
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 42)...What did Nipsey Hu$$le and Lisa "Lefteye" Lopes have in common?

“…these “crab in the bucket” negroes—take the lives of our best and brightest, and that’s why our (Black) community can’t grow.”
—statement made from the Black man who inspired me to write this blog about the assassination of Nipsey Hussle

“…we always killin’ each other—no other race kill theyselves like we do—and we never stick together, that’s why we don’t get nowhere.”
—statement from a Black woman I overheard talking about the assassination of Nipsey Hussle

“If you can’t see the government’s hand in the “murder” of Nipsey Hussle, then you’re just not paying attention.”
MontUHURU Mimia

“A society that keeps cures a secret so they can sell medication(s) for huge profits, is not a real society but a huge mental asylum.”
—Dr. Sebi

Alfredo Darrington Bowman, better known as “Dr. Sebi” (right), was born in Llanga, Honduras, on November 26th, 1933 (Mind you, in Spiritual Numerology, “33” just happens to be the highest of the “master” numbers—the others being 11 and 22—so, I believe Dr. Sebi was born with a “calling” on his life).

Dr. Sebi’s grandmother—affectionately known as “Mama Hay”, was an indigenous, Mexican-born, Black woman who introduced a young “Alfredo” to the secrets and sciences of “natural healing”, or “Naturopathy”—now, when Dr. Sebi left Honduras and came to america for work as a young man, he was immediately exposed to a “western diet”—needless to say, this had him partaking in meals consisting of cheeseburgers, fries and large sodas. Behind this, Sebi put on pounds at lightspeeds, and it wasn’t long before he was diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, and impotency because of his girth. Thereafter, he returned to the lessons Mama Hay had taught him, and began treating his maladies with natural vegetation cell food products.

Sebi’s friends were amazed at the results he got from his “live food” dieting regimens, and when he began to do this for others, he laid the foundations for what would become the “African Bio-Electric Cell Food Energy Therapy” that would transform people’s lives nationally and internationally. Shortly thereafter, Sebi established the “USHA Research Institute” that would serve as a headquarters for his naturopathic products and technologies—mind you, he opened up offices in New York and Los Angeles to officially begin serving and servicing clients—and that’s when he became a celebrity of sorts in the Black Conscious Community and the world of naturopathy.

Now, Dr. Sebi’s methods not only worked for curing the dis-ease of obesity, but it worked for curing major, life-threatening illnesses as well. And one of these ailments was (and is) AIDS.

Moreover, Dr. Sebi’s remedies worked so well, that whitey’s medical industry started to feel their pockets might be getting a little lighter, if they didn’t stop this Black man who was curing the then “incurable” AIDS virus—so it was shortly thereafter that uncle slam set his sights on discrediting Sebi.

And in regards to the aforementioned sentiment, Dr. Sebi was arrested on February 10th, 1987. And this was the handiwork of then Attorney General, Robert Abrams, who’d seen ads placed in newspapers like New York City’s “Village Voice” and the “New Amsterdam News” which claimed that Sebi had a cure for AIDS. Now, in court, the good doctor explained that not only was his dietary program “consistent with the African genetic structure…”, but he went on to say that, “…the compounds change the environment of the body through ‘intra-cellular’ cleansing and replenish the cells causing cell proliferation, wherein new cells push out the old ones.” And he concluded by saying this was how his regimen helped the body heal itself.

Simeon Greenway, Dr. Sebi’s attorney, said Dr. Sebi’s concept of natural healing was on a “collision course” with the medical industry.

Now, during the trial, one of the prosecuting attorneys revealed that 2 undercover agents were sent to Dr. Sebi’s offices, with the intent of “entrapping” one of the administrators there into giving them an actual medical “diagnosis”—and that in effect could be used to charge the good doctor and his co-workers with “medical malpractice” being that he’s wasn’t a “licensed” doctor. But what those pale-skinned degenerates didn’t count on, was the fact that Sebi could and did produce literally dozens of patients who he’d actually cured of AIDS, herpes, and other diseases, who not only articulated how the program worked for them, but had documents to prove they were once afflicted with a disease, and after being treated by Sebi, the disease was gone.

And with that, Dr. Sebi was released and acquitted of all charges—TWICE!

With his credibility intact, Dr. Sebi went on to build USHA’s “healing village” in Honduras—and this was built to serve as a model for the maintenance of natural health.

But whitey wasn’t done.

After Dr. Sebi went on to treat celebrities like: Lisa Lopez, Michael Jackson, John Travolta, Steven Segal, and Eddie Murphy successfully, more and more of the public (especially the Black Conscious Community) was starting to follow the methodologies of the good doctor.

Unfortunately, on August 6, 2016, Dr. Sebi was arrested while traveling in Honduras and held without charges. Now, whitey’s sources say he was picked up for money laundering cause he was caught with a large amount of cash on him—but no formal charges were filed. And after Dr. Sebi’s arrest, he died in police custody. The “official” report says the good doc’ died due to complications stemming from an “pneumonia”.


Dr. Sebi was 82 years old.

Fortunately, Dr. Sebi left behind 17 children—several of whom are continuing his work. For those interested, look up the brotha “KT the Arch Degree” sometimes, who’s doing some righteous work inspired by the good doctor.

Ermias Joseph Asghedom, better known as “Nipsey Hu$$le” (left), was born on August 15th, 1985, and raised in the Crenshaw district of South Central Los Angeles, California (he grew up in Slauson county, more specifically). And he was named after his father, Ermias Asghedom Sr., who immigrated to america from Eritrea, Africa (which is just north of Ethiopia). Now, info. about Nipsey’s mother is elusive, but from what I’ve researched, she’s African-american, and her and Nipsey’s grandmother, were both responsible for raising him in South Central’s Crenshaw district.

Now, it’s pretty widely known that Nipsey joined the “Rolling 60’s Neighborhood Crips” as a young man (*Note: the name “Crip” was an acronym for “Community Revolution In Progress”—so, these brothas modeled themselves after the “Black Panthers” in Oakland, CA. Meaning they started out as revolutionaries, until they were infiltrated by government forces that put them on a different social trajectory—but I’ll write about that one day in another post). And speaking of names—Nipsey got his from the comedian/poet “Nipsey Russell” who was known for the rhyming poetry he infused in his comedy.

Now, while Nipsey confessed that his mother and grandmother raised him, he made it a point to let the press know that his father was always present in his life. So much so, that in 2004, Nipsey and his father went to Africa to meet his father’s side of the family. While there, Nipsey experienced a “culture shock” that involved not having as much access to technologies he was accustomed to, like cell phones, internet, e-mail, etc. Mind you, if Nipsey would have went to any metropolis in Africa, especially in places like Nigeria, Ghana, Johannesburg, etc. he could’ve enjoyed the luxuries he’d grown used to here in the States.

But even more important, what he saw while there were the “tribal wars” going on in Eritrea—namely how factions of Eritreans and Ethiopians were beefin’ over resources. So, in a very visual way, it helped him make the connection between the white fascists that controlled the gangs in america (white cops), and how they were tied to the same forces pulling the strings of these “tribal” gangs in his father’s homeland. And ultimately, how the real-real function of tribal and gang warfare, especially amongst us anywhere in the world, was to keep our people divided and our communities destabilized. Even Nipsey said of the experience that, “…(it) filled in a blank spot for me, as far as understanding myself.” And this is what (in my opinion) led to his expanding “consciousness” and sense of social responsibility.

Now, I’ll admit that up until his death, I’d heard of Nipsey, but never listened to any of his music—but I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least give y’all a run-down of his musical pedigree—so here that is…

In 2005, Hussle released his first mixtape titled, “Slauson Boy Volume 1”—mind you, this also became the name of his record company. In 2008, he released 2 mixtapes titled, “Bullets Ain’t Got No Name” Volumes 1 and 2, and this was after signing with “Cinematic Music Group” and “Epic Records”. In 2009, he released his debut major label single, “Hussle in the House”, and later that year, he released a third mixtape, “Bullets Ain’t Got No Name” Volume 3—and on this offering he collaborated with the likes of Drake, Snoop Dog, and another rapper named “Problem”. In 2010, Hussle appeared on the song, “We Are the World 25 for Haiti”—and his last few offerings include: The Marathon (2010), The Marathon Continues (2011), Crenshaw (2013), Mailbox Money (2014), and Victory Lap (2018).

It was during the creation of his last few albums that he met and began dating actress Lauren London, and their first child was born on August 31st, of 2016—mind you, both Hussle and Lauren had children from previous relationships.

Now, let’s get to what everyone reading this has been waiting for, news about Hussle’s murder (assassination). So, this past March 31st, it’s said that Hussle was waiting in the parking lot of his store, “Marathon Clothing”, when he got shot five times in the torso and once in the head at 3:25 in the afternoon. And according to the same police reports, two other people were wounded in the shooting. Those same reports say that Hussle was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m.—he was 33 years old (there goes that number again). Mind you, it was said that Hussle was going to meet with the LAPD to hash out efforts that would help to end gang violence the next day on April 1st—a couple of days later, a suspect in Hussle’s killing was announced, and his name is Eric Holder, who’s 29 years of age (and if you havent already figured it out, hes a patsy yall). And I don’t have to tell you, that when I heard about Hussle’s activism, it didn’t strike me as odd that this happened—but then I thought, other Black rappers/entertainers have met with the police (about stopping gang violence) to no avail, so would that really be enough for whitey to take him out?

Then, a few days later, I found out that Nipsey was making a documentary about Dr. Sebi—then the whole thing made sense.

Now, for the sake of this post not being any longer than it needs to be, I’ll just cut to the chase and say that if you’re an indigenous Black man or woman reading this—more than likely you’ve already put 2 and 2 together, to know that whitey took Nipsey out cause he was gonna’ give the late Dr. Sebi some shine wit’ his documentary. And what proves this to be true, is the fact that I see so many of you revisiting the post I wrote about what happened to the late Lisa “Lefteye” Lopes while she was visiting Dr. Sebi on his Honduran compound (and I’ll leave a link for that post at the end of this one).

So, at this point, you might be askin’ yourself—well bruh, if you know we already got the 411 on why Nipsey was assassinated, then why bother writing this? And this is gonna’ sound disingenuous at best, but the reason I wrote this post, was to editorialize the glories of being a Black Nationalist.

And right now, you may be thinkin’, you alright, bruh? What you’re sayin’ don’t make no sense—seriously, you might wanna’ put down whatever it is you been smokin’.

Yes, you heard right—ultimately, I not only wrote this post to clarify what happened to Nipsey, but to document why being a Black Nationalist feeds a certain kind of idealistic and diasporic pride that’s not only theoretical but downright practical as well.

You might still be thinkin’—what?

Well, this has to do with the top 2 comments that precede this post—and mind you, I could give you one really good reason that proves my theory—but instead I’ll give you 3…

Reason #1. Being a Black Nationalist frees you from thinkin’ that Nipsey’s death is just one mo’ instance of “Black-on-Black” crime—thus, Black Nationalism has the potential (at least consciously) to pull you out of whatever self-hatred you’d been conditioned into by any white fascist social order you happen to live in.

“…these “crab in the bucket” negroes—take the lives of our best and brightest, and that’s why our (Black) community can’t grow.”

“…we always killin’ each other—no other race kill theyselves like we do—and we never stick together, that’s why we don’t get nowhere.”

Now, upon hearing about Nipsey’s death, this was the reaction from the majority of the brain-washed, fried chicken-eatin’, buck-dancin’ and bojanglin’ negroes who live to deify white folks. But, speaking for myself, the moment I heard about what happened to Nipsey, I knew something didn’t smell right. Then, I heard about what Nipsey was working on in regards to Dr. Sebi. Meaning, my first reaction to this news wasn’t to think the worst of Black people, or to think the worst of myself for being Black.

Understand, white fascism won’t work unless it keeps us in a perpetual state of self-hatred. That’s why when you see any news broadcast in america, the only criminal perpetrators shown (at least 99% of the time) are US.

Reason #2. Being a Black Nationalist increases your sense of self-worth

Knowing that Dr. Phil Emeagwali, a brotha from Nigeria created the internet, and that Dr. Henry T. Sampson (another brotha) created the “gamma-electric cell” which is where we get the word “cell-phone” (and the invention) from, and knowing that Fred McKinley Jones was the Black man that created “air conditioning”—just to name a few, it most def makes you hold your chin up higher when whitey wants to talk about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, fam—when you do the research, you’ll find that ALL OF THE ARTS AND ALL OF THE SCIENCES COME FROM US! And on an even greater level, (triple-staged) “dark” matter (melanin), is what’s responsible for producing everything in the universe including consciousness itself—EEERRRYTHANG BEGINS AND ENDS WITH US FAM!

Reason #3. Black Nationalism often leads brothas and sistas to the practice of the Black Spiritual Sciences (The Orishas, Yoruba, Ifa, Santeria, Voudun, Voodoo)—and this is how you really APPLY the knowledge you learn in the Black Conscious Community.

Recently I watched a podcast of a series called, “Cannon’s Class”, hosted by Nick Cannon, and he happened to be interviewing KRS-ONE (tha teacha), and I always kinda’ stop what I’m doing when I run across a KRS-ONE interview that I haven’t seen—anyways, in his infinite wisdom, KRS talked about our people’s “G.U.N.” that can liberate us from any kind of oppression whitey throws at us. Now, KRS’ G.U.N. is an acronym standing for GOD, UNIVERSE, and NATURE. Now, let me break down what that really means—KRS was talking about the force behind the Haitian revolution and how our people there were outmanned and out-gunned (and these were physical guns he was talkin’ about), but our people won anyway—meaning, the Voodoo ceremony that preceded that war (given by one “Dutty Boukman”—google this brotha if you’ve never heard of him), is what gave our people the “spiritual” power to defeat Napoleon’s army, and chase them crazy bald-heads outta’ town. And speaking of Nick Cannon, hes said that he’ll complete the documentary on Dr. Sebi that Nipsey couldn’t finish.

And might I add, this is where the rubber meets the road in terms of personal empowerment and the zenith of Black Nationalism. So, let me break this down even further—when you learn to manipulate spiritual forces in your favor via the Black Spiritual Sciences, that’s when you can, in fact, become the “CHRIST/KRIST”—and mind you, I ain’t talking about the effete white guy hangin’ on a cross, I’m talking about becoming the spiritual energy that terraforms this universe (or at least your world) to your liking. Mind you, I can’t tell you how many miracles I’ve made happen in my own life with these practices—and this, in my opinion, is the real reason that anyone should practice Black Nationalism, Pan-Afrikanism, RBG philosophies, etc. And I will leave a couple of links for posts I wrote on this subject.

So, I’ve said all that to say this, when it comes to anglophilic negroes who wanna’ hate on the Black Conscious Community, for whatever reason (especially those that wanna’ call us “Hotep-pers”, Blackity-Black Pro-Blacks, Fake-woke negroes, etc.) understand, IT’S THEIR LOSS! THE SELF-HATRED THEIR CONTENT TO IMBIBE IN AND ABIDE BY, WILL HAVE THEM HATING THEMSELVES AND ANYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE THEM FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE! AND THAT’S wHITEY’s ULTIMATE GOAL YO!

And mind you, what they call fake “wokeness” is having a real effect on the average brotha on the street—you want some proof of that?


On April 5th, the Crips, Bloods, and other gang members in the L.A. area, came together for a truce they formed behind Nipsey’s death. They actually held a rally where they walked to Nipsey’s store in L.A., and performed a vigil in his honor—and “Big U”, one of the organizers of the rally, said this could lead to talks of a “long-term” truce.

And that’s why it’s DOPE being “woke” and/or being in the Black Conscious Community.



And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do The Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia

Here’s a coupla vids on Nipsey talkin’ about his Dr. Sebi documentary. *Warning* Nipseys diatribes are peppered with gratitous uses of the n-word—just a heads up yall.

 This clip gives me chills.


 Here’s a vid on the Bloods and Crips “truce” rally.


Heres a clip of KRS-ONE making reference to the melanated G.U.N. (a.k.a. the Black Spiritual Sciences) thatll defeat any white fascist forces that challenge it.


The post I wrote on Lisa “Lefteye” Lopes that a lot of you are revisiting, you can also read HERE. 

*Addendum5/27/19: Heres a vid clip of Lisa Lopes talking about what Dr. Sebis natural cures had done for her. And being that it's Memorial Day, lets remember to honor the Queen Lisa Lopes!


The posts I wrote on the Black Spiritual Sciences you can read HERE and HERE.

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