
Saturday, December 30, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 28)...What do ugly bowler hats, Buddhism, and Erykah's "BADU-ism" have in common?

Erica Abi Wright, better known as “Erykah Badu”, was born on February 26th, 1971 in Dallas, Texas. And it's said that Erykah changed her name from its original spelling, because she felt it was a “slave” name. Thus, she adopted the moniker “Erykah”, saying the term “Kah” identifies her inner-self, while the surname “Badu” represents her favorite “scat” (vocal singing technique created by Jazz artists) sound. And among the “Akan” people of Ghana, Africa, the word Badu means: “10th born child”.

Erykah's mother, Kolleen Maria Gipson, and her father, William Wright Jr., separated when Erykah was an infant, and both maternal and paternal grandparents stepped in to help raise her. And their nuturing helped a 4 year-old Erykah ply her singing and dancing trades at facilities like the “Dallas Theater Center” and the “Black Academy of Arts and Letters”.

At age 14, Erykah was “free-styling” for a local radio station with talents such as Roy Hargrove, before she attended the “Booker T. Washington High School of the Performaning Arts”. After graduating, she went to “Grambling State Univeristy”, a historically Black college. She left Grambling early to concentrate on music full-time, and concurrently, she held down an assortment of odd jobs, before landing a teachers position at the “South Dallas Cultural Center”. There she taught children the finer points of dance and drama, before working and touring with her cousin, Robert “Free” Bradford, with whom she cut a 19-song demo.

The demo titled, “Country Cousins”, landed in the hands of music mogul, Kedar Massenburg, and shortly thereafter, he recruited Erykah to sing a duet with R&B star “D'Angelo”. Kedar was so impressed with the young Erykah, that shorlty afterwards, he signed her to his record label.

Erykah's debut album, “Baduizm”, was released on February 11th, 1997, and not only garnered critical and commercial success, but ushered in a new genre of music which Kedar Massenburg dubbed “neo-soul”. The album's lead single, “On and On”, was released before the Baduizm album, in January of 1996, and personally, the song wasn't only revolutionary sonically, but lyrically. I especially loved how Erykah used her feminine wiles to speak truth to power with the lyric, “Most intellects do not believe in God but they fear us just the same.”

Now, that lyric spoke to what made Erykah and her music so exquisitely dope. Her “earth-motherly” aura and style of dress which included head-wraps, long-flowing dresses and ankh rings, spoke to a spirituality that seemed peaceful and non-judgmental. In other words, she, to me at least, embodied the powerfully “conscious” sista aesthetic that every Black man is looking for in a life-mate.

She followed up “Baduizm” with the albums: “Live” (1997), “Mama's Gun” (2000), “Worldwide Underground” (2003), “New Amerykah (Part 1)” (2008), “New Amerykah (Part 2)” (2008), and a best-hits compilation called “Icon: The best of Erykah Badu” (2010).

Then Erykah got down wit' tha' freemasons.

Shortly thereafter, in 2012, she collaborated with an “alternative” white Rock group called the “Flaming Lips”, (Their biggest hit is a song called, “She don't use jelly”), on a re-make of the Roberta Flack song, “The first time ever I saw your face”.

Now, sonically, this song sounds entirely demonic—especially in comparison to Roberta's original version. And to accompany this song, was an insidiously distasteful (in my opinion) music video, where a Black woman sitting in a bathtub, is covered in what looks like blood and semen. Now, a lot of people, myself included, were thinking, what the hell is up with Erykah? Mind you, this was before I got some of the info. I currently publish on this Blog. But for those who aren't or weren't “in the know” about why Erykah would put out a vid like that, let me give you a bit of a primer on what that video really was...

Erykah's video for “The first time ever I saw your face”, was a freemasonic ritual played out in front of us. And the Black woman in the vid was not only supposed to represent her, but the woman's being covered in what looked like blood and semen was meant to display that Erykah was wholeheartedly committed to the freemasonic brotherhood, thus, she was pledging her “lifeforce” (blood and semen) to them. Concurrently, Erykah was performing what freemasons call the “whore of Babylon” ritual that's done with starlets who enter the freemasonic fold. And if you look at the pic above, you'll see artist (and I use that term lightly) Nikki Minaj, being made to perform this same ritual in the red dress (red again, representing blood). Note Erykah's Bowler hat and her hands in a pyramid shape in front of her vagina.

Now, for those of you thinking the “whore of Babylon” was just some wanton harlot-of-a-woman with loose morals, you should know that what she really represents is the goddess, “Ishtar”. And long story short, Ishtar (who some call Aphrodite), had huge appetites for both sex and war. Additionally, the term “whore” comes from the ancient Semitic dance called the “hora”—and the women who performed this dance were not lowly concubines, but “priestesses”. And this dance was said to rejuvenate older men experiencing some kind of sexual dysfunction, but it was also used to perform incantations. Meaning, the women who perform these rituals are engaging in “spell-casting” (meaning, especially in modern day terms, they're being used by white fascists to influence the masses—which is the very reason the construct of “celebrity” was created).

Additionally, as I mentioned earlier, Erykah's been wearing these ugly (in my opinion) “Bowler hats”, along with a lot of other celebrities. So let me tell you why this is happening...

The Bowler hat is said to have been designed in 1849 by London, England hat makers, Thomas and William Bowler. Now, in the 19th and 20th centuries, this hat had become popular with the working classes of Europe, but were most commonly associated with groups called “City Gents” (in the states, these would be “yuppies”), who worked in Europe's financial districts. But they were also commonly worn by members of an organization called the “Orange Order” pictured below.

Now, this fraternity is described as a “masonic type” brotherhood, sworn to uphold the Protestant Ascendancy. And in the picture, you clearly see the masonic regalia (white gloves and medaled sashes). So these tawdry hats are just one more way freemasons are identifying themselves these days. Just like in the Pharrell Williams pic above. Note that Pharrell's upwards finger point is also a freemasonic gesture.

Now, I vividly remember watching Tavis Smiley's show (yes, the same man who's currently being accused of sexual harassment—and is fighting it), where he was interviewing the rapper, “Killer Mike”. And Mike said, “...there's an old Buddhist saying, if you walk along a path or road on your journey and you meet your master, kill him.” And just a side note: Killer Mike was wearing the colors red, Black and white, which freemasons use to identify themselves, cause they represent the colors of the Nazi flag. I then recalled seeing pictures of Buddhas in episodes of “Love and Hip-Hop”, and in the background of pics featuring the masterful Black painter Kehinde Wiley, around a Black “conscious” YouTube personality named “King LO”, and most notably, in the background of YouTube videos of a conscious brotha who goes by the name “Blackmagik363” (pictured above left).

And just the other week, I met a brotha who I work with who recently converted to Buddhism after he was introduced to the religion through a friend.

Now, Buddhism is currently the fourth fastest growing religion in america—and I can vouch for this happening cause I see people wearing Buddhist wrist “beads” like it's going' outta' style. And the reasons for it's viral spread are myriad, but it's primarily to do with this religion's connections to meditation and the popular practice of Yoga. Now, even though this spiritual practice is most often associated with asians, it's roots are firmly entrenched in indigenous Black civilizations.

Don't believe me? 

Then check out this pic to the left. Now, the first statue in this triptych is one of a Buddhist Bust hailing from Thailand, and it dates back to 800 A.D. Now, you can't tell me that's not a sista. Also, the statue to the right of the African woman is one that dates back hundreds of years and is from central Vietnam—note how the Buddha's ears are elongated, just like this African sista's are. So, like every other religion (and science) on earth, fair and dark-skinned asians, got this practice from us. And if you'd like to enlarge this pic to see it more clearly, you can just click on it.

Now, remember when I said there are several reasons for Buddhism's rapid spread? Well, here's the main one: Buddhism is becoming more and more popular because it's associated with “fair-skinned” asians. Meaning, globally, fair-skinned asians are being given their “white status” which gives them more access to resources. Just like Irish-americans were given “freedom dues” and jobs on america's police forces.

And I'm saying this cause during the Ronald Reagan american presidency, fair-skinned asians received literally hundreds of billions of dollars for their years spent in american internment camps, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. And for the past several decades stats show that there's been an acceleration of fair-skinned asians being approved for business loans by banks, simply because of their skin color. And they routinely use these loans to open businesses in Black neighborhoods. Conversely, Black people haven't received dime one of reparations for our years of captivity in the americas, and stats prove how we're rejected for bank loans at three times the rate of other ethnic groups strictly due to our ethnicity. And we also see nations like China receiving billions of dollars in government grants to buy up varying parts of Africa—and these are grants that Africans, who are native to the continent, won't and don't get.

And this is done cause, it wouldn't be in the best interests of white fascists to empower Black people, cause we have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence. Especially at a time when white birth rates have fallen below replacement levels.

So ultimately, what do Bowler hat-wearing celebrities like Erykah Badu, and Buddhist practitioners have in common? It's their connection to the white fascists freemasons who control them.

And I've said all that to say this: understand, I'm not against freemasonry itself, cause these are just the sciences my ancient ancestors created and gave to the world—it's the dastardly white fascist spin on these sciences I can't stand.

So for anyone who still wants to know why I'm against white freemasonry, it's cause the tenets therein only empower destructive institutions that further prove the intrinsic wickedness of white people. Thus, every Black person should know that this is the only real contribution they can make to the world.


MontUHURU Mimia


  1. According to the 14th Amendment, Section 4:

    "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."

    According to the U.S. Constitution, reparations for slavery are considered illegal.

  2. "Kev"...

    And like so many other "laws" on the books of this white fascist "prostitution", I mean, american "Constitution", these kinds of rules don't apply to any other ethnic group, but OURS.

    Bottom line is, white fascists have nothing to gain by empowering the people who have the most genetic power to breed them, and their kind, out of existence. MOORover, sorry I had to go there, whitey saw what we were capable of doing economically in areas like Tulsa, Oklahoma's "Black Wall Street" and Rosewood, Florida.

    So this system is engineered to perpetuate our destitution, one day and month and year at a time. And not only did John Henrik Clarke tell us we have no friends, but the old street adage still rings true, that there's no justice, there's JUST US.

    Now, the wonderful fact about that is, we're ALL WE NEED. And the sooner we realize this, the better.

    Thanks for commenting Kev!
