
Saturday, July 7, 2018

The gospel of white fascism (Part 35) (Post Independence Day Edition)...What do Dr. Phil Valentine, Brotha Panic, Aseer the Duke of Tiers and Korryn Gaines have in common?

Joe C. Palczynski was a 31-year-old serial killer who terrorized citizens in several counties of Baltimore, Maryland. And on the date of Friday, March 17th, 2000, he took a family hostage in their home. For 4 days, he ignored requests by law enforcement and their negotiators, to let the family go, and he occasionally fired off gunshots at the cops.

Law enforcement officers finally killed Joe, when one of the family’s members put “Xanax” in Joe’s drink. And that allowed various family members to sneak out one by one. And when officers did enter the home, they said Joe awoke from his drug-induced slumber and reached for a weapon. At that point, they administered the kill shot that definitively ended the siege.

Fast forward to March, 2017—a traffic stop of a 23-year-old mother named, Korryn Gaines, led to her arrest. And the reason cops arrested her, was they said she didn’t have her car properly registered with the state. This stemmed from the inscription(s) she had on her license plates.

Now, one of her license plates had the term, “Free Traveler”, on it. The other, had the following notice: “Any government official who compromises this pursuit to happiness and right to travel, will be held criminally responsible and fined, as this is a natural right to freedom.” And when the cops pulled Korryn over, she asked to see their “Delegation of Authority Order”.

After Korryn was incarcerated, she posted this as a caption beneath her March arrest video: Constitutional Law is the only law. In order to be granted the role of law enforcement, you must take an oath to uphold the constitution and be granted a “D.O.A.O” (Delegation of Authority Order). The police are not law enforcement, they are “policy enforcers” and operate outside of the laws of the Constitution, which would make them organized criminals. They enforce Corporate Law (to generate revenue, in other words, to get money. However, in this case they know I know this, and this is them making trouble with me) which is not a true form of the law, but so many of us have bended to their criminal ways. Not me.  

Fast forward again, to August 1st, of 2017—Korryn refuses to come out of her home after cops show up at her residence. Police said they were serving her with a warrant for a failure to appear in court. Mind you, shortly after this incident, cops said they had an actual warrant for her arrest.

Now, allegedly, SWAT officers arriving on the scene, say Korryn pointed a shotgun at them—and while the full story of what happened still hasn’t been revealed, what we know for sure is, cops killed Korryn and wounded her five-year-old son. And unlike the aforementioned Joe Palczynski, cops only took 6 hours to kill Korryn, instead of waiting 4 days like they did with Joe.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t include this: On February of this year, Korryn’s family was awarded $37 million dollars in a civil law suit filed against Baltimore County. It took six female jurors less than 3 hours to delineate that Korryn’s shooting was a gross violation of her civil, and human rights (that’s an understatement). During the trial, jurors found out that the person who fired the 4 fatal shots that killed Korryn, was Corporal Royce Ruby of the Baltimore Police force. It was discovered that one of Ruby’s shots pierced Korryn’s lung and spine, before it ricocheted and hit her son, Kodi.

So, question: if Korryn was this crazy maniac of a young woman, who threatened cops, why would the city of Baltimore pay out that kind of money to her family?

Now, hold that thought, while I make this next point.

On June 3rd, of this year, in Brooklyn, New York City, “Underground Railroad Productions” hosted what was called the “Gathering of the Metaphysical Masters” at Saint Francis College. This gathering featured Dr. Phil Valentine, who’s considered a stalwart of the “Black Conscious Community” (BCC), Brother Panic, who’s a master of occult sciences, and Duke the Aseer of Tiers, who’s also a star in the ranks of the BCC.

Now, unfortunately, I made prior commitments, so I missed this show. But I did see some videotaped footage of it. And in this forum, “Aseer”, who’s a Moor (MUUR), is famous for going to court to fight for his “sovereign” rights—and his actions, follow the mission statement(s) and diatribes Korryn alluded to in regards to her traffic stop and arrest. “Dr. Valentine” has also been to court behind his attempts at “correcting his status” of citizenship, by filling for his “UCC-1”. On another front, “Panic” deals more with the occult methodologies of how to get oneself out from under laws that white fascists use to run the corporate enterprise, known as the united states of america.

Now, this is what these brothas and Korryn had in common.

But here’s what they don’t.

Dr. Valentine, Brother Panic and Asser, are all white fascist freemasons.

Now, why am I mentioning this? And, if this is true, why would I go hear them speak?

For 3 reasons…

#3. The reason I’m mentioning this is to illustrate the point that even though I applaud Korryn’s endeavors to claim her sovereignty, every member of the BCC, myself included, needs to understand that this information has to be tempered with the proper amount(s) of “discernment”, so we can apply it properly.

#2. Even though information alone isn’t gonna’ free us, it’s a vital (and necessary) element in reconditioning ourselves outta’ the programmed self-hatred we’ve been force-fed in this white fascist social order, to hate ourselves and each other.

#1. And ultimately, even though I know Dr. Valentine, Asser and Panic are white fascist freemasons, I’d still be open to harness the boatloads of “free energy” these 3 were giving out at that conference. And I’d channel that energy to do something positive for myself, and the BCC.

Now, with that said, let me return to the subject of “Black Nationalist” discernment.

What Korryn didn’t know is, whichever person gave her that info. about sovereignty, was probably a freemason just like Dr. Valentine, Panic and Aseer. So, it would be easier for them to accomplish their goals of “status correction”, than it would for any of us who aren’t “connected”. Meaning, it’s imperative that members of the BCC not only know who they’re listening to, but how to contextualize the info. they’ve heard.

And what’s even more important is our realizing, in very practical terms, that any member of the BCC with national renown, 99.9% of the time, is gonna’ be a freemason, whether we like to think about that, or not. Mind you, the term, “Free Traveler”, is another colloquialism for “freemason”. Cause they expound on the fact that their “knowledge”, gives them the ability to roam the earth “freely” (meaning they’re unbound by the dictates, statues and ordinances, people outside their fellowship must abide by).

And one of the ways freemasons identify themselves is by asking one another, “Are you a traveling man?”

Now, let me reiterate, these men do indeed have great amounts of practical knowledge we can glean off them—but again, we have to put this info. in its proper context.

Here’s an example: in some of the videotaped footage I watched of this event, Dr. Valentine and Aseer talk about going to court for the purposes of “status correction(s)”. Now, some years back, they offered advice on some people to contact, so you can get your “paperwork” together to accomplish this goal. What they’re saying now is, the UCC laws are soon going to be replaced by “natural law”, which favors us, “indigenous” Black people (which we all are). And that’s all fine and good, but what happens to the members of the BCC who were imprisoned or suffered behind trying to correct, or state their statusearlier? Like Korryn.

Hell, brotha Wesley Snipes is not only a freemason, but he had high-powered lawyers representing him, to show how taxing worker’s “salaries” is unconstitutional. And they still sent him to prison. Lauryn Hill, yeah, the “Fugees” Lauryn Hill, was also sent to prison ‘cause she owed the IRS $1.8 million in taxes (so they say). And this gov’t did that, even though she paid off $970,000.00 of that debt prior to her being locked up—and she’s a freemason.

Conversely, Dr. Alim El Bey, another Moor/freemason, gave me one of the most effective “divinating” techniques I’ve ever gotten, and it’s opened up a whole new world of spiritual sciences to me, that I probably wouldn’t have known otherwise.

Again, context people.

So, I’ve said all that to say this, and this has become a cliché as of late, but I’m gonna’ say it anyway: knowledge, in and of itself, ain’t power. It’s the proper application (wisdom), of that knowledge that makes one powerful.

Meaning, if I, as a Black man, encounter a Black woman who’s abrasive, combative, condescending and foul-mouthed, I can acknowledge that she’s acting (or reacting) to the white fascist conditioning embedded in her subconscious, but that don’t mean, I’m gonna’ be able to contextualize (or apply) that understanding, so I don’t have a bias against all Black women.

Ya’ dig?

And ditto for Black women in that situation with Black men.

But it’s this wisdom that we in the BCC must cultivate so the copious amounts of info. we gather can be used to most effectively benefit and UNITE US. And that’ll lead to true independence (in keeping wit’ the real spirit of July 4th’s “holiday”)

Cause when everything’s said and done, if our endeavors don’t get us any closer to unity, then all our efforts (and gathering of info.) will be in vain.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”



–MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s a vid of sista Korryn speaking on “Black consciousness”. Mind you, this vids quality isnt the best, but her recital of a Black scholars wise words, more than makes up for this vids lessened production value. And this vid disproves the theory that she suffered from any kind of debilitating mental illness.

Now, heres a vid clip from the Meeting of the Metaphysical Masters event. And I want you to notice how Brotha Blue Pill flashes the okay sign, which symbolizes the 3 6s of white fascist freemasonry @ 3:30 minutes in. Additionally, I want you to pay close attention to not only Brotha Panic (in the white top hat and clothes), but his wife, Khadijah, @ 4:22, ‘cause that's when she also flashes that same sign.


*Addendum: *7/19/18* — Fam, I literally just found this like an hour ago—so peep this out. In the above clip, I show you how “Brother Panic”, and his woman, are flashing their freemasonic 3 “6’s” sign, right? Welp, off the success of the “Gathering of the Masses” lecture, Panic’s holding another event of his own, and the flyer below shows exactly where its gonna be held, (coincidentally, I just happened to mark it in red *smiles*). And if you wanna’ see this image bigger, just click on it fam. And remember, its about discernment family, discernment.

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