
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 26)...Trump's travel ban, DACA, ethnic cleansing and the price of loving whitey unconditionally...

When I first got into the work force, I distinctly remember working around a latino man who completely imbibed in Hip-Hop culture. Meaning, he dressed and spoke like a young Black man, and he listened to rap music almost exclusively. And I recall a day when one of our co-workers accused him of being “too Black”. This latino man then said, “I ain't Black, I ain't Black—I'm orange and white, that's why I'm alright.” I replied, “Well, you should join the klan then—they'll show you how white you are.”

A couple of years later, I recall catching an episode of the TV show, “Gangland”, on the History channel, featuring an outlaw biker gang called the “Mongols”. Now, these guys were basically founded and operated out of southern California, and this documentary told how the gang's first members wanted to join the “Hells Angels”. Unfortunately, they were rejected by the exclusively white Angels, cause they were latinos.

I'd also like to mention, that the Mongols got into a gang war with the Hells Angels. So they recruited “foot soldiers” from a local latino gang known as the “Surenos”. And oddly enough, the Mongols felt the Surenos weren't as “white” as they were—even though the Hells Angels made it abundantly clear to the Mongols, that they weren't white.

Now, here's the self-hating latino twist to this story...

Being that the Mongols felt the Surenos weren't as sufficiently white as them, they relegated the Surenos to lives of “serfdom”. Meaning, Mongols used Surenos to do and run errands they felt were beneath them.

But one thing Mongols didn't realize was this: Surenos were pretty much, a wholly owned subsidiary of a larger gang, who locals called the “mexican mafia”—but more officially, they were known as “La Eme”. Now, one day in a southern California motel, Surenos were dealing drugs for La Eme, and Mongol members just happened to be in the same motel. So thinking they had dominion over Surenos gangsters, the Mongols barged into their room, saw the drugs and demanded a “piece of the action”. When Surenos refused, an argument ensued and one of the Mongols pulled out a gun and shot a Surenos gangster dead. So what ultimately wound up happened was, the Surenos and Mongols found themselves at war with each other.

And the moral to this story is: these latino gangs fought behind trying to validate their “whiteness”, even though the Hells Angels years earlier, let them know they weren't white. So it's like I said so many times in the past—if you indulge in any kind of hatred, especially of people who look like you, it's ultimately gonna' result in a self-hatred. And it's too bad these latin gangsters had to find this out the hard way—but truthfully, it serves 'em right.

Moving on...

So several years after watching the aforementioned latino fiasco, I remember being on a lunch break and going to a certain eatery, where the cashier happened to be a dark-skinned asian man. When I got to the register to pay for my food, I saw right away that “habib” or whatever his name was, didn't particularly enjoy the company of Black people. So when I handed him a twenty, he gave me back a smaller bill for my change, that looked like someone had taken a bite out of it or something. When I demanded he give me a different bill, the curry-smelling arab said in a thick accent: “You people—you're always causing trouble.” So after I cursed him out, I told his manger that if he doesn't watch his mouth, he'd find a foot in his rear end—and I didn't use those words.

Years after that, I remember being in a pizza parlor, where I watched the store's wall-mounted, flat-screen TV. A “CSI”-type of dramatic show played, and on it was an episode where the main character was abducted by a group of swarthy, darker-skinned asians who threatened to kill him if their demands weren't met. And I thought to myself, man—they're still casting dark-skinned asian men as these stereotypical “muslim” terrorists.

Fast forward a decade later, to June 15th, 2012, when President Barack Obama signed america's “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival” (DACA) immigration policy.

This legislation gave latin immigrants who entered and/or remained in this country illegally as minors, a two year “deferment” from deportation. And on top of that, it allowed said immigrants to be eligible for an american work permit. And this year alone, 800,000 applicants, who've been dubbed “dreamers”, were enrolled in this program.

And laughably enough, Donald Trump, who half of latinos voted for, ended DACA.

So while Julio and 'em were yelling and screaming about the “Black” president not doing enough for their cause, the “Don” shut the whole damn thing down. And this was after Trump declared he was gonna' build a wall on the mexican border—which he wanted the mexican gov't to pay for.

And while we're talking about good ole Don, one more victory he had recently involved america's “Supreme Court” reinstating his “MuslimTravel Ban”. And this ban applies to the countries of Iran, Libya, Syria and Yemen.

Now, let me just say this: I've seen both fair-skinned and darker-skinned asians dote on white folks for the better part of my life, and now that fair-skinned asians especially, are being given their “white status”, especially in countries like Japan, you can't tell these people they're not “whiter” than Blacks.

So in the wake of all these deportations and their people being blocked from entering this country, here's my question to them...

How ya' like whitey now?

And if you happen to be a latino or asian person reading this, understand that not only could I care less about Trump blocking your access into this country, but I put on a big ole Kool-Aid smile, whenever I hear about one of you getting kicked out.

Additionally, I'll never forgot a scene in one of my favorite movies, Spike Lee's “Do the Right Thing”, where some mature brothas on the corner were debating about how fair-skinned asians and latinos can come to this country one year, and open two and three stores a year later, while Black people, who've been here for decades, barely own any kind of real estate in their neighborhoods. And one of the characters says: “Well, it's gotta' be because we are Black...” Then, another mature brothas steps in and says, “C'mon man, I'm tired of hearing that excuse.”

Turns out that the first brotha was right, cause gov't stats bear out the fact that fair-skinned asians and latinos are able to get business loans at twice the rate of Black people, simply based on their ethnicity. And I'll leave a link to a post I wrote bearing these disparities out, at the end of this one.

Also, I'll never forget an episode of the Tavis Smiley show, where the musical artist, Santana, was a featured guest. And when the subject of Barack Obama came up, Santana dipped into the farthest reaches of his anglophilic mind and said: “Well—Obama's in the white house—no more excuses brothers (Black men).” As if Obama's presidency was gonna' magically make centuries of white fascism, directed squarely at us, disappear.

Moreover, I recall Santana telling a story about when he bought a large home in a white neighborhood. Carlos said that some white person put a note in his mailbox saying, no matter how many records he sold, in his eyes, Carlos is still nothing but a piece of trash—and I'm sure whoever wrote the note used a word other than “trash”. So whenever I hear about the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) deporting another truckload of latinos back over the border, I smile and drink a large glass of orange juice, knowing that one of the deportees probably picked the very oranges that went into my drink. And if the deportees themselves didn't pick those oranges, then one of their relatives probably did.

And while we're on the subject of deportation, everyone reading this should know that this year alone, ICE has deported more than 240, 000 “illegals”, and since Trump's been in office, that organization's removal rates have nearly doubled.

Now, I understand that some will be offended by my use of stereotypes when it comes to dark-skinned asians and latinos—and you know what I say to that? If you find this language crass or distasteful or completely sophomoric, let me just make three quick points...

Point#3: Don't think asians and latinos don't do this to us routinely. Whenever we're not around, trust me, they constantly slander us behind our backs.

Point#2: What these people are receiving is a good ole karmic ass-kicking cause they don't understand that there's a price to pay for loving whitey unconditionally. Especially when white folks, historically, have done your people wrong. And nothing stops karma—nothing.

Point#1: And point number one is this: you should take the language I use here as a “litmus” test in regards to your sensibilities. And what do I mean by that? Simple—if you disagree with what I'm saying and how I'm saying it, chances are you're some kind of anglophile who shouldn't be here in the first place.

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to tell the hard truth about the nature of white fascism and those who've been brainwashed by it. And if you're one of those “Pro-Black” brothas who thinks I'm still being unfair towards latinos and asians, I say you're the most brainwashed of us all. That to me smacks of “multiculturalism”, i.e. someone who really wants to curry the favor of whites. And I started this blog with the intention of obliterating that sentiment in myself and anyone who's reading this, and that's how I'll run it 'til its end.


MontUHURU Mimia


Here's the post I mentioned that details the disparities surrounding bank loans for Black people, and how we're treated differently from everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. the dark skinned Asians that treat us like trash don't realize that the middle east(west asia) is apart of Africa(north Africa).lol at the end of the day ALL OF THIS SHIT IS OURS! they have no culture without us smh lol
