
Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Cult of Black and white Cinematic Symbolism (Part 21)...Anansi the spider, "world-wide" webbing, the emasculating trinity of male social engineering, and one mo' tale of "venomous" melanin...

Anansi the spider “god”, is a mythological deity created from Africa’s “Akan” culture, and his folklore is best known amongst Ghana’s “Ashanti” tribes. Anansi is the word for “spider” in Akan’s native language, and at the nucleus of this spirit’s mythology, is his knowledge of all stories—meaning, Anansi isnt just a masterful storyteller, but he’s a keeper of ancient “storied” narratives as well.

Now, a good part of Anansi’s folklore is metaphysical, as well as mythological. Meaning, he’s often depicted as interacting with God, and other deities who frequently bestow him with supernatural powers, such as controlling the weather, or being able to have a variety of these same kinds of tasks, done for him. And on a more esoteric level, ancient indigenous Black tribes (and their secret societies), used Anansi as a reference for the webbed latticework of the earth’s 3rd -dimensional matrix—especially in regards to controlling and procuring all of the world’s resources.

Now, I can already hear people saying—look, this is just some stuff you made up, right?

Welp, if you’re one of those people, I’d like you to focus your attention on the graphic to the right. Here, we see the backside of a dollar bill, and the “webbing” surrounding its words and numerals. This was the original concept for the “world wide web” (also, “w” is the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, so www=666).

Now, there’s also a visible creature at the bill’s corner, that looks like an owl (mind you, some say it’s a spider), but freemasons are notorious for their usages of the owl image (Drake), to reinforce the point that their fraternities can see everything that’s hidden in the dark—this also speaks to the freemason’s “all-seeing eye” symbolism (top of pyramid capstone, also on the back of a dollar)—and we should all know that’s symbolism they got from us—meaning, whitey took that from our “eye of Heru” y’all.

Moving on…

Now, the movie “Venom” is yet another flick adapted from a comic book that Hollyweird released in theaters. And for the uninitiated, Venom, is one mo’ enemy in “Spider-Man’s” rogue gallery of villains. But let me give you a bit more info. on this particular character—ya’ see, Venom ain’t human—it’s actually a sentient alien “symbiote”, liquid-like organism, that requires a host. So, how this Black costume-of-a-creature fits into this film’s plot, goes a little something like this: a bio-engineering corporation called the “Life Foundation” (LF), acquires four “symbiotic lifeforms” and brings them to earth. Now, the reason they’re doing this is to study these organisms, in hopes that they can create a wearable “skin” (much more on this later) that’ll help mankind (i.e. whitey) explore, inhabit, and ultimately conquer other planets and their populations.

Eddie Brock, an investigative journalist, finds out that the LF is experimenting on undocumented immigrants for the purposes of creating a functional and fashionable skin for elites to wear, in pursuit of their next genocidal and “manifest destinied” conquest. And in the midst of snoopin’ around for this story, Eddie winds up in an accident, where hes wearing this skin himself.

Mind you, once again, I’m letting everyone know beforehand, that I haven’t seen this flick—and I’m not gonna’. Cause quite frankly, I don’t go to see white comic book character flicks, and I’ve heard nothing but negative reviews about this one. On top of that, I know what this character’s really supposed to represent—but before I get into that, let me point this out…

Now, on the 5th of this month, Venom was released in theaters—and a month ago, on September 7th, the Play Station 4 gaming console, debuted it’s new “Spider Man” video game. Exactly 7 days after the release of this game, the Venom comic book came out, and served as a “prequel” of sorts, to the movie. And the reason I’m writing this is, to show you how calculatingly coordinated these Marvel movie launches are—moreover, as harmless as these events seem, they comprise the insidious troika of how whitey’s socially engineering the effeminate millennial male.

Now, let me break this down even further—white fascists understand that the average age of comic book fans, right now, is between 35 and 40-years-old. And they know this ‘cause they’re the ones who created the initiatives that got middle-aged men hooked on comics. So, question: why would whitey go out of his way to make sure boys and middle-aged men imbibe in comic books, video games, and comic book movies?

Answer: so they’ll be passive and apolitical.

So, now you may be thinking—bruh, these are just entertaining distractions, like sports—this ain’t nothing new. And you’re right, it’s not. But, here’s the difference between the young sports fan vs. the young comic book, superhero movie, and video game fan: the young man watching sports sees muscular, athletically-built men competing to score points—as a result, he’s more likely to be physically active himself, especially in regards to keeping in some kind of decent physical shape and getting his goals accomplished—cause on some level, he’s being shown a model of successful manhood—or at least what it takes to become a successful man. Whereas, the young man who spends his time playing video games and looking at superhero movies and reading comic books, is encouraged to be sedentary, passive, and semi-detached from reality. Meaning, the young boy or middle-aged man who succumbs to these kinds of solitary and stationary past times, easily whiles away limitless hours in a fantasy world where he suffers little or no consequences. Thus, this person is more likely to become (or is probably already) socially awkward, timid, and indecisive—and because of this, he’ll often shy away from challenging any kind of status quo.

Now, lets talk about one of Venom’s most distinguishing features—that being, his elongated tongue (as seen to the left). Mind you, this is but one hint, as to who this creature really is, so with that said, let's go all the way in...

Now, I’d like you to focus your attention on the graphic above—the first pic is one of the ancient Kemetic spirit called “Bes” (and you can click on the pic to see it better). And let me offer a bit of a primer on what this spiritual entity is used for: Bes was known as an energy that protected households throughout ancient Kemetic/Egypt. Meaning, ancient indigenous Black people would evoke or invoke this spirit to ward off snakes, fight off evil spirits, watch after children and aid women in birthing labor. Now, I want you to note 3 things about this pic of Bes—and they are: #1. Check out this pic’s longish tongue, #2. Note this pic’s “horned” head, and #3. Note how this pic is made to look Satanic or demonic. Mind you, the out-stretched tongue for centuries has been a symbol of awesome power mainly used to fight off evil foes—but in this case, after white fascists made over Bes’ imagery, this spirit was made to look like the personification of evil. And I’ll expound more on that as we go on…

The second and third pics in this graphic, are ones of the spirit/Goddess “Kali” (a.k.a. Kali Ma). Now, Kali was known to ancient indigenous Black people as a symbol of “mother nature” (thus, Kali “Ma”), meaning, this spirit repped an energy that was primordial, creative, nurturing and ultimately loving and benevolent. Kali was also said to represent the “beauty” of life and the inevitability of death, knowing that one couldn’t exist without the other. Mind you, Kali is also referred to as a “fierce Black tongue” and the name itself literally translates into “the Black one”. But like everything else, once whitey did this spiritual energy’s “makeover”, Kali became known exclusively for being a goddess of death and destruction—and according to white fascists, this deity is only associated with violent endeavors. Now, the white fascist’s backstory on Kali is this: in ancient times, she was summoned to fight off a demon on the battlefield, and she ultimately defeats him by draining, drinking, and licking his blood, before she devours him. Behind this, it’s said Kali’s bloodlust became insatiable—thus, the reason for her exaggerated tongue.

The pic after that, is the legendary lips and tongue logo, repppin’ the iconic Rock and Roll group, the Rolling Stones. Now, Mick Jagger himself said this graphic was inspired by the goddess Kali. Mind you, the Rolling Stones got their name from the Muddy Waters song, “Mannish Boy”—in it Muddy utters: “I’m a rolling stone”—and, I hope everyone reading this knows by now, that Black people created Rock and Roll. If not, I’ll get around to writing a post about that someday. Also, beneath the Rolling Stones logo, are pics of Beyonce and Miley Cyrus baring their tongues. And what I need to let you know is this: white fascist freemasons use the elongated tongue as a symbol of insidious power—or what they wanna call “dark” power, since whitey needs to connect everything bad to the words dark and Black.

And that leads me to these 3 facts about what Venom is really supposed to represent…And they’re as follows…

Fact#1. The character Venom really symbolizes “Black melanin”.

To the Black men and women reading this, many of us think that melanin is only responsible for the color of our skin—but nothing could be further from the truth. Meaning, melanin not only makes your skin Black, but it’s responsible for our people being able to hear the full spectrum of sound. This is why we hear music differently, and play and perform it differently too—moreover, this is why we not only create the best genres of music, but why we created music period. Also, melanin lets us see the fullest spectrum of color, and it lets our taste buds experience the full flavors of every food—and like Dr. Llaila Afrika said, “…no other ethnic group can taste an apple like we can.” Mind you, this is why we like “seasoned” foods, as opposed to that bland stuff whitey considers palatable. Additionally, it gives us the ability to process thoughts more quickly—cause, thoughts are electrical impulses, and the color Black is the best at conducting electricity. Don’t believe me? Well, tell me the next time you come across a “white” solar panel.

Ya’ dig.

Fact#2. Because Venom represents Black melanin, he’s exponentially stronger than Peter Parker’s Spider Man.

Again, Venom not only represents Black melanin, but how said melanin, makes our bodies (and our dominant genetics) more powerful than whitey’s.

Fact#3. Because Venom symbolizes the strength of Black melanin, he’s been portrayed as a murderous threat to “mankind”.

Notice I didn’t say Venom was a danger to “HUE-MANity”, I said he’s a threat to “mankind”. Cause basically, Venom is the monster reppin’ our people’s dominate genetics breeding whitey off the face of this earth—period. And because whitey has little to no melanin, he’s neither HUE-man or HUE-mane. Because melanin also makes Black people more civilized.

Now, let’s stop here—'cause I can already hear people sayin’, Black people are more civilized, bruh? Really?


First off, if you check your history books, or even whitey’s for that matter, it will tell you how the “Moors” (which is another name for ancient Black people) brought civilization to every part of the world—especially to white folk, who didn’t even have indoor or outdoor plumbing, or private/public bathing facilities. We taught them that. And mind you, if you’re thinkin’, well, we ain’t lookin’ too civilized now bruh—that’s because we’re living under a global white fascist social order, that’s targeted us more than anyone else, for extinction. Meaning, you cannot talk about any Black “dysfunction” without callin’ out the white fascism that created it—and if you do, how could you not hate yourself for being Black?

Moreover, whitey wanna’ be you so bad, that I just found out that the new-new trend in “tattoing”, is something called a “BLACK OUT” tattoo—and you can see an example of this to the right (you can click on this pic as well, and if you do, check out the comments).

So, I’ve said all that to say this: LOVE THE SKIN YOU’RE IN!!

And if you do happen to go see this Venom flick, remember who he (or it) REALLY IS!

Also, when you come back home from seeing this flick, I want you to go to your nearest mirror, look into it, and say…I LOVE BEING BLACK!!

If for no other reason, than the people with all the resources (whitey), showing you more and more, who they wish they were.


—MontUHURU Mimia


Now, here’s a review of the new Spider-Man video game for the PS4. And more than anything, I want you to note how engrossing and dramatic this game is—and how it’s meant to keep the gamer playing for hours on end. And I hope after reading this, you see why its so addicting. 

*Addendum — 10/20/18: Family, for those whove never heard the tale (especially the children's fairytale) of Anansi” the spider, here's a short vid that gives an old skool storytellin flavor to this folklore. Please note the moral messages of family unity, and ancient Black deities who came from and created nature featured in this narrative. Also note, how Anansis son, See Trouble, had the intuitive powers to know his father was in danger—this I suspect, is where SpidermanSpidey sense powers come from.


And family, Id really be remiss if I didnt include this: one mo item on the Anansi Addemdums, is this vid by the brilliantly inimitable Prof. A.C.E. (African Creation Energy). Here Prof. A.C.E. not only tells about the origins of Anansi the Spider, but breaks down how this folklore is directly responsible for the scientific String Theory that whitey so happily thinks is his own. Remember, it all comes from us famevery art and science, and this is just more evidence of that. 


One last thing fam, theres a lot of text to read in this vid. So if you need to see it larger, you can click onto the vidheading, and that will take you to Prof. A.C.E.'s YouTube page.


*Addendum 11/3/18: Fam, Im real remiss, cause I left out this—heres a vid I meant to include wit my list(s) of  Anansi Addendums”. Its a video game featuring Marvels characterization of Anansi the Spider. And this is just one mo piece of evidence (at least to me), that proves how the real origins of MarvelSpider-man come from this ancient indigenous folklore of ours—just like everything else in this universe. 


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