
Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 41)...What do Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Terry Richardson, The TV show "To Catch A Predator", the Catholic Church, MK-ULTRA "programming", Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse all have in common?

“Give me a child until he is seven and I’ll show you the man.”
—Jesuit proverb

To the (consistent) readers of this blog: The TV show, “To Catch a Predator”, first aired in 2004—and for those who’ve never heard of this series, it involved an undercover “sting” operation, to assist an on-line watchdog group called “Perverted Justice”. Moreover, the premise of this show was to have online adult decoys posing as underage children (basically between the ages of 12 to 15), who’d bait pedophiles to targeted locations for sexual encounters.

Now, the show starred Chris Hansen, an investigative journalist for the news magazine program, “Dateline NBC”, and he would be the one speaking to said sexual “predators” and informing them they were on this show, before cameramen came from behind background sets, to reveal themselves. Now, the first of these “stings” happened in Bethpage, Long Island, right outside New York City. The segment was actually called the “Dangerous Web”, on Dateline NBC, and the home this operation was set up in, lured 18 men to its location in a 2-and-a-half-day period. One of these men was a New York City fire fighter, who was “fired” (no pun intended), from his job after the show aired.

A couple of years later, this show became NBC’s “cash cow”, beating out established TV series like “The Office” and “The Apprentice” in ratings for 2006 especially. Then allegations of “entrapment” began derailing this country’s court systems from prosecuting these pedophiles. And eventually, in 2008, NBC pulled the plug on this show behind an assistant district attorney, Louis Conradt, killing himself with a gunshot to the head, in Rockwall County, Texas, after he was caught talking to and exchanging pictures with a Perverted Justice volunteer posing as a 13-year-old boy.

Now, that’s what white fascists have told us—but let me tell y’all the real-real reason for this show’s cancellation.

As anyone reading this blog for a hot minute knows, whitey’s always gotta’ keep a Black face, especially a Black male face, on crime—lest the national stats showing that they’re committing the majority of this country’s crimes, across the board, becomes common knowledge. Now, in regards to NBC’s To Catch a Predator, everyone was seeing that 99.9% of this show’s pedophiles were white men. Not only that, but when they started busting white school teachers, doctors, lawyers, and then an assistant “D.A.”, they were getting too close to the elitists who practice pedophilia not only for pleasure, but as a ritualistic method of maintaining the american social order’s status quo (and I’ll say more on that towards the end of this post).

You see, the freemasonic term, “Ordo Ab Chao” (Latin for “order out of chaos), shows how white elitists think that the best way to control any organization, or organism, is through a steady process of destabilization. Meaning, fascists feel a need to control a person, or a large group of persons (especially in terms of getting them to commit illegal or immoral acts), by inflicting some kinda’ trauma on a wide swath of adolescents. Knowing, that after a few decades, they’ll have a fresh pool of unscrupulous adults to choose from, who’ll be more than willing to do just about anything for a dollar. Thus, why I used the Jesuit saying that precedes this post.

Moving on…

Now, it was last year that I began seeing the “Capitol One” TV commercials featuring the Michael Jackson song, “Don’t Stop Til’ Ya’ Get Enough”. And from what I heard on the street and saw on the internet, I wasn’t the only one appalled by Capitol One’s cavalier exploitation of Mike’s masterpiece—but beyond that, it got hordes of people wondering, who owns Mike’s song(s)? And who sanctioned this tune’s use?

And to top all that off, the HBO documentary, “Leaving Neverland”, that aired on March 3rd of this year, and its director, Dan Reed, threw every resource at convincing the public that Mike was a notorious pedophile, even after he was tried and acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005, in a Santa Barbara, California Superior Court.

So, what I’m gonna’ do with this post, is provide indigenous Black men and women with a comparative analysis of why Michael Jackson and R. Kelly are being targeted by white fascists with these slanderous campaigns of propagandized pedophilia, and in Mike’s case especially, the reason(s) for the timing of these campaigns.

With that said, I ask for you kind indulgences (one mo’ time) while I unpack my thesis on these events. And as always, I’m writing with y’all in mind, so, I’ll make every effort to ensure this editorial provides you with a comfortably fluid read.

Now, with that outta’ the way, let’s get into plucking the truth outta’ the dastardly double-standards whitey’s got reserved for our diaspora.

—MontUHURU Mimia

First off, I can’t speak about the fallacious accusations that whitey’s perpetuated against Michael Jackson, without referencing the circumstances around Mike’s death—so let me just state this straight-out…



Why you ask?

Welp, for that answer—let’s harken back to Mike’s last official “studio” album…

Mike’s “Invincible” album, was released on October 30th, 2001 on the Epic Records label. It included tracks like: “Butterflies”, “Cry”, and “You Rock My World”. Now, everyone reading this needs to remember, that this album came out when there were still retail records stores in the U.S. and the managers of these stores were complaining that whole shipments of Mike’s Invincible album weren’t being delivered to them. See, Sony executives (who owned Epic Records), and their white fascist handlers, were peeved behind Mike owning the Beatles music catalog, which had several other music catalogs within it—and one of those other catalogs contained Elvis Presley’s music. *Side Note: One of the other publishing catalogs that Mike owned was Little Richard’s music (if you don’t know who he is, google him), and reportedly, Mike gave Rich back the rights to his music knowing how he’d been cheated by record execs all throughout his career. Mind you, behind Sony execs being miffed about Mike’s catalog ownership, they made sure the Invincible album was not only understocked in stores, but they purposely “under-promoted” the album.

And if you’re asking why they’d do that, here’s the reason—these execs did whatever they could to ensure that this album was a flop. So, when the album tanked, these same execs came to Mike and said, since the album didn’t perform up to their standards, Mike still owed them several million dollars for Sony’s marketing campaign. And they also said, since Mike (allegedly) owed them so much money, they’d take his catalog and call it even. But Mike being the smart businessman that he was said, well, that makes no sense, cause my catalog is worth more than my debt to you. Then Mike thought, well, I’ll go back to performing to get up Sony’s money. Thus, he announced the “This Is It” tour (2009).   

Now, here’s where the plot thickens—Mike was only supposed to play 10 shows on the This Is It tour, but tickets sold out so fast, that promoters added 40 more dates to the shows. Then Sony execs thought, wait a sec’, if Mike plays these dates he’s not only gonna’ get outta’ debt to us, but if he takes this show on the road, he’s gonna’ make a profit. Then they said amongst themselves, the only way were gonna’ get that catalog back, is to kill him.

Enter Conrad Murray (left), the freemasonic doctor tasked with concocting the lethal medicines that killed Michael Jackson. And in his pic you can clearly see the freemasonic “sash” hes wearing, identifying him as being down wit’ his masonic frat brothers (and you can compare Conrad’s pic to the white freemason who’s in full regalia)

So, the question still stands: even after they killed Mike, how’d Capitol One get to use his song?

Aiight—let’s get into that right quick…

So, according to what I’ve seen of Mike’s official “Last Will and Testament”, 20% of his “estate” was left to “children’s charities”—and those charities were chosen by the sole discretion of the executors of the estate, those being: Katherine Jackson (Mike’s mom), and co-trustees, John Branca and John McClain. And after said 20%, the estate’s assets, payments of estate taxes, medical bills, funeral expenses, attorney’s fees, and other costs incurred in distributing Mike’s funds, the rest of Mikes assets were to be distributed equally (50%) between Mike’s children (Prince, Paris, and Blanket) and Kathy Jackson.

And for those wondering who the two “John’s”, or co-trustees are—here’s the skinny on them: John Branca is one of the most prominent entertainment lawyers in the music industry, and John McClain is a record executive who was associated with A&M, Interscope, and Dreamworks records—and he was Jermaine Jackson’s former high school classmate.

So, if Mike’s mom was the person who was (pretty much) solely in charge of Mike’s estate, how did Capitol One, get their grimy paws on Mike’s song? Here’s the answer…

In 2016, Sony bought back the rights to Mike’s catalog, to the tune of $750 million dollars. Now, I know for a fact that Kathy Jackson, Mike’s Mom, wouldn’t sell out for that amount of money, cause she’s business savvy enough to know that the catalog is worth more. However, rumor has it that Kathy isn’t in good health. Besides the fact that she’s 88 years old, reports say she may be bedridden and unable to speak behind a stroke she suffered a couple of years ago—and, it’s also said that Joe Jackson’s death in 2018, further contributed to her deteriorating condition. And with Joe gone and Kathy’s health being in dire straits, the next in line to administer Mike’s estate, are the “two Johns”—who’re both music executives.

So, we can thank them, for Capitol One telling us we shouldn’t stop shopping “’til we get enough” with their card(s).

Now, in regards to the “Leaving Neverland” HBO documentary, both of Mike’s accusers (James Safechuck and Wade Robson) confessed that Mike NEVER MOLESTED THEM. Now, years later, they’re changing their story, saying that they were just tryna’ protect Mike. But here’s my question, how fast do you think white parents would have sued Mike if they even thought he’d molested their children. Do you think they’d pass up a chance to bilk Mike outta’ every dollar he had? And if you’re one of those negroes who thinks whitey always operates on a moral high-ground when it comes to these matters, think about what (recently) happened to Bill Cosby.

Moreover, with R. Kelly, my question is, where were the parents of these young women who were having these assorted trysts with the R&B star?

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning sexual assault—IF AND WHEN IT HAPPENS—but what’s going on here are media-fueled, legalized lynchings that seem to be meant for entertainment purposes only.

Moving on…

Terry Richardson (left) is a famous fashion and portrait photographer whose curated campaign ads for the likes of Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Jacobs, and Tom Ford. And his pics have been featured in several commercial magazines like GQ, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Harper’s Bazaar, Rolling Stone, etc.

Now, not only has Terry been accused of sexually assaulting several models during his fashion shoots (so much so that the NYPD’s “Special Victims Squad” has an on-going investigation related to his accusations) but this man is notorious for his obsession with taking pedophilic pictures. And these pics (below) are just a sampling of his assorted smut reels. For example, we see Terry’s picture, where he’s got one of the Olsen twins looking like an abused child (or a heroin addict), then we have Britney Spears, looking like a hyper-sexualized adolescent (notice the Teddy Bear), and we round this triptych off with Amy Winehouse cowering in a corner, like she’s being ritualistically abused (more on that later, and you can click on this pic to enlarge it).

And one mo’ thing that distinguishes Terry from many photographers is—he’s a well-known (at least in freemasonic circles) MK-ULTRA “handler”. Now, for the uninitiated, MK-ULTRA is a mind control program propagated by the CIA, where drug use and other procedures are used to weaken an individual and force them into confessions through mind control techniques. Now, in the case of Terry being a “handler”, he’d be the holder of mental “keys” for several celebrities who’ve been “programmed” to respond to certain words, phrases, colors, or symbols, that keep their actions in alignment with freemasonic/white fascist agendas.

Now, when I mentioned that Amy Winehouse looks like she’s being ritualistically abused in Terry’s pic, and when we see her wearing the Mickey Mouse ears (center pic above), these photos tell us that she was subjected to a specific MK-ULTRA curriculum called “Mickey Mouse programming” (google this if you don’t believe me). Mind you, the “rehab” Amy was saying “no, no, no…” to in her song, wasn’t a drug rehab, but a traumatizing punishment ritual MK-ULTRA victims undergo, where handlers more than likely place electrode pads on the heads of the victim, to literally shock them into submission and obedience. This was the reason that Britney Spears shaved her own head when she had a mental “breakdown”—cause she figured, if she was bald, her hair couldn’t hide the scars caused by her “electrode rehab”, if thats what theyd subject her to.

But we really can’t have a conversation about pedophilia, without talking about the Catholic Church (CC).

Long story short, the CC settlements for reported sexual misconduct and pedophilia has cost them over $3 billion dollars—yep, that’s billion with a “b”. And literally hundreds of their churches are filling for bankruptcy behind what they’re now calling the “Clergy Abuse Crisis”.

So, I’ve said all that to say this: if you’re an indigenous Black man or woman reading this post, think for yourself before you follow the court of popular opinion. What whitey’s doin’ is covering up the fact that more and more of the insidious pedophilic workings of their institutions are coming to the fore—and there’s nothing they can do to stop it. So, they’re essentially PROJECTING their debaucherous predilictions onto us. In other words…


Cause whitey’s workin’ steroidal amounts of damage control, on a wrecked reputation that DOESNT HAVE A CHANCE OF BEING REPAIRED!

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s movie, “Do The Right Thing”, “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


Heres a clip of Mike wit Al Sharpton—just watch yall!

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