
Monday, December 4, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 25)...Prince Harry, Meghan Markel, Cinderella theories, consensus thinking and the virtues of living vicariously...

If there's no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.
--Ancient African proverb 

A couple of years ago, I was walking back to work from a break, when I spotted a mature brotha busily picking something out of the gutter. Now, the item he pinched up off a sewer grate looked like some sort of small towel, but it was actually a sports banner from his favorite team.

So after this man pulled said banner up from below the curb, I saw that he noticed a steel rod in front of the bus cubicle he stood at. This man then proceeded to wipe the dirt off this banner, before he smoothed it out on top of this 3 or 4 ft. rod. So what he essentially did was put his favorite sports team, almost literally, on a pedestal. After that I thought, if fascists can inspire that kind of loyalty for a sports team, then what could they do with a religion?

Several years before the aforementioned incident, my “ex” had taken a trip to Las Vegas with her mother and aunt. On this trip, she ran into a fellow she shared one of her classes with, and had a crush on. This happened to be a white guy who went to Vegas to marry his “bi-ethnic” bride.

Mind you, at this point in our relationship, me and my ex pretty much knew we wanted different things from a mate. In her case, consciously, she wanted to be with and was still physically attracted to Black men. Subconsciously, this Black woman was a complete anglophile, who was just getting some closer proximity to the white men she lusted after, via her university.

While vacationing, my ex called me raving about how lovely it was that this guy had married this woman in Vegas—then she said we should get married. Now, even though this was something resembling a proposal, I said we should wait 'til she gets back from the vacation, to see if she'd feel the same way when she came home. Neither one of us ever mentioned the subject again, and we broke up shortly thereafter. *Note: If you read my post: “Why Kerry Washington and Dave Moscow broke up, and the plight of Black college grads”, the Black woman I call “Brenda”, was not only a good friend of my ex, but my ex looked up to Brenda as a role-model. Oddly enough, my ex is also the one that told me the story about how Brenda got done-over by the whiteboi in that post.

Sandy Banks, a Black woman who was a journalist for the “Los Angeles Times”, wrote an article on May 29th, 2010 titled: “Soul-searching on the subject of romance”. Now, this article was dedicated to explaining the reasons why “upper-scale” Black women, couldn't find Black men to marry. And basically the conclusion Sandy drew was, there just aren't enough “quality” Black men to satisfy the multitudes of corporate Black woman in the workplace—so their only option was to date white and non-Black men. And she asked the readers of her article, to give her their opinions.

Fast forward to June 1st, 2010. Sandy got several responses to her article, but none of them were what she'd thought they'd be. Case in point, here's one of the comments left by a “white, middle-aged man in Woodland Hills (California)” who called himself, Alan: “Any male, Black or not, would be intimidated by the raucous foul-mouthed 'braying' of so many Black women. They are often offensive in the extreme, obese or have a tendency to be so, and challenge the masculinity of any male.” And Sandy pointed out that the majority of comments to her article, reflected the same sentiment(s). And I'll leave a link to that particular article at the end of this post.

Now, on Monday the 27th, of this year, Prince Harry announced his engagement to one Meghan Markle. And coincidentally, just like the Sandy Banks article was published for the L.A. Times, Meghan herself, was born in Los Angeles, CA.

She's an actress who's claim to fame is portraying a character named Rachel Zane, on the USA network's legal drama, “Suits”. She had that gig for seven seasons, and she's had various other TV acting roles on shows like, “CSI” and “Fringe”. Mind you, what also makes her engagement to Prince Harry unusual, is the fact that she's “bi-ethnic”, meaning, her mom's Black and her father's white.

Now, I'd been hearing that Black women have swooned over this marriage, looking at it as a win for them. But then I thought, nah—those are just rumors. But being a curious type of fellow, I did some research on the topic, and when I read into some “Essence” magazine articles on this wedding, here's some of the comments I found sista's “tweeting”:

We got us a Black princess ya'll. You really can't tell me a damn thing for the rest of the day because it won't matter. Shout out to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Their wedding will be my Super Bowl.” 

Black women, what y'all wearing to the royal wedding? It's a spring wedding. Got mines:” 

Meghan does pass and there are conversations we can have about that, but the reality is she is biological a Black woman who was raised by a Black woman. No one can take that away from her. So Imma celebrate.” 

Prince Harry's future mother-in-law is a black woman with dreadlocks. There are no words for this kind of joy.”

Now, these comments reminded me of three things: One, it had me recalling the vicarious living and concensus thinking mind-states involved in that brotha who fished his sport's teams banner outta' the gutter, cause he felt such a bond with them. And reminded me how people who aren't on these teams, often say “we're” going to the playoffs, whenever these teams play in championship games.

Two: this reminds me of the time when someone told me that on one episode of the TV series, “Scandal”, that Olivia Pope and Fritz, had sex in a closet. I said, “No way.” But once I did some research, sure enough, they had this scene on “YouTube”. And to add to this nonsense, After good ole Fritz was done with Olivia in their “closet tryst”, he told her, he'd made a mistake and it shouldn't of happened.

And three: this reminded me of the “Scandal parties” held by Black women, when this show would air.

Mind you, the comments of Olivia Dope, I mean, Pope, and Fritz having sex in a closet, were eerily similar to the tweeted comments about Prince Harry's wedding.

Now, inevitably, there's gonna' be some sistas reading this who say, aw—Black men are just mad at us being with white guys.

And for the record, I'm not mad—I'm puzzled.

And I can safely say that myself and multitudes of other brothas have the same question on this topic, and thats: why would Black women make themselves look this desperate to be with white men?

Mind you, if you're a “swirlin'” sista, and you're with the white man of your dreams, I say: good for you—go be happy. But for the life of me, I don't understand why sistas can't see that the Prince Harry marriage ain't a win for Black women.

Now, when Serena Williams married Alexis Ohanian, I could see how Black women would look upon that as a coup/win for Black women, cause Serena's a “pure-bred” sista. And I hope they're happy together—but once I heard about Black women doting on Meghan Markle, when I saw her, my first response was: “She's Black?”

Also, I know for a fact, if Meghan was dating a Black man, every Black woman seeing them, would think Meg's white.

Now, on the Tuesday before last, I wrote a post on the singer Jill Scott and the actress Halle Berry, detailing how consciously they're thinking they wanna' be with “good” Black men, while subconsciously, they're conditioned to hate us. And Black women's response to the Prince Harry wedding, just reinforces this truth.

Moreover, sometimes I wonder whether Black women care about their reputations or not. Cause collectively, you should know, that for women (or men) showing these levels of desperation is counterproductive to fostering long-lasting relationships. And once again, I'm not talking about how many whtie and non-Black men a Black woman's had sex with, I'm talking about getting into and being in long-term relationships and marriages with men.

And that's another reason why I'm glad “Alan”, the middle-aged man who wrote the comment on the L.A. Times, Sandy Banks article, was white. Cause if a Black man had written that comment, the overwhelming majority of Black women would quickly ignore it.

So I've said all that to say this: Black women, your behaviors towards Black men are not only getting harder and harder for me to defend, but the majority of you are giving marriage-minded Black men no other choice but to date and marry any other kind of woman, but you.

Now, like I told a smart, young brotha named “Kevin” recently, I'm not only a Black Nationalist, but I'm a “realist”—and realistically, a marriage-minded Black man doesn't have the time or desire to put up with the condescending, combative and altogether abrasive attitudes exhibited by more than half of Black women, towards us.

Additionally, brotha “Kevin” put the aforementioned sentiment this way: “in regards to 'Black' women (most), I'd argue that THERE IS NO RECONCILIATION WITHOUT ATONEMENT; until they (Black women) can confess to and suffer the consequences of screwing ('Kev' used a different word) us over, there's no use in talking about 'Black Love/Black Unity'.”

So if you're a “swirlin'” sista who winds up oversexed and alone at fifty behind being the sex toy of so many white and non-Black men, just do me a favor, and don't blame this on not being able to find a “good” Black man. Cause truth be told, just like sistas are displaying with their fervor over the Prince Harry wedding—you never wanted to be with one of us in the first place.


MontUHURU Mimia


If you wanna' read the Sandy Banks, "L.A. Times" article, you can do that here. 


Here's an alternate “header” I created for this post. And what struck me as odd, is how Prince Harry's hands look “bound” by “hand-cuffs” (you can click on the pic, to enlarge it. And you can click on any pic on my posts to enlarge them). This to me is no coincidence, cause the reason Harry is really marrying Meghan, is cause white elite's have tasked him with pushing inter-ethnic marriages between white men and “non-white” (and especially “Black”) women, so the offspring of the Black woman, will have a lessened genetic power to breed whites out of existence. It's also no coincidence that Prince Harry is getting married at the age of 33. And you can check out my post titled: "Why I no longer listen to Tommy Sotomayor", to see the significance of that number in white fascist freemasonry. The campaign of white fascists is all about getting rid of the “pure-bred” Black person y'all—period.

And here's a vid that went viral of a woman who goes by the name of “the QueenAplus”, when her name is really, “TaQuita”, crying over not being able to find a “Black man” to dance with. Mind you, this Black woman had a child with a white man. But notice how she doesn't call out white men, only Black ones, like we're obligated to be with her, regardless of how she acts around us. And to the sistas watching: understand, when it comes to Black men and copying behaviors like TaQuita's, trust that more and more of you will wind up like this.                                      

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