
Sunday, September 10, 2017

The end of white people (Part 3)...Dave Chappelle, Black men's rights activism, Hurricanes Harvey and Katrina and Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s 'greatest' greatness...

"Have no fear for atomic energy, cause none of them can stop the time."
--Bob Marley, Redemption Song

This past Labor Day, I was in my city's downtown area, when I came upon the 20-seater shuttle bus that takes me to the specific office building where I work. Needless to say, I was shocked that it was operating on the holiday. And since I was looking for a particular movie theater, I thought who better to ask for some directions than the shuttle's driver?

Now, this particular driver I hadn't seen before—she was a sista with braids, who I found out just started working with the company. And when I asked her about directions to the Cineplex, she said she knew where it was. Then she told me which landmarks I should look out for on my sojourn there. Then, all at once, she stopped giving me directions and said she'd give me a lift to a small bridge that was right across from the theater. So I took her up on the offer.

While she drove, we conversed about which movie I was going to see, and then we started talking about Black movie directors and what kinds of films we liked. I guess I made some sort of good impression on her, cause she said that I should write a blog about the politics of movie making *smiles*. I told her funny enough, I do write a Blog, and it is partially about cinema, but from a Black Nationalist's point of view. And shortly after she said she'd give my blog a look, is when we arrived at the small walking bridge.

I thanked her and proceeded over the bridge—five minutes later, I was at the theater.

Now, just the other day, I was waiting for this particular shuttle bus again, and while I was putting a credit card back in my wallet, some destitute looking white dude asked if I had a dollar. I said matter-of-factly, that I didn't have one for him. Then, once I was on the shuttle, I was sitting in a grouping of brothas, when a disheveled-looking white female co-worker came on board. A moment later, she sat down among us. And I was thinking, why the hell would this white woman sit next to us, when there's plenty of other empty seats available? I got my answer a couple of seconds later, when this homely white woman took out her cell phone.

This trailer trash Tina almost immediately started talking in this loud, obnoxious manner about her personal problems over the phone. That's when I got up and took another seat. And this behavior is indicative of how most white women act around Black men. Meaning, they'll usually reserve their lady-like, demure and quiet femininity for white and non-Black men—but around us, they feel obligated to be foul-mouthed, loud and abrasive (Thus, why I wrote the post: 3 reasons why Black men should not date fat white women).

Now, I opened this post with this kind of anecdote for one reason, and that's to express what I'm seeing between Black men and women as of late—and that's a healing, albeit a very small amount of healing, when it comes to the bitter rivalry between us. Now, if you're a Black man or woman reading this, you might be saying, c'mon bruh—you can't base your theory on an encounter you had with one sweet sista.

And for the record, I'm not. However, what I can say is, the zeitgeist of mainstreamed 'Black consciousness' is positively effecting the whole of Black america. Meaning, when we see a good many of our people watching the 'Hidden Colors' documentaries, and when we start frequenting on-line shopping networks like 'We Buy Black', and when we start leaving Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, for web destinations like 'Blaqspot', even the most jaded and anglophilic Black person has got to feel some sort of Diasporic paradigm shift happening.

And this is part of the reason I get so peeved at brothas who call themselves, 'Black men's rights activists'.

Now, I'm saying that cause the other day, I watched a YouTube video titled: 'Miss me with that solutions stuff' (mind you, the title ended with another four-letter word that starts with an 's'). And this vid was produced by a Black men's rights activist named 'Hardcore Tito'. Now, what Tito's alluding to in this vid's monologue is how 'Pro-Blacks' are always pontificating on 'solutions' for our community, but basically what we wind up doing is just talking. Mind you, it was a young and very scholarly brotha who introduced me to this guy's videos, so he's very well known amongst his YouTuber demographic—which tend to be Black 'MGTOW's' and 'meninists' (google these terms if you don't know what they mean).

Now, what I like least about this group of Black men is not only how they're completely clueless in terms of how they're being used to mainstream homosexuality to Black men specifically, but how the overwhelming majority of them are completely self-hating, so they have no aversion to imbibing in the stereotypes they were taught about Black men on the whole.

Case in point—in the aforementioned video, Tito opens by saying that when he talks about the 'Pro-Black Community' (PBC) and their solutions, he's hoping that we (Black americans) are past thinking there's any tangible ones, when it comes to our defeating white fascism. Meaning, he's resigned himself to being a coon for the rest of his life. And another fact that Tito and his cohorts don't realize is, there's absolutely no work required in doing this. So like most Black anglophiles, Tito's telling us, he'd rather dwell in the problem than find any kind of practical solution. Meaning, all he and brothas like him will do for our Diaspora, is talk.

Additionally, he'll never understand how spending an inordinate amount of time talking disparagingly about any faction of Black people, will ultimately do nothing but lead him to a place of hating himself for being Black. And that's made exceptionally plain by a comment someone left beneath his video.

One of Tito's anglophilic brethren, who calls himself the 'Straight Shooter' wrote: 'What's even worse is that even if you give them (Pro-Blacks) solutions, they won't execute!!!! Example: "The inner city schools are bad, what's da solution?". Homeschooling, Is a great solution, but hardly anyone does it because it's easier to complain.

Now, had this anglophilic idiot done five minutes worth of research, he'd have found an article by the 'Atlantic' magazine, dated February 17th, 2015, called: 'The rise of Homeschooling among Black families'. In it, the article's writer, Jessica Huseman, shows that the 'National Home Education Research Institute' calculated that an estimated 220,000 Black children are being home-schooled. And that Black people are one of the fastest-growing demographics in homeschooling. Also, if you go to Facebook, there's Black on-line homeschooling communities called: 'The Black Homeschoolers connection', 'Homeschooling Black families', 'Black Homeschooling for freethinkers', etc. And their memberships alone number in the thousands.

But if you've resigned yourself to being a boot-lickin', buck dancin' anglophile for whitey, you'll never know this—or even want to.

And no matter how much they try to deny it, Tito's MGTOW/meninist peers can't help but show their sexually-conflicted colors. Case in point, Tito talks in this same video about another 'red-pilled' (euphemism for men's rights activist) male who calls himself the 'Red Pill Philosophy' (RPP). He says RPP made a vid where he conducts a comparative study of Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s and Conor McGregor's bulging genitalia during their fight's 'weigh-in' ceremony (The vid's titled: 'The Mystery of Conor McGregor's Bulge revealed). And even though Tito says he's repulsed by this, I notice he himself isn't married, nor is he in a long-term relationship, and if anyone were to ask him about why that is, he'd go into one of his 'red-pilled' dissertations about how marriage/long-term relationships (with women at least) are really a modern day form of ritualistic slavery (feminism).

Now, I previously mentioned how Tariq Nasheed's 'Hidden Colors' documentaries and websites like 'We Buy Black' and 'Blaqspot' are the results of a reinvigorated Black consciousness, but truthfully, in my opinion, what precipitated all of this were the fortuitous acts of one man: Dave Chappelle.

And I can hear y'all already saying—bruh, seriously? you're talkin' about Dave Chappelle, the comedian?

Yep. And let me tell ya' why...

After the 'Chappelle Show' became the biggest hit on Comedy Central, and after this show's DVD became a national best-seller, Comedy Central offered Dave $50 million dollars to continue the series. Provided that is, he'd play according to the rules of white fascist freemasonry.

And what did Dave do? He said: No, I'm not wearing a dress, no I'm not taking your money AND I'm going back to Africa.

whitey was left scratching their heads.

Cause they figured, surely no Black person would turn down that kind of money, based on anything they were asked to do. But they didn't factor in two equations: Dave's parents.

Dave's mother Yvonne, worked for the revolutionary Congolese Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba, who fought tirelessly to get back the Congo's mineral resources for our people. And Lumumba chose Yvonne himself. Additionally, Dave's father, William Dave Chappelle III, was always in young Dave's life, which kept his moral compass pointing north. Also, William gave Dave some sage advice specifically about the entertainment industry, when he said, “...if the price (of fame) gets too high, get outta' there...” Thus, Dave had the mental and moral strength that helped him navigate around and resist whitey's myriad temptations. And when the Black Diaspora, and Black america especially, saw that, they were shown in one fatal swoop that money isn't our ultimate power, UNITY (Dave's going back to Africa) is.

And spring-boarding off that, I'll say Dave's triumphs influenced Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s recent win over Conor McGregor. How? Well, what is more priceless than Floyd's winning his 50th fight and breaking Rocky Marciano's record, or his billion dollar athlete's status, is the fact that he reconciled with his father over the course of the last several years, and had him in his corner while he not only won the fight, but bested Rocky's record. Again, reinforcing the fact that we win by unifying amongst ourselves, on intra and inter-familial levels.

And if you're wondering why the media's said nothing about Floyd Jr. and his father reconciling, then let me expound on that...

First off, let me reiterate that celebrity is nothing but a white fascist construct that used to influence the masses—period. That's it's only real function. Now, the artistry coming from that, whether it be in song, film, dance, or any kind of graphic design, are just byproducts of celebrity's social construct. So whitey shot themselves in the foot several times with Floyd, cause not only did he break the 'great white hope's' immaculate record, but he's a billionaire to boot, and he will influence scores of Black men and children to reconcile with each other, I believe, over the course of generations. Thus, bringing some healing and much needed repair to the Black nuclear family. And this, quiet as it's kept, will be Floyd's (Jr. and Sr.) truest and greatest standing legacy for us.

Mind you, the last thing whitey wants is for more 'pure-bred' Black men and women to have children, cause we've got the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence—and like I've said in the past, whitey's committing suicide in droves, overdosing on drugs by the boatload, and their birth rates have fallen below replacement levels for the past half-century plus. In other words, they've hit a dead end—literally.

And to put that in more layman's terms, whitey's going the way of the dinosaur, whether they want to or not. Thus, why I'm calling this series, 'The end of white people'.

Now, you may be thinking, bruh, how could you say white people are headed for an inevitable demise, when they're continuously afflicting us with newer and stronger biological diseases, and we're being gentrified right out of our neighborhoods, and they're ritualistically killing us off with 'un-natural' disasters like Hurricane Harvey?

Welp, here's the answer...

Even though whitey has the most resources to manufacture traumas on the world like the AIDS, EBOLA, and ZIKA viruses, and they've got technologies to create Hurricanes like Katrina and Harvey (google the H.A.A.R.P. Program sometimes), we should still be jubilant, cause it's when they're fighting the hardest, that we know their days of dominance are over.

Now, I never said whitey was gonna' go quietly. They're gonna' put up as much of a fight as they can, and quite frankly, that's why our ancestors created these degenerates. Cause our ingenious ancestors knew that the 'hue-man' race, needs trauma(s) to adapt to and survive through for the race to continue. And that's why whitey is here, to create and keep creating that trauma.

Moreover, our ancestors gave whitey a set amount of time to rule—and that time is UP—NOW!

So I've said all that to say this, NOTHING will stop the ascent of Black people, and NOTHING will stop the descent of whitey. NOTHING!


And with that, there ain't no more to say except—I LOVE BEING BLACK!!!


MontUHURU Mimia


You can read the 'Atlantic' magazine's article on Black 'homeschooling' here.


Here's a video detailing how whitey is perhaps able to 'weaponize' the weather that's creating these unusually violent storms like 'Harvey' and 'Irma'. And even if this is truly valid technology, what's truer is nothing will stop whitey's inevitable demise...NOTHING. Again, like Bob Marley said, "Have no fear of atomic (or any other) energy, cause NONE OF THEM CAN STOP THE TIME..."


  1. I heard that Dave Chapelle went to Afrika and was out of the industry for a while, but I heard that he came back and he does not look like the same Dave Chapelle. I was told that for a lack of a better word that Chapelle looks programmed. Could it be that the Illumaniti threatened him so much, possibly threatening to cause harm to his family, could that be why he came back.

    In regards to Meriwether, I heard the only people he gives money to is European sports car manufacturers,not black people.


    1. 'cedi'...

      Firstly, Dave may well be back in the comfortable bosom of white fascist freemasonry, but there's two things we have to consider when speaking on this:

      One, Dave has a family to support, so his actions, especially concerning his finances, can't be made frivolously. Thus, he can't strictly think about how HE'S affected by his decisions, cause he's got mouths to feed.

      Two, whether or not he did return to the comfortable folds of freemasonry, white fascists STILL CAN'T TAKE AWAY THE BLOW HE STRUCK TO THEM BY HIS ACTIONS! THAT WILL STAND FOREVER! AND IT'S MESSAGE TO US WILL STAND FOREVER AS WELL!

      Now, in regards to Floyd Mayweather Jr., your comments remind me of what plaques Black men's rights activists the most. Insofar as how mis/un-informed they are, whether they know it or not. Cause if you'd done five minutes worth of research, you'd find out that Floyd has a charitable foundation that has literally donated millions of dollars to our people. Check it out here:

      And, this is an article written by a journalist who DOESN'T Like Floyd, but even he details how much Floyd's given in charitable donations to our people. Check that out here:

      So my message to you and the community of Black men's rights activists is this: stop listening to stereotypes about Black men and do some research to find out THE TRUTH! Cause when you do, you'll find that 99.9% of what you're being told is a bald-faced lie.

  2. 'Kev'...

    I understand your sentiment, but I have to emphasize that NO WHERE in this post, did I say Tito was gay.

    I said he was 'unmarried', and I said he wasn't in a 'long-term relationship'--so gay 'shaming tactics' weren't employed anywhere in this editorial.

    My speaking on Tito's diatribes were more reflective on the overwhelming majority of the 'Black men's rights' (BMR) movement, which you and I both know is RIFE with homosexuals.

    Moreover, to keep it all the way real, Tito is really a white MGTOW pretending to be a Black men's rights activist. Just like Black 'womanyists' are really white feminists with a different title.

    It pains me to listen to these Black men talk about how stupid 'Pro-Blacks' are, when they've taken up with white men who wanna' act like an oppressed minority. To me, nothing could be more asinine and stupefied than that.

    And once again, I've even heard Tito thank white men for coming up with the term 'MGTOW', so he couldn't deny this if he wanted to.

    I also get peeved when I hear these BMR activists using insipid buzzwords that whitey gave them, like when they call Black people who don't subscribe to their points of view 'liberals', or when they call Pro-Blacks 'Social Justice Warriors'. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to how negatively these Black men talk about their own people on a consistent basis.

    Again, what they don't understand is there's a price to be paid for talking that disparagingly about your own kind--and that price is a subconscious self-hatred, which Tito displays by siding with the white conservatives that he feels speak for him and others like him.

    And more often than not I call these kinds of Black people 'anglophiles', not 'coons'. And in my opinion, you don't have to be a Black person who's doggedly against the personal liberties or self-determination of your people to attain a coon qualification. Cause to me, the biggest coons are self-hating Black people who influence other Black people to hate themselves.

    And that is the REAL agenda of the BMR movement.

  3. Did I not say that I HEARD that Meriwether gives his money to European sports car manufacturers not black people. The keyword is HEARD, I did not state that he did, because I did) not research how he spends his money (this was just a statement somebody I know made in passing). In addition I don't research these people like Meriwether and other celebrities, because in reality, I don't care to live vicariously through wealthy people and last but not least they do not pay my bills, or give me personally any money.

    Thank you


    1. 'cedi'...

      I need you and everyone venturing to my Blog to understand that I deal in research, not hearsay.

      And you may think I'm taking myself too seriously, but the topics I tackle won't and don't deal with frivolous celebrity gossip.

      So again, I'm not concerned with what people hear or feel. I'm relying on qualitative and quantifiable data to not only discern between facts and fiction, but to continue the process of reconditioning myself and people who look like me, out of the self-hating mores we were tricked into by the white fascist social order we live in.

      And in more layman's terms--I'm not playin' with what I publish here. Cause topics I tackle have real life consequences.

      Moreover, the point I was ultimately making was that FLoyd and his father's reconciliation, will have positive, long-lasting effects on Black america specifically, and the Diaspora in general.

      Lastly, I, like you, don't care about celebrity lifestyles, cause they don't pay my bills, but what I care about less, is rumors people HEAR from other uninformed people. So if you can't qualify your comment(s), don't bother making them.

  4. If the "BMR movement" if rife with homosexuals and if Tito "hates himself", I'm gonna need to see some undeniable evidence, especially since I don't see this so-called "BMR movement" in any sort of organized fashion. The closest thing that I know to what you're talking about is SYSBM, and those guys are overwhelmingly heterosexual.

    I have a hypothesis, and it goes something like this: most "Black" men don't suffer from self-hate as much as we do simpery. It isn't not being liked by society that we can't handle, it's not being liked by "black" women that many, if not most of us can't handle. If anything, the anglophiles/coons are the groups of people and most of the ideologies that try to speak on BEHALF of most "Black" men.

  5. 'Kev'...

    I said the overwhelming majority of Black 'MGTOW's' and 'meninists' are self-hating—I did not say Tito hated himself. Matter of fact, I'm sure Tito loves Tito, problem is, Tito hates being Black. Now, if you want undeniable evidence of this, I'll give you the same answer that I give to Black men's rights activists (BMRA) who say that “Pro-Blacks” are the same as klansmen, insomuch as we're in a co-dependent relationship.

    First off, if you listen to any klansmen, or group of them, ninety plus percent of the time, they're not saying anything disparaging about their people. Conversely, BMRA's talk disparagingly about their own people ninety percent of the time. So question: what must Tito think about himself being Black, if he's dedicating almost every video of his to denigrating us? What I'll also say, is Tito is making the same basic mistake that most anglophilic Black people make. And that is, he feels that talking disparagingly about certain factions of us, will let white and non-Black people know that he's not one of us. Meaning, he's really trying to get people to see him as something other than Black. Which is the real fools errand. But don't take my word for this, ask Henry Louis Gates Jr.

    On top of that, our people, Pro-Black or otherwise, don't have access to the white privilege or the institutions that can block white people's access to resources. Conversely, there's a lot of white politicians who are klansman—so we are NOT the same.

    As for the sexually-conflicted nature of BMRA's, Tito mentions this himself when he talks about one of his peers, “Red Pill Philosophy” (RPP). He talks about how RPP made a video comparing the genital sizes of Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather Jr. Now, what straight man would do that? And, I remember watching one of Tito's other peers, “The Straight Shooter”, who made a video saying that he knew of a young Black man who had a vasectomy, and how it made his life more productive. Now if that doesn't speak to this community's mainstreaming homosexuality to Black men, I don't know what does.

    Also, the fact that BMRA's aren't organized in any kind of constructive way to build something to help us, speaks directly to why I don't think they have a leg to stand on when they wanna' critique Pro-Blacks.

    But understand, when you and BMRA's say there's some Pro-Blacks who are fake as a three-dollar bill, I agree. I've met some of them personally. But here's why I'll rock with them over a BMRA any day—it's cause even if a Pro-Black brotha or sista is talking disingenuously about “Black unity”, the energy they expel can still be harnessed by a genuinely down brotha or sista, who can take that, and make positive changes for our Diaspora with it. Whereas, the negative energy being expelled by BMRA's only serves to further divide us.

    Now, in regards to your hypothesis on simpin'—I'll say that a Black man's simpin' is a direct result of his self-hatred. Cause remember, we, more than any other kind of man, have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence. Thus, every facet of the american social order has been engineered to make us hate ourselves more than anyone else. So the deeper thinking Black man doesn't trip on not being liked by Black women, cause he knows that neither his woman or society at large really likes him. So at some point, he has to reinforce reasons why he should love himself.

    But I do agree with you that anglophilic Black men speak for how the majority of us feel. And that's due to the conditioning we get from america's social order—especially when we talk about the american educational system. That's why my Blog's first posts talked extensively about reconditioning ourselves on subconscious levels. And that's also why it's a theme I'm planning to return to.

    Again, thanks for commenting.
