
Sunday, September 17, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 20)...What do Kenneka Jenkins, Sam Cooke, integration and the Black Wall Street have in common?

Sam Cooke was born on January 22, 1931 in Clarksdale, Mississippi. He was one of eight children born to Charles Cook Sr., a baptist minister. Early in his youth, Sam's voice and charisma made him stand out from his peers in his father's gospel youth choir, and people quickly noticed his star power.

By the time Sam was 20, his voice was honed into a finely tuned instrument, and he replaced R.H. Harris in the gospel group, the 'Soul Stirrers'. Now, R.H. was a legendary singer in his own right and the Soul Stirrers at the time, where one of america's most popular gospel groups—but when Sam took over as lead vocalist, their popularity increased ten fold.

After singing with the Soul Stirrers for six years, Sam decided to try his hand at secular music. And his hypnotically smooth vocal stylings won him a hit record with the 1957 release of 'You Send Me', which sold over a million copies. Sam is also credited as being one of the architects of the Soul/R&B genres, along with other giants of the industry like Jackie Wilson.

Now, as Sam's classic songs like 'Cupid' and 'Chain Gang' began to top the charts, he saw the scandalous amounts of money being made by record executives, and took the initiative to start his own record label, 'SAR' recordings. Supposedly, the name SAR was an acronym for 'Sam and Alex Records', being that J.W. 'Alexander' was Sam's business partner, song-writing associate and friend. Mind you, Sam opened this business at a time when music publishing and ownership of master recordings were strictly the domain of white 'mafia-affiliated' men.

Fast forward to the evening of December 11th, 1964, when Sam and a young woman named Elisa Boyer, arrived at the 'Hacienda Motel' in Los Angeles, California. Now, according to Elisa, she'd met Sam at a Hollywood dinner where he performed, and as they settled into their hotel room, Elisa said, Sam became violent and tried to rape her. After she dashed out of the room (with Sam's cloths in tow), reports say that Sam went to the night manager, Bertha Franklin's office, pounding on the door and demanding that Elisa return his clothing. Moments later, those same reports say that Sam kicked down the door, and that's when Bertha brandished a gun and fired the fatal shot that killed him.

Now—that's what whitey wants you to believe—but let's see what really happened to Sam.

First off, a month after Sam's death, Elisa Boyer was arrested for prostitution. And one more fact coming to light, was the Hacienda motel having a reputation for being a hooker's hang out. Also, in 1979, Elisa was charged with second-degree murder in the death of a boyfriend. And authorities found out that Bertha Franklin was a 'mob-affiliated' madam for a prostitution ring operating out of the Hacienda. To top all this off, forensics experts say that the shot that killed Sam, which pierced both his heart and right lung, was one only a professional assassin could have executed. And if that weren't enough, the nearly $5,000 in cash Sam had on him that night, was never found.

And if all of that wasn't enough, recording artists like Aretha Franklin and Bobby Womack recognized at his funeral, that Sam's body had been beaten and badly deformed. So the theory of his dying from a single shot, just doesn't make sense.

In other words family—Sam's death was a good ol' fashioned mafia set-up. And there's a long history of celebrity musicians, Black men especially, getting killed as soon as they try to own the rights to their music. But don't take my word for it, check out the stories of Jimi Hendrix, Michael Jackson, Prince, etc. and see how the same shroud of mystery covered their deaths as well.

Moving on...

Now, during the early 1900's, the population of segregated Black americans living in northeast Oklahoma, around Tulsa, flourished into what we now know as the 'Black Wall Street'. The area was home to several lawyers, realtors, doctors, and prominent Black businessmen, many of whom were multimillionaires.

This area boasted a variety of thriving businesses such as grocery stores, clothing stores, barbershops, banks, hotels, cafes, movie theaters, two newspapers, and many contemporary homes. And mind you, these residents enjoyed many luxuries that their white neighbors did not, including indoor plumbing and a remarkable school system. The dollar circulated 36 to 100 times, sometimes taking a year for currency to leave the community.

Now, in the early morning of June 1, 1921, the Black Wall Street was looted, bombed from the air, and burned to the ground by white rioters. It was also reported that the bombing was announced in a newspaper article, before it got retracted. But even though bigoted whites had their boots on the ground to perpetrate these crimes, it was white fascists behind the scenes (i.e. the american government) who orchestrated this melee.

And even though the Black Wall Street has become famously renowned as a model of and for Black wealth, what's lesser known is after the bombing of the Black Wall Street, our people built it's businesses back up five years later.

Now, what happened next was a meeting between america's white fascists who figured out that under segregation, even if they continued bombing our business centers, our people would just rebuilt those companies and start recirculating our monies amongst ourselves. So they pondered how they could get our money into their pockets on a more permanent basis, without all the hassles of a physical confrontation. Then one bright inbred raised a finger and said, “Ah—we'll integrate them into our communities.”

Enter Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and 60's.

Now, whites not only wanted to control the dollars generated by Black americans, but they also wanted to kill off the Black nuclear family. So right after integration became law, their first order of business was keeping Black men out of jobs—and especially, out of american labor unions. Then they went about telling Black women, that in the wake of Black men not being able to provide for them, the gov't would give them programs to pay for their food, clothing and shelter—with one caveat—they couldn't have a man in the house. This more than anything struck a death blow to america's Black families.

One other thing I must mention is—the majority of Black women did not take this deal. And that's why in the 1980's, whitey had to up the ante of destabilizing Black nuclear families by rolling out the deadly troika of 'Reaganomics, Crack and AIDS'. But I'll expound on that in another post.

Now, before I speak on the tragedy that befell sista Kenneka Jenkins, I'd like to share a story with you regarding Chicago's crime stats—and I'd like to state that this info. comes from a news forum called, 'DNAinfo.' out of Chicago. And I'll leave a link for their site at the end of this post. Now, according to this news source, on September 9th, 2017, along with Kenneka, another four Black americans were killed in Chicago. One of those being a young man named Carlos Cortez, who was 22 and died from gunshot wounds—but the three others (in my opinion) died from much harsher circumstances than sista Keeneka did. Now, let me explain what I'm talking about...

On the same evening, at 11:38 p.m., in the Roseland section of Chicago, three individuals stood behind a parked car on Yale Avenue, when an assailant walked out of an alley and opened fire. Those victims were: Tyson White (36), Jacquell Mosley (26), and Dominic Morris (30). And they all died from multiple gunshot wounds. Sadly enough, two of these victims, namely, Jacquell and Dominic, were women.

Now, here's my question: If the white fascist media is so infatuated with gratuitously violent and sensationalized murders, especially when it comes to Black people, then why didn't this story go viral, instead of Kenneka's?

Here's why...

In my last post, 'The end of white people (Part 3)', I told anyone who read my Blog, that I feel a little relief or a healing between Black men and women taking place.

That is, I feel the intense and bitter animosity we have towards each other easing in the wake of three events specifically—and those are: one, Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s win over Conor McGregor.

Two, the white Nationalists and white protesters fighting each other in Charlottesville, Virginia. 

And three, the fact(s) that white americans are overdosing on drugs and committing suicide in droves. 

And I almost forgot to mention that white birthrates have fallen below replacement levels for the last half-century plus *smiles*. To top all this off, Black consciousness being 'cool' now, means that at least half of us are no longer stone-cold anglophiles doting on whatever's white.

Needless to say, whitey can't have this...

Thus, the white fascists who control the media, thrust Keeneka Jenkins' story into the american mainstream, so the majority of Black women can find new reasons to hate Black men. And one more story about the indiscriminate shooting of Black people, might not necessarily do that...but Keeneka's story should. Also, Keeneka being found in a walk-in freezer, and dying under unusual circumstances (like Sam Cooke did, chasing after a non-Black woman no less) adds to the story's emotional power. So once again, this is all being done to promote the one state-of-being that keeps us losing against whitey—disunity.

Now, let me tell you what I'm not saying in this post. I'm not saying that because of the white fascist agenda, we don't need to look into incidences of violence and rape against women in our community—cause we certainly do. I'm simply asking every Black man and woman reading this to put what happened to Keeneka in the context of white fascism, cause then we'll realize all of the dysfunctions exhibited in Black america, or throughout our Diaspora, have roots in the global system of institutional white bigotry. All of 'em.

And again, this is not to say that the young men who allegedly raped Keeneka shouldn't be brought to justice, if that's what happened. I'm just saying, peep the game that white fascists are running on us, before you let your emotions run away with you.

Now, we can expect more of these events from whitey—cause again, they fully realize that this is their last stand. Their days of dominance are growing shorter and shorter, and they're seeing that sooner than later, the lot of them will only be displayed in museum installations dedicated to their memory. 

And when that happens, I for one am betting that our people will heed the karmic lesson those imbreds taught us—so we won't make those same mistakes ourselves.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's movie, 'Do the Right Thing': “That's the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia


You can check out the 'DNAinfo' website for the crime stories referenced in this post here.

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