
Sunday, December 9, 2018

The legend of Dr. Gabriel Oyibo...

Dr. Oyibo’s biological info. is hard to come by, but my research did find these facts: Dr. Gabriel Audu Oyibo was born in Nigeria, Africa, in the year of 1952. His undergraduate studies started at Ahmadu Bello University (also in Nigeria) in 1975, and Dr. Oyibo received his PhD in aerodynamics and mathematics in 1980, from the prestigious Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. And it was there, that Dr. Oyibo also spent 4 years on research sponsored by NASA, where he also taught several courses on mathematics, aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, and aircraft design.

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14th, 1879. His father, Hermann, was a salesman and engineer, and his mother was Pauline Koch. In 1880, Albert’s family moved to Munich, where his father and uncle Jakob founded a company that manufactured electrical equipment based on their theories of direct current.  

Albert excelled at math and physics at a young age, and at 12, he taught himself algebra and geometry over a single summer. A family tutor, Max Talmud, had given a young Albert a geometry book to work on, and Einstein worked through the whole book in a short while. Months later, Max told Albert’s parents how their son’s ingenuity in math, was so high, he could no longer follow.

Now, we all know that Einstein went on to become a world-famous physicist, who’s name is almost synonymous with the word, “genius”. Additionally, we all know he came up with the most popular equation in physics, that being “E=mc2. And for the layperson (like myself), let me just give readers here a brief synopsis of what this equation means: (E)nergy = (m)ass x the speed of light(c), squared”—and this is basically saying that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable—so, they’re essentially two sides of the same coin. Additionally, Einstein determined that the laws of physics were also the same for all “non-accelerated” observers, and that the speed of light was independent of the motion of said observers—and this was regardless of their “relative” motion or the motion of any light source. Hence, this equation is called, the “theory of relativity”.

Now, here’s something the american (mis)educational system never taught me about Einstein: up until the day of his death, Albert searched for the quizzical answer to the existing question of whether the “Big Bang Theory” or the “voice of God” was at the genesis of the world’s “creation”. Mind you, good ol’ Al, never found the answer.

But Dr. Oyibo did.

And Dr. Oyibo’s equation for figuring out this centuries-old question, is called “GAGUT”—and that stands for, the “God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem”. And Dr. Oyibo’s equational representation of this is: “G ij, j = 0—and once again, for layperson’s (like me), let’s break this all the way down…

Simply put, Dr. Oyibo’s theory has proven that what “unifies” the “Big Bang Theory” and “God’s (theological) word” are “wave formations”—meaning, both the Big Bang and God’s word created the “electromagnetic forces” resulting in these waves. And what makes this discovery so revolutionary, is Dr. Oyibo found the one element that’s the common denominator between the gravitational and electromagnetic forces that brought said “waves” into existence. And that element is “Hydrogen”. And this theorem not only shows how Hydrogen is the one elemental building block of the universe (whitey thought there were 118 elements that form the basis of science), but within this theorem, Dr. Oyibo shows how our ancient ancestors were able to turn lead into gold using this equation’s (ancient) “Kemetic” and alchemical formula(s).

And beyond these accomplishments, some of Dr. Oyibo’s other achievements include…

—introducing “Affine Transformations” to the field(s) of aeroelasticity and aeronautics used by prominent researchers and airline companies all over the world. *Note: Affine Transformations are linear mapping methods that preserve points and straight lines in planes. Meaning, sets of parallel lines will remain parallel after an Affine Transformation, which makes aircrafts fly more effectively.

—Additionally, Dr. Oyibo has solved the toughest challenges of at least 3 disciplines, including: 1.) Navier-Stokes Equations in mathematics. *Note: Navier-Stokes Equations are the basis of governing equations for viscous, heat-conducting fluids. It’s a vector equation involving “Newton’s Law of Motion” to a fluid element—meaning, Dr. Oyibo not only bested Einstein, but (Sir Issac) Newton too. 2.) Aeronautic “Turbulence” via his “Affine Transformations” theorems. And 3.) the “GAGUT” theorem applied to mathematics/physics.

—Dr. Oyibo has also been nominated for the Presidential Medal of Science and Nobel Prize Awards. And these nominations have been supported by distinguished professors from universities like: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Cambridge International Biological Centre.

—England has bestowed Dr. Oyibo with the following honors: The International Personality of the Year (2000-2001), Outstanding Scientist of the 21st Century (2000), and he’s been named one of the “One Hundred Most Outstanding Citizens of the World”.

—In america, he’s been given the following accolades: Dr. Oyibo received the Key to Miami-Dade County, and he was honored by the Miami-Dade School Board on October of 2002. He was also honored by the New York City Council and the Huntington, New York, Town Council, for his work and discoveries. He also holds the AAA (American institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Journal worldwide publication record for 1983.

—Lastly, Professor Oyibo is currently a Professor of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences at the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology and the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut.

So, the next time a pic of Albert Einstein flashes before you on a TV, computer, or smartphone screen, or someone mentions his name—you can now think of our (indigenous) Black scientific legend, Dr. Gabriel Oyibo, and know, that he found what good ol’ Albert Einstein, died trying to find—but never did.

And in the words of Sam L. Jackson, in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”



—MontUHURU Mimia


As much as I’d like to think I did a grand job of explaining Dr. Oyibo’s theorem, nobody can do it better than the man himself. So, here’s a vid that gives a brief overview of GAGUT by Dr. Oyibo. And, I apologize right off the bat for this vid’s lack of clarity, but I know it’s content will more than make up for it.

And for the intrepid amongst you, check out the extended version of Dr. Oyibo’s dissertation with Professor Booker T. Coleman giving us a full break down of GAGUT at the video’s beginning—and you can watch that HERE.

*Addendum 12/13/18: For those of you who’re interested in watching the above mentioned longer vid, I thought Id just put it here in hopes youll see how magnificent a breakthrough Dr. Oyibo'GAGUT theorem really is. Now, the best way to watch this (in my opinion) is in serial bite-sized portions. Meaning, theres a heck of a lot of info. here to digest—but, if you looked at this clip for 15 minutes, over the course of several viewings, Im sure youll see not only how ingenious Dr. Oyibo is, but why whitey dont want us to know how he out-shined Einstein. Also note, that Booker T. Coleman shows how our ancient ancestral monument, the "Shabaka Stone", ties into Dr. Oyibo's theorem(s).

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