
Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Cult of Black and white Cinematic Symbolism (Part 16)...What do Walt Disney, Michael B. Jordan, Barack Obama, Kehinde Wiley, Stephon Clark, the Hegelian Dialect and Ryan Coogler, all have in common?


To the readers of this Blog: the reason this post is a bit long-winded, is over the course of the last two weeks, I debated about which subject I wanted to tackle first. It was a toss up between Vanity Fair magazine’s controversial pic of Michael B. Jordan and Ryan Coogler, or Kehinde Wiley’s portrait of Barack Obama, or the shooting of Stephon Clarke. So I decided to put all 3 topics in this post. On that note, I ask you to indulge me regarding this editorial’s length, for the simple reason that all of these topics are inter-related. Now, as always, I’m writing with the reader in mind, so I’ve made sure this post’s structure gives you a comfortably fluid read. And I dare say, that there’s no way you’ll come to the end of this, without a nugget of knowledge you didn’t have before. So once again, I thank my audience for your kind indulgences.

--MontUHURU Mimia

Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5th, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, and was the fourth son of Elias Disney and Flora Call. In 1911, the Disney family moved to Kansas City, Missouri, and it was while attending “Benton Grammar School”, that a young Walter developed a love for drawing cartoons. 

Walter attended Saturday courses at the Kansas City Art Institute, and took a correspondence course in cartooning, with monies he earned from a paper route. In 1917, Walter’s father bought stock in Chicago’s “O-Zell” jello company, and moved the family back to the city as a result. And it was back in Chi-town, that Walter became the cartoonist for McKinley High School’s newspaper, while also taking courses at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.  

In 1918, Walt faked his birth certificate’s date, so he could join the Army. After successfully fooling armed forces personnel, Walt became a Red Cross ambulance driver. Shortly afterwards, he was shipped to France, and began drawing cartoons on the side of his ambulance for decoration. Recognizing his exceptional talent, Army administrators featured Walt’s work in the army newspaper “Stars and Stripes”. Returning to Kansas City in 1919, Walt worked as an apprentice at the Pesman-Rubin Commercial Art Studio. There, he drew commercial illustrations for advertising, theater programs, and catalogs. And there, he befriended his future business partner, Ubbe Iwerks.

In 1920, the Pesman-Rubin Art Studio laid off Walt and Ubbe. In response, they started their own business—the short-lived Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists Studio. Unable to attract customers, Walt and Ubbe both joined the Kansas City Film Ad company. And this company produced commercials using the “cutout animation” technique. But after doing some research on other methods of animating, Walt saw that “cell animation” would be the most promising way to make his animated features. With this method in mind, he created a company with a friend he’d made in Kansas City, that went by the name, “Newman’s Laugh-O-grams”. And the earliest Laugh-O-grams, were adaptations of Paul Terry’s, “Aesops Fables”. And for the sake of brevity, you can google Aesops Fables, if you don’t know what they are.

In 1921, the success of “Laugh-O-grams”, led to the creation of the “Laugh-O-gram” studios. Additionally, it led Walt to hire employees he could delegate some of his work to. Unfortunately, the company still couldn’t turn a profit. As a result, Walt moved to Hollywood in 1923.

In Hollywood, Walt continued to struggle behind plying his trade, until he got a call from a New York film distributor, who was interested in his work. As a result, Walt and his brother Roy, formed the “Disney Brothers Studio” behind their success. Later, this venture would become the “Walt Disney Company”, to produce animated feature films.

In 1927, Walt grew tired of the work he was doing for the New York distributors. Thus, he and his company began to work on a character and a cartoon series called, “Oswald the Lucky Rabbit” for Universal Pictures. In 1928, Walt wanted to renegotiate his contract with Universal. What he soon learned was, not only were some of the top brass at Universal unwilling to pay him and his company higher wages, but they actually wanted to decrease their pay. And, Universal’s administrators threatened to produce the Oswald cartoon themselves, if Walt wouldn’t heed their demands. Also, the fact that Universal owned the rights to Oswald, didn’t help any. 

Desperate to find a character that could replace “Oswald”, Ubbe and Walt thought about a pet they’d adopted while they were in “Laugh-O-Gram” studios. This was a pet mouse. Now, originally Walt wanted to call this cartoon mouse, “Mortimer”—but thinking that was too pretentious, Walt’s wife Lillian, suggested the name “Mickey”. Thus, in 1928, the cartoon character, “Mickey Mouse”, made his first appearance in a cartoon short called, “Plane Crazy”. But it wasn’t until Walt and his company created the animated short, “Steamboat Willie”, featuring Mickey Mouse, that the character developed a successful following. Thereafter, Disney Studios signed a contract with Columbia Pictures for more of “Mickey’s” cartoons.

A few decades later, under Walt’s tutelage, Disney Studios would go on to create such notable animated features like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937), Dumbo (1940), Fantasia (1940), Pinocchio (1940), and many other “classic” hits. In the 1950’s, Disney Studios would expand their brand by opening “Disneyland” and creating the successful TV show, “The Mickey Mouse Club”. And in 1965, the Disney Corporation started the development of the “Experimental Prototype Community of Tommorrow”, or “EPCOT” Center for short.Sadly, on December 15th, 1966, Walt Disney died of lung cancer, at the age of 65. And after Walt’s death, an enduring legacy of animated films was left by him for you, me, and future generations to enjoy. Now, this is what white fascists want you to think—but let’s get to the straight dope of who this man really was…

Walt Disney was a 33rd degree freemason. And to commemorate this, at Disneyland, there’s an establishment called the “33” Club. Additionally, he was a charter member of a freemasonic fraternity called the “Ordo DeMolay”—and coincidentally, two other members of this frat, just happen to be american president, Bill Clinton, and the movie actor, John Wayne. To top that off, Walt was a notorious pedophile, and his company had decades long ties with the american mafia, and the CIA. Lastly, it’s on record that the Disney Corporation has the largest homosexual employees organization in the entertainment industry. And mind you, this man’s company, is the same one that put out Marvel’s “Black Panther”.

Now, early last month, Vanity Fair, put out this pic of Black Panther Director Ryan Coogler, and his muse, Michael B. Jordan (right). And as a result, “Black Twitter” (whatever that is), was peeved about this photo, saying it was too homoerotic. Now, if you wanna’ know my thoughts on whether or not this pic is emasculating, especially to Ryan, here’s my answer…


No straight brotha would let another man “palm” his head, in this suggestive a manner. Here, it looks like Ryan’s being guided downward to fellate his friend. And that’s what it’s meant to look like. Also, as par for the course, whitey’s media is obsessing on what’s being called Black men’s "collective homophobia", in regards to this pic.

Now, I wasn’t planning on this, but regarding this pic and whitey’s media, I gotta’ list 3 points I need to make about the role white gays play in furthering the agenda of white fascism…

Point#3: If you’re a Black person who’s offended by this pic, then you’re missing it’s true agenda…

And that means what? It means that we should expect this kinda’ sexually-conflicted crap from artists associated with ‘Disney Studios”. Cause knowing Walt belonged to white fascist freemasonry, we should understand that he was tasked with mainstreaming homosexuality—especially to children. And with that end in mind, Disneyland annually sponsors a “Gay Day”, for its amusement park. And on this day, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck peruse the park, passing themselves off as gay lovers. So please don’t think this company is gonna’ invest hundreds of millions of dollars on Marvel’s Black Panther, without pushing that part of the white fascist agenda through this film. And even though there’s a lot of subversive symbolism in the actual movie, I knew that was just the tip of the iceberg. Thus, the gay pic featuring Mike and Ryan.

Point#2: What white fascists will never talk about, is how gays reproduce themselves…

Now, you might be thinkin’, bruh—this point don’t make no sense. First off, why would anyone broach this question in any form of media, since we know gays can’t have children. At least not naturally. And I totally get that. But the reason I'm bringing this up is, whitey knows once this conversation gets started, they’re gonna' have to talk about the childhood traumas that go into making someone gay.

See, whitey will talk about accusations of “Black male homophobia” from here to Gibraltar, but if they ever get around to how queers create other queers, they’d have to talk about the rampant amount(s) of sexual molestations and abuses that inevitably precede someone calling themselves a homosexual.

And this fact leads us to…

Point#1: Whitey won’t talk about traumas preceding homosexuality, cause then they’d have to admit that homosexuality is UNNATURAL.

Now, I don’t want anyone reading this post to take my word for this, so do your own research into the childhoods of any homosexual. Cause when you do, you’ll find the trauma that made them sexually-conflicted. And if this fact becomes mainstreamed, then the gay lifestyle couldn’t be sold as effectively to the proletariat, and whitey couldn’t try to shame Black people, and Black men specifically, into thinking that queers were born with specific genes, that make them that way. 

And speaking of queers, I’ll remind everyone that on February 12th, of this year, the painter Kehinde Wiley unveiled his portrait of this country’s 44th President, Barack Obama. (*Note: Obama was not america’s first Black president. Look up the name “John Hanson” sometimes. He was a Black man and this country’s first president, under the “Articles of Confederation” which preceded the Constitution. And he’s portrayed on the back of america’s $2 dollar bill—which is probably why they took it out of circulation.)

Now, as you can see, President Obama is seated in what looks like a garden (And Barack’s “hand-over-hand” gesture is freemasonic, by the way. Just like the pic next to it of Nava “Barak”, wife of Ehud “Barak”, former Prime Minister of Isreal. And we not only see Nava’s hand-over-hand sign, but her earring has the emblem of the Masonic “Double-headed Eagle”. And you can always click on my pics to make them larger). With that said, let’s further break down the symbolism embedded in this painting…

First off, the color “green” is used to represent “melanin”.

And I can almost hear people thinkin’—bruh, that don’t make no kinda’ sense. Well, it does when you consider that chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color, just like melanin is what makes our skin Black. Additionally, the ancient kemetic Netcher Ausar (left), was depicted on pyramid walls with “green” skin. At the same time, Ausar also went by another name—and that was: “LORD OF THE ‘PERFECT’ BLACK” (which is DOPE by the way). 

Additionally, the Marvel superhero, “The Hulk”, represents the Black phallus. Now, I can hear all the boos and hisses behind this theory. But ask yourself, what color is the Hulk's skin? Exactly. And when Bruce Banner's aroused or enraged, he grows to three times his size until he transforms into this character. But another clue as to who this character's supposed to represent, is the Hulk wearing “purple” pants. Now, every Black person has heard someone say that a heavily melanated brotha or sista is, “blue, Black, purple”, well that's the reason Marvel’s comic book creators, chose that pants color for this superhero (Alice Walker’s, “The Color Purple”). Cause again, he represents the white mans fear of a Black phallus.

But the garden scene, is ultimately meant to effeminize Barack, and that's also why he's “seated” in the painting. Cause what this painting's really showing, is how whitey has a problem with “erect” Black men.

Meaning, white fascists know that a Black man’s erection, especially in sexual terms, has the power to breed them and their kind out of existence. Additionally, a mentally and spiritually erect Black man, has the most power to lead himself and others away from internalizing the tenets of white fascism (i.e. J. Edgar Hoover’s threatening “Black Messiah”).

Now recently, I also read about Tamar Braxton (left), Toni Braxton’s sister, cutting off all her hair. And at first, I was like—nah, that’s just a rumor. Cause I knew how infatuated she was with blonde weaves and wigs. Then I saw the above picture. But instead of being shocked, her actions actually made sense. Here's why—whitey knows that since the Black Panther movie came out, more and more Black women are doting on the “Dora Milaje” (DM). And when you think of them, what’s the first mental image you see?

A bald Black woman.

Now, here’s how this fits into the white fascist narrative. whitey understands that for Black women to remain in 3 states of being: well-paid, oversexed and alone, it’s best to have them looking like hypermasculine “she-males”. Thus, the bald heads.

And mind you, I understand Black women see the DM as strong, smart and fiercely independent, but what Black women really need to understand is, the world’s men see the DM as the exact type of women they’d never marry or be in a long-term relationship with. Cause they look too much like men themselves.

And, if you look at the Marvel comic series, “World of Wakanda” (right), there’s a running theme of homosexuality throughout its pages.

So ultimately, this is another way whitey intends to promote the gay lifestyle to Black men and women. Cause again, we have the most genetic power to breed them out of existence. So the last person white fascists want Black women dating, marrying, and having children with, is a Black man. And vice-versa.

Now, onto the “Stephon Clark” shooting…

So, I’m guessing if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, then you know about what happened to Stephon Clark. And if you’re not a Black man or woman, you shouldn’t be reading this Blog anyway, cause this message isn’t for you. And if you don’t like me saying that, please stop reading this and go find another Blog to amuse yourself with. Now, for the rest of us who’ve heard of Stephon, I’m not gonna’ go into the gory details of what happened to him on the night of March 18th, of this year, in Sacramento, CA. But I will tell you how this fits within the white fascist narrative of the “Hegelian Dialect” (HD).

Now, conspiracy theorist and CIA agent, David Icke, calls the HD a white fascist methodology consisting of 3 parts, and those are: problem, reaction, and solution.

And I’ll tell you—the main reason this story is getting so much publicity, is because of Marvel’s Black Panther movie. And again, Marvel Studios is owned by Disney.

Now, you might be sayin’, wait a sec’ bruh—that sounds like some hair-brained theory you came up wit’ last night. Well if you think that, let me list you reasons why Stephon’s life was cut short, and why whitey specifically chose his story to put out to the public, using the HD.

Part#1: Problem

Love it or hate it, Marvel’s Black Panther movie is expelling so much positive energy for Black people, and Black americans especially, that whitey knows, if this movie’s effects on us go unabated, we’ll continue to harness that energy. And that could potentially keep us out of the self-hating mind-state they’ve fought so hard to keep us in. See, any time we feel proud about ourselves, that pride has the potential to unify us. And whitey knows that’s the only virtue that will help us defeat them.   

Part#2: Reaction

To diffuse the Black Panther’s positive influence on Black americans, once Stephon Clark is shot multiple times, whitey's media quickly makes it front page news. And within hours, Stephon Clark becomes a household name. So with this action, white fascists have effectively swapped the positive energy and pride we felt over the Black Panther movie, with fear and self-loathing.

Part#3: Solution

And it gets worst—cause whitey’s gotta’ make sure our self-hating "spell" isn’t broken over time. See, they know that any group of people will forget an incident that doesn’t directly affect them, in a matter of days or weeks. So the real reason they’re throwing so much publicity at this story, is cause white fascists understand the divisive value of Stephon’s “tweets” that castigate Black women (and if you haven’t read these tweets, just google them). And their plan worked. Cause as I’m writing this, Black men and women are too busy “gender-warring” to realize the game that’s being played on them. And in more layman’s terms, Black men and women are at each other’s throats again, which is right where whitey wants us. Proof, that the good ol’ DIVIDE AND CONQUER technique still works.

So I’ve said all that to say this: NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING is gonna’ help us defeat white fascism except UNITY!


And our battle with white fascism is one we can’t buy or educate our way out of, cause those are resources they control. Meaning, whatever currency we have an abundance of, or whatever kind of degree we get, whitey can devalue. Now, I’m not knockin’ money or education, but the only way these things are gonna’ work towards our collective benefit, is though UNITY.

Now, I’m not only a Black Nationalist, but I’m a realist also. And I know good and well, that anyone over 30 ain’t really trying to hear any talks about changing themselves, so our people can be more unified. So what I propose, like I’ve done several times in the past, is that we turn the focus of these kinds of initiatives towards our children, in the form of homeschooling, or truly independent schooling. Meaning, we should pull our children out of public and charter schools (which are still state-owned schools anyway), and give them learning environments where they won’t be poisoined with the same self-hating cirriculums that I, or we got, going to P.S. whatever-number school, where we live. And I will dedicate a series of posts to homeschooling in the near future. Promise.

So in conclusion, and as always, I’ll tell you that the proposition of Black unity is simple, but it’s not easy. Cause the social orders we currently live in are engineered towards keeping us apart and hating ourselves. But embracing the hardest initiatives, is what yields the best rewards. So by any and all means necessary, let’s get to work. NOW!


MontUHURU Mimia

*Addendum: 4/13/18--In regards to the cartoon superhero, The Hulk, and how he truly represents theBlack phallus, the NEGUS/scholar/YouTuberLLO525STAR curated the video below. And this clip delves much more deeply into where The Hulk's mythological origins really come from. Enjoy.

And if you'd like to see a larger version of this vid, you can do that HERE.

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