
Monday, September 25, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 21)...Prince, Black 'Roots', Issa Rae, and the cult of well-bred 'insecurities'...

 "I'm rooting for everybody Black."
--Issa Rae, at the Emmys

"How we gonna' let the elevator break us down? Oh no, let's go..."
--Prince, from the song, 'Let's go crazy'

Prince released his seventh studio album, 'Around the World in a Day' (left), on April 22nd, 1985. And the bulk of this recording was done during the six months of touring he and his band, 'the Revolution', completed behind Prince's most successful album and movie, “Purple Rain”.

Now, according to the media, the inspiration for the album's sound came from a demo that Dave Coleman, brother of band member, Lisa Coleman, recorded that eventually became the album's title track. And for the uninitiated, sonically, this album explored the psychedelic and more ethereal music genres, and was hailed as Prince's 'Sgt. Pepper's'—this being a reference to the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which is lauded as an absolute classic in the annals of Rock and Roll.

Also the album's cover art, has an amorphous, multi-colored, and tie-dyed 60's feel, reminiscent of that decade's mainstreamed psychedelia. And when asked about this, Prince responded by saying, “The cover art came about cause I though people were tired of looking at me. Who wants another picture of me? I would want only so many pictures of my woman, then I'd want the real thing...”

And even with the album's 'leftist' sensibilities and a dearth of label promotion, it went double platinum. It also spawned two top ten hits with, 'Raspberry Beret' and 'Pop Life'. In addition, the album wound up selling seven million copies worldwide.

Now, myself and every other Prince fan at the time thought, why would a bonafide superstar-of-a-recording-artist like Prince, seemingly wreck his career by putting out some weird album like this? Of course, being a Prince fan, I understand he was an eclectic artist, and I thought, well, he's going left, just for the sake of going left—still, this record seemed completely disassociated with his funk-rock aesthetic.

What I know now, that I didn't then, was the freemasonic order that Prince belonged to commissioned this style of album from him. The goal behind that being the continual reminding of americans, and the free world, that the Beatles (4 white men), were the greatest Rock and Roll band that ever existed. This is also why less than a decade ago, I saw Justin Bieber singing the Beatles song, “Let it Be”.

Anecdotally, I'll never forget when I documented the fact that Black people created Rock and Roll on a YouTube video, featuring the group, 'Earth, Wind and Fire'.

One liberal white person literally wrote: “LOL! What?” And I had to explain to him and another genetic dead-ender (white person), who declared that the Rock and Roll genre started in europe, that the 'Rolling Stones' actually named themselves after the 'Muddy Waters' song, “Mannish Boy”.

Cause in that song, Muddy openly declares: “I'm a rolling stone...” And the Beatles song, “I couldn't dance with another” (google this if you've never heard it), where John and Paul sing, “And I couldn't dance with another—whoooo!” Well, the 'whooo' sound they're mimicking, is one created by none other than Little Richard. Moreover, it was brothas like Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley and Richard, who were the real kings and creators of Rock and Roll music.

Moving on...

Now, back in the 80's Prince was complicit with the freemasonic order he belonged to, cause they'd made him a star. Still, he couldn't help but see the scandalous amounts of money record execs were making off his music, and the music of other artists. Thus, he went about the difficult task of not only opening his own record label (Paisley Park), but he fought tooth and nail to get back the rights to his master recordings. *Note: This was in the 90's when Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable glyph and he was writing 'Slave' on his cheek.

Fortunately, Prince won back the rights to his masters in 2014. Unfortunately, two years later, he was found dead.

Now, rumors and speculation spread about Prince dying from a drug overdose and/or from an acute case of the Flu. But here's how I know he was murdered by the same freemasons who made him a star.

Prince was found dead in an elevator at his Paisley Park recording studio/home. Now, in his song, “Let's Go Crazy”, the chorus of the song says, “How we gonna' let the elevator break us down?” Now, the elevator Prince refers to is actually Satan. And this song is all about getting through life, (Thus, the song opens with: “Dearly beloved—we are gathered here today to get through this thing we call life...”) and our dealing with the battle(s) against evil. This is also why the song starts out with chords of organ music, cause Prince is taking on a 'preacher persona'—especially at the beginning of the movie Purple Rain.

Prince was saying, not only shouldn't we allow the devil to break us down, but we should also take the initiative, being that we're in an elevator (Satan's world), to punch the elevator's button to get to a higher floor (spiritual edification), so we can get with God. Now, freemasons are notorious for liking to leave their mark by hiding things in plain sight (Michael Jackson wearing his nazi arm band back in the day). Thus, they essentially identified themselves by killing Prince and leaving his body in an elevator. So in one fatal swoop, they let us know that they're representing the elevator, i.e. Luciferian white fascist freemasonry.

Now, it was on February 3rd, 2011, that the African-American actress, Issa Rae, debuted her web series, “The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl”. Her inspiration to start this series was drawn from her experiences working at New York City's, New Federal Theater, where she'd had difficulties meeting and interacting with people in an unfamiliar place. So, she thought it would be fun to depict the uncomfortable situations people might encounter with one another, especially from an African-American woman's point of view.

We should also note that Pharell Williams (yeah, the star music producer from the group, 'The Neptunes') was an executive producer of this series. So, she did have some clout with industry execs right off the bat.

Fast forward to 2013, when Issa began working with co-creator Larry Wilmore, on a comedy-drama pilot based on her web-series. HBO picked up the pilot, and debuted the show with it's new name, 'Insecure', on October 9th, of 2016. Since it's release, the show's not only gone on to receive critical acclaim, but it was renewed for a second season on November 14th, 2016. And on August 8th, of this year, it was renewed for a third season.

Now, even though this series is supposed to showcase the awkward travails of Black women in america's social order, what it's really designed to do, is show how dysfunctional Black people and our relationships are. Cause quiet as it's kept, the execs at HBO are just white bigots, who are hell-bent on portraying our people in the worst light possible (The Sopranos).

The lead character, 'Issa', played by Issa Rae, and her friend, Molly (played by Yvonne Orji), prove themselves to be untrustworthy and unscrupulous in every conceivable way, when it comes to their relationships with Black men. Thus, more than anything, this series serves as a cautionary tale to any Black man who hopes to pursue any kind of relationship with a Black woman. And I know I've said this at least 100 times, but white fascists have to keep 'pure-bred' Black men and women away from each other, cause we have the most genetic power to breed their kind out of existence. And white birth rates have fallen below replacement levels for at least the last half-century. On top of that, whites are overdosing on drugs in droves and committing suicide like crazy.

Additionally, this show adheres to the stereotype of Black women being perpetually stuck, and kept by white fascists, in three states-of-being: well-paid, oversexed and alone (Olivia Pope).

Now, on September 17th, 2017, the head inbreds at the academy of Televised Arts and Sciences, were settled in to congratulate themselves once more, like they do every year, by putting on the annual Emmy Awards ceremony.

And on the red carpet of this event, a journalist from 'Variety' magazine asked Issa pointedly, “Who are you rooting for?” And Issa replied, “I'm rooting for everybody Black.”

Now, you may think this is hyperbolic, but in my opinion, Issa's statement is and was just as revolutionary as when President Barack Obama said of the cops who arrested Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., “The police acted stupidly...”

Now, let me tell you why...

Like Prince (and I'm not comparing Issa's ingenuity to Prince's), Issa showed she understood how to placate the white fascists who own the media, while knowing, or at least imbibing in, the zeitgeist of Black 'consciousness' that's affecting every Black person in america. And in more layman's terms, Issa not only showed how she's got whitey's number, but how she's ultimately down for her people.

Now, this doesn't completely absolve Issa from reinforcing the mores of Black dysfunction on her show. But, if anyone's thinking I've got several problems with 'Insecure', I'd tell you I have only one. And that problem is the same one I have with Black men's rights activists—that being, how they talk ad nauseam about Black dysfunction outside the context of the white fascism that created it.

Understand, as a Black man or woman, if you spend an inordinate amount of time talking disparagingly about Black people, or indulging in the media's portrayal of us in a negative light, how could you not hate yourself for being Black?

And I get the fact that most Black people who do this say, well, I'm critiquing Black people who aren't like me. Now, there's absolutely a time for that, but what makes this dangerous is, so many Black people denigrate other factions of Blacks in our Diaspora, to show white and non-Black folks how they're not like them. And this never works. Cause what winds up happening is, if whites and non-Blacks do think you're somehow more educated, or upper-scale than the rest of us, they'll start making bigoted jokes about Blacks around you. And I can't tell you how many acquaintances I've had to cut off behind that happening.

However, one other bone I have to pick with Issa, is how she vehemently denigrates the image of Black men who treat her like the tramp she portrays herself to be on her show. Now, I'm not an avid watcher of this series, but I remember one instance where she gets in the car of one brotha who sees the scowl on her face and asks her whats wrong. To which Issa exclaims, “Niggas!” She even wears a shirt that dons this word on her show.

Now, if I had a chance to talk with Issa, I'd tell her that it's these same brothas you're slandering on your show, that made it possible for you to comfortably make your statement at the Emmys. And right now, you might be scratching your head thinking, bruh—what the hell are you talking about?

So let me answer that real quick...

Brothas like Dr. Umar Johnson, Tariq Nasheed, and Brother Jabari (from the House of Konsciousness—google the brotha if you've never heard of him), would be considered “niggas” to Issa. Or at least to her character. And these are the same brothas who she, and the whole of Black american women, owe a debt of gratitude towards, for being able to express themselves so openly about being proud of who they are. Now, I'd be remiss if I didn't say there aren't sistas like the late Queen, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, who contributed to this too, but overwhelmingly, the people baring the slings and arrows for being “Pro-Black” have been brothas like the aforementioned ones.

But ultimately, the moral of this story is, even though Issa portrayed herself as a “negro nerd” in terms of calling herself the awkward Black girl, to win points with whites, she's seeing that the true power, especially in terms of creating any kind of cool culture(s), belongs to us.

So if you're a brotha or sista reading this, you need to understand that 'negro nerdom' will never lead you to anything that's culturally cool. Meaning, if you wanna' be legitimately on the cutting edge, at least in terms of cultural creation(s), the spiritual tools to build those kinds of social constructs belong to us exclusively. Moreover, Issa's statement is further proof that we need to be a monolithic group—cause it works to our benefit, not our detriment.

UNITY Y'ALL!—now and forever, that's what's really up!!


MontUHURU Mimia


9/27/17 - *Addendum: For those under 30 who are reading this post, here's the 'official' Warner Brother's issued video for Prince's song, "Let's Go Crazy". Note at 1:33 minutes of this video, Prince quotes the lyrics, "(Maybe it's cause) 'we're all gonna' die...'" Now, the 33rd degree of freemasonry just happens to be the highest in their fraternity. And that's cause it represents the 33 vertebrate of the spinal column leading up to the 'Pineal Gland', and this is supposedly where our sentient 'consciousness' is kept. So this song's all about our 'hue-man' mortality fam. Beyond that, it's a cool tune, so enjoy this clip.

In case you missed it, here's Obama telling whitey (and white cops especially) how stupid they are. Moreover, a Black man simply being the american president, is why whites in america, especially white women, voted for Donald Trump. And for those brothas and sistas who didn't like Obama (Mind you, I used to be one of them), we especially should understand that if he showed whitey he was all the way down for us, they'd have killed him a long time ago. Hell, white fascists nearly blew JFK's head off—and they liked him. Enjoy the vid!

1 comment:

  1. I said it before and I'll say it again: all of these factions bragging about "keeping it real/classy" and "save da community/pull yourself up by the bootstraps" all had an active hand in destroying the community.
