
Saturday, May 23, 2020

The gospel of white fascism (Part 51)...Google's egregiousness, the plaques of "Jew-ISH" people, how the Indigenous BLACK proletariat became the face of the "Coronavirus", Ahmaud Arbery, government-sanctioned assassinations and whitey's reluctance to start a "race war"...

If theres no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.
 —ancient African proverb

“…(Ethnic) separation is that which is done voluntarily—for the good of both.”
—Malcolm X

To the consistent readers of this blog: It’s official y’all—the administrators at Google hit me up ta’ let me know how they’ve removed my last post due to my alleged violation(s) of their “Terms of Service” and “Content Policies”. Moreover, they went as far as saying I’m engaging in “illegal” activities in regards to these aforementioned rules, so I should censor myself when it comes to publishing further posts on this platform—but instead of paraphrasing what they’ve told me, let me just post the email they sent. Check this out…

Your post titled "The Gospel of white fascism (Part 49)...What do Malcolm X, the Chinese government, Jim Jones, the chicken sandwich "wars", 
and the "novel" Coronavirus, all have in common?" at 
has been identified as in violation of our Terms of Service for illegal activities. In accordance to these terms, we've removed the post, and the URL is no longer accessible. For more information, please review the following resources:
Blogger Content Policy:
The Blogger Team 

And here’s the response I sent em…

Dear Sir/Madame:

Firstly, my blog post titled, “How did white people wind up on top?”, was removed the week before last without my permission, and without your organization contacting me telling me what the problem was with the posting. This was totally uncalled for, if for no other reason than I didn’t know who took this post down. I thought maybe my blog was hacked by some outside entity.

Second, you’re now telling me the post I published right after the aforementioned one, has been removed due to being identified as having some “illegal” qualities, in regard to violating your “Terms of Service” and “Blogger Content Policy”.

I’ll have you know, I’ve read both your “Terms of Service” and your “Blogger Content Policy”, especially in regard to your intolerance of language which in essence, “abuses or harm others or yourself (or threaten or encourage such abuse or harm) — for example, by misleading, defrauding, defaming, bullying, harassing, or stalking others…” Also, I’ve read over the Blogger Content Policies on crude content, violence, hate speech, terrorist content, harassment and threats, and “illegal” activities—and I’m confirming how nothing published on my blog falls under these categories.

Furthermore, I’m having an attorney friend of mine look over your policies and recent removals of my posts to see if you have any legal right to do so, especially without giving me a prior notice, or any notice at all.

So, you’ll hear from my attorney soon to see what can be done to reconcile these series of events surrounding my blog.

MontUHURU Mimia

Now, I don’t know how this scenario will be resolved, but I want to emphatically state “3” points regarding how these issues will affect my future blog postings on this platform—and they are as follows…

Point#1. Censorship

Regarding the opinions voiced on this blog, I’m letting the Google administrators know here and now, I WILL NOT BE CENSORED, PERIOD! Like I’ve said in the past, for me, the writing of this blog is not business, it’s personal. Anyone who takes the time to read my editorials should understand how this isn’t just some hobby of mine I’m engaged in—meaning, when I expound on the rapacious nature of the anglophilic brainwashing I received in America’s white fascist social order, it’s not hyperbole, it’s the stark raving truth—and this is what I’ve dedicated this forum to, for better or worse.

Point#2. Social Media Coordinates

Now, having stated this, I also understand how ultimately, regardless of stated policies, this is Google’s proprietary forum, not mine. So, if you value what you see here, I beseech you to subscribe to one of my other social media coordinates—‘cause if this blog disappears one day, you’ll know where to find my next postings, like I’ve stated previously. Furthermore, I’m working diligently on building my own forum in the spirit of “Bossin’ Up” like I described in my last post.

Point#3. An enduring existentialism

Reinforcing my last point, what I’ll say about this forum is, it’ll always exist somewhere. Meaning, as long as I’m alive and capable of executing the writing of these essays, “The Cinematic Symbolism Blog” will have a voice on some kinda’ platform—even if I gotta’ take it ol’ school and print out flyers to hand out to folks, someone’ll hear this message and hopefully be edified and entertained by what I’ve got to offer.

Conversely, let me speak on the reason(s) why there’s a distinctively silver lining to the storm clouds I’m finding myself under when it comes to my kerfuffle with Google. Now, more than ever, we’re privy to seeing whitey’s fascist house of cards falling. Meaning, beyond the purview of Black Nationalists like myself, even the most anglophilic negro can see the instability inherent in white fascism’s social infrastructure. And to put this in more layman’s terms, when whitey was sayin’ how we, meaning the diasporic populace of Black people, were a doomed race, they were actually talking about themselves. So, like I said previously, this is a glorious time for nationalists like me, who’re ultimately bettin’ on Black folks—‘cause it means we should rejoice while seeing whitey’s world completely meltdown.

Additionally, when the whitefolks at Google remove my postings, I’ll note how those specific publishings are the most effective at gut-punchin’ and knockin’ the wind outta’ white fascism. Understand, I still have the manuscripts used to write those posts, so these essays will be prominently featured on my next platform, ‘cause they’re obviously tellin’ too much truth for these crooked caucasians.

Now, with this said, I’ll attend to the business of exposing and expounding on the topics contained in this header based on the revelatory research I’ve done—especially regarding the “staged” Coronavirus crisis. So, without further ado fam—let’s get down…

—MontUHURU Mimia 

Now, from jump, I wouldn’t feel right starting this editorial without offering an apology to the faithful frequenters of this blog, ‘cause I see y’all re-reading older posts while I’m away—and for this, I can’t say thank you enough. Mind you, I see how y’all move the “posts people dig most” list by doting on older publishings—and again, all I can do is say thanks, and I hope this essay was worth the wait.

So, with this sentiment outta’ the way, let’s drill down into tha’ topic o’ the “staged” Coronavirus crisis *wringing hands*. For months now, the new narrative about the Coronavirus is how most of the people infected (in America) are the indigenous Black populations of the U.S. This is what they’re tellin’ us anyway fam, so let’s see what the numbers say…

First off, what I’ll do at the end of this essay is link the “Centers for Disease and Control Prevention’s” (CDC) webpage showing the actual stats for states in the U.S.—but let me give y’all a slight glimpse of what you’ll find when you take a look at the data…

As of April 21, of this year, the overall stats of infected people who died from this “Coronavirus” in the U.S., by ethnicity, looks like this: now, according to the CDC, infection and fatality rates are as follows—white people: 50.8%, Black people: 19.9%, asians: 6.5%, and latinos: 16.7%


Now, while mr. whitefolks tells us WE got the most cases of people infected and dying from this “COVID-19 virus”, stats show the majority of the people wit’ this damn disease are white, so the majority of people gettin’ taken out by the Coronavirus AIN’T US!!

But wait—it gets worse…

Here’s stats for a couple of American states in relation to this disease, and when you see the entire list, you’ll notice at least half of these states have larger infection rates in “white and latino” communities—just like these states fam…

California—whites: 46.1%, Blacks: 9%, latinos: 26.6%,

Florida—whites: 56.6%, Blacks: 19.4%, latinos: 21.1%,

Massachusetts—whites: 84.2%, Blacks: 5.5%, latinos: 6.6%,

New Jersey—whites: 63.9%, Blacks: 10.1%, latinos: 17.7%, and

New York City—whites: 30.1%, Blacks: 23.1%, and latinos: 24.9%.

Now, if and when you do see latinos with less of a disease and death rate than us, you’ll still see whitey ranking as the #1 carrier and causality case for this disease. Which simply means…



Secondly, while whitey’s got everyone lookin’ at Wuhan, China and we’re being told this is where the disease originated, no one’s checkin’ for another community which has been decimated by a disease outbreak just months before this Coronavirus plaque hit America, and this community is the “Orthodox Jew-ISH community”—and I’ll leave another link at the end of this post regarding this fact.

And let me reiterate, I don’t call these pale-skinned folks “Jews”, I call them “Jew-ISH” ‘cause if you don’t already know, Isreal IS IN AFRICA Y’ALL! It lies on Africa’s northern-most tectonic plate (check a map), so if you wanna’ see what the ORIGINAL JEWS look like, and you’re an indigenous BLACK person, all you gotta’ do is look in a mirror. Also, the majority of white “jewish” people can’t make the distinction of Judaism being a religion, NOT AN ETHNICITY! Furthermore, half of these people don’t practice this religion, so they can’t rightfully call themselves “JEWS” or “Jew-ISH”.

Now, with this said, let’s state some facts: in October of 2018, there was a measles outbreak which involved 242 reported cases of this disease in New York’s Rockland County and 36 nearby counties, and the majority of these happened in Orthodox Jewish communities—and during October and November of 2018, 33 of these cases were diagnosed in New Jersey—and these were concentrated in the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods of Ocean County. But ain’t it funny how this barely got reported—meanwhile, a couple of months later, whitey’s media is sayin’ Black folks have the highest infection and death rates in regard to the “COVID-19 virus”, which I just showed you was a LIE.


Now, switching topical gears for a sec’—I’m sure you’ve all heard about the assassinations of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, and if you haven’t, google them—now, what I don’t wanna’ do is obsess over these horrific crimes ‘cause there’s a reason these murders have become mainstream news. Meaning, the reportage of these killings comes right as the “Coronavirus” crisis, or at least this phase of it, is coming to a close. Mind you, the one-two punch o’ the “staged” Coronavirus and these murders are done to scare Indigenous Black peoples, especially in America, and keep us in perpetual states of fear and “self”-loathing.

So, instead of reiterating every kinda’ outrage associated with these murders, I’ll ask a question—which is, have ya’ ever wondered why white cops and hateful white militia members haven’t already started the “race war”?

I mean, let’s face it, mr. whitefolks has all the guns, ammo, and resources needed to win a war like this—or do they?

Now, for the sake of argument, let’s consider these ancient battles:

#1. The Gullah Wars (1739-1858)

#2. The Haitian Revolution (1796-1801)

#3. Zulu Battle of Isandlwana (1879)

So, at this point you might be thinkin’, okay, so what’re these supposed to represent? Welp fam, these are historical examples of indigenous Black people being outmanned and outgunned by whitey—and winning these wars anyway. So, at this point, three questions may pop into your mind—and those are:

#1. Bruh, don’t you see whitey’s already started the “race war”?

Now, you might be thinkin’, bruh, Ahmaud and Breonna are but two examples of whitey waging war on us—fam, I ain’t talkin’ about these pale-skinned dead-enders picking Black folks off one by one—I’m asking, when is whitey gonna’ declare a full-scale war where they have tanks rollin’ down our blocks and where they’re putting whole communities under arrest? The key phrases being, when’s whitey gonna’ come into our communities in mass to do this?

#2. Bruh, the battles you listed happened centuries ago—they got no relevance to what’s happenin’ now.

Au contraire mon frere—lemme tell ya’—the reason whitey don’t wanna’ come into our neighorhoods, especially without government sanctions (meaning having more than just a gun and a badge), is ‘cause the above battles show, whitey’s gotta’ history of LOSING AGAINST US IN A FULL-SCALE WAR!

Peep this out family, the Haitian Revolution, where Black men who were outmanned and outgunned defeated Napoleon’s armies, was preceded by a Voodoo/Vudun ceremony—and folklore says the Black men who fought in this war stated how Napoleon’s armies had to lose, cause they weren’t only fighting the indigenous Black men of the island, but the SPIRITUAL FORCES they’d conjured to help them defeat the French military.

#3. Bruh, what about the “Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade”? This was an out-and-out war on Black folks on a massive scale.

Y’all ‘member when I told you not to take whitey’s word as the “gospel truth”? Welp, same holds here, meaning the “Gullah Wars” are how Black Americans fought for and successfully won their freedom from any kind o’ tyranny whitey tried to impose on us—and I’ll leave a link for a post I created detailing how we WERE NOT freed by some white guy named Abraham Lincoln, and how we ENSLAVED MILLIONS OF WHITE PEOPLE HISTORICALLY, AND HOW THEY’RE THE ORIGINAL “SLAVES” OF ANCIENT TIMES

Mind you, this same post will detail the “Barbary Slave Trade” and how this went down without Black people being taught about it. Meaning, BLACK PEOPLE DIDN’T COME TO AMERICA ON NO SLAVE SHIPS, WE WERE HERE BEFORE EEEERRRYONE ELSE—AND IF ANYONE CAME HERE ON SHIPS, IT WAS wHITE FOLKS!

So, at this point you still maybe thinkin’, bruh, you ain’t got no real proof of whitey NOT wanting to go “head-up” wit’ us in a full-scale war. Ya’ need some proof?


Remember the “Unite the Right Rally” of white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia, circa 2017? The same one where Trump said there were some “good people” in this gathering—welp, those whitebois had all the resources they needed, and even had the POTUS sanctioning their movement, so it was primetime for them to march into our neighborhoods and start the “race war”. Now, do you ‘member what they wound up doing?


Mind you, I’ll leave a vid’ o’ this happening at the rally. So, what I’m saying is this: not only have Black people, and Black men specifically, proven how the majority of us are physically and mentally stronger than the average whiteboi, but we’ve shown how whitey CAN’T TOUCH US WHEN IT COMES TO OUR SPIRITUAL STRENGTH! 
And fam, history tells us how the warrior with the SUPERIOR SPIRITUAL POWER, WILL ALWAYS BE THE VICTOR IN BATTLE!


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I LOVE BEIN’ BLACK Y’ALL!


—MontUHURU Mimia

Fam, you can find the CDC’s Coronavirus stats (from May 20th, 2020) by clicking on Table 2a. here.   


Here’s the footage of the “Unite the Right Rally” whitebois fighting each other


Here’s a vid of the measles outbreak in the Jew-“ISH” community

And you can see my post on the “Gullah Wars” and the “Barbary Slave Trade” here.

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