
Saturday, June 30, 2018

The gospel of white fascism (Part 34)...The legend of Idi Amin and the art of "gender-warring"...

“We’re gonna’ chase those crazy bald heads outta’ town…”

—Bob Marley

To the readers of this Blog: A couple of months ago, I was conversing with a mature brotha like myself, who exuded the traits I generally like in Black men. And those are, he seemed self-possessed, independent-minded, and well-informed. Alas, one day while we were talking, he sarcastically said my smile and countenance reminded him of the Ugandan dictator, Idi Amin.

Now, for those who’ve never heard of this man, whitey’s media portrayed him as an iron-fisted oligarch, who was nothing short of a predator on human life. And he was the ruler of Uganda, Africa from 1971 to 1979.

Now, even though the guy I was conversing with thought this was a comical statement, it spoke volumes to who he really was—and straight off, I knew 3 things about him right then and there. And those were:

#1. While this man professed to know about the greatness of ancient Black people, he still considered Black “facial features” unattractive.

#2. I’ve written ad nauseum about the young Black woman who told me in private, “Man, God didn’t give us nothin’, he gave us big lips and nappy hair…”, well, this was another one of those moments, only it was decades later, and instead of a teenaged high-schooler, I was conversing with a middle-aged man who was as brainwashed as that young sista was. And mind you, this guy’s statement was not only supposed to make me hate my looks, but ultimately, it was supposed to make me hate myself for being Black, period. Fortunately, I’ve done the work at subconscious levels, to repel and recondition myself out of that, so I can separate my fact, from his fiction.  

#3. This was yet another Black man/Black person, who was “woke” consciously, while being a stone-cold anglophile subconsciously.

So, after this brotha made that statement, I asked him, “Do you know why Idi Amin is so infamous?”

All at once, this brotha was dumb-struck.

So, for the readers of this Blog, I wanna’ dig a bit deeper into Idi’s backstory, this brotha’s statement, and how the two are directly related to the white fascist-fueled “gender wars” of Black people. And this is one mo’ post that might run a little long, so I ask for your kind indulgences whilst I delve into the guts of this subject matter. Thanks in advance.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Let me say straight off, that Idi Amin’s (left, and you can click on Idis image) biographical records are scarce, but from what I’ve read, he was born between the years of 1923 to 1927 in Koboko, a West Nile Province in Uganda, Africa. His father, Andreas Nyabire was said to come from a tribe in Uganda, called the “Kakwa”, and his mother, Assa Aatte, was from the “Lugbara” tribe. Idi’s mother was a traditional herbalist who treated the royal members of the “Buganda” tribes, as well as other tribal nobles. And according to records, Idi’s father, converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam, thus, he changed his surname to Amin Dada, and he gave his first born son, Idi, this name.

As Idi grew, he qualified for the British military, and joined the “King’s African Rifle” of the British Colonial Army as an assistant cook in 1946. Being that he was tall and strong, he impressed the higher-echeloned officers with his physical prowess as an exceptional rugby player, swimmer and boxer. He was promoted to a corporal in 1949, and thereafter, he won the Ugandan heavyweight boxing championship in 1951. He held that title for 9 years.

Now, during the 1950’s Idi helped the Brits in their campaign to oust the “Mau Mau” freedom fighters of Africa (and I’ll definitely write a post about the awesome work these brothas did in the future), and even though British officers considered his combat methods harsh and inhumane, the Brits promoted Idi to sergeant in 1951, lance-corporal in 1953, sergeant-major in 1958, and platoon-commander that same year. By 1961, Idi was only one of two Ugandan officers with the rank of lieutenant.

In 1962, Idi was commissioned to stop the “cattle rustling” between warring African tribes in Uganda and Kenya. And once more, he was brought before a tribunal for his brutal acts committed during these campaigns, only this time, he went before the Ugandan Prime Minister, Apolo Milton Obote, for war crimes. Despite this, Idi was promoted yet again to captain in 1962 and major in 1963. He was also selected to participate in the officer’s course in Wiltshire school of Infantry in Britain in 1963. And in 1964, he was made a colonel.

Now, even though Apolo supposedly denounced Idi’s military tactics, they became close, ‘cause Apolo sympathized with the assassinated Congolese Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba (a personal hero/heru of mine), and oddly enough, Idi thought highly of Patrice as well (and I’ll tell you why that wasn’t so odd, later in this post). Apolo appointed Idi to the position of Chief of Staff in 1966, and to brigadier in 1967, thereafter, Idi was given the title of major-general that same year.

Apolo asked Idi for help in building military training camps, and Idi obliged with shipments of coffee, ivory and gold into Uganda from the Congo so Apolo’s troops could pay for arms. After this, Apolo’s opponents wanted an investigation done into illegalities surrounding the resources being provided to Uganda.

By 1968, it’s said that Apolo and Idi’s relationship soured, and as a result, an assassination attempt was made on Apolo’s life. What’s documented thereafter says that Idi’s regime “overthrew” Apolo’s presidency on January 25th, 1971.

Now, even though this went on in plain sight, here’s what happened behind the scenes…

A book titled: “Dirty Work 2—the CIA in Africa”, was written in 1979, and it reveals how Idi Amin was not only installed by white fascists in the “western powers”, but how they also helped him maintain his rule. Now, while sections of the book focus on British manuverings, in 2002, declassified Brit documents uncovered the fact that Idi’s overthrowing “coup” that ousted Apolo, was carried out by Israelis (i.e. white jews). And regarding this, the book states that Idi was central to jewish operations in the 1960’s as pertains to the southern Sudan. And the jews main objective there wasn’t to quell African tribal wars, but to keep them going for as long as possible.

The book also says Idi had risen to power within Apolo’s administration, but Apolo’s interests didn’t fall in line with the jewish objective, so jews helped Idi overthrow Apolo and come to power.

Now, in 1972, the “Addis Ababa agreement” essentially stopped the tribal wars in Sudan, thus, the jews lost interest in Idi’s rulership. And when Idi couldn’t get any more support from them, he turned to Muammar Gaddafi in Libya for support—yeah, the infamous Muammar Gaddafi, who was about to create a unified currency for Africa, but died mysteriously before he did.

And to top all this off, here’s what really got the white fascists who pulled Idi’s puppet strings so pissed, in August of 1972, Idi ordered the expulsion of Uganda’s asian population. 

Meaning, Idi saw the scorn asians displayed towards Uganda’s native (Black) populations (especially in their retail stores), and he decided, welp, if you don’t like us, you need to get outta’ our country and go back to yours.

Moreover, he saw how Brits paid for the schooling of Uganda’s asian population, and how that government provided them banking jobs and loans to open stores in Uganda’s Black neighborhoods, that the Brits didn’t provide to indigenous (Black) Ugandans.

Sound familiar?

And this means what?

It means, Idi’s diabolical military tactics weren’t a problem when he was working on behalf of white fascists, it only became a problem when he wanted to do something for his people—like kickin’ those asian bastards out. And you can hear the same sentiment in Bob Marley’s song “Crazy bald heads”. Now, a “bald-head” in Bob’s vernacular, was someone with close cropped hair that conformed to the ways of the western powers. And a “Rasta”, with his long locks, plainly shows he’s not wit’ that.

Now, when I told the man who said I looked like Idi Amin, that this is the reason Idis considered so infamous, he just turned and walked off. So, in one fatal swoop, I shut that anglophile up and down at the same time.

And that’s why Black Nationalism is so dear to me.

Cause had I not known this info., I could have used the brainwashed brotha’s statement as an excuse to further reinforce the white fascist conditioning I’d received my whole life, to hate myself and everyone who looks like me. And I’ve said that to say, Black Nationalism ain’t just heady and theoretical, I love it cause in cases like this, it could mean the difference between you loving or hating yourself.

At this point you might be thinkin’, bruh, what the heck does this have to do wit’ our people’s “gender warring”? Welp, let’s get into that right quick…

Now, in 2013, when I first started this Blog, a sista named “Monique” (at least that’s what she called herself) started making comments on my posts regularly. And she said she’d liked the Black Nationalist bent of my Blog, so much so, that she asked me for pointers on how to curate her own. So, I gave her said pointers. Thereafter, when I read her blog, I noticed how she’d aggrandize Black women, and go out of her way to talk disparagingly about Black men. When I asked her about this and told her how I’ve dedicated my Blog to healing the rift between Black men and women, and possibly trying to save some Black families, her response was: “The rift between Black men and women is irreparable, and the campaign to save the Black family is dead.”

Now, I don’t shock easy—but I was shocked.

And when I asked her if she felt that way, why would she ask me to give her pointers on writing a “Black Nationalist” blog, she answered: “Who else was I gonna’ ask?”

Thus, I told her not to comment here anymore.

Two years later, a sista who called herself “Providence” started commenting here frequently. And not only was she a brilliant sista with boatloads of knowledge about ancient Black people, but she even entered the fray, when I had battles wit’ dumb-founded white bois who made disparaging comments on my posts. Well, this woman read one post where I mentioned how Black people have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, and that’s why whitey has a bulls-eye on our backs, more than any other kind of person. Thereafter, she went about trying to prove why that wasn’t the case, and she even declared that if I had taken “Anthropology 101”, I’d understand what she was talking about. Not only did that make me laugh, but I shook my head at the fact that this Black woman could be so smart and stupid at the same time.

Thus, I told her not to comment here anymore.

Now, eventually, I suspected some white guy would start trolling this Blog. And while I did acquire a troll, it wasn’t a white guy, it was a Black woman. Reason being, she didn’t like my Blog’s message.

To top all that off, the Black woman I was in a five-year relationship with, revealed herself to be a female who was conditioned to hate Black men—and she didn’t know it. 

But what really rocked my world, was a statement by a young, brilliant brotha named “Kev” who frequently commented here. Now, on several posts we’ve gone back and forth on why Black men should agree or disagree with the tenets of Black Men’s Rights Acitivists (BMRA’s). But one statement this brotha made just had me reeling. He wrote, “…until Black women confess to and/or suffer the consequences of screwing Black men over (and he didn’t use the word ‘screw’), there’s no use in talking about Black love or unity.”

And let me tell ya’, that statement still haunts me to this day.

‘Cause at the time, I couldn’t refute its logic.

So, based on everything I’d been through, I was like, ya’ know what—to hell wit’ Black women.

A couple of months later, I found out that a Black man, who was a co-worker of mine, conspired with an asian fellow to get me fired from my job. And video after video I’d listen to by brothas who were BMRA’s (Red Pill brothas, Black MGTOW’s, SYSBM’s, etc.) had me hearing them talk 99.9% of the time about why they didn’t like Black people, period.

Now, here’s a question: where logically, should my mind go after this?

Answer: to 3 places…

#3. Behind finding out another Black man was trying to get me fired, I now have reasons why I should hold a bias against Black men.

#2. Now that I have a bias against Black men and women, I should think, that I have no reason to like Black people.

#1. And ultimately, I now have a reason to hate myself for being Black.



Meaning, again, if you’re a Black man or woman, who hates Black men and women, then inevitably, you’re gonna’ hate yourself for being Black.


Moreover, if you don’t realize that any dysfunctions displayed by Black people were bred into us, and that none of them are NATURAL TO US, then you’re gonna’ wind up at some point, hating yourself for being Black.


And that’s why it’s crucial for you as a Black man or woman to know that the reason our people may display more dysfunctions than any other, is ‘cause we have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, thus, we’ve been worked on more than any other kind of “hue-man” being on the planet, to hate ourselves and each other.


Now, do we have an obligation to recondition ourselves outta’ this?


But the first step in that process, is knowing that Black dysfunction is bred into us, it’s not something we’re born with.

And since a Black man or woman over 30, is more than likely not gonna’ do the subconscious work to rid themselves of the white fascist conditioning that created our dysfunctions, I think the best way to rid ourselves of them is to provide our children with Black Nationalist educational cooperatives, that can make sure they learn the “3 r’s” without the self-hating doctrines that were bred into me and my generation.

Now, the good news is, Black people are one of the fastest growing demographics to adopt homeschooling initiatives in america. So, there is work being done, and we are making a dent in this problem. Therefore, the best thing mature Black persons like myself can do is provide more resources to these organizations, so the next generation of our people have a fighting chance at coming up outtathis self-hating psychosis.

So, family, without any further delay—LET’S DO THIS WORK!



MontUHURU Mimia


Heres a video for Bob Marley's song, Crazy bald heads. Listen to the lyrics—yadig.

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