
Sunday, March 24, 2019

The end of feminism (Part 4)...College exam scams, Lori Loughlin, the fallacious meritocracy of america's universities, white affirmative action, and the (continuing) ethnic escapades of Rachel Dolezal...

To the (consistent) readers of this blog: Whenever I write a post in this series, I feel obligated to preface the subject matter with the reason why white fascist feminism, has nothing to do with female empowerment—especially in regards to the (indigenous) Black woman. And when I use the term “indigenous” that’s not hyperbole. Meaning, if you’re a Black woman reading this from anywhere in the world, understand, you (and we) were on this earth before anyone else. Thus, we should understand why we have the most genetic power(s) to breed every other ethnic group out of existence if we so choose—and this is especially true of white folks.

So, I feel it’s imperative that I reiterate what feminism is, and what it ain’t—moreover, let me tell the tale of how this fascist feat of social engineering got started…

Years ago, I watched a PBS program, where a man who looked like the spitting image of George Soros, the billionaire Hedge Fund manager, waxed philosophic about an upper-scale soiree he attended, where he got into a conversation with a Rockefeller. He said this man asked him what he thought about “Women’s Lib” (for those of you under 30, this was the “Women’s Liberation movement” that preceded modern day feminism), to which the George Soros looking fellow said, “Well, I think it’s positive, you know, equal pay for equal work”. The Rockefeller replied, “We funded Women’s Lib—and the reason we did was, we couldn’t tax half the population if they were staying at home and being housewives—we had to get women into the work force to get at that revenue…” A sec’ later, the Rockefeller continued, “…and with both parents out of the household, we essentially knew that the TV would be the authoritative figure raising (america’s) children—thus, consecutive generations would be easier to program and control.”

And I’ll confess, after hearing that, my mind was forever changed. Not only cause the Rockefeller’s soliloquy made absolute sense to me, but it introduced me to a level of insidious ingenuity and esoteric info. that put me on a path of seeking out factoids that were parallel, or at least congruent with these trains of thought.

So, it’s with this sentiment in mind that I wanna’ explore and expound on the ways that 2 particular white women, Lori Loughlin and Rachel Dolezal, fit into the social engineering campaigns of white fascist feminism, in regards to their place in it, and how it benefits them (whether they realize it or not).

With that said, let’s delve into the nucleus of what makes these college exam scams a matter of course when it comes to the tenets of white fascism and white fascist feminism.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Lori Anne Loughlin (right), the american-born actress, model and producer, was born on July 28th, 1964 to parents Lorelee and Joseph Roy Loughlin, in Queens, New York City. And while in elementary school, Lori’s parents noticed her interests in acting had blossomed into a full-blown passion—thus, Lori began to pursue this career with her parents help, when she became a print model at the tender age of 11.

At 15, Lori was cast in the soap opera, “The Edge of Night”, playing the part of Jodi Travis, an aspiring dancer. That gig lasted from 1980 to 1983, before Lori began to pick up bit parts in an assortment of feature films and TV guest spots. Then, in 1988, Lori stumbled upon what would become her career-defining role, as Rebecca Donaldson, on the ABC sit-com, “Full House”. Initially set for six episodes, Lori would remain a staple of the show throughout the rest of the series until 1995. Months after the show ended, Lori starred alongside TV actor, Tony Danza, in another ABC sit-com, Hudson Street—unfortunately, the show was met with poor reviews and ratings, and was cancelled in a year.

In the following years, Lori would go on to guest and co-star in several TV shows, like: Suddenly Susan, Spin City, Seinfeld, The Drew Carey Show, etc. From 2004 to 2005, she co-created, produced, and starred in the “WB” drama series, “Summerland”—and she’d continue to appear in feature films like, “Moondance Alexander” (2007), and the made-for-TV-movie, “Meet My Mom”, which premiered on the Hallmark Channel on Mother’s Day in 2010.

Rachel Anne Dolezal (left), a.k.a. Nkechi Amare Diallo (please!), was born on November 12th, 1977 to parents Ruthanne and Lawrence “Larry” Dolezal, in Lincoln County, Montana. Now, Rachel was homeschooled via the “Christian Liberty Academy” or “CLASS” program, where she achieved a 4.0 GPA, and not only was she a co-valedictorian at her high school graduation, but she won a $2,000 collegiate scholarship awarded by “Tandy Leather” for her entry in their 1996 Leather Art contest. Thereafter, Rachel attended Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi, where she received a bachelor’s degree in 2000, and after that, she applied and was accepted to, Howard University (yes, the “historically” Black college) for her graduate studies. There, she received her Masters of Fine Arts degree.

Now, behind Rachel’s “Civil Rights” themed artwork, which included sculptures and paintings that held to narratives of Black people’s struggles against america’s white fascism, she was elected as head of the Spokane, Washington chapter of the NAACP. Her announced resignation from the position came on June 15, 2015 behind friends, family members and numerous media reports exposing her as being “non-Black”.  

Dolezal also applied for and was given the position of Spokane, Washington’s Chair of the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission in May of 2014. Now, on Rachel’s application, she claimed to have come from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, including “African-american”—and at the beginning of 2015, City Council President Ben Stuckart opened an investigation into the truthfulness of her ethnicity. Shortly thereafter, on June 17th, 2015, it was found that Rachel not only lied about her ethnic makeup, but she’d violated governmental rules and “abused” her authority in this position, which prompted both the mayor and the Spokane City Council to fire Rachel from being the chair of the Police Ombudsman Commission.

Now, let’s stop here.

Seemingly, Lori and Rachel—or Nkechi (again, please!), have nothing in common—other than their ethnic backgrounds. But these white women are actually so similar, they could be carbon copies of each other.

Now, the readers of this post may be thinkin’—bruh, I don’t see the connection—you’re gonna’ have to prove this one to me.


Let me show you not only one example of why these two are so stereotypically white—but 3 examples that’ll bring this point home…

#1. Both Lori and Rachel, not only relish their white (fascist) privileges, but they’re staunch practitioners of it.

Now, Lori was recently arrested for paying some $500,000 in bribes to have her 2 daughters admitted into the University of Southern California’s “crew team”. Mind you, not only have neither of Lori’s daughters ever competed in “crew teams”, but 50 other (white) people are facing federal charges for paying out similar bribes. This kinda reminds me of when you’d hear about the unjust practice of Black students, Black male student athletes especially, paying to have people do their homework (and take exams) for them so they’d get into college—welp, seems like whitey’s the one whos really been doin’ this all along—difference is, if Tyrone was given an athletic scholarship, he’d have to prove his prowess on the field or court (and mind you, when we do this, its called affirmative action). Also, in the case of Lori’s daughters, the only evidence they have of participating in any kind of “crew team” sports, was a picture of them (by themselves) sitting on a rowing machine.

Now, I can already hear folks who’re reading this thinkin’, well that may apply to Lori, but Rachel was tryna’ be Black, bruh—so how does your argument apply to her?

Here’s how…

While Rachel was at Howard U., she passed herself off as a Black woman. But after she was accepted, she turned back around to “re-claim” her “whiteness” (calling herself Rachel “Moore”), and made it a point to say she’d been denied access to certain scholarship funds, an assistant teacher’s position, and other opportunities at Howard cause—wait for it—she was white. So, like every other white feminist, she wants the ability to have her cake and eat it too—meaning, she wants to enjoy her white privileges, while trying to pass herself off as an “oppressed minority”. Now, you may be sayin’, yeah bruh, I get that, but that still don’t make her a staunch advocate or practitioner of white fascism.  

Welp, let me break this point down even further…

See, the reason Rachel endeavored to go to Howard U. and apply for a position with the NAACP, is because she’d been told her whole life, by her white parents, that Black people were getting all these unfair advantages, just ‘cause they were Black. Namely, her parents raised her to believe that Black people would (automatically) get more financial aid than white people, and that our lazy, shiftless butts were collecting more welfare than anyone else. That’s why she’s done whatever she could to pass herself off as a sista—it has nothing to do with loving us or our culture. Mind you, the majority of people on welfare in this country are white, and it’s been that way for decades—and I’ll leave a link to a website that proves this.

And in even more laymen’s terms: white fascism’s stereotypes of Black people turned Rachel into a straight-up ethnic HUSTLA’ y’all!

#2. Both Lori and Rachel are such advocates of white fascism and white fascist feminism, that they’re willing to suffer the consequences of their allegiances to it.

Meaning, Lori was so hell-bent on benefitting from her white fascist privileges that she was willing to do something illegal and risk going to jail for her beliefs. And wit’ Rachel, her devotions are even more extreme—cause recently she was brought up on charges of welfare fraud. It seems that good ol’ “Nkechi” didn’t report the $83,924 she deposited in her bank account, when she said she’d made less than $500 a year to apply for welfare. Mind you, Rachel collected $8,747 in food stamps and $100 for child care expenses from 2015 ‘til 2017.

#3. white fascism let Lori and Rachel off tha’ hook—just like they knew it would.

Now, Lori’s already been released from jail and her bail was set at $1 million dollars. Mind you, not only is Lori outta’ jail, but she’s free to continue working. And that even includes traveling to British Columbia for roles. The only caveat of that is, she’ll have to surrender her passport in December. Rachel was also set free shortly after she was booked—mind you, she was charged with first degree theft by welfare fraud and second-degree perjury. She pleaded not guilty to both these charges. Now, do you think any sista who’d committed these crimes would have walked out of jail like Nkechi, I mean, Rachel did?

So, I’ve said all that to say this: the people who love white male patriarchies more than white men, ARE WHITE WOMEN!


I understand that collegiate Black women may befriend white girls who seem very sincere to their feminists ideologies, but once they graduate, they’ll be looking for a white guy to insert them into the comfy confines of white privilege.


And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s a vid clip showing how hard Rachels working to convince herself and everyone else that she’s a sista—which goes to prove that if you repeat a lie long enough, it’ll become a truth—at least to you. *Note: check out what happens when a journalist asks Rachel to confirm if her parents are Black.


If you wanna’ check out the website that shows how the majority of the people on welfare in america are white, you can do that HERE.


And for y’all whore wonderinghere’s where I got this saying from…

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