
Sunday, September 15, 2019

The white fascist attack on Black femininity (Part 6)...Here's what Naturi Naughton and Guardian of the Galaxy's "Gamora" (Avengers: Endgame) have in common, and just one mo' comment on the "Hegelian Dialect" and the infamous "fried chicken sandwich" wars...

To the (consistent) readers of this blog: Fam, there’s a point I neglected to make on my last post regarding the infamous “fried chicken sandwich” wars—and I wanna make it here. Now, what I spoke about last was whitey’s media doing any and everything it can to make indigenous Black folk look like the most downtrodden and morally obtuse people in the world. Thus, the campaign to make us look like we’re fighting over, and consuming more of these chicken sandmiches than anyone else. But there’s another side to this story that needs to be mentioned, and that’s this—too many Black people, and americans period, are becoming vegans and vegetarians.

Now, even though only 5% of americans are vegetarians, and 3% of americans identify as vegans, the multi-billion-dollar meat industry is watching these cultures spread like wildfire. And not only are indigenous Black americans part of this movement, but there’s another facet of this equation white fascists are worried about, especially concerning us. See, whitey needs our “Black Street Cred” (BSC) to sell stuff—and that’s not hyperbole—white fascists count on our vernacular to make their products more profitable. So, if our BSC and “Black Cool Points” (BCP) are supporting the vegetarian and vegan cultures, then their products are what’s gonna’ sell through the roof. So, whitey’s gotta’ get us on board the campaign of making meat products and their industry look cooler.

But, how does whitey do that?

Welp, they employ the good ol’ “Hegelian Dialectic”, or the “Hegelian Dialect” for short. And for those who don’t know what the Hegelian Dialect is, it’s a 3-part methodology of how to control the masses, using the stratagem of “problem, reaction, solution”—but to break this all the way down, here’s the “3-part” method of how mr. and mrs. white folks endeavored to align themselves wit’ our BSC and BCP, so the meat industry can win the “Gastronomy Wars” and continue to prosper.

Method#1: Problem: whitey’s meat products ain’t sellin like they used to.

white executives at Chick-fil-A and Popeyes restaurants (and in the whole of the meat industry period) needed a “psy-op” (and if you don’t know what that is, google it) to win-out over the vegan and vegetarian cultures that have become so popular. So, they hatched a plan to start a “twitter beef” betwixt the two aforementioned eateries.

Now, I liken this to the FBI’s “Cointelpro” campaign(s) that had the good ol’ “divide and conquer” strategies in em, that were used to destroy the “Black Panther Party” (BPP) in the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Meaning, what whitey did, once they infiltrated this organization, was send spiteful and threatening letters from some east coast factions of the Black Panthers, to their west coast affiliates. And this worked so well in regards to having the BPP fighting amongst themselves, that the FBI called these initiatives the “East Coast, West Coast” Black Panther Wars. Decades later, we had an “East Coast, West Coast” Rap War—coincidence? Hmmm.

Anyway, executives from the two franchise restaurants I mentioned earlier, decide they’re gonna’ create two factions of Black people. The first faction will be the negroes who love Popeyes chicken sandwich, and the other “experimental” group will be the buck-dancin’, bojanglers who love Chick-Fil-A’s sandwich. And once they did this, they’d form a fake battle between the two. So, these pale-skinned degenerates started this “twitter battle” using the tagline: “You good?” And this is yet another example of how our BSC and BCP can turn into white profitability.

Method#2: Reaction: “Black twitter” and the “tech-savvy” negro

Now, supposedly when the head-scratchin’, techy negro-nerds who frequent the “twittersphere” see this battle raging on social media fronts, they holla to themselves and their friends, “Good lawd, I gotta’ git me one o’ dem chicken sandmiches, they’s on sale fir’ $3.99!

Method#3: Solution: The (alleged) suicide and salvation of negro consumers

After the first two initiatives, Popeyes allegedly sells out of its “fried chicken sandwiches” cause negroes are hypmo’tized by the fact that the chicken gods answered their prayers before Christmas.

Now, the reason I used the words “supposedly” and “allegedly” while writing this part of the post, is cause while doing research on this topic what I kept seeing was Popeyes stating in press releases that the franchise “expects” to run out of this sandwich, before they “announced” running out of these sandwiches days later. Mind you, Black folks I spoke to said not only weren’t their lines for this new chicken sandwich, but no one saw any of their local Popeyes stores “sell out” of them.

So, this proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that this chicken sandwich war was not only staged, but it was enacted to get white and non-Black people to buy these ghetto burgers, since Popeyes has been given our (fake) seal of approval, meaning they supposedly got our BSC and BCP.

So, in more layman’s terms—THIS WAS A FRAUD Y’ALL!

And might I add, any Black person who still takes the word of the white media as the gospel truth, especially when it comes to us, DESERVES TO HATE THEMSELVES FOR BEING BLACK!

Now, with that outta’ the way, let me show y’all how whitey DEVALUES BLACK FEMININITY in its media, so we can not only recognize these slights, but we can counter them so they don’t turn into an everlasting blight for not only Black women, but for the Black diaspora in general.

—MontUHURU Mimia

This is the part of the post you can just sit back and watch y’all—Enjoy! *Note: In my next post, Ill address the white fascist overtures regarding Gamoras relationship with Thanos. So stay tuned. Also, if youd like to see this vid in a larger format, click on the title and itll take you to my YouTube page.


     —MontUHURU Mimia            

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