up with my ex, I reclaimed the records I'd shared with her, and decided to give this album another listen. And it was one track that especially summed up the tempestuous last months of my past relationship with this woman. This song was titled, 'Shedding Skin', and in it, the band's lead singer, Phil Anselmo, barked out these lyrics:

“...I was me, but you weren't you, you were sticking to me like a scab, so I peeled you away, and bled for days...”

After hearing that, I knew I'd be a life-long fan of this group's music.

A couple of years later, I started hearing rumors about the group being covertly bigoted. I dismissed these accusations, cause I didn't wanna' stop listening to them. Then, I came across a YouTube video where Phil was throwing the 'Sieg Heil' hand and arm gesture, while he screamed, “white power!” It brought my love affair with this band's music to an abrupt end.

Then, I thought of all the other white musical artists I'd listened to, and how I'd found out several of them were bigots as well. That's when I decided I was only gonna' listen to Black musical artists—cause not only do we create the best genres of music (up to and including Rock and Roll), but we created music, period.

Long story short, Pantera broke up due to artistic differences, which left a multitude of rabid and hateful fans without their heros. One of those fans was a 25 year old, ex-marine, named Nathan Gale. And journalists reported that this young man was upset about Dimebag Darrell, Pantera's guitarist, breaking them up.

After Dimebag formed another band called, 'Damage Plan', they set out on a tour in 2008. On December 8th of that year, they were slated to play the 'Alrosa Villa club' in Columbus, Ohio, and about 5 minutes into their set, Nathan came on stage and shot Dimebag dead. Supposedly, before Nathan fired those fatal shots, he yelled at Darrell, “You broke up Pantera!”

Now, this was indeed a tragedy—and what was even more tragic, was the fact that Phil, Pantera's former lead singer, didn't know what kind of powder keg he was playing with when he imbibed in the edicts of white bigotry. Phil became a posterboy of sorts for the disaffected white bigots/nationalists, like Nathan, who were looking for a person who could channel their hateful feelings. And once Phil was not in the band, a vacuum was created that left many of these young white men feeling abandoned and emotionally rudderless. And unfortunately, Dimebag paid the price for the fuse Phil lit beneath Pantera's hate-mongering fan base.

Donald John Trump was born on June 14th, 1946 in Queens, New York City, and he was the fourth of five children born to Frederick Christ Trump, his father, and Mary Anne Trump, his mother.

Growing up in the Jamaica Estates section of Queens—which is a suburb of Queens, New York that I personally grew up near, Donald attended the Kew-Forest School from kindergarten to seventh grade. At 13, Donald's parents sent him to New York's Military Academy after he was labeled a rabble-rouser by his parents. In August of 1964, Donald attended Fordham University, and after two years, he was accepted into the Wharton School of business in Pennsylvania.

While at Wharton, Donald worked for his father's real estate business, which comprised several thousand barracks, houses and apartments in its stable. Donald would later take over this company, the 'Trump Organization', in 1971. He later graduated from Wharton with a Bachelor's of Science degree in economics.

Now, most people know of Donald as a hard-core, alt-right conservative, who's patriotism was supposed to 'Make America Great Again'. But his love for this country seemed absent behind the four collegiate deferments he received that kept him out of the Vietnam War. Not only didn't he enlist in the Reserve Officer Training Corps, but he didn't volunteer for them either. Mind you, this man went to a military academy for his grade and high schooling years.

Now, all my life, I'd heard that Donald was a 'self-made millionaire'. Turns out, his fortune started with, as he terms it, “a small loan of one million dollars” from his father. This also included Donald's inheritance of an 'undefined' share of his family's estate. In the 1980's, Donald became a billionaire and was on the 'Forbes' list of america's wealthiest individuals. Shortly thereafter, due to business losses, he was absent from the Forbes list from 1990-1995. And behind this, he borrowed from his sibling's trusts in 1993.

On top of Donald's business blunders, he and his father were exposed for their bigotry against Black americans who the Trump Organization refused to rent apartments to. So much so, that the Justice Department intervened on behalf of those tenants. And under an agreement reached in 1975, where the Donald and his father made no admission of wrongdoing, the Urban League stepped in as an intermediary to help qualified Black americans rent apartments from the Trump Organization. And I'll expound on why this is important in terms of his presidency, later on in this post.

Now, on January 20th, 2017, Donald Trump became the american President. And let me tell you why I think he was the perfect choice for the job. It's cause, not only would Black integrationists not be able to explain away the fake benevolence of some white liberal president, like Hillary Clinton, who everyone swore up and down was a shoe-in for the position, but I knew Donald Trump would single-handedly show the world just how intrinsically dumb white americans are.

But don't take my word for it, just think about this—remember Donald saying that on day one, he'd have a plan to replace 'Obamacare'? Welp, turns out that not only didn't he have any kind of plan, but eight months into his presidency, he still doesn't have any plan in sight to replace the 'Affordable Care Act'. And his stances on immigration policies include his building a wall on Mexico's border, and he audaciously asked the Mexican gov't to pay for it. And good ol' Vincente Fox, the former Mexican president, was saying how asinine an idea that was. *Note: That serves Vincente and his latino brethren right, being that Vincente was talking about how much Mexicans wouldn't do the jobs that Black americans do, cause it was beneath them. And if you wanna' read more about that, check out my post titled, 'Why Spanish people hate Black americans'—I'll leave a link for it at the end of this one.

On top of all this, several members of Trump's administration have either left or were fired behind allegations that his communist buddy, Vladmir Putin, had rigged the american election that got him in office. And his most noticeable firings have been of Mike Flynn, James Comey, Sean Spicer, and the newly-ousted Steve Bannon. Also, the operations of the Trump circle have been so deleterious and dumb-founded that some journalists have termed them the 'DC dysfunction'.

Now, what do the bigoted diatribes of Phil Anselmo, former lead singer of Pantera, and Donald Trump have in common? They've both triggered a civil war amongst white americans that marks the beginnings of their karmic self-destruction. Now let me expound on this a bit further...

The removal of confederate statues across the u.s. is being done deliberately by the Trump administration. Now, you might be thinking, c'mon bruh—that just don't make sense, being that Trump and his boys are closeted klansmen themselves. But what we need to understand is Trump and his constituents are trying to start an ethnic war amongst Black and white people in this country (This was evidenced by Joe B. Pollok's tweet '#WAR', after Steve Bannon was fired). Now, even though Joe is saying that his tweet was made in reference to North Korea, there is a white nationalist organization called the 'white aryan resistance' (WAR)—so that was really a call to action for bigoted white hate groups in america. Thus, the recent proliferation of white nationalist/alt-right marches and demonstrations across the u.s. But there's one thing that Trump and his pals didn't count on—and let me tell you what that is...

Collectively, white hate groups are reluctant to start any kind of ethnic war with Black people, cause of one fact—whitey knows that killing us off ain't gonna' be a nice, neat and orderly endeavor. Meaning, these hate groups know that huge swaths of them are gonna' be killed off too, cause to keep it real, one thing whitey knows Black people, and Black men especially, can do exceedingly well, is fight.

Slyvester Stallone created the 'Rocky' movie franchise based on this fact. That series of flicks was all about proving that white men aren't physically and sexually weaker than Black men. This is why they smoke cigars, which are nothing but facsimiles of a big, brown phallus, so they can look as genetically powerful as us—and this is also why cigarettes are smaller than cigars and colored white.

So instead of white men challenging us, they're turning on each other. And that's what we saw happen in Charlottesville, Virginia. It was also evidenced at the Boston rally, where white men were fighting white cops.

Now, to top all this off, white people are committing suicide in droves, overdosing on drugs like it's going out of style and their birth rates have been falling below replacement levels for the last half century plus.

So I've said all that to say this—to the Black men and women reading this post, don't attend these rallies, cause this is NOT our fight.

Just let whitey kill themselves off.

Cause like agent Smith told Morepheus, in the Matrix: “You (people) had your time—the future is our world—our time.”

And like I've said before, it's about time.


MontUHURU Mimia


You can read my post, 'Why spanish people don't like Black amerians', here.


  1. This reminded me 0f 711 A.D Europe when white was fighting among each other. Then the moors studied them and destroyed their army's and rebuild their own countries. This shows that whites can not live with each other nor can build anything without our help lol.

    1. 'Sam'...

      When you say whitey can't even get along with themselves and they need our help to build things, I say not only is that an excellent point, but it reminds me of the first and second 'World Wars', from 1914 'til 1945 respectively. Cause we all know this was a time when white folks killed off a hell of a lot of other white folks.

      Your comments also made me think of Benjamin Banneker's civic engineering and how he created the city of Washington D.C. in 1791 respectively--and how this was intentioned to bring Kemet (Egypt) to the western world.

      Same stuff, different century.

      Great points Sam--thanks for commenting!
