
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Why spanish people don't like Black americans (Part 3)...migrant caravans, conservative masochism, and the cult of gay "latino" bigotry...

To the readers of this Blog: Years ago, I watched one of John Lequizamo’s Broadway plays on HBO. And, if you’re not familiar with him, hes the guy responsible for the Broadway productions of: “Mambo Mouth”, “Freak”, “Ghetto Klown”—and one more production I wasn’t surprised to find out he curated this year called, “latin History for Morons”.                           

Now, in one of his productions, I watched John make a reference to the religion “Santeria”. A second later, he accompanied his reference with a mock ritual where he invokes the spirit of “Shango”, one of Santerias most powerful energies. Mind you, he talked about this religion, and this energy, like it was exclusive to latinos and their culture. And for years, I believed that.

But, being a curious kind of fellow, I came to realize, after doing some research, that Santeria, and the spiritual entity Shango, were creations of the Yoruba tribe(s) of ancient Nigeria—and that’s Nigeria, Africa, y’all. Also, in the Yoruba’s language, Shango (or Sango), comes from the term “shan”, which means “to strike”. And that figures, ‘cause Shango is always portrayed as a muscular, hyper-masculine figure wielding a two-headed axe. And his axe is usually surrounded by lightning bolts and bursts of fire. He's also been called the god of thunder” by his followers—so basically, this is a war deity/energy. 

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that Shango was the inspiration for the Marvel comic book character, “Thor”—mind you, in Thor’s case, whitey just replaced Shango’s two-sided axe with a hammer (remember, they call Thor the god of “thunder”, well, that’s one mo’ thing they took from us). Additionally, the famously farcical TV sketch comedy show “In Living Color” (produced by the Wayans brothers), aired on the Fox network from April 15th, 1990 to May 19th, 1994. And coincidentally, John Leguizamo’s comedy-sketch show, “House of Buggin’”, aired a year later in January of 1995. Can someone say, “cultural appropriation”?

Now, in advance, I need to apologize, for portraying Shango in my post’s header, without an axe, or fire, or lightning. Although to me, this beautifully melanated brotha personifies the strength and spiritual power of Shago’s energies.

And let me say up front, that this post is gonna’ be more like a “vlog”, than a “blog”. Cause my editorial is gonna’ support what you’ll be seeing in this video, instead of the other way around. Meaning, I’m gonna’ let this clip do most of the talking, and I’ll give y’all some pointers of what to watch out for.

I just have 3 favors to ask, which has become the norm with this series, and they are: #1. Please don’t bother telling me that the proper term for spanish-speaking people in america is “latino”, ‘cause I already know that. Unfortunately, the people who tell me this, usually don’t know how latinos checked the “white” box on their census forms, so whitey started calling them “hispanics” in the 70’s, so they couldn’t claim to be white. #2. Please don’t tell me that Spain is in europe, ‘cause I know that too (But I guess Don Trump forgot—and I’ll speak more on that later on in this post). And lastly, #3. Please don’t waste your time (or mine) telling me that the term “latino” represents a 
culture, not an ethnicity—I also know this. Problem is, they don’t. Meaning, I understand latinos are really Black, but they don’t claim us, so I’m not claimin’ them. 

Moreover, as a Black man or woman reading this, what you should understand is, anyone who calls themselves an “Afro-Latino”, is really saying they’re not Black. Either that, or they’re looking for an escape hatch for their “Blackness”. So, I say, let them have their illusions—but you can’t have our culture too. Cause the only times these people seem to wanna’ be Black, is when they exploit our cultural constructs. And that smacks of white feminism to me, insomuch as, latinos wanna’ be white around non-Black people, and Black when they’re rippin’ off our culture(s), just like white feminists wanna’ pass themselves off as an oppressed minority, while enjoying and luxuriating in their white privileges. And like a famous character said on “In Living Colour”: “Homie don’t play that”.

And if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, neither should you.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Now, as I’m writing this, I think back to yesterday when I watched internet footage of a latino migrant caravan, breaching the security fence separating Honduras from Mexico. Mind you, these migrants are heading through Mexico to america. And while people respect their dogged determination and audacious pursuits of a better life, I don’t think I have to remind you how Don Trump’s administration, has been deporting boatloads of these people who were already living here, out of the country.

And I too, am being conditioned by america’s media, to cry (like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow did) when I see Julio and ‘em, being separated from their children and stuffed into trucks like sardines bound for deportation centers. 

But if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, stop reachin’ for the Kleenex for a hot sec, ‘cause I gotta video to show you, that'll make you take pause, next time you wanna take up for one of their causes.

Now, like I said previously, what I’m gonna’ do is let these Goya-bean eatin’ bastards show and tell you on recorded video, how they really feel about us—mind you, I think it prudent for me to give you a bit of a primer on what you’re about to see. 

Recently, in New York City, 3 young, spanish men, got into an Uber cab, that a brotha was driving. And supposedly, these latinos wanted to hear some club music, which the cabbie refused to play. Thereafter, it looks like the 3 queer amigos, got upset about that, and probably threatened to do the driver bodily harm. That’s when the brotha pulled over and started recording what was going on. Mind you, I’d like everyone watching this to focus on 3 specific points—and they are…

Point#1. Now, one or two of you might think after watching the first few seconds of this, that I can’t definitively say these guys are latinos. Well, the person who first appears and talks on his cellphone, behind the driver, identifies himself as “Robert Ortiz”—and you’ll hear that in the video—and again, his 2 sugar-shoed comrades, are of the same complexion and facial composition.

Point#2. You’ll hear Rob “arroz con pollo” Ortiz, say that he feels “racially profiled” cause he and his friends are gay. And we should all understand, that homosexuality is a sexual orientation, not an ethnicity. Cause there’s no geographic locale that queers come from, since their sexuality is the product of an unresolved childhood trauma—that’s why they’re bending over for someone of the same gender. And Julio, I mean Rob, has the audacity to also say, that he feels racially profiled cause he’s “not Black”.

Point#3. Mr. (or Ms.) Ortiz, openly brags about voting for Donald Trump—you know, that same guy that’s deporting boatloads of his people outta’ the country. And this is what I call conservative masochism (a.k.a. anglophilia”)—and the overwhelming majority of latinos suffer from it. Meaning, no matter how benevolent we act towards them, they’re always gonna’ side wit’ whitey. Even if it means, they or their loved ones, will have to leave this country, that they’re (literally) dying to get into.

Now, this probably won’t be my best written post, cause I’m writing angry—but the sentiment I’ll try to convey as eloquently as I can is this...



And for all the “multiculturalist” negroes out there, who wanna’ hold hands wit’ everyone else but your own kind and sing “kumbaya”, this video should tell you one thing very clearly—and that’s this…



And like I always say at the end of one o’ these posts…WE’RE ALL WE GOT, AND WE’RE ALL WE NEED PEOPLE! AND THE SOONER WE ACCEPT THIS, THE BETTER!

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


And one last thing fam, kudos to this brotha for keeping his cool under this kind of pressure—hes gonna go far in life.

*Warning: This video contains very harsh and derogatory language. Viewer discretion is advised. 

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