
Friday, April 24, 2020

The gospel of white fascism (Part 50)...Byron Allen, A Fall from Grace, Chameleon Street, The Banker, "Losing vs. Learning", and the finer nuances of "Bossin' UP" fo' 2020...

“I never lose, I either win or I learn.”
—Nelson Mandela

To the consistent readers of my blog: For those of you who graciously stuck wit’ me through phases of obsessive videography and extensive absences—and who’ve read my last two posts (The Gospel of white fascism—Part 49 & How Did white People Wind Up on Top?—“HDWPWUOT”), I’m guessing you’ve noticed my last post is gone. And if you did, I want you to know right here and now…


Meaning, I guess the powers that be here at “” felt this is some information that really shouldn’t be published—at least not on this forum. Mind you, I’ve written posts that someone of the “caucasian” persuasion would consider far more offensive than this, but I musta’ hit too much of a raw nerve wit’ the publishing of my last editorial for it to go completely unnoticed. So, with that said, I’d like to give you a bit of a backstory explaining why this happened.

As of late, I’ve had an unofficial fan looking over my blogsite. Now, this person is someone I consider a masterful writer/metaphysician, and he happens to be a brotha as well. Mind you, the reason I’m mentioning him here is he’s such a fan of my work, he’s of the opinion that my writing is a bit too reflective of his narratives, meaning, he thinks I’m copying his style y’all. So, what he’s gone about doing is scanning this particular blog with a “plagiarism” software to see if I’ve actually stolen some of his written sentiments verbatim. And on a side note, this brotha’ not only quit blogging some months ago, but I found out he’s a white fascist freemason via some hand gestures he’s included in his photos.

So, it’s no coincidence my post got deleted at the same time this person was scanning this site tryna’ look for any hints of my ripping off his style—and this is like the third time he’s doin’ this folks. Also, lemme say to this brotha directly, if you’re reading this, and I know you are—I agree you’re a masterful writer and a wonderfully astute metaphysician, but since you’re a white fascist freemason, you’re restricted from telling INDIGENOUS BLACK PEOPLE THE WHOLE TRUTH! Meaning, you (and your handlers) couldn’t very well leave my last blog post alone ‘cause it reveals how mr. whitefolks REALLY wound up on top. And let me also say—even though I think you’re a great writer—I GOT SKILLS TOO BRUH! SO, I DON’T NEED TO COPY YOUR STUFF!

And to further bring this point home to this particular brotha, if you don’t think I’m talkin’ to you—your initials are “A.B.”, and the initials of the blog you gave up writin’ are “M.G.M.

Now, let me also say, it took a lotta’ faith for me to write and publish my last post—‘cause I felt the content of it would make me come off like some delusional Black Nationalist at best, and some kinda’ hair-brained crack-pot at worst. So, when I saw the post I wrote containing an answer I worked to find for the better part of two decades snatched away like some kinda’ innocent child—it stung. To top all this off, the evening I discovered it gone, I was walking a downtown street and saw one o’ those horse-mounted police officers who looks like a historical overseer from the antebellum south. Funny thing is, the cop on this horse was a brotha—and, the horse’s skin was colored Black and white. Mind you, this type of scenario is one that opens my novel, “Celling Seouls”, and you can read the first chapter by clickin’ on the book cover at the right side of this blog.

Long story short, beyond sayin’ the deletion of my blog post wasn’t an accident, I realized at the moment I saw this cop how the universe was talkin’ to me y’all—and it was telling me how the (white) people who were in authority, are about to be usurped by “US”—meaning, Black men and women. Essentially, this moment told me it was time to revise my bloggin’ game—the universe was sayin’ it’s time for me to “BOSS UP” y’all. Meaning, I’ve outgrown this blogspot forum and it’s time for me to create MY OWN. Thus, this’ll be how I spend my time moving forward (It’s 2020, time for absolute clarity, right?). Now, I’m still gonna’ post essays here, but shortly I’ll open my own independent site, so this won’t happen again. And before I forget fam, if you value what you see on this site, please subscribe to one of my social media coordinates on the right in case this blog magically disappears one daycause thats where Ill let everyone know where to find my next postings. 

Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t divulge the fact of something similar happening to the Black man who inspired me to write this blog. Recently, he mentioned how he was in favor of Black Africans expelling pale-skinned asians who’re treating our brothas o’er there unfairly in their own country—and Facebook blocked his writing on their forum for 2 days. But since I have a lot less viewers than him, I was thinking I could continue to fly under whitey’s radar—WRONG! Now, in a way, I’m actually glad these things are happening, ‘cause it brings home the fact of whitey’s throwing the gauntlet down when it comes to his fascist face being revealed to us in all of its insidious glory—and how it’s telling us collectively, it’s time to BOSS UP AND STEP OFFA’ whitey’s PLANTATION—FO’ REAL!! So wit’ this in mind, I WON’T repost my last editorial here, but it’ll be showcased on my independent forum SOONand, what I’ll do instead is leave a link to the VIDEO of my last post on my “Ancient Future” page, so you can see the remnants of this particular essay which’ll soon be re-published elsewhere.

And it’s with this narrative in mind, I’ll present some other incidents showing how it’s beyond time we BOSS UP AND MOVE OUT of whitey’s social order—‘cause now more than ever, whitey’s brand of fascism is showing us how embracing the mores and ideologies of “mainstream” american society equals DEATH FOR INDIGENOUS BLACK PEOPLE(S)! So, let’s make sure we stay about the business of constructing a “FUBU” culture, religion, ideology, and GEOGRAPHY, THAT’LL HAVE US WORKING, LIVING, AND THRIVING OUTSIDE O’ THE INFLUENCE OF mr. whitefolks, FOR THE SAKE OF US ALL.

—MontUHURU Mimia

In 1989, a brotha by the name of Wendell Harris Jr. wrote, directed, and starred in an “arthouse” film called, “Chameleon Street” (pictured right). Now, this film depicts the true story of another brotha who was a criminally minded, master con artist named William Douglas Street Jr. Mind you, in real life, Will Street went on to successfully impersonate professional lawyers, reporters, athletes, and even surgeons—and his con-artistry was so cutting-edge, he’s on record as having performed more than 36 successful hysterectomies—while impersonating a doctor, no less. This was basically the hit film, “Catch Me if You Can” starring Leonardo DiCaprio, before its release.

Chameleon Street was entered into the 1990 “Sundance Film Festival” and won the convention’s “Grand Jury Prize”, the organization’s highest honor—one film critic even wrote after viewing the movie, how this was “one of the first film’s to examine how mellifluously race, class, and role-playing morph into the social fabric of America.” Now, Wendell’s film should’ve launched his career into a stratospheric kinda’ celebrity—at least within cinematic circles. After this kinda’ film-making coup, it’s usually a matter of course for auteurs to be given a “3-picture deal” by a large studio, in hopes of this talented wunderkind producing a mega-hit of a mainstream movie in later years. In this instance though—there was a problem…

Behind closed doors mr. whitefolks thought this movie would inspire Black folks, and Black men specifically, to follow in the conniving footsteps of Will Street. white fascists feel our mental capacities are so minute, we wouldn’t see this as just something purely satirical and entertaining, but we’d pick Will Street’s methodologies as a new career path, regardless of consequences which might have us serving time in some correctional facility. Long story short, the movie was marginalized to the point where it couldn’t get industry distribution (mind you, this was at a time when streaming movie networks were pretty much non-existent) and the film, like Wendell’s career, fell into obscurity.

Tyler Perry’s last flick called, “A Fall From Grace”, was one he wrote, produced, and directed for Netflix, and it had its debut in January of this year. Now, this film depicts a woman named Grace Waters whose accused of murdering her husband, Shannon, and it co-features a female public defender who’s taking her case, Jasmine Bryant.

So, let me just say right off, how this flick was universally panned by critics and viewers alike, mostly due to this movie being produced in all of “5” days—and this ain’t hyperbole, Tyler put the film together in just five days y’all. Now, because Tyler recently acquired his expansive studio, which he had a gala event for, he felt as if he could rush through this project and just put it out there to nothing but universal fanfare—and when the opposite happened, I’m sure he was shocked and perplexed by the public’s reaction. What I don’t think Tyler understands is, the audience this flick was intended for, is discerning enough to see through bad production values and acting, and quite frankly, I don’t care how efficient your staff and movie producing facilities are, one fact holds true, and it’s this—


Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Tyler’s acquired his movie studio (330 acres=33 degrees of freemasonry), but if you’re gonna’ create characters who’re just two-dimensional stereotypes, then don’t get mad when people pan your project—and even beyond this, I think Tyler’s obsession with portrayals of Black men as parasitic predators on hue-man life, is way past wearing thin—it’s downright annoying and condescending to any Black man or woman who loves themselves and their people. But we gotta’ remember, the tale of Medea in Greek mythology involved an insanely jealous and vengeful woman killing off her male children—and this is what white fascists have tasked Tyler to do, which is mainstream the ritualistic murder of Black masculinity.

Now, the 2020 film, “The Banker”, tells the real-life story of one Bernard Garrett, a brotha wanting to get into real estate investing in 1950’s Los Angeles, California, but who’s locked out due to good ol’ American white fascism. Now, to work around this, Bernard played by Anthony Mackie, and Joe Morris, played by Sam L. Jackson, who partners with him, hire a whiteboi (Matt Steiner) and he acts as the proxied face of their company, which they use to acquire homes and eventually a fully-operational bank for the purposes of lending monies to Black people, so they too can partake in the “American dream” of homeownership. Unfortunately, prying white eyes discover the brains behind Matt’s façade, and Bernard and Joe find themselves being hunted by Federal officers. Now, I haven’t seen this movie myself, but people who have give it grand reviews, and say the acting and writing is on par with some of the best they’ve seen this year—and to top this off, the new streaming movie service, “Apple TV+”, debuted this film on their network in March of this year.

However, due to controversies surrounding the real-life Bernard Garret’s son, Bernie Jr., the movie was pulled from festival and theatrical release dates, and only saw the light of day via Apple TV+’s platform. Mind you, the “controversy” involved alleged sexual assaults Bernie Jr. committed against his half-sisters—and if this was the case, it would be completely egregious in and of itself, but lemme’ tell ya’ why the movie was really pulled from film festivals and theaters.

Remember the aforementioned film, Chameleon Street, starring Wendell Harris Jr.? Welp, several decades later, mr. whitefolks still ain’t changed his opinion about how impressionable us Black folks are—so for the same reason Chameleon Street didn’t get distribution, “The Banker” was pulled from theaters and film festivals. Meaning, whitey thinks too many of us would try to perpetrate the same fraud these brothas did—chez whitey’s afraid we might get the notion to pull a grand caper like brothas Bernard and Joe.

Now, the former comedian-turned-billionaire entrepreneur, Byron Allen—another brotha—had a case slightly different from the aforementioned ones. Meaning, Allen and his company “Entertainment Studios Network” (ESN) sued the broadcasting behemoth “Comcast”, after the network declined to carry Allen’s programs. Comcast cited capacity concerns and a lack of viewership interest among its reasons for turning Allen down—but Allen says this is clearly a case of racial prejudice on Comcast’s part. Now originally, the District Court dismissed Allen’s lawsuit for an insufficient proof of racial bias, but the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed this decision saying ESN only needed to prove race played “some role” in Comcast’s refusal—thus, this case went to and was argued before the Supreme Court.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled in Comcast’s favor saying the burden of proof lies with Allen and ESN to prove race was the “but-for” cause of discrimination regarding Comcast’s decision. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, who delivered the decision wrote, “It is textbook ‘tort law’ that a plaintiff seeking redress for a defendant’s legal wrong typically must prove but-for causation.” And in layman’s terms y’all, this means, anything short of a video or audio taped admission or confession by a corroborating witness won’t suffice as definitive evidence in a court o’ law.

Now, here’s a question—what do brothas Wendell, Tyler, Bernard, Joe, and Byron all have in common?

Simply this…


And right about now, you’re probably sayin’ to yourself—bruh, you might wanna’ put down whatever it is you been drinkin’, ‘cause EEEERRRYONE o’ these brothas clearly lost in these cases. Well, that’s if you’re lookin’ at this through an “integrationist” or “multicultural” lens, but lemme tell ya’ what I clearly see in these cases…

These brothas won an invaluable lesson tellin’ them and the whole of Black america this simple truth—



So, this should inform us of what we REALLY should be focusing on, which isNATION-BUILDING”!

Meaning, especially in light of the “Coronavirus” caper whitey’s currently pullin’, we should be all about the business of COMPLETELY DIVORCING OURSELVES FROM wHITEY’S SOCIAL ORDERS AND CONSTRUCTS!

Now, does this mean you should quit your job, leave the university you’re attending, or jump on the next thang smokin’ to Africa?


‘Cause not only are Black people INDIGENOUS TO THE AMERICAS, but we need to understand, the first phase of any real separation IS PSYCHOLOGICAL!

Meaning, it’s more about minute steps than leaps and bounding RIGHT NOW y’all—case in point, what brothas like Byron and Tyler and Wendell need to do is form their own online streaming service or traditional TV channel, and BROADCAST EXCLUSIVELY ON THIS PLATFORM!

And to follow in those footsteps, what we can do is find at least one Black-owned business to frequent—or, if you don’t wanna’ exchange monies with someone who looks like you (and if you’re reading this, I hope this ain’t the case) you can choose to barter wit’ your brethren. Or, you can do something as simple as finding a brotha or sista to compliment once a day—these actions form habits which’ll serve us well in the future—and it’ll put our children who see us doing this in the mind-frame of doin’ it themselves.


‘Cause it showed me what time it REALLY WASTIME TO “BOSS UP” FO’ 2020!

And wit’ this said, every Black person readin’ this should be inspired to stop lookin’ to beg into whitey’s good graces and start checkin’ for another Black person to see how we can HELP EACH OTHER WIN! ‘Cause truthfully, THIS IS THE NOBLE IMPERATIVE WHICH’LL LIBERATE US ALL!

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, Do the Right Thing,” That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia


I was gonna’ feature the complimentary video to my last post here, but instead I figured it’d be better to get y’all familiar wit’ the button to my “Vimeo” account, as it’s gonna’ be a permanent fixture on this blog’s right-sided listings of my social media coordinates.

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