
Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 39)...Here's what Serena Williams and Bill Cosby "do not" have in common with white fasicst feminists and the "queer" community...

Serena Jameka Williams, was born on September 26th, 1981, in Saginaw, Michigan, to her father, Richard Price, and her mother, Oracene Williams. Serena is the youngest of their daughters, and shortly after she was born, Rich and Oracene moved the family to Compton, California, where they had Serena learning to play tennis, at the tender age of 3.

Now, while Serena’s parents were the ones who originally coached her, it was another man, Richard Williams (who had no relation to Serena’s dad), that took her under his wing and taught her the finer points of the sport. And when Serena turned 9, her family moved from Compton, to West Palm Beach, Florida, so she could attend the world renowned tennis academy of Rick Macci. Now, Rick’s academy catered to the prodigious tennis student, as well as the professional touring athlete. And Rich, Serena’s father, figured she could get the kind of training she needed to compete on a world-class level, there. Ultimately though, Serena’s father saw how dedicating herself to the academy’s regimen, would mean neglecting her studies and putting severe limits on a young Serena’s social life.

Additionally, Rich stopped sending Serena to junior tennis tournaments when she was 10, even though she had a 46-3 record, on the U.S. Tennis Association’s junior tour, and was ranked # 1 amongst players her age. And the reason Rich did this was, he began seeing the bigoted reactions of white people towards his daughters, when theyd win these championships. So, after hearing enough bigoted and derogatory comments from white folks about his girls, in 1995, Rich decided that he’d coach his daughters on how to play the sport himself, from the safety of their home.

Serena’s first professional match was in October of 1995, when she was just 14, at the “Bell Challenge” in Quebec, Canada—and thereafter, her career went as follows…

Serena’s won 72 career singles titles, 23 doubles titles and two mixed doubles titles. And that includes 39 Grand Slam tournaments. She’s a four-time Olympic Gold medalist, and she’s won more than $88 million dollars in prize monies—more than any other female athlete to date.

William Henry Cosby Jr., we know him as “Bill” y’all, was born on July 12th, 1937, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His mother, Anna Pearl, was a maid, and his father, William Henry Cosby Sr., served as a custodian in the u.s. Navy.

Bill was the class president, as well as the captain of his baseball and track and field teams in middle school. And throughout his high school years, he excelled in sports, but struggled academically. Teachers stated that he was smart, but he was more interested in being the center of attention, than focusing on his studies. So, he left school before graduating in 1956, to enlisted in the Navy. And while he continued playing sports in the armed forces, he got his G.E.D. This led to him acquiring a scholarship to attend Temple University in 1961.

At Temple, he studied physical education, while he ran track and played on the college’s football team. Bill also worked as a bartender, while off campus, and it was there, he learned about his ability to make people laugh, which kept his tip jar full. And that’s when he decided to parlay that skill, into a career in stand-up comedy.

Now, as a stand-up comedian, what set Bill apart, was the fact that his comedic stylings were, for the most part, “ethnically neutral”. Meaning, while Bill’s contemporaries, like Dick Gregory for example, were becoming more outspoken about the injustices that white fascism foisted on the public at large, and Black folks in particular, Bill’s comedy was decidedly non-threatening to a mainstream audience—thus, movie and TV executives were courting him with offers to appear in several projects.

And this led to Bill’s appearances on movies and TV shows like: “I Spy” (1965-1968), “Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids” (1972-1985), Uptown Saturday Night(1974)—and this movie is a bonafide classic y’all, if you haven’t seen it, please do, “Let’s Do it Again” (1975), “Mother, Juggs and Speed” (1976), but I think what Bill will forever be known for, is his role as Cliff Huxtable on “The Cosby Show”, which ran from 1984 ‘til 1992.

Now, when this show originally aired, I refused to watch it, ‘cause the sit-coms characters, seemed more like caricatures of the “perfect” (or perfectly anglophilic) Black family. With the father being a doctor, the mother being a lawyer, and the kids only worrying about improving their grades at school—but, in the wake of shows like “Love and Hip-Hop” and “Basketball Wives”, I gotta’ say, I sure do miss it. And the show Bill put alongside it, which was “A Different World” (1987-1993), had a decidedly more realistic and somewhat more relatable edge—moreover, it actually increased the amounts of young Black people attending universities, in real life. So, I gotta’ say, even though some considered Bill a sell-out, when it came to these shows, he definitely had a method to his madness.

Conversely, what bothered me about Bill, was all the moralizing and finger-waving speeches, he’d give when he was around us, his people—but I’ll get back to that point, a little later in this post…

Now, earlier this month, Serena Williams was defending her championship title at the US Open in New York City, against her competitor, Naomi Osaka. During that game’s second set, Serena was given a code violation, cause her coach was seen on the sidelines, giving her coaching hand signals—which he admitted to. But Serena was upset by the violation, and said her coach was just giving her a “thumbs up”, and demanded an apology from the Chair Umpire, Carlos Ramos (Remember, we don’t have any friends in these people either. And regarding this, you should read my post, “Why Spanish people hate Black americans”, and I’ll leave a link for that editorial, at the end of this one). Serena then received a second violation for breaking her racket on the court, and that resulted in a point being taken away from her. A third violation came behind her verbal abuse of the umpire, after which, she was hit with a game penalty, and lost the match. She then said, the reason she was treated more harshly by the umpire, is cause she’s a woman (more on that later).

Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock, I think you’re already aware of the various rape and sexual misconduct charges that Bill Cosbys been accused of—mind you, the majority of these cases brought against him, most of them from white women, have passed their statute of limitations—cause they happened 30 plus years ago. Nevertheless, Bill attorneys did such a good job defending him in the federal and state court systems, that these good, morally upstanding, white women, figured they’d have a better chance convicting “Cos” in Civil court.

And they were right—cause on the 28th, of this month, “Cos” was sentenced to 3 to 10 years in state prison. Mind you, he wasn’t convicted of the original charges brought against him, like: drug facilitated sexual assault, sexual battery, child sexual abuse, or sexual misconduct—what he was convicted of, is 3 counts of “aggravated indecent assault”.

Now, I have to ask this question: have you ever heard of a more ridiculous charge?

But, let me say straight off fam, that I have no empathy or sympathy for what Serena and Bill are going through. Why, you ask? Well, that’ll bring us to what these two “DON’T” have in common wit’ white feminists or the white “queer” community…

And they are...

#1. Just cause you’re a Black person wit’ money, don’t mean you’re a full-fledged member of the “caucasian club”.

Now, more than anything else, this is what Serena and Bill forgot. Mind you, while Bill was giving all those finger-waving and moralizing lectures to Black folk, and Serena was marrying the great white hope, they thought somehow, they were exempted from the travails that us common Black folk face.

So, when they got that “wake-up call” recently, that shroud of white acceptance was stripped off, and they stood there embarrassed (in-bare-ass) and perplexed at the fact that they were no longer america’s sweethearts—and shocked to find out, they never were.

#2. Unlike the queer/LGBTQ/homosexual community, Black people don’t have a closet to jump into.

Over the course of the last couple of years, I’ve come to see that Black people have been conditioned into accepting the queer lifestyle, and some have gone as far as saying, that being gay is just like being Black.

Welp, if for no other reason that the one above, as a Black man or woman, you can never equate your struggle to theirs—and behind this fact, queers should quit asking us to include them in our “Civil/Human Rights” struggles.

Now, understand what I’m not saying—I’m not saying that you should hate a gay person for being gay, I’m saying that not only can’t you hide your ethnicity like they can hide their sexuality, but their lifestyle is unnatural to the point of being a “death-style”. And the mainstreaming of homosexuality, especially to Black folk, has more to do with making sure we don’t create more “pure-bred” Black children, who’ll have the most genetic power to breed white folk out of existence.

#3. Understand, as a Black man or woman, there’s not only a “double standard” working against you, there’s a “triple standard”.

Meaning, in no way, shape, or form, will you as a Black person be seen by the overwhelming majority of white people, as anything but a threat. And let me break this down a bit further—even though tennis athletes like John McEnroe were famous for their angry outbursts, which included throwing his racket and actually cursing out umpires, he never lost a game behind it, like Serena did (And I’ll show you a video of that to bring this point home). 

And more erroneously, Serena said that the only reason she was put through this, is ‘cause shes a woman—well, in regards to that, I got one question: where’s all the white feminist groups, and the #METOO movements spokeswomen, to speak up on her behalf? 

I’ll tell you where they are, they’re organizing so they can make sure they vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Cause if you didn’t know, the biggest demographic supporting Trump in this country, was white women.

And in regards to the “Cos”, notice that Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, Kevin Spacey, white pedophile priests, etc. aren’t going to jail—but he is. And that should say it all, y’all.

So, to the legions of Black “Swirlers” out there, understand, that in your liberal circle of white friends, they might see you as their equal, but when a white cop pulls your Black ass over, know that all that “special” treatment’s gonna’ go out the window—and don’t take my word for it, just ask Henry Louis Gates Jr. 

And to break it down even further, the moral of Serena and Bill’s story is: Black man and womanDON’T FORGET WHO YOU ARE! Cause once you do, whitey will be more than happy to remind you of your place in his social order.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s a vid clip of the tennis star John Mcenroe not only throwing down his racket, but literally cursing out an umpire—notice he doesnt lose the game behind his actions.


Here’s Bill Cosby’s infamous “pound cake” speech, where he’s admonishing Black folks for their moral obtuseness. Well fam, always remember what they say about people in glass houses…


If you wanna’ read my blog post titled, “Why Spanish people don’t like Black americans”, you can do that HERE.


  1. I don't recall him donating millions to white colleges and sending white kids there en masse like he did blacks. You're condoning his imprisonment by basically saying "he got what he deserved". You act like ignoring the bad about our community is the solution. He called it out and it needed to be called out. Yes white people are complicit in our destruction but why are we helping them? Instead of demonizing Cosby like he deserved his current situation maybe you should go find out WHY they put a target on his back. It was because he was down for his people if he were truly a white asset he'd have never been thrown to the wolves. He got rich off of them but wasn't paying their game correctly. Which is why they are trying to strip him of his wealth and legacy.

    PS. Treating Cosby as a criminal off the words of WHITE WOMEN is coon behavior. We know they lie.

    1. “Anonymous”…

      I see what the problem is—you didn't really read my post, you’re just responding emotionally to what I’ve written.

      And what I mean is this—if I love someone, or even really like them, I’m not gonna’ talk to them like they’re a dumb-founded degenerate—and Bill was notorious for doing that to us—en masse.

      Moreover, I guess you’ve never dealt with a “frenemy” (a friendly enemy). And what I mean by that is, in regards to Bill’s philanthropy, when it came to funding HBCUs (and other predominately Black schools like them), that’s wholly comparable to the white fascists of this american social order, spending millions of dollars on this country’s “integration” initiatives. Ya’ know, the ones that lawfully “desegregated” public schools, parks, water fountains, etc. Mind you, whitey did this, knowing all along that it would be the first phase of a plan to destroy the Black family. And if you don’t believe that, ask yourself this question: why is it that percentages of Black families staying together were higher in 1920, than they are in 2018, when we're more educated and have more money then we did then?

      And one decade that stands out to me more than most, concerning the white fascist initiatives to destroy the Black family, was the 80’s—and if ya’ don’t believe that, then do some research on the genocidal troika of “Reganomics, Crack, and AIDS” sometimes. And to break this down even further, integration was a trick played on Black people to get our money into whitey’s pockets, ‘cause we were getting too powerful, especially financially, under “segregation”. And don’t take my word for that either, go look up the “Black Wall Street” when you getta’ chance.

      So, Bill was modeling himself after white philanthropists, meaning, he kept a smile on his face, while telling us we were anything but a child of God to our faces.

      Now, regarding the “bad” in our community needing to be called out—the one problem, and question, I have with Bill’s methodology (and the people who follow it) is this: if you look at any dysfunction(s) exhibited by Black americans, outside the context of the white fascism that created them, then how could you not hate yourself and everyone who looks like you, for being Black?

      Meaning, whitey is not only complicit in our destruction, HE CREATED THE VERY APPARATUS THAT GAVE BIRTH TO IT. And that means what? It means that NONE OF THE DYSFUNCTIONS THAT BLACK AMERICANS EXHIBIT, ARE NATURAL TO US!



      Now, do our people have a responsibility to recondition ourselves out of these dysfunctions?


      But understand, being that we have the most genetic power to breed white folk out of existence, NO OTHER ETHNIC GROUP IS TAUGHT TO HATE THEMSELVES LIKE OURS—NONE! Whether you’re talking about asians, latinos, american Indians, poor whites, etc. NONE OF THEM ARE TOLD THAT THEY’RE THE POOREST, UGLIEST, DUMBEST, AND MOST VILE PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET, LIKE BLACK PEOPLE ARE. So, you CAN NOT compare their situation(s) to ours.

      And the real reason they put a target on Bill’s back is, he’s a Black man in a predominately white male crowd of accused sex offenders—PERIOD. Moreover, if you think I’m taking the word of white women in regards to whether or not Bill is guilty, then re-read my paragraphs about how they haven’t helped Serena, even though she clearly gave them a shout out in the US OPEN—and note how I talk about how the majority of white women voted for Trump.

      Based on your comment, I can surmise that you’re probably a Black woman, who thinks I’m a Black man, who’s obsessed with white women. But, if you take the time to re-read my post, objectively, instead of subjectively, then you’ll see why I say both Serena and Bill did this to themselves—cause bottom line is, they forgot who they are. But I suspect they know now.
