
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Why spanish people don't like Black americans (Part 2)...What do George Lopez, Fat Joe and Amara La Negra "still" have in common?

“I ask you to go back to that mirror—and if nothing looking back at you is friendly, then you have no friends.”

—Dr. John Henrik Clarke

To the readers of this Blog: I didn’t plan to revisit this particular post—and I certainly wasn’t planning to write a sequel to it. But with america’s spanish population being in the news so much lately, and with their strange relationship with (indigenous) Black americans, I felt a need to make my position even clearer as to how they really feel about us, and how we, (or at least I), feel about them.

So, let me say straight off, that I understand the term “latino” is the politically correct proper noun used to refer to america’s “spanish-speaking population(s)”. So please don’t waste your time, or mine, telling me this. And please don’t tell me the terms “spanish” and “latino” are cultural terms, not ethnic ones—'cause I know that too. Meaning, I understand that these people are Black—but since they don’t identify themselves as such, I’m not gonna’ claim them either. Additionally, I don’t need a geography lesson, so don’t tell me that “Spain” is in europe, ‘cause I know that as well—but what spanish people living in america don’t know, is that anyone with a spanish surname, is considered “non-white”, regardless of their being fair-skinned—and if you don’t believe me, just ask Donald Trump.

Moreover, like I’ve stated several times in the past, the term “hispanic” was created for “latinos”, ‘cause american census officials found out these folks were checking the “caucasian” box on their forms. So, if anyone’s misidentifying these people, it’s “latinos” themselves, not me.

Now, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention this: the first post I wrote about these people not only garnered more attention than I thought it would, but it also had some “ethnically-confused” types pissed at me for supposedly misrepresenting the spanish-speaking minions of america. One female in particular, left a comment on my first post saying that she was actually embarrassed for me, ‘cause I called spanish-speaking folks, spanish. And she opened her dumbed-founded diatribe by commenting: “I’m a Black woman of mixed (latino) descent…” To which I replied: “Are you a Black woman, or a woman of mixed descent?”

And I posed that question cause, I wasn’t about to let her get away with calling herself “half-Black”. Cause that’s what people who really don’t wanna’ be Black do. And understand, the reason she opened with that statement was, so she could ride both sides of the fence. Meaning, she wants to be able to be Black around us, and non-Black, around her white, spanish and asian friends. And that’s a mental disorder I refer to as being “typically latino”. To top this off, this empty-headed, half-wit called herself, “Cali Valley Venus Mirage”—now, let’s break that nick-name down right quick.

“Cali Valley” refers to “California’s ‘southern’ Valley”, and this is where we get the phrase “Valley Girl” from. And for those who’re unfamiliar wit’ this term, it’s meant to refer to affluent and spoiled rotten white girls who come from this region, and who talk with an obnoxiously hi-pitched, nasal timbre, (watch the movie(s), “Clueless” and/or “Heathers”, and you’ll know what I’m talking about). So, from jump, this ethnically-confused girl was associating herself wit’ white girls. Now, anyone who knows about the legend of “Sarah Baartman”, knows she was called the “hottentot VENUS”, because of her exceptionally large derrière and hyper-feminine curves. Mind you, the fact that whitey decided to name her after the roman goddess of love, Venus, means that this part of the bi-ethnic broad’s nick-name, was sufficiently white enough for her to use. Now, the word “Mirage” pretty much sums this dumb little girl up, ‘cause she was trying to make me see her as something she’s not. She also tried to give me the whole, I’m an educated Black woman, calling you on your ignorance, routine. But I told her again, if she was so proud to be Black, she wouldn’t have identified herself as having a “mixed descent”. Then I told her, she should quench her thirst for education with some lessons outside of the white fascist (mis)educational system, making her think she’s “mixed”, so she could get outta’ that mirage and back to reality.

Ive never heard from her since.

So, while this is yet another example of spanish folks being Black when it’s convenient, I wanna’ show you some mo’ celebrated examples of this, and why we should realize that any alliances we try to form with these people are futile. And once again, this editorial might run long, so I thank you in advance for your kind indulgences, while I expound on this group’s social schizophrenia.

—MontuHURU Mimia

George Edward Lopez was born on April 23rd, 1961 in Los Angeles, California, and he’s the son of a male migrant worker named Anatasio, and a mother named Frieda, who’re both Mexican.

George’s father left when he was 2 months old, and his mother deserted him when he was 10. Thus, a preadolescent George was raised by his maternal grandparents, Refugio and Benita Gutierrez. And as a teen, George attended San Fernando High School, and graduated in 1979.

Now, George is famous for saying, or alluding to the fact that (indigenous) Black people, were not allowed in his house. And what this speaks to more than anything, was his living in what I call, a “typically spanish” household. Meaning, it’s usually fine for any member of that family to dote on the byproducts of Black culture, especially if they live near us, but when it comes to being around their own kind, they should make it their business to revile Black folks the way a white klansman would. If not moreso. Cause the bottom line is, a white klansman knows their white, but spanish folks know they’re not. Regardless, even if George grew up living on dirt floors, his folks made him feel that he’s superior to any Black person.

But peep this out, it’s also well documented that George’s grandparents paid him very little attention. So much so that he’s said his esteem took a major hit by living with them. But regardless of how little affection they showed George, he still heeded their advice about not liking us.

By the late 1980’s, George was a successful comedian playing large clubs around the country, and he was appearing on TV as well as in some bit parts in movies. Now, I wanna’ stop here ‘cause, I need to show you the hypocrisy of these people when it comes to hating us, but capitalizing on our culture. In 1998, the “Kings of Comedy” tour starring Bernie Mac, Cedric the Entertainer, Steve Harvey and D.L. Hughley, was not only a successfully revolutionary tour, but it was turned into a successful full-length feature film. Directed by Spike Lee no less. Now, with all the animus that spanish folk have for us, seeing the success of this tour, George and a couple of his hispanic comic friends, still decided to create a “latin Kings of Comedy tour” in 2001.

Now, fast forward to 2002, George parlayed his comic successes into getting his own self-titled TV series, “The George Lopez show”. But when it comes to the gold standard of cultural currency, which is “Black Street Cred”, George just couldn’t rest on his laurels and legacy, so in 2017, he went on the “Comedy Get Down” Tour with D.L Hughley, Eddie Griffin, Charlie Murphy (R.I.P.) and, wait for it—George Lopez. Now supposedly, the person who put him on this tour was D.L.—and that really don’t surprise me, cause D.L.’s famous for his anglophilic, boot-licking, and brown-nosin’ endeavors, when it comes to whitey and non-Black folks. See, D.L. is trying to pass himself off as a social activist, and he intends to do that by kissin’ as much white and brown butt as he can. I remember one TV show I saw him on, where he buck-danced for, and schmoozed with, some white nationalist. And at the end of it, they shared a Black & white cookie, in some asinine display of solidarity.

Moreover, George’s stylings once again remind me of the rapper Fat Joe. Insomuch as, when Joe was asked about Black rappers rockin’ “Black Medallions” with the continent of Africa in the middle, he said, “Well, I always wore my gold (chains), so I don’t know what those guys were trippin’ off.” Mind you, what he was really saying is: why would anyone be proud of Africa? And Joe’s made several comments where he points out how Black people tend to speak the queen’s English around whites, but our own vernacular around ourselves. But it’s fine for hispanic folks to speak english around whites, and spanish around their people. And if Joe feels superior cause his people speak another language, then why didn’t he make a career for himself playing “spanish” music, like “salsa” or “merengue”?

And speaking of music, this leads me to my beef wit’ Amara “the Black”, I mean, Amara “La Negra” (whose real name is Dana De Los Santos). Only Amara’s cultural theft comes with a softer, and more finessed touch. Meaning, she’s claiming that she’s “unapologetically Afro-latino”. But what you won’t hear her say is that she’s “Black”. Now, you might be like, bruh, you said yourself her last (stage) name means “Black”, so what’s the problem? Welp, someone who’s not of Hispanic descent, might not know that “La Negra” literally translated into the “Black girl”. So, this is another way she, and the rest of her people, get to deny, or get outta’ identifying themselves as Black.

So, in English, Amara will always claim being Afro-latino (or “mixed”, just like that dumb-founded “Cali Valley Venus Mirage”), but again, what you won’t hear her say in english, is that she’s “pure-bred” Black.

Moving on…

The “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA), was an immigration policy created by President Obama, allowing some persons who were brought here illegally as children, to receive a two-year renewable deferment from deportation, so they can become eligible for an american work permit. And research has shown that DACA, had not only increased the wages and labor-force participation of persons eligible for this initiative, but it also increased the mental health outcomes for DACA-eligible adults and children. Moreover, the “Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act”, or the “Dream Act” for short, proposed almost concurrently with DACA, allowed undocumented immigrants access to private college scholarships for state schools.

Now, according to the Pew Research Center, there are 57 million “latinos” in america. That makes them approximately 18% of the population. And as of 2017, 690,000 unauthorized immigrants were enrolled in DACA—mind you, 90% of these applicants were latinos.

Now, here’s a question: why didn’t more spanish people enroll in DACA?

And understand, I realize that some undocumented hispanics feared that showing their illegal status would get them deported anyway, but if you see hordes of your people participating without consequence, then you’d think the number of enrollees should be double and triple what they were.

But here’s why the overwhelming majority of them didn’t participate…

The reason more lations didn’t enroll in DACA was, ‘cause Obama, a Black president, endorsed it—point blank, period.

So even though hispanics saw their people legitimately benefiting from this initiative, being the complete anglophiles they are, latinos though, well, I’ll just wait for a white president to give me my full citizenship. To hell wit’ that negro president. And every Black person reading this should understand that latinos pride themselves on having and promoting conservative white sentiments. So, when Trump was (s)elected for office, the majority of hispanics thought, finally, that negro in the white house is gone.

Then, much to their surprise, Don Trump ended DACA.

So now, when I hear about them boys from “Immigration and Customs Enforcement” (ICE), swoopin’ down on Julio and ‘em, and packin’ their asses 10 at a time, into vans bound for state deportation centers—two words come to my mind.


And that’s why in previous posts, I said that Don Trump would be the perfect American president—and yes, I said perfect.

So, for those of you who thought I was trippin’, peep this out—I understood more than anything that Don is such a bigot, that he’d not only force Black people, in some way, shape, or form to have to work together, but I knew he’d show hispanics, how white they’re NOT

And I gotta’ say, the “Trumpster” didn’t disappoint.

Moving on…

On June 20th, of this year, a fifteen-year-old latino boy was killed in the Bronx, New York, allegedly due to a case of mistaken identity, and that boy’s name was Lesandro “Junior” Guzman. Now, this kid died a particularly grizzly death, at the hands of a local gang called the “Trinitarios”. And all jokes aside, I wouldn’t wish that kinda’ death on anyone. So, on June 26th, of this year, Bronx residents walked to commemorate “Junior’s” death—and I saw several Black men and women walking with them.

Now, I understand that a life was lost here, but those Black men and women walking for Junior, should’ve asked themselves this question: Where were latinos when Eric Garner was killed? Or Stephon Clarke, or Alton Sterling, or Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Korryn Gaines—and ya’ know I could keep going. Hell, the man who killed Trayvon Martin, Geroge Zimmerman, was one o’ those spanish jerk-offs, who checked the white box on his census form, so he wouldn’t have to think he’s Black.

So, I’ve said all that to say this, let these spanish folk ‘fend for themselves—they’ll be fine—or they won’t, I don’t care. Cause at the end of the day, if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, here’s the stark-raving truth…



And let me repeat this for the Black “multiculturalists” out there…



We don’t have any friends in these people, and we never will.


So, more than ever we need to value the fact that, there ain’t no justice, there’s JUST US!

Now, the beauty of realizing that is, shortly afterwards, we’ll see that we’re all we need.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia


Now, in a post I wrote about Amara La Negra, I warned the Black people reading this Blog, that they shouldn’t be surprised, if they go to one of her concerts, only to find out that the latinos who paid to see “Amara the Black”, don’t like their pure-bred Black ass. Welp, this vid illustrates that point, perfectly. Here’s a video of a George Lopez concert, that some brain-washed Black women decided they were gonna’ attend. Mind you, after George gives his two rules for a latino family: #1. Don't marry somebody Black, and #2. Dont park in front of our house, the woman he addresses right afterwards, is one of those Black women. Now, these four anglophilic Black female idiots, thought they were gonna’ sashay into this theater, and immediately get noticed by a couple of latino men—and they got noticed alright, just not in the way they figured. Mind you, if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, who’s hell-bent on dating or marrying someone thats white or non-Black, you deserve whatever kinda’ treatment you get. And even with that said, I still feel sorry for these (brainwashed) sistas.

*WARNING: This video contains extremely harsh and profane language. Viewer discretion is advised.


You can read the first post of this sequel, HERE.


You can read the post I wrote about Amara La NegraHERE.

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