
Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Cult of Black and white Cinematic Symbolism (Part 26)...Hobbs and Shaw, Donald Trump vs. Jay-Z, the fear of a "Black Superman", and white fascism: furiously "fast-fowarded" (Special Labor Day Edition)

To the (consistent) readers of this Blog: As of this month, President Trump and his administration, are pondering whether or not they’ll give Venezuelans a pass regarding deportations. Meaning, senior officials of Don Trump’s team have drawn up a proposal that could not only help Venezuelans seek asylum in the U.S., but this initiative could also provide work Visas for them. Mind you, this isn’t official yet, but on a recent Facebook posting, I saw how some brothas and sistas got bent outta’ shape over Trump’s display of leniency towards Julio and ‘em—which kind of had me shaking my head. And I’ll tell you why at the end of this.

Jay-Z recently inked a deal with the NFL (National Football League—for the international eyes reading this). His “Roc Nation” company, founded by him, entered a “multi-year” partnership where Jay’s influence and administrative team will aid in enhancing the NFL’s gaming experience, especially as it pertains to the sports league’s “half-time” shows, and they’ll also set forth initiatives to amplify the leagues “social justice” efforts.

Now, I can’t tell you how much negative press Jay’s garnered behind entering into this deal. Everyone’s calling him a “sell-out” and a self-serving opportunist, regarding his teaming up wit’ this organization. And let me say straight off, that I’m NO FAN of Jay’s, but I’ve got 3 questions for anyone who’s gotta’ problem with either Trump or Jay’s initiatives, and they are…

Question#1: Anyone who’s been paying attention to the careers of these two men should understand that they are classically egomaniacal. And being that this mindset has worked for them in the past, what makes you think they’re gonna’ stop being this way now?

Question#2: Regarding Don Trump, I ask, why do Black people in general, and Black americans specifically, expect him, OR ANY OTHER wHITE POLITICAN (OR PERSON), TO DO THE RIGHT THING BY US? HAVE THEY EVER?! I mean, to the brothas and sistas asking why Trump would even consider lobbying for this kinda’ leniency towards Julio and ‘em, I ask you, WHICH COUNTRY HAVE YOU BEEN LIVIN’ IN FOR THE PAST FEW DECADES? And if you’ve forgotten, let me remind you how much white fascists LOVE cheap labor. And who’s gonna’ work cheaper than a spanish-speaking person in the States?

Question#3: Now, getting back to Jay, while everyone’s up in arms about him selling out to mr. charley cause of Colin Kapernick’s taking knees to raise awareness of domestic terrorism towards Black folks, here’s one question I don’t see any of us posing…where’s the Black politcians who’re supposed to have Colin’s back? Meaning, why aren’t we hearing anything from the “Congressional Black Caucus”? Where are all the Black Mayors, Councilpersons, Governors, and Senators at? Heck, while where at it, we could ask the same question of this country’s Black lawyers, doctors, corporate executives, etc.

Now, Jay-Z is one man, with limited resources, but how powerful would a collective of Black politicians be if they backed Colin’s campaign? I remember a book called “Forty Million Dollar Slaves” was published in 2006, where it’s author, William C. Rhoden, called out the fact that in spite of Black professional athletes making literally hundreds of billions of dollars for themselves and the sports world in general, they haven’t done  anything in regards to gaining any kinda’ real power off the playing field. And I know I said I’d only ask 3 questions, but here’s 3 mo’ that need askin’: 1. If Black athletes are Forty Million Dollar slaves, then how much are Black politicians worth in terms of their decades of indentured servitude? 2. Who’s got more power, Jay-Z or the collective of america’s Black politicians? And 3. Why do they always get a free pass, while we stay pointing fingers at Black entertainers?

Now, with that outta’ the way, I need to confess how it pains me to be away from my weekly blog-postings for any length of time. And right now, you’re probably thinkin’, bruh—it ain’ t like you’ve never done this before. But I assure you, I not only think about this blog a little every day, but when I’m feeling the self-imposed pressure of meeting deadlines here, not following through creates an almost physical ache that’s hard to bear. In other words, and I’ll use this old cliché, missing my weekly postings “hurts me more than it hurts you”, the reader.

Mind you, when this happens, I hope you know that “life thangs” have become so pressing, that it requires me to do this—but more importantly, I hope that sentiment comes through in my writing. So, with that said, I’d like to thank the vigilant readers of this blog for hangin’ in there with me when life thangs happen by coming back and checkin’ in once in a while to see if I’ve published anything. So, once again, I say to y’all, thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU!

Now, in keeping with my last few postings, this one will be a smaller mash-up of subjects—and since you’ve read what I think about the latest goings-on wit’ Trump and Jay-Z, in the next part of the post, I’ll cover what I think about my “casual” viewing of the latest “Fast and Furious” movie, “Hobbs and Shaw”. So, join me in breaking down the subtextual narrative undergirding this frivolous flick, and the message it seeks to imbue on its targeted demographic. Or, you can just let me know if I’m trippin’ y’all. Either way, I’m writing with you in mind. So I’ve taken measures to ensure this post will provide you with a comfortably fluid read.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Recently, a friend had me and a few comrades over, just so we could converse and touch base with one another. Our careers have us seeing each other less frequently, so we hold these gatherings whenever we get the chance. Now, after spending several hours debating about business endeavors we’d like to pursue, the host of this soiree said that it’d be a grand idea to watch a movie after we’d ordered in a meal. So, he punched up what he had on the big screen and decided we should take a gander at the latest flick in the “Fast and Furious” franchise: “Hobbs and Shaw”.

After I protested, the host expounded on the fact that he’d seen the movie before and wanted me to do one o’ my “decipherings” in regard to what this flick is really about. I told him that I could do that with the late 70’s flick “The Warriors”, and in terms of action-fueled films, it would be more enjoyable for all of us.

Unfortunately, I got out-voted—but, I’m still gonna’ curate a vid breaking down the subliminals on “The Warriors” movie, so stay tuned for that. So, regarding this movie, while we munched down on our meals, we watched this flick—and here’s “3” points I took away from this “film” immediately—and mind you, I’m using the word film loosely.

Point#3. “Black Superman”, whitey’s technology, and the infamous “chicken sandwich wars”

At one point in this flick, Edris Elba’s character, “Brixton Lore”—and now family, you know I’d be remiss if I didn’t comment on this character’s name—meaning, Brixton Lore, is a homage to Edris Elba’s charisma and sexual “allure”, especially in regards to the moniker’s first name “Brixton”. Mind you, that name hails from the fact that Edris is from England. And for those who don’t know, Brixton, England, is mostly populated with Black people—with US fam. So, this part was mos def written with Edris in mind. Anyhow, this character is “genetically-enhanced”. Meaning, he’s a cyborg y’all. Half man, half-machine. And whitey’s technology is responsible for making good ol’ Brixton a “super soldier”. Now, that narrative’s a reboot of “Captain america’s” mythology. Meaning, in Cap’s original story, whitey creates a “serum” that turns normal men into superior warriors. Mind you, this serum kills most of the men who take it, but a “Black” man was the only one who survived ingesting this serum (and this character’s name is Isaiah Bradley, he's the brotha in the above pic on the right and you can click on the pic fam. You should also google him y’all). And that mean’s what? It means the real Captain america is Black. And I don’t have to reiterate how we are the real “native-americans”, or should I say, the real “indigenous Americans”.

Now, about two-thirds of the way through this flick, Edris announces that the technology whitey gave him has turned him into a “Black Superman”. Mind you, in interviews, Edris says he freestyled that line. And towards the end of the film, the Rock’s character says, “He really is the Black Superman.” Now, this could be an easter egg foreshadowing Edris’ next movie or something, but ultimately it’s whitey’s technology that kills good ol’ Brixton Lore. And the moral to that story is, while we imbibe in whitey’s technologies, or their cultural mores, we don’t realize that what we think will help us, in regards to adopting their behaviors, has been socially engineered to KILL US AND DESTROY OUR CHARACTER!

Case in point…

Now, I wasn’t planning on talking about this, but I watched the Black man who inspired me to write this blog, talk about how dumb negroes are for participating in something being labeled the “chicken sandwich wars”, where Black folks are said to have bought all these fried chicken sandwiches at Popeyes restaurants.

And if you haven’t heard about this, the imbroglio Im talking about entails some white executives over in the offices of Chick-Fil-A and Popeyes, starting a “twitter-battle” over who’s chicken sandwich tastes the best. And they propagated this campaign with a two-word tagline: “You good?” So, after this happened for the better part of a week, these franchises say Black folk lined up trying to get their hands on these sandwiches, to the point where Popeyes sold out of them.

Now, if you’re a Black man or woman reading this, I have a question for you—knowing how whitey’s media has a penchant for lying to us and our community, more than any other, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU START BELIVING ANYTHING THEY SAY?


Now, you might be thinkin’, ah, c’mon bruh, just ‘cause you don’t like what was said, don’t make it untrue. Aiight, bet. Well, let me ask y’all this question: DID YOU PERSONALLY SEE THESE LINES? DID YOU DO THE RESEARCH TO FIND OUT IF Popeyes REALLY RAN OUT OF CHICKEN SANDWICHES? AND IF YOU DID, WHERE’D YOU GET THAT INFO.?



So, if you believe this fried chicken sandwich war was real, without having any hard evidence to back it up, WHO’S REALLY TRIPPIN’? YOU OR ME?

Moreover, behind this, what we should ALL be doing is boycotting Twitter, Popeyes, Chick-Fil-A, and whatever publications, virtual or otherwise, that put this propagandized nonsense out.


Moving on...

Point#2: Black emasculation and “Boukman’s Prayer”

A couple of scenes throughout the movie show Edris’ character getting his “bionic tune-ups”, which involve his back being opened so he can be operated on. Now, this procedure involves something that looks like a long, penetrating needle approaching him from the rear. And when I saw this scene, I automatically knew this was one mo’ attempt at emasculating not only Edris’ character but it was emblematic of whitey’s campaign to neuter Black men period. Cause whitey really wants to eradicate Edris’ sexual energy, since he’s got those dominate genetics, compliments of his being a deeply melanated brotha.

Mind you, there’s been several vernacular-based phrases that equate having a “strong” back with having lots of sexual energy, which this scene was also triggering subconsciously. And some of those sayings include having a “sweetback”, or someone being able to “blow backs out”, etc.

Now, there’s also a scene where the Rock’s character goes to his tribal home in Samoa and regroups with his family. While there, they hatch a plan to turn off the weapons Edris’ army carries via a scrambling signal of sorts. And behind this, the Rock’s tribal family use ancient weapons, i.e., clubs, maces, bats, etc., to fight off Edris’ confederacy. What I also found particularly interesting is, the Rock’s family don tribal attire before he dissertates a prayer to his spiritual ancestors for help in defeating their enemy. And fam, this “prayer” sounds eerily like “Dutty Boukman’s Prayer” that he recited before our brothers defeated the French armies during the Haitian Revolution. And I’ll include a vid clip of what that prayer sounds like in a video addendum I’ll attach to the end of this post in the future. But what whitey’s really saying here is, OUR MELANATED SPIRITUALITY WILL ALWAYS TRUMP THEIR TECHNOLOGY. Thus, while mr. and mrs. white folks have adopted our Spiritual Sciences (Voodoo/Voudun, Santeria, Palo Mayobe, Ifa, and mind you, their name for our Spiritual Sciences is “Remote Viewing”), they’ve convinced us to imbibe in their technologies, which like I said previously, have been designed to KILL US.

Point#1: The “Brown-white” Alliance

Ultimately, what “Hobbs and Shaw” really represent is this: the white and Brown people of the world “teaming up” to destroy the “Black Superman”.

In this flick’s finale, Hobbs (being brown) and Shaw (being white) literally fist fight with Edris’ character by tag-teaming him. Mind you, good ol’ Brixton is such a fierce opponent that Hobbs and Shaw literally say that one of them will take a punch, while the other delivers a blow to Brixton, ‘cause they can’t defeat him one-on-one. And even though this method hurts Brixton, he still keeps coming. It’s not until Brixton’s white handlers decide to basically pull the plug on the technologies they put in him, that he’s defeated.

Now, needless to say, I didn’t like this movie at all, but I do like it’s message—and that is…


And that brings us back to why Trump is even considering whether or not he should help Venezuelans stay in the States.

Now, here’s “3” reasons why this alliance is doomed to fail.

Reason#3: Giving the “white status” to “brown” people, devalues that status. Thus, whitey will never fully give over the resources reserved for him and his own to latinos, dark-skinned asains, and american Indians. Now, you might be sayin’, well bruh, fair-skinned asians are brown too, and they’ve pretty much gotten their “white status” perks. Yes, but understand, not only did whitey drop two atomic bombs on fair-skinned asians, and make them sign papers saying they’d never retaliate afterwards, but out of every kind of “non-white” person, they have the least amount of genetic power to breed whitey out of existence. And that’s what it all comes down to.

Reason#2: I’ll leave a link to a former post I wrote in the “Why spanish people hate Black americans series” detailing how a white motorcycle gang recruited the help of a latino gang to fight off an enemy. And what happened was the white and latino gangs started fighting each other. Understand, keeping the white status in good standing means keeping brown people out. Thus, why Trump was so obsessed with deporting brown latinos outta’ this country. So, whether latinos like it or not, that’ll always be an obstacle to them claiming their most coveted prize, the white status.


Meaning, they can employ whatever techniques they want to delay this occurring, but it’s GOING TO OCCUR. Whether whitey likes it or not. With their birth rates falling below replacement levels, and their overdosing on drugs like crazy, and their committing suicide in droves, THE DEVIL’S TIME IS UP Y’ALLPERIOD!

        So, once again, the song may have changed, but the message is the same. The death culture that mr. charley created, is now coming to claim them—and that’s not just the truth y’all, THAT’S KARMA AND DIVINE JUSTICE!

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s ingenious film, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


Here’s the trailer for the Fast and the Furious franchise flick, “Hobbs and Shaw”. *Note: Addendums are coming fam, stay tuned.

And you can read about whitey and Julio warring with each other in this post HERE.

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