
Monday, November 27, 2017

The gospel of white fascism (Part 24)...Liangelo's UCLA, and the finer points of being "Blackballed"...

On November 7th, of this year, three UCLA students, namely: Cody Riley, Jalen Hill and Liangelo Ball, were arrested in Hangzhou, China for shoplifting.

Chinese authorities detained the three young freshman for stealing a pair of designer sunglasses out of one of the city's Louis Vuitton boutiques. And this particular store happened to be near the hotel the young men were staying at.

Shortly after this incident became national and international news, President Trump caught wind of the imbroglio and spoke on behalf of these young men to Chinese Prime Minister, Xi Jinping. And according to UCLA's Athletic Director Dan Guerrerro, the white House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, called the three students shortly after their arrest to tell them our government was working to get them free.

Within hours, the three freshman were released after Dan paid a $2,200 bail.

Once released, authorities sequestered the young men to their hotel until further litigating processes could be worked out.

Finally, on November 14th, the three freshman arrived back in the U.S. And after their plane touched down, the basketball players were swarmed by news reporters who lobbed questions at them like, “Did you guys disrespect UCLA?”, “Are you Donald Trump supporters?” and “Where are the sunglasses?” The young men said nothing as they boarded an awaiting bus.

On Wednesday, November 15th, at 11:00 a.m., Trump tweeted: Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump? They were headed for 10 years in jail!

And it just so happened, that at a press conference that very evening, the three young men did thank President Trump for helping them get out of jail. And at this same conference, the three young men also admitted to shoplifting and vowed from that day forward, to keep their moral compass pointing north so they don't let themselves, or the organizations they represent down in the future.

Now, this is the bogus narrative that america's media wants us to follow—but let me give you the straight dope on what really happened...

On November 7th,, several members of Liangelo's UCLA team and Georgia Tech's team (who UCLA's was slated to play) went on a shopping excursion in Hangzhou, China.

Now, being that China is mainly comprised of fair-skinned asians who don't like Black people anyway, and being that they believe every stereotype they've heard about us, the security factions of this particular Louis Vuitton store, felt that this group of young Black men were just there to steal merchandise. But the store's punk-ass security staff wasn't gonna' confront those young brothas themselves, for fears they might get their rear-ends kicked.

So they called the cops.

Now, what I need everyone to understand is, damn near all of the players in this internationally staged press event are white fascist freemasons—from Liangelo Ball and his UCLA playing brethren, to President Gump, I mean, Trump himself.

Don't believe me?
Then I'd like to point your attention to this Ball family photo (left). Now, I want you to pay close attention to “Tina” and “Lamelo” Ball (Lamelo's the one to the very left of Tina). Their hand-over-hand gestures are freemasonic. So what does that mean? It means this family is so “gansta” that even mom-dukes is down wit' the white fascist freemasons.

Now, I also want you to pay close attention to another fact I'm about to tell you regarding Liangleo, and the team members he was arrested with, and that's this: none of those young men, Liangelo included, were convicted of any crime.

Moreover, three players from Georgia Tech, the rival team that UCLA was slated to play, were arrested on suspicion of stealing as well. And they were released cause authorities had determined that they weren't involved in any theft. So here's the question: if Chinese authorities didn't catch any of these young men “red-handed” taking these sunglasses, then why were they arrested?

Mind you, all of these young men were picked up together.

Now, I can hear y'all saying—bruh, you're avoiding the obvious question: if none of these brothas committed a crime, then why did Liangelo and his friends confess to stealing?

Welp, I'd like to give you one definitive answer to that, but I can't—so, I'll give you three...

Reason#3: In order for any Black man, or in this case a bi-ethnic Black man, to stay in the good graces of his freemasonic order, he has to do something self-denigrating.

One example of this is Chris Rock, the famous comedian, and how his career sky-rocketed once he made the joke about “Black people and nigg@rs” on his “HBO” special.

After that, white executives gave him a book-deal (the book titled: “Rock This”), a TV show (The Chris Rock show) and a couple of stints as the host of the “Oscars”.

In the same fashion, Liangelo's freemasonic handlers, had him lie about stealing these glasses so he could essentially pay for the “sin” of his father. And what was that sin? I'll tell you in Reason#1—but in the meantime, let's get to...

Reason#2: Donald Trump doesn't like being thought of as a “racist”.

Trump and his father, were actually taken to court several years ago for specifically not renting out any of their properties to Black people. Also, the majority of his base is comprised of openly bigoted whites. To top all this off, Trump defended the white nationalists (klan members) who protested and fought with other groups in the Charlottesville, Virginia rally that took place on August of this year.

About them, he said, that the white nationalists had some “very fine people” in their ranks.

So to thwart this “Freudian slip”, he's trying to get people to see him as fair-minded—especially when it comes to Black people. And what better way to do that, than pretending to get a couple of young Black men out of jail.

Reason#1: And the number one reason Liangleo and his teammates lied about stealing merchandise was—so Liangelo could make up for his father's sin of correcting a white woman.

When Lavar Ball told that blonde-haired-bimbo-of-a-sports-journalist, Kristine Leahy, to “Stay in yo' lane” regarding the sales of his athletic shoes, he broke the cardinal sin that every Black man, and especially every Black man who's a freemason, must adhere to—and that's upholding and exalting the sanctity of white womanhood.

Lavar put that empty-headed floozy in her place—and the white fascist powers that be can't have that. For the simple fact that, if a woman is publicly attacked and the men of her ethnic group do nothing, it makes them look effeminate and emasculated. So this is whitey's response.

Now, Lavar Ball is a MAN. And he's got no problem letting the (white) world know that. So white fascists figured, if they can't get Lavar to repent for his sin—then they'll get the son to do it.

And in regards to Lavar, the latest press says that he's openly refuting the notion that chump, I mean Trump, had anything to do with getting his son out of prison.


And in conclusion, I'd like to say this: I watched a video featuring D.L. Hughley on this topic, where he said repeatedly, that he wouldn't bring shame to his family's name by doing something like stealing. Additionally, I saw some other anglophilic negros talk about the moral obtuseness of Liangelo behind this incident. And to them I'd like to say: If you'd can't recognize this devil (and his tricks) by now, then you either love him more than you love yourself, or hate yourself for being Black—or both.

So shame on your dumb-ass for taking everything whitey tells you as the gospel truth! And let me say that your day of reckoning is coming, if it hasn't already, behind loving your oppressor. Emotionally, spiritually, or physically—you deserve whatever happens to you for allowing this beast to make you your own worst enemy.

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's movie, 'Do the Right Thing': “That's the double truth, Ruth”.


MontUHURU Mimia


If you'd like to read the original post I wrote on Lavar checking that dumb inbred Kristine Leahy, you can do that here.

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