
Thursday, September 10, 2020

The gospel of white fascism (Part 52)...George Floyd the freemason, Tamika's speech, LGBTQ "matters", and 3 "coincidental" tenets of white fascism...

“It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t of left you without a strong rhyme to step to, think about all the weak shows you slept through, time’s up, I'm sorry I kept you.”

—Rakim, from the song, “I know you got soul”

 Family…3 “quick” points, #1. First off, I wholeheartedly apologize for my extended absence from this forum—but like I’ve said previously I’m always thinkin’ about this space especially when I’m away, #2. I thank everyone who cared enough to check in on this space during my absence, and #3. Next week, I’ll publish a post on our recently passed KING, Chadwick Boseman.

  In the meantime, I hope this vid’ suffices to sate the interests of anyone who’s still feelin' this blog's message—even if the content is a bit belated. Speak to y’all next week fam—PROMISE!



 —MontUHURU Mimia   

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