
Saturday, June 9, 2018

The end of feminism (Part 2)...Why is Donald Trump the world's greatest feminist?

To the readers of this Blog: I’ve sincerely missed posting on this platform, as I always do when I’m away. And as always, I’ll proffer no excuses for my lack of discipline when it comes to editorializing on this space. Once again, life “thangs” kept me from keeping up with my responsibilities here. But what I will affirm, again, is how I’m always thinking of this Blog in some form or fashion. So even when I’m not posting regularly, know that I’m constantly mulling over ideas, topics, and different approaches to what I’ll write next.

And what I’ll also say is, I still haven’t entirely gotten all the subject matters I’d covered for “The Cult of Black and white Cinematic Symbolism” series out. So after this, I’ll probably return to that. But with Don Trump as of late, being reluctant to meet with Korea’s Kim Jong Un, his putting himself in legal jeopardy by lying about his ties to Russian mob boss, I mean, Prime Minister, Vladmir Putin, Don’s claims that he has the power to “pardon himself”, if he’s found to have garnered the presidency by ill-gotten means, and his still talking about Obama tapping his offices phones, I wanna’ take time to remember how this “Trumpian” tragedy got started—with white women, voting him into office.

And, like before, since I’ve been away from this space, the subject matter of my forthcoming posts may sound a bit dated, but I assure you, they’ll always be pertinent to the goal of exposing the white fascist agenda. And Ill also remind everyone, that Im always writing with the reader in mind, so even if this post is a bit long-winded, it should prove to be a comfortably fluid read.

And lastly, to the people who cared enough to visit this space while I was away, I say, thank you, thank you and thank you.

—MontUHURU Mimia

One evening while watching a PBS (Public Broadcasting Station) in my city, a fellow who looked a lot like George Soros, and if you don’t know who that is, google him, talked about a discourse he’d had with a member of the Rockefeller family. He said, at a party he attended, one of the Rockefellers asked him what he’d thought about the 1970’s “Women’s Lib(eration)” movement (which in the 80’s and 90’s would become the “Feminist movement”). The George Soros-looking fellow replied, that it seemed positive, and how their adopted slogan: “equal work for equal pay” was progressive. To that the Rockefeller stated, “We funded Women’s Lib—and the reason we did was, we couldn’t tax half the population, if women were staying at home and being housewives.”

Now, the Rockefeller’s statement prompted three thoughts in my head instantly, and those were:

#1. I was awestruck at the wicked ingenuity displayed by the elites behind the “trick of Feminism”, and how they got generations of women to buy into it.

#2. I was repulsed by this same wickedness, a second later.

#3. I knew that with this bit of info., I’d never see the world the same again, and I’d be on a life-long search for other kinds of esoteric info. like this.

Now, you might be thinkin’, bruh, just ‘cause you heard a theory on TV, don’t make it true. And you’re right, it doesn’t—but this “theory” has been proven several times over, by the most unlikely of sources—and that source is america’s white women themselves.

But to make my point, let’s start here: The 2016 presidential campaign of one Hillary Rodham Clinton, was first announced on a “YouTube” video, on April 12th, 2015. She’d served for the first term of the Obama administration as the “Secretary of State” from 2009 to 2013, and this campaign marked her second bite at the presidential apple after Obama bested her in 2008. Mind you, the Associated Press called Hillary the “presumptive nominee” for the Democratic presidential run, after she reached the required number of voting delegates on June 6th, 2016. She even picked a “Vice Presidential running mate”, and that was Virginia Senator, Tim Kaine. And the two were officially nominated, at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

Yep, good ole Hilly, seemed a shoe-in for the next president of these united snakes, I mean, states. To top that off, she seemed like the logical successor while the Democrats ran the white house. And it felt like the feminist manifesto would finally reach its apex with Hilly in the nation’s top spot. Why, before Obama, I even remember hearing a white woman openly boast that there’d be a woman president, before there’d ever be a Black one.

But then, the darndest thing happened—Trump won (and I use this term lightly) the presidential election.

And I think everyone, myself included, kinda’ scratched their head for a moment thinking, well, the ratio of american women to men, is like 4 to 1—so what gives? Then, news pollsters found out that white women, more than any other kind of woman in america, voted in droves for good ole Don Trump.

Then my Black Nationalist sensibilities kicked in, and I nodded my head thinking, that figures.

And the stats said this: 52 % of white women voted for Trump (and I think that’s a low estimate). So that means 6 out of 10 white women, voted for the bellicose, hyper-chauvinistic, and sexist Don.

Now, I remember how the media tried to spin this fact saying, the majority of white women who voted for Trump, didn’t have a college degree. And this of course was supposed to imply that these women weren’t very smart to begin with. But being a curious type of fellow, I decided to check a few facts on that stat. Turns out, that when it comes to white folks, roughly 39% of white men have a college degree, while 62% of white women have one. Meaning the majority of america’s white women period, have collegiate degrees. 

Then I thought, welp, when it comes to the fallacy of less educated white women voting for Trump, let me buttress my former research by finding the source organization that “spun” this info. So, I found out the company responsible for putting out this propagandized non-sense was america’s “National Election Pool” (NEP). Now, the NEP is a group of news organizations (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, CNN and the Associated Press respectively) that was formed in 2003 to provide “exit polling” stats for U.S. elections. And it replaced the “Voters News Service” that was dissolved in 2002.

And right after the NEP opened its doors, election officials found they “cooked” and “skewed” numbers in the 2004 and 2016 presidential elections. So, what this organization is really in the business of, is reporting “half-truths” instead of exit polls.

Additionally, I found another tid-bit of info. I hadn’t known before.

My research showed that Black men with collegiate Associates degrees number at 34%, while Black men with collegiate Bachelor’s degrees are at 36%. Meaning, there’s more Black men in america with Bachelor’s degrees than Associates degrees. And this is in addition to the research I’d done years ago, proving that there’s more Black men in college, than in prison. I’m tellin’ you, whoever coined the phrase, “knowledge is power” wasn’t lyin’.

Moving on…

So, the logical question, especially in light of the contemporary feminist-fueled #METOO movement(s), is why would white women vote a knuckle-draggin’ neanderthal like Don Trump into the american presidency, when one of their own kind was up for the position? And why would I say that the “Trumpster” is america’s greatest “feminist”?

Here’s why…

Cause even though the Don comports himself like a brainless brute, he understands white women implicitly, even if they don’t understand themselves.

Meaning, he knows that what america’s white women really want, is not equal parity with white men. What these recessive-traited, pin-thin lipped, flat-assed, and ghastly pale-skinned females want, is to enjoy all the privileges white fascism affords them, while pretending to be an oppressed minority.



And speaking of Black feminists, recently I’d heard a song I haven’t listened to in years, and that was Annie Lenox’s, “Sisters are doin’ it for themselves”. Now, this song is an affront to me for a couple of reasons, but the main one is, notice that Annie didn’t say “women” are doin’ it for themselves, she said “Sisters/Sistas” are.

Meaning, while white feminists are telling Black feminists to despise their men and the Black patriarchy—which doesn’t exist, white women are voting the most heinously sexist man into the presidency of this country. And as part of this trick, white women continue baiting the hook of feminism, with promises of more inclusion into america’s white fascist social order for Black women. And if you wanna’ go even deeper into the feminist rabbit-hole, at it’s core, it’s telling Black women, we (white feminists) have white male sympathizers, and if you go to bat for us, you’ll have more access to them.

And that’s the biggest piece of cheese on the feminist rat-trap.

Now, if you happen to be a Black feminist reading this, who disagrees with me, let me ask you a question: name one thing white feminists have done for Black women, that they haven’t done for themselves?

I’ll wait.

And this question ain’t rhetorical—please, if you have an answer, I’d love to see it in the comment section, so I can show you how brainwashed you’ve allowed yourself to be.

Moreover, if you’re a Black “womanist”, you’re just pretending that you’re not a white fascist feminist.

Especially if you’re a “Pro-Black womanist”. Cause if you’ve studied our ancient ancestry for more than five minutes, you’ll notice that we never separated ourselves from each other. Meaning, Black Kings always had their Queens beside them. Any kind of “gender-warring” only started happening when our Diaspora adopted the tenets of white fascism.

So in conclusion, I’ll say this, america’s white women are no more scrupulous than their bigoted male counterparts—they’re just pretending to be. So, to any Black woman reading this, if you wanna’ be down with white fascism, just say that. But don’t try to con me with your feminist ideologies, that you’ll find, include some of the most heinous feats of ethnic cleansing known to “hue-man” kind.

And you don’t have to take my word for it, just google the name “Margaret Sanger” sometimes.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do The Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

*Addendum—6/11/18: Fam, if you'd like to see the first blog post in this series, you can do that HERE.


Here’s the video of Annie Lenox with Aretha Franklin singin’ “Sisters are doing it for themselves”. And keep in mind that Annie makes it a point not to use the phrase “womenor ladies” are doin' it for themselves, she uses the term Sisters”/Sistas. Cause she's really targeting Black women with this propagandized nonsense (That's why she's singing wit Aretha yall)—and while Black women hum along with this ditty, white women are teaming up with their men to maintain and secure the privileges they'll enjoy in america’s white fascist social mainstream. 

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