
Monday, April 16, 2018

The Cult of Black and white Cinematic Symbolism (Part 17)...Coltan: the real "Vibranium"...

According to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the comic book creators of Black Panther, the mythology surrounding the “Wakandan” metal, “Vibranium”, goes something like this: 10,000 years ago, a meteorite landed in the country of Wakanda in northeast Africa, and this crash created a mound that was discovered by Wakanda’s “Panther Tribe”. Thus, from that day forward, this tribe, and its leader, “The Black Panther”, became the guardians of this mound.

Now, Vibranium’s power comes from the compound’s ability to absorb, store, convert and discharge energy. Meaning, whatever objects strike it, will actually help the person wearing or surrounded by this substance, to take that same energy and redirect it back towards the person who struck the first blow.

But before I go any further, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the YouTube video that inspired this post. A certain Black Male Rights Activist (BMRA) who’s vids I’ve watched for a few months now, laughed while making the point that “Wakanda is fictional”.

Now, let me put his statement into context. This BMRA is always waxing philosophic on how dumb-founded Black Nationalists, or as he calls us, “Blackity-Black, Pro-Blacks” are. Meaning, he figures that we’re so gullible and naïve, that we couldn’t make a distinction as to whether or not the existence of “Wakanda” was fact or fiction. 

Moreover, he thinks we’re so desperate for reasons to feel good about ourselves, that we’re insipidly looking towards Marvel’s Black Panther movie, as a source of pride. He’s also said we don’t do any kind of research on topics, we just let our feelings dictate current or historical facts and events. In other words, he’s telling us that there’s nothing in the Black Panther movie, that we’ll be seeing in real life.

Also, I should tell you, that this man bases all his beliefs on the Bible. And what I’ve noticed about the majority of BMRA’s, is they never seek out any religious, or “spiritual” text, other than the Bible, thus they all tend to be anglophiles. Meaning, every time I watch a vid by a BMRA, instead of hearing something positive about Black men, or about our community, 99.9% of the time, they only talk about what’s wrong with Black people.

And what’s most dastardly is how they talk about Black dysfunction outside the context of the white fascism that created it. And like I’ve said in the past, the only conclusion you’ll draw from doing this, is how right you are for hating Black people, and hating yourself for being Black.
Now, with that said, check this out…

Elon Musk, the multibillionaire inventor who created “Pay Pal” and the “Tesla” car company (modern media calls him the real “Tony Stark/Ironman”), is now building a “Hyperloop” transportation system—just like the one we saw in Marvel’s Black Panther movie. And, Elon’s real-life “Hyperloop”, was green-lit for construction by Los Angeles, California’s, Board of Building and Safety Commissioners.

On top of that, the metal that’s slated to adorn the outer-hull of the Hyperloop train (And mind you, this train will reportedly travel at speeds of up to 700 mph), is a newly created metal called, “Vibranium”.

And nope, I’m not kidding.

“Hyperloop Transportation Technologies”, a company operating out of southern California, is collaborating with the Slovakian tech. company C2i, to create a carbon fiber-based metal that’s supposedly ten times stronger than steel—and they’re actually calling it “Vibranium”.

And that means what?

Well, it confirms the 3 points I made in my Blog posts: “The Gospel of white fascism (Part 30)”, and “The Cult of Black and white Cinematic Symbolism (Part 13)” respectively, and those are…

Point#1: The most valuable social currency, not just in america, but globally, is “Black Street Cred” (i.e. Black Cool Points).

Point#2: Marvel (and every other corporation) wants our Black Street Cred, to give the whole of the Marvel universe and their institutions/inventions, some “legitimizing” cool points, so they can sell better.


Point#3: Like I said previously, when you watch Marvel’s Black Panther movie, understand that Wakanda’s “technological advancements” aren’t something to be witnessed strictly in “science-fiction”, cause they’re firmly rooted in TODAY’S FACTS.

So, to any BMRA’s who’re reading this (RPB’s, SYSBM’s, BLACK MGTOW’s) keep doting on whitebois and the Bible. Cause whether you know it or not, you’ve been so thoroughly brain-washed to hate yourself and your people, that you’re useless to us. And more than likely, you’ll go to your grave with your self-hatred. On top of that, even if you knew the problem and how to fix it, you still wouldn’t—cause feeling inferior to whites, is what you love more than anything.


Moving on…

Columbite-tantalite, or “Coltan” for short (pic to the right), is a dull metallic ore, found in major quantities in the eastern areas of the Congo. When refined, Coltan becomes metallic “tantalum”, a heat-resistant powder that can hold a high electrical charge. These properties make it a vital element in creating capacitors, the electronic elements that control current flow inside miniature circuit boards.

So just like the mythological, and soon to be real compound, “Vibranium”, what Coltan is best at, is absorbing, storing, converting and discharging energy.

Mind you, Tantalum capacitors are used in almost every cellphone, laptop (like the one I’m using to write this post), tablet, pager, TV, etc. And the recent technology boom caused the price of Coltan to skyrocket to $400 a kilogram at one point, as companies like Nokia and Sony struggle to keep up with demand.

And keep in mind, this is the reason why Africa’s Congo, is suffering under so much strife. The western powers fund private militias and mercenaries to incite tribal and civil wars that keep Congo’s living conditions destabilized. And white fascists do this so they can gain access to our people’s resources. And that’s also how the Congolese are kept in poverty.

In conclusion, I couldn’t end this post without one mo’ shout out to a living legend—Dr. Henry T. Sampson, the Black PhD who created the “Gamma Electric Cell” (GEC), which is where we get the term “cellphone” from. Mind you, the GEC is what’s responsible for making all mobile telecommunication(s) possible.

And like the Coltan-fueled capacitors, the GEC is in almost every cellphone, tablet, laptop, modern TV, and every other telecommunications device.

So I’ve said all that to say this: if you do enough research, you’ll find indigenous Black people, and our elemental contributions (in this case, the mineral Coltan), at the genesis, evolutionary, and revolutionary phases of every art and science.

And the reason for this is, every non-Black person is a descendant of ours, while we come from “natural” forces. The divine darkness that “hue-man” consciousness and creation came out of, is where we come from. 

So, if you’re Black like me, and you want to see the universe’s real Gods and Goddesses—just look in a mirror. And understand that everything on this earth, begins and ends with “hue-man” beings that look like us. 

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia


Here's the "Hyperloop" scene in Marvel's Black Panther movie, where T'Challa fights Killmonger.

And here's the real life "Hyperloop" being tested for future use. Mind you, the metal they're gonna' use to encase this train is actually being called, "Vibranium". Thus giving further credence to my theory on "Black Street Cred", and how it's being used to make whitey's inventions/institutions legitimately "cooler", so they can sell better.

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