
Sunday, December 2, 2018

The end of feminism (Part 3.5)...Blythe Masters, Credit default swaps, the bitter-sweetness of "Bitcoins", Jay-Z's Diasporic manifesto, and the rise of "disaster" capitalism...

“I do believe CDS’s (Credit Default Swaps) have been miscast, much as poor workmen tend to blame their tools.”

—Blythe Masters 

“Financial freedom’s our only hope…”

—Jay-Z, from the song, “The Story of O.J.”

To the readers of this blog: One of the reasons I started the “End of feminism” series, is to spotlight the fact that (one) of white fascism’s deadliest weapons—is the white woman. And that means what? It means that because white women have been given the title of the world’s prettiest and most exquisitely feminine female (according to european standards anyway), more often than not, the Black Diaspora will let their collective guards down, when it comes to her stealthier and more finessed form(s) of fascism.

For example, a Black man who’s slated to make a lot of money, will often be targeted by white fascist freemasons, to not only join their ranks, but to be paired with some icy-blue eyed, hawk-nosed, and flat-assed white female, so his money stays in their clutches. And for Black women, it could be joining up with some feminist cadre whose real goal, is to give a Black female (or at least to make her feel) like she’ll have more access to white men by joining them, in hopes that she’ll marry one some day. And white women’ll do this, while telling Black women that they’re “sisters in the same struggle”.


So, Blythe Masters’ story is yet another example of a white woman working to further the causes of the pale-skinned fascist agenda, all while she and her kind, try to pass themselves off as an “oppressed minority”. 

Now, Blythe Masters’ endgame not only fits in with the 3 tenets of the “Hegelian Dialect” (Problem, Reaction, Solution), but this dastardly template reminds me so much of a “3-act” play, that I thought it warranted my presentation of her tragic trajectory, in 3-acts. Now, for those who aren’t familiar with the 3-act play (or movie) format, it basically consists of the first act, which is the set-up for the main incident that kicks the whole story off, the second act, which describes the confrontation, or the “rising action” that fuels the story’s momentum, and the third act which is the story’s “resolution”, which basically details how the whole darn thing will end. Mind you, I’m doing this ‘cause Blythe, at least in my opinion, is the poster-girl for not only what’s wrong with the financial industry, but the covert agenda that’s fueling its convoluted culture.

Now, (supposedly) outside the confines of corporate boardrooms, we have the rapper Jay-Z—who’s not only a white fascist freemason, but says in his song, “The Story of O.J.”, that “financial freedom’s our only hope…” And understand, while Jay may not have the ear of middle-aged Black folks like myself, he’s definitely influencing our children—and ultimately, that’s why he makes so much money, ‘cause he’s got the power to make people do the things he says.

And with that said, I’ll thank you in advance for your kind indulgences, while I break down the real goal of whitey’s financially engineered fascist maneuverings, with an emphasis on the insidious agenda(s) of globally marketed “exotic” monetary instruments. And as always, I invite you to let me know what ya’ think about my take on this sordid topic.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Act 1: Blythe’s Beginnings

Blythe Sally Jess Levett, better known as Blythe Masters (right), was born in Oxford, England, on March 22nd, 1969, and attended the “King’s School” in Canterbury, England. Now, this is the “boarding” school, which provided her with much of her grade, middle and high-schooling needs, before she attended “Trinity College”, where in 1991, she graduated with a B.A. in Economics.

Shortly after graduation, Blythe joined the J.P. Morgan banking company, where she worked her way up to a managing director at 28. Mind you, she was the youngest director to hold that position in the firm’s history. Also, for the record, Blythe took the last name, “Masters” after she married her ex, Daniel, who also works in finance. Now, it was before winning the title of managing director, that Blythe not only became a white fascist freemason, but was tasked by her masonic handlers to help them solve an age-old problem. And that was, how to (legally) loop-hole around the pesky regulations mandating that banks have a required amount of money on hand, so they could more safely cover monetary or credit losses in the future. Basically, banks were looking for a better way to manage credit risks, so they’d be more profitable.

So, in June of 1994, a group of financiers in J.P. Morgan’s global derivatives department, went to a luxurious resort hotel in Boca Raton, Florida, for a weekend excursion, where they’d come up with an answer to their industry’s dilemma.

Mind you, during this “convention”, this group of “twenty-something” financial engineers got drunk, jumped into the hotel’s pool(s) fully clothed, and basically had a party, while mulling over ways to navigate around credit risk. Now, keep in mind, when I say these were a group of “twenty-somethings”, I’m talking about young people in their early 20’s. So, these were basically a group of kids tasked with solving an industry-wide problem—and the leader of this jejune coterie, was none other than Blythe Masters.

48 hours later, this confederacy of well-educated dunces, came up with the idea of purchasing “insurance” policies, that would remove risks intrinsic to issuing loans—and in more layman’s terms, they’d created a buffer between them and defaulted credit—and these “exotic” financial instruments would be called, “Credit Default Swaps”.

Now, you might be thinking, okay, theoretically, that’s nice to know bruh, but how does this work in real life? Welp, let’s take the case of the Exxon-Valdez oil spill that happened in 1998, as an example.

Now before that year, J.P. Morgan had extended a $4.8 billion-dollar credit loan to Exxon. After the spill, Exxon faced a $5 billion-dollar lawsuit, after dumping literally millions of gallons of oil in Alaska’s Prince William Sound. Now, a group of J.P. Morgan bankers (again led by Blythe) purchased insurance against Exxon’s credit line, with the help of the “european Bank of Reconstruction and Development” who issued the insuring bond to them. And this not only shielded the bank from Exxon’s blunder financially, but it also allowed J.P. Morgan to cut the cost of capital it was required to hold against Exxon’s default. And this essentially reduced J.P. Morgan’s own risk—making the bank more profitable. Mind you, these Credit Default Swaps (CDS’s) were considered so revolutionary, that not only did the whole of the banking industry adopt them, but behind their protections, J.P. Morgan began bundling these “risky” loans together and sold them in packages they called “BISTRO”, and this stood for “Broad Index Secured Trust Offering(s)”. On top of that, these new “bad loans” were bought by other financial institutions, to be sold off to yet another bank. So, the finance industry now had free (and legal) reign to begin cannibalizing itself.

Act 2: Monetary Meltdown(s)

Now, when the finance industry’s home loan brokers saw what CDS’s would allow them to do, they dove in head first. And what this meant was, banks (or organizations like them) basically didn’t have to have any repositories of cash or credit to cover loans, so they could offer the homebuyer any kind of outrageous sum of money to buy a home, if they had a CDS in play—and all that banker or broker would have to worry about, was collecting their fee. Thus, some real estate brokering agencies would take out several loans on the same house—'cause it didn’t matter whether the homebuyer could afford them or not, as long as brokers got paid, they were good.

Mind you, hundreds of banks were doing this, to the point where it became so common, that these practices were given a name, “predatory lending”. And while all this went on, these bad home loans were bundled up, and sold on stock markets to any corporation(s) wanting them—then the company that purchased them, would sell them to another bank. Mind you, this was creating what finance industries call a “bubble”, which had been growing since the turn of the new millennium—and it would all come to screeching halt in 2008.

Fast forward to 2008, when a “financial crisis” hits america.

Now, most people who lived to see this, remember that people on “Main Street” lost their jobs, homes, families, etc. due to the abuses of the financial industry—while “Wall Street”, which represented america’s biggest banks, got bailed out by bureaucrats, via “TARP” Funding. Mind you, “TARP” stood for “Troubled Asset Relief Program” and it effectively excused banks for their thievery by “gifting” them with $700 BILLION dollars, to make their troubles magically go away. And adding insult to injury, financial executives in charge of these funds, took hundreds of thousands of dollars of this money, and literally threw parties with it. So much so, that separate legislation had to be written to abate these abuses.

Now, let’s stop here a sec’…

Cause this is the “official” story of what happened—but what actually happened was this: Henry Paulson ( Bush Jr.’s Treasury Secretary back in 2008) was tasked with destabilizing america’s finance industry, so the government could take it over. Mind you, Blythe was just doing her part in created the insidious financial instrument that would get the ball rolling, so the markets could go bust—which they did.

And this fits the 3-staged template of the “Hegelian Dialect” to the letter—so, let’s go through those steps right quick…

Step 1: Problem: whitey wants control of american banks

Mr. white folks saw the scandalous amounts of money being made in the finance industry and felt like they weren’t getting enough of that action, so they needed to find a way to shut the whole system down and start anew—with them running the show.

Step 2: Reaction: Creating the instrument of destruction

Ordo Ab Chao, or “Order out of chaos” is not only a motto of freemasonry, it’s the actual means by which they gain control of the world. So, they tasked ol’ girl Blythe to come up with an “exotic” means of destroying the financial markets, and they infected the whole of the industry with this “disease”. And when the disease effectively killed the organization (or organism), fascists enacted the third step…

Step 3: Solution: The “Jack” move

Henry Paulson, with the sanction of his freemasonic handlers, meets with the head of america’s top banks, and tells them about the “bail-out” monies that’ll be given to them. Now, some bank CEO’s refused the money (cause they understood they’d be under governmental rule), to which Henry said (and this is documented), anyone of you who refuse this money will see your bank(s) destroyed. So, this was a good ol’ fashioned “stick up”, without the gun.

Act 3: Blythe, the “blockchain”, “BitCoin”, and the real-real “endgame”

Now, when the dust settled in the finance industry, I remember Blythe’s CDS’s being called a “weapon of mass destruction” by finance guru, Warren Buffet. And with that kinda’ bad press, you’d think for sure that no one (in finance at least) would want anything to do with Blythe, right?


From 2001 to 2004, Blythe became J.P. Morgan’s “head of Global Portfolio and Credit Policy and Strategy”—from 2004 to 2007, she became the Chief Financial Officer of J.P. Morgan’s Investment bank—and surprise of all surprises, J.P. Morgan was caught manipulating energy markets in California and Michigan under Blythe’s tutelages. And behind this fiasco, they had to pay $410 million dollars in damages. Blythe left J.P. Morgan shortly afterwards.

Now, in 2015, Blythe became the Chief Executive of a company called, “Digital Asset Holdings”. And this is a consortium that distributes “ledger technology” to reduce cost, risk, and capital requirements in wholesale financial services. Mind you, this ledger technology goes by a more common name, and that is the “blockchain”. Moreover, this technology was created to support the “BitCoin” cryptocurrency. And again, surprise of surprises, BitCoin stocks are in a precipitous fall—and in more layman’s terms, the stock’s tanking y’all.

Additionally, I’d be remiss, if I didn’t say this: the real-real endgame of any kind of american (or even global) currency, whether it be digital or physical, is a TOTAL DEVALUATION of it. Meaning, whitey has to make every currency totally worthless.

Why you ask?

Cause in order for whitey to get any working-class person to be a willing slave, he’s got to make them think they have no money. This way, people will be complicit with any plans white fascism’s got for ‘em. Mind you, they can’t do that all at once, cause too many people would revolt, and the working class outnumber elites by like 100 to 1.

Remember, money was only given to the masses to block our access to resources—PERIOD.

So, in conclusion, let me just say, that white men and their women, should be recognized for what and who they really are—arbiters of death.

Now, am I telling you that you shouldn’t make money?


I’ve said all this to say, that money is not sustainable, and whitey will make sure of that—so, the ONLY virtue that will ultimately save us is UNITY!!


With it, we can get EVERYTHING!

Without it, we can’t get ANYTHING!


And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth”.


—MontUHURU Mimia


Family, I had to include this vid, which is a CNBC interview with Blythe in 2009, a year after america's financial crisis. Now, rarely do I see much in the way of emotional displays, when it comes to finance broadcasting, but check out how CNBCs description of Blythes corporate title says that shes the woman behind financial weapons of mass destruction. That always makes me laugh. Mind you at this time Blythe was working for SIFMA  (Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association), meaning J.P. Morgan had to temporarily give her more of a “covert” banking position, cause she was too much of a lightning rod, at that point. And I apologize in advance about this vids lack of clarity, but it's content (I believe) more than makes up for it. 


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