
Monday, October 2, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 22)...3 Reasons why the white elite fabricated the 'Black (male) privilege'...

Saul Stacey Williams (man pictured in header) was born on February 29th, 1972 in Newburgh, New York, which is 60 minutes north of New York City. He attended Newburgh Free Academy, before graduating from “Morehouse College” with a B.A. in acting and philosophy. From there, he attained an MFA in acting from New York University's 'Graduate Acting Program' at the college's 'Tisch School of the Arts'. And while at NYU, he became a star of the New York cafe poetry scene.

Now, the first time I heard of Saul Williams was on Russell Simmons' HBO series, “Def Poetry Jam”, hosted by Mos Def (who's now 'Yasiin Bey'). Shortly after, I'd heard he'd won the highly coveted, Grand Slam Championship at New York City's 'Nuyorican Poet's Cafe'—which he did in 1996. And it was a year later that I saw him in the film, 'Slam', where Saul portrays a drug dealing young man, who seeks redemption and resurrection from the hazards of urban blight through poetry (And trust—this flick is definitely worth watching).

Since then, I've read one of Saul's books, listened to his myriad albums, and have been a fan of his lectures more than any of his other artistic endeavors. But it was one of his talks in particular, that struck and stuck with me more than most...

Earlier this year, Saul spoke about his artistic life at Duke University, with Mark Anthony Neal, a brotha who's a professor of Black popular culture in Duke U.'s African-American studies department. And that evening, Saul told Mark about something he experienced in one of his acting classes.

Saul spoke about Morehouse not having a drama dept., and how he had to take those courses at neaby Spellman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Mind you, Spellman is a woman's college (More specifically, Spellman is a Historically Black College, so the overwhelming majority of it's student body are Black women). So Saul explained to Mark that he remembered how his professor, Glenda Dickerson, made all the young Black men attending those courses, participate in “menses” riutals, where they'd hold white candles and were told to sit in silence while Glenda led the female students, who were wearing white themselves, in whatever pantomimed ceremonies that Glenda planned for the class.

Now, even though these exercises were suppose to teach these young Black men to respect their women, here's what Glenda was really indoctrinating them into.

The white candles Saul and the other young Black men held during these rituals, really represented a white phallus (Washington monument). And what this told those young brothas, or was suppose to tell them, was their Black manhood, would always be inferior to a white male's. Moreover, Glenda was teaching them that this would be the case no matter what they accomplished—especially in the eye's of Black women.

And ultimately, it told those young brothas that the white man was the only one who could offer them the 2 things they craved most—security and a sense of ethnic purity.

Additionally, those Black women wearing white told those young brothas, how Black women, at least those in america's social order, would be completely obsequious and complicit to this country's (or world's) white fascist status quo. Even if it was to their detriment—which we now see that it was (Olivia Pope).

And I just gotta' say this—at a time when we had a Black man as the american president (Obama), it was a Black woman, Shonda Rhimes, who created a TV show, featuring an African-american woman who's the mistress of a white male american president. And Black women held parties to watch this show.

There was even an episode where Olivia Pope and Fitzgerald, have sex in a closet. And right after good ol' Fitz is done with Olivia, he says the act was a mistake in judgment on his part.

Now, a lot of Black women were thinking that Black men were just bitter behind this show featuring a Black woman sleeping with a white man. But what brothas were really asking themselves was: why would Black women wanna' portray themselves this way? And Kerry Washington lived the real life consequences of this portrayal, when she and her rainbeau, Dave Moscow, got a divorce. And personally, I'm still shakin' my head behind that show, and it's overall effect on sistas.

Moving on...

Fast forward from Saul's collegiate years, to September 19th of this year, when a Black male journalist named Damon Young, wrote and published an article for his VSB (Very Smart Brothas) website, titled: 'Straight Black men are the white people of Black people'.

Now, before I go in on this brainwashed, anglophilic, white kiss-ass-of-a-negro, let me throw one fact out there—the 'Very Smart Brothas' organization, came to prominence by way of the Black news site, 'The Root'—which is itself owned by the 'Univision' corporation. So Damon's clearly speaking for his white fascist benefactors—not us.

Anyways, what this crap piece of propaganda is really saying, is straight Black men are like the white men of Black people, insomuch as the violence perpetrated by us against our women, is tantamount to the violence that white fascism perpetrates against Black folks. And that's the anglophilic negro's argument for some sort of fairy tale whitey's calling the 'Black (male) privilege'.

Now, there's myriad reasons why Damon's diatribe is dumb as a box of rocks, but I'll expound on those below, in the '3 reasons whitey fabricated the fallacious Black (male) privilege'. 

So without further ado, let's go in...

Reason #3: Donald Trump is single-handedly making white men look like the dumbfounded bigots that they really are. So to distract from that, white fascists are throwing shade at Black men, in an attempt to make us look equally dim-witted.

On his presidential campaign trail, Donald Trump told a crowd of his followers: “I am your voice.”

And that's the main reason I love Donald Trump being the american president, cause with him, there's no veneer of whitey's feigned scholarly intellectualism or benevolent humanitarianism. There's just brute elitism, colorism and blatant displays of plagiarism, embedded in every second of Trump's oligarchic behaviors. And in more layman's terms, the man's a bully—and he can't hide his true nature.

So to take mainstream america's attention away from that, Damon's white fascist handlers commissioned him to validate and qualify reasons why Black men are just as privileged as white ones, so white men won't look like the empty-headed and morally bankrupted, predators on 'hue-man' life that they actually are. And the people they want believing that most, are Black women, Black children and gay Black men.

Reason #2: white fascists want us thinking that they're our saviors and straight Black men are the real enemies of our people.

Bottom line is, whitey's saying that straight Black men, emphasis on the word straight, are the enemy that's really holding our people back. So we should quit blaming whitey for our problems.

But anyone who's thinking beyond the brain-stem level should realize they've fabricated this lie, cause Black men—especially straight Black men, have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence. Thus, a 'straight' Black man existing anywhere is a threat to them everywhere.

Reason #1: And the number one reason whitey wants everyone believing in the Black (male) privilege, is more than anything, white fascists don't want us to think that the white privilege exists, so whitey can say that he's smarter than everyone else—and that's why he's on top.

Now, white folks can give you chapter and verse on why they feel their people don't benefit from having pale skin. But the white privilege isn't part of some fantastic folklore, cause there's more than enough empirical evidence to back this up. Case in point, I vividly remember an article I read about an ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) employment study out of New York, showing how white men were given more callbacks for jobs than the study's Black men, even when the white job seeker had a criminal record, and the Black man didn't.

Moreover, I remember seeing the book, “Hillbilly Elegy”, written by J.D. Vance, stay at the top of the New York Times bestsellers list for more than a year. And in it, Vance tells of his working class roots and how he got to be a Yale Law School grad through sheer hard work and determination. And how his brethren (i.e. working class white folks) are all in the same boat. Mind you, if they didn't believe this, they'd have to admit how whites, whether they're working or upper-class, share an unfair advantage that gave them the social status (and all the resources that come with it) they now enjoy.

So I've said all that to say this, ultimately, whitey will do anything to get Black people thinking that we're our own worst enemies—but like the fallacy of the Black (male) privilege, and the myriad stereotypes they lob on straight Black men, we should understand that these are nothing but idiotic and ignorant, bold-faced lies—and not little white ones.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That's the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

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