
Saturday, June 16, 2018

The gospel of white fascism (Part 33)...The 3 faces of Kanye West and the 3 phases of the "Hegelian Dialect"...

“The language of God is mathematics…”

—Sophia Stewart, at a press conference for her book, “Matrix 4 The Evolution: Cracking the Genetic Code”

*Note: Sophia is the sista who wrote the original “Matrix” movie script (the one the Wachowski “sisters” stole), and within that same script the movie franchise “The Terminator” was created. And Sophia now owns the rights to both.

To the readers of this Blog: When I first created the title of this particular post, I didn’t realize which number I’d come up to in “The Gospel of white fascism” series. Then, when I found out it was the number 33, I saw how this number was also reflected within the title: the “3 faces of Kanye” and the “3 phases of the Hegelian Dialect”. And, I also understand that some of you might be thinking, well, there’s actually “4” faces in your header, bruh—and I’ll tell you why that number has a significant meaning to an associate of Kanye’s at the end of this post.

But, in regard to the number 33, it has a very important spiritual meaning, and that’s reflected in the fact that there’s 33 degrees of freemasonry which correspond to the 33 vertebrae of the human spine. And like I’ve mentioned before, these 33 vertebrae lead to the “Pineal Gland”, which according to the sciences of our ancestors, is where the human consciousness is kept. Additionally, the majority of freemasonic orders agree that, in occultic circles, 33 is the most powerful number of them all. 

For instance, the mythological “Jesus Christ” was said to be thirty-three when he was crucified, but this, as I’ve mentioned previously, was a fable used to represent the “Krist/Krst” energies of the Black Spiritual Sciences, and their connections to that number. Also, the first Temple of King Solomon was said to have stood for 33 years, and there are 33 symbols of the Masonic order, up to and including a double-headed eagle, crowned with an equilateral triangle with the number 33 inside it. And in the practice of “Spiritual Numerology”, the numbers 11, 22 and 33, are said to be the “Master Numbers—and of course, 33 is the highest of these.

And I don’t think I have to remind anyone of the architecture of Kemetic (Egyptian) and global pyramids, in regards to our ancient ancestor’s connection to the number “3”.

But let me give you my personal testimony, on dealing with this number.

About three years ago, I started “Divinating”. And that’s just a fancy word to describe how I found a technique that connects my intention with my subconscious mind. And I kid you not, the first thing I began noticing, besides the warm surge up my spine after the first time I’d done this technique correctly (rising of the “Kundalini energy), is that numbers started repeating like crazy. And I even remember sitting besides a co-worker, and how I casually told her that I’m not a numerologist, but I’d been seeing the number “3” everywhere. After I said that, she pointed out that we were sitting in cubicle #3.

Thereafter, I noticed that when my spiritual energy is at its highest point, the number “6” (of course, based on 3’s) will start repeating. And I remember, on a day when my spiritual energies were very high, a woman behind a cash register made it a point to tell me that my change came up to $6.66. Now, some people may say that’s satanic” or “demonic”, but anything intrinsically wicked that’s associated with this number is connected with the white fascist “spin” on our spiritual sciences.

For instance, I remember how demonized the practice of “Voodoo/Vudun” was when I was growing up, and one movie in particular that displayed this theory was the horror flick, “The Serpent and the Rainbow”. Come to find out, that the Serpentreally represents the “Kundalini energy” rising up the spine (like I mentioned earlier), and the Rainbow represents this energy rising through the colored “Chakras” of the body. Now, white fascists demonize this concept to dissuade us from practicing our ancient spiritual sciences, cause they know thatll empower us to manipulate spiritual forces in our favor. whitey also does this to keep us frequenting whatever church we have on every corner of our neighborhoods.

Now, the reason I’m saying this is, if you’re a Black person reading my Blog, and you’re serious about being a Black Nationalist/Pan-Afrikanist, at some point you’re gonna’ have to start working in and with the subconscious mind.

And if you’re not doing that on a spiritual level, then you should be doing it on a more practical, mental one. Meaning, if you have no intentions of exploring the spiritual aspects of Black Nationalism, then you should be working in the subconscious to pluck the self-hating conditioning that this (or any other) white fascist social order gave you, to really love yourself for being Black, and to love everyone else who looks like you for being the same.

Now, does doing this mean you’ll get along with every Black person you meet?


But it does mean you’ll be a lot less likely to hate yourself for being Black. And getting myself and every Black man and woman reading this, to that subconscious place, is the reason I write this Blog. Thus, if I can get one person to that destination, my work here will not have been in vain.

So, in keeping with the theme of “3’s”, I wanna’ show how the elites are using Kanye as a social engineering tool with 3 particular incidents that have happened in his career, as well as, the 3 phases of the “Hegelian Dialect” (HD). And these will involve the HD methodology of the “problem, reaction, solution” paradigm. Also, I’ll show this by making a comparative analysis that’ll display the intersectionality between the two. And as always, I’m writing with the reader in mind, so I hope you find something here that’s not only edifying, but entertaining as well.

MontUHURU Mimia

HD Phase #1: Problem

On September 5th, 2005, Kanye West participated in NBCUniversal’s “A Concert for Hurricane Relief”. This was a “telethon” used to raise money for the victims of 2005’s “Hurricane Katrina”. Now, we should all understand from jump, that there was nothing “natural” about this disaster. Meaning, if you look at Spike Lee’s excellent documentary: “When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts”, Black Louisiana residents themselves said they heard explosions, before those fatal flood waters killed so many of their loved ones. Not only that, but it’s documented that when those residents tried to cross bridges to get outta’ town, cops and members of the National Guard, kept them back at gunpoint.

On top of that, cops and members of the National Guard shot several Black men and women who were looking for food, ‘cause behind this “emergency, our people were being classified as “refugees” and “looters”.

Needless to say, Black people were livid behind what happened to us behind this “natural disaster”. My blood was boiling as I sat and saw what our people endured. And that same sentiment is running throughout Spike’s brilliant documentary.

Conversely, white fascists see these tragedies as opportunities to prop up a “Black leader”. Meaning, when a crisis hits the Black community, whitey has a set of Bougie puppets waiting in the wings, to capitalize on becoming a “spokesperson” for us.

And at that moment, Kanye was their puppet of choice.

Now, you might be saying, well, wait a sec’ bruh, Kanye dug into George Bush Jr. with his famous, “George Bush does not like Black people…” quote.

And that’s what I thought too.

I think we all applauded when Kanye made that statement, ‘cause he was giving voice to what we were all thinking. And at the time, I thought he was a courageous brotha for taking a stand on live TV. That ended as the years went by and Kanye showed me and us, his true colors (pun intended).

HD Phase #2: Reaction

Now that Kanye was portrayed as having Black “revolutionary” tendencies, he was poised to reinforce this image by speaking up on behalf of Black people, and more specifically Black musicians everywhere.

Thus, his “appearance” at the 2009 “MTV Video Awards”.

When Kanye came on stage and interrupted Taylor Swift’s speech at the MTV “VMA’s”, his proclamation that Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time, was actually doing 3 things at once—and those are:

#3. Kanye was giving Taylor’s corny music some invaluable “Black street cred”.

Kanye’s interrupting Taylor’s “winning” of the VMA award was a straight-up freemasonic ritual being performed right in front of us. And one reason he did that was, whitey knows Hip-Hop was (and is) the pop music of the last half-century—and they also know, less and less people were listening to the nasal “twangs” of white-bred “country” music. So, this was an effort to essentially “mainstream” Taylor’s mediocre music for the masses.

You say you want proof of that?


Notice how, almost immediately after that awards show, Taylor switched to doing nothing but “R&B” music. So much so, that in recent articles, music journalists are pontificating on whether she’ll “come back” to the country genre.

#2. Kanye was reinforcing his own “street cred” and Black Nationalist posturing, by supposedly speaking up for and aggrandizing Beyonce’s music.

As Kanye became more and more influential to the masses, especially the masses of young people, white fascists saw how valuable an asset he’d be when it came time for him to “flip the script” on us, and ride for whitey. So the more Black people, especially young Black people, Kanye got to believe in him, the more money whitey would put into his career.

As a result, Kanye started to get more political with his dumb-founded diatribes about self-empowerment and motivation.

#1. And what Kanye did more than anything else at the 2009 VMA’s, was reinforce the stereotype of the Black male brute victimizing the white female waif.

This is why Kanye wore a Black shirt and Taylor was in all white. Understand that a key component of maintaining european standards of beauty, is to make sure that white women are kept looking like the most exquisitely feminine, vulnerable, and fragile females in the world. Thus, maintaining the fallacious sanctity of white womanhood.

It’s also reinforcing the stereotype of Black men lusting after and ultimately wanting to sexually assault white women.

whitey understands that if he doesn’t reinforce that stereotype of the white woman being the world’s most desirable female, that the beauty standard(s) of white women and men, could be questioned. And if that happens, they know this stereotype could be eradicated in years to come.

And this is also why, every coupl’ o’ years, the movie, “King Kong” is remade.

It’s so white fascists can keep everyone, especially Black people, thinking that whitey’s pin-thin lips, icy blue eyes and comatose looking white skin, is more desirable than our own, even when whiteys tanning themselves obsessively, and injecting silicone into their butts and lips, to look like ours.

HD Phase #3: Solution

Now, with all of the young Black (and white) fans Kanye has amassed, his anglophilic allegiances to freemasonry are coming to the fore.

Kanye has been seen “hanging out” with the likes of president Don Trump as of late, and he’s been rockin’ Trump’s “Make america great again” campaign slogan hats. And quite frankly, this has been the goal all along, to get everyone who’s got a vested interest in Kanye’s “self-motivational” campaigns, to make a psychological return to america’s white fascist social order. Meaning,  Kanye’s co-signing of Trumps “coolness”, should diffuse our thoughts of seeing him for the bigoted white fascist he really is.

And unfortunately y’all, it’s workin’.

I can’t tell you how many people, Black people included, are saying that, in the long and short of things, Trump’s alright.

Never mind that he’s stolen the presidential (s)election with the help of his pal Vladmir Putin, or he’s still claiming that Obama tapped his phones, or that he supports “white nationalists” in Charlottesville, Virginia, or that he’s “tweeting” his policies with no regards to any kind of presidential protocol, or just how dumb-founded the man is—for a stone-cold bigot, more and more people are saying, he ain’t half bad.

Mind you, I actually rejoiced when Trump was selected, ‘cause I knew that he’d expose himself as such a hard-core bigot, that our people would have no choice but to work together.

And ya’ know what, whitey knew about Trump’s reputation too—and that’s why the powers that be needed to do some damage control, especially after Trump’s support of the “white nationalists” marches in Virginia. The Don needed some kind of Public Relations “patsy” to heighten his profile—enter Kanye West.

And to top all this off, on May 1st, of this year, Kanye came on “TMZ” and proclaimed in an interview that, in regards to Black people, and the TransAtlantic slave Trade (TST), that “slavery was a choice…”

Now, let me say three things about Kanye’s statement: one, in regards to the TST, more and more evidence by Black scholars shows that the Black slave trade in america was a LIE. For instance, and I’ve said this in previous posts, if Black people were already in america, which we were, then why would whitey have to transport us from Africa? And, it’s been proven that the diagrams showing us being transported at the bottom of slave ships were fake, cause there’s no way an ancient ship with that much cargo could be sea-worthy for months or a year at a time. Also, the “Barbary Slave Trade” was one in which ancient Black people enslaved millions of white people, supposedly at the same time that the TST was happening. So why are we taught about one and not the other?

Two: while I understand Kanye’s under heavy mind control, he’s always shown that he was more of an anglophile than anything else, calling himself the “Louis Vutton Don” and all. So I never took any stock in his being a “spokesperson” for our people.

And three: his TMZ interview (for me at least) shows that Kanyes completed his commitments to white fascist freemasonry. This should solidify in anyone’s mind who his heart really belongs to, if any Black person doesn’t already know.

So, I’ve said all that to say this, in regards to what Black people put their stock, or trust in, we should value our “grassroots” initiatives, more than anything else. Cause once someone gets national or international notoriety (celebrity), 99.9% of the time, they’re a wholly owned subsidiary of white fascist freemasons.

Thus, we should look locally for change—cause real revolutions always start from the bottom up, not the top down.


MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s the TMZ interview with Kanye West. And the most disturbing part about this vid is, when Kanye and the brotha Van Lathan get to arguing, what you’re witnessing is two freemasons “staging” a verbal confrontation. Cause white fascists know, the only way to win a game, is to control both teams. *Warning: this video contains profanity, viewer discretion is advised.


It’s no coincidence that Jay-Z calls himself, “Jayhova”, and Kanye’s calling himself, “Yezzus”. So, just like the number “3” is important to this particular post, if you’d like to see how the number “4” is a powerful number in the Black Spiritual Sciences and freemasonry as well, check out this post I wrote on Jay-Z’s album, “4:44”, HERE.

*Addendum: *6/28/18*—Below is the Earth, Wind and Fire” song for their video, Serpentine Fire”. And the term Serpentine Fire is an (in)direct reference to the rising (or snaking) of the Kundalini energy up the spine. *Note: if you click on the video's title and go to its YouTube page, youll see my name in the comments section. And youll see me verbally jousting wit’ whitey about the (indigenous) Black origins of Rock and Roll, amongst other things. 

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