
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

When will Jesus return? (Special post-Christmas editorial)

Two nights before “Christmas”, a good friend invited me to one of his church's pre-holiday services. Now, this person understands that I'm not a christian, but being that we've known each other for decades, I agreed to attend.

So a few minutes into the service, the white female pastor declared that she was gonna' give everyone in attendance a “gift”. Now, this gift she said, was associated with us winning a lottery—and then she expounded on reasons why this lottery could only be attained through being “saved”meaning, you'd have to be a person who's accepted “Jesus Christ”.

Then, she pointedly told us about the concept of “original sin” and how Jesus died for us because of that. Additionally, she said no matter how foul our mouths are, or how many banks we've robbed, Jesus died so we'd be cleansed of our inherited sin(s).

Finally, she ended the service by reinforcing the point that regardless of how egregiously we live our lives, our acceptance of Jesus will grant us everlasting life. Mind you, about half of the people seated and listening to that service, were Black.

Now, I understand how whoever's reading this is probably gonna' think—well, here comes the part where he talks about that whole Black and white/ethnic thing again. But in all fairness, this pastor's audience was mostly comprised of white people. However, in terms of how this woman's message could affect churchgoers, I'd like to make 3 points as to how this pastor's sermon might strike a Black churchgoer differently from a white one, based on our disparate kinds of conditioning.

Point#3: In terms of this white woman telling me that she's gonna' give me a “gift”, and how this includes my winning a “lottery” that comes from being saved—it immediately takes my mind to stories of the mythological “white savior” that will rescue Black people from themselves. And mind you, a white person could be (and was) sitting right next to me—but because white fascism teaches Black people from birth that we're the most vile and undesirable kinds of people on the planet, it says to my mind, that I need some sort of “external” white force to save me, or us, from our inevitable demise, due to our moral obtuseness.

Point#2: Doubling down on my last point, the concept of “original sin” reinforces to me, as a Black person, in regards to the conditioning that we specifically get (especially in the american educational system) that EVERYTHING about me is WRONG.


And on a side note, I remember speaking to a mature brotha like myself about the dysfunction of Black people. And the gist of his argument was that Black people need to take “personal responsibility” for reconditioning ourselves out of these dysfucntions/mind-sets. And I agree—to an extent. Meaning, recently, I spoke to a young brotha, who I know is 18 years old, and he just happens to have that beautifully flawless, deeply melanated skin I love. But because of this, his friends make fun of him and say that he looks “African”.

And he retaliates aggressively when they do. Meaning somewhere, at his young age, he's gotten the message that he should be ashamed of his association with Africa. Now, here's my question/argument for the aforementioned mature brotha I was debating—how in the world, can we expect this young man to recondition himself out of his conscious/subconscious hatred of his “association” with Africa (i.e. his dark skin), when he doesn't even know it's a problem? Then I told the brotha, if and when that young brotha does realize, that hating his skin is a problem, then how does he recondition himself out of it?

Another personal example of this, was the time in my 9th grade class when a beautiful young sista said to me, when we were alone: “Damn—God didn't give us nothin', he gave us big lips and nappy hair.”

Now, check that out—she said, “God” didn't give us nothing. So, she was conditioned to think, in reference to her looks and being Black, that her very God had forsaken her. And ya' know what I said to this young sista? Nothing. Cause I felt the same way.

Fortunately, decades later, I feel completely different—and I hope she does too.

Mind you, there is a remedy for this—and that is, we have to get those young minds into “Black Nationalist” homeschooling collectives, so they're not poisoned with self-hatred from this social order's “mis-educational” system.

Point#1: And the number one point I want to make is this: ever since I was in my pre-teens, I've gotten the message that when the white christ returns, he'll set the world right again.

Now, because of the conditioning I got, especially in catholic schools, I should be able to agree with this sentiment. Fortunately though, I have alternate information (cause I'm a practitioner of the Black Spiritual Sciences), and I understand one profound truth that you won't hear in 99.9% of the church services you'll attend. And that's this: In regards to Jesus Christ, what white fascists don't want you to know is...


Now, you're probably thinkin, bruh—if youre agreeing that Jesus is real and was here, then how could you possibly say he never left.

Here's how...

The Black Spiritual Sciences (The Orishas, Ifa, Yoruba, Santeria, Voudun/Voodoo, etc.) teach us that the “Krist” (KRST) energies associated with these practices, are different from a physical man named “Jesus Christ”, who white fascists made up.

Now, for the sake of brevity, I'll tell you that “Jesus Christ” was an invention of the ruler “Constantine”, when he convened the “Council of Nicea” in 325 A.D. And coincidentally, it was here that 318 Roman Catholic Bishops wrote, decreed and sanctified the institution that we now know as “christianity”. And please don't take my word for this—go do your own research and find out for yourself.

Moreover, in terms of fascist dogmas and institutions, I think these Bible verses pretty much tell you the agenda of white fascist christianity/freemasonry.

Ephesians 6:5-8:

5:”Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.”

6: “Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.”

7: “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving THE LORD, NOT PEOPLE.”

8: “Because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.”

Now, I think that pretty much says it all.

So, and I'm talking exclusively to Black people, when our ancestors spoke of the “Krist/KRST”, they were speaking of energies to be accessed through the Spiritual Sciences I mentioned earlier.

And the bottom line to all these sciences is this: when you find a technique that combines your intention (prayer), with your subconscious mind, that's how you'll ultimately start to manipulate “spiritual” forces in your favor.

Then YOU will become the “CHRIST/KRST”.

Moreover, because our ingenious ancestors taught us that this particular energy is WITHIN you, it means you don't have to look for any external force to activate it—so you can save yourself.

So, while you imbibe in copious amounts of egg-nog and pumpkin pie on this holiday (holy-day), understand it's real meaning—and that is to heed our ancestors who're beseeching us to turn our KRST ENERGIES ON—so you can indeed live an abundant life that will not only benefit you, but the whole of the Black Diaspora.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's movie: “Do the Right Thing”: “That's the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

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