
Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 53)...Black "Marxist" Matters, the American medical industry, and the conspiracy to kill "KING" Chadwick Boseman...

“…nature rewards all research, and will tell you how to be the creator within…”
—Mfundishi Jhutyms
“…in times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers.”
—Chadwick Boseman, as King T’Challah in Black Panther

To the consistent readers of this blog: Family, before I get this post started, I gotta’ mention one happenstance—I published my last post late Thursday evening, on September 10th, right before midnight—so the majority o’ y’all saw the post go up on Friday the 11th—and I noticed most of you flocked back to this blog a couple of days ago, which was a Friday, to see the latest publishing on this particular forum. So, y’all really pay attention to what’s goin’ on in this space—even after I been away for an extended period of time—and for this I can’t thank you enough.
Mind you, within the last couple of months, I noticed how most of you not only tend to dote on the earlier posts of this blog, but how the greater numbers of you seem to come back to this space on Mondays. Which shocked me initially, ‘cause I thought Mondays would be the day o’ the week where I’d get the least pair of eyes on these posts. Thus, in response to this, I’m gonna’ move heaven and earth to publish my posts on Sundays from here on out, so I can strike a happy, or happier medium, for folks who like to look at this forum at the beginning of the week. Now fam, if there’s a particular day where you’d like to see posts on this platform, just leave this info. in the comments or hit me up directly at, and I’ll go outta’ my way to post on days which’ll make it easier for y’all to revisit this space.
So, wit’ this outta’ the way—let’s go in fam…
Firstly, I’d feel remiss if I didn’t address the recent revelation of a video dating back to 2015, where one of the co-founders of the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) organization, Patrisse Cullors, revealed how she and other founding members of this clique are in fact, “trained Marxists”. Topping this off, Patrisse is quoted as saying, “The first thing I think, is that we do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia (Alicia Garza, BLM’s other co-founder) in particular are trained organizers.” Mind you, this info. came from the Breitbart News Organization and Jared Ball of the Real News Network respectively.
Now fam, beyond what I relayed about this coterie in my past postings and the latest video I curated, let me say this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone visiting this space. Meaning, a couple of months ago, I also showed how the white fascist freemasonic lackeys known as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks were of this same ilk, and how the institution they attended, namely the “Highlander Folk School” was a “communist training” facility—and I’ll leave a link for the latter-mentioned post at the end of this one.
Mind you, the reason communism, socialism, Marxism, and Leninism, are the most favored social constructs of white fascists is, these historically, have been the most successful at keeping the proletariat in stabilized states of poverty—meaning, in these social orders white fascists have the most success at taking over every public institution while keeping the masses in suspended states of destitute conformity and uniformity, without them revolting. Hence, the reason why Kanye West’s clothing lines stress these kinds of utilitarian aesthetics—but this is something I’ll get into in a future post.
So, in regards to the BLM, I’ll reiterate how they’ve got no vested interest in liberating Indigenous Black people—and how their cadre of conspirators are set up as more of a “Trojan Horse” to mainstream homosexuality into the Black Diaspora—and they’re doing this most obviously to keep US from successfully reproducing ourselves by adopting the gay “death-style”.
Mind you, this is but one campaign whitey’s currently runnin’ to reduce the numbers of Indigenous Black folks globally—so what I’ll do in the next/main part of this post, is spotlight two other campaigns being perpetrated on Indigenous Black people which includes the recent murder of the brotha/NEGUS/KING Chadwick Boseman. Cause what he represented was completely antithetical to the planned rise of communism, Marxism, Leninism, and states of stabilized destitution mr. white folks needs to keep US in for the continuation of their perpetual fight against the natural magnificence of Black melanin.
—MontUHURU Mimia
Fam—let me kick this off by hittin’ y’all with “3” quick facts: #1. Howard Phillips Lovecraft, known as H.P. Lovecraft, was born on August 20th, 1890 in Providence, Rhode Island. He was a horror fiction writer best known for his creation of the “Cthulhu mythos” and he went on to become one of the most influential novelists of the 20th century. #2. “Lovecraft Country” is a fantasy horror novel released in 2016 by the author Matt Ruff which explores the connection between H.P. Lovecraft’s brand of horror and racism in the United States during the “Jim Crow” era. #3. Lovecraft Country is also the name of an HBO TV series which debuted in August of this year and it’s based on Matt Ruff’s novel.
I’ll also let y’all know how one of the producers of this series is Jordan Peele—y’all remember him, he’s the brotha(?) behind the films “Get Out” and “US”. Now, why’s this important? Welp, there’s “3” reasons fam…#1. The reason Jordan Peele and Matt Ruff were recruited for this project was to hide the fact of H.P. Lovecraft being famously hateful of Indigenous Black people. Meaning, the monsters Lovecraft wrote about, usually made reference to his fear(s) of Black folks y’all. #2. Mr. whitefolks understands Black people (en mass) don’t care to watch horror films, ‘cause we catch too much hell in real life behind just living in the American social order, or whichever social order we find ourselves in period. And #3. Chez whitey needs for more Indigenous Black folks to indulge in watching horror films ‘cause they’re part of a particular white fascist campaign being run against US.
Now, I could hear a chorus o’ y’all sayin’, bruh—you say the same thing about EEEERRRYTHANG white people do…you’re just bein’ paranoid as usual. Well, let me tell ya’ what the real purpose of horror genre films are fam—especially when it comes to US.
The reason Jordan Peele is so important to whitey’s campaign surrounding Black folks getting into horror films is—these films not only desensitize people to violence, but they also tend to make people more indifferent to other people’s suffering. Thus, they want Black folks to get into crap TV series like the “Walking Dead” (and Lovecraft Country), so we can be more “individualistic” behind the aforementioned effects of horror flicks. Meaning, they want us to care less about our “people” and more about ourselves—this is how they keep us from adhering to the one virtue which’ll save USUNITY!
Now, let’s talk about superhero flicks fam…
Long story short fam, the reason superhero flicks have not only been mainstreamed in American cinema, but seem to have completely taken them over, is white fascists use this specific medium to reinforce reasons why Indigenous Black people (especially) should think all white folks have “super-human” powers, which is why they’re on top. Now, understand what I’m NOT saying—I know for a fact no Black person’s gonna’ feel white people can fly over rooftops after watching the latest superhero flick, I’m saying whitey wants us thinking their intellect is at superhuman levels, which rationalizes reasons why they dominate every social order on earth. And like I’ve said before, if you do the research, you’ll find out how our ancient Black ancestors put these pale-skinned degenerates in positions of power and kept them there for reasons of creating the necessary trauma, or necessary evil, our people, the earth’s Indigenous Black people, need to adapt to and survive through so the “HUE-MAN” race (US) can continue. Also, this was the topic of the post I published titled, “How Did white People Wind Up On Top?” which Google administrators removed from this site—and it’s the same post I’ll feature on my next platform, so stay tuned for this y’all.
Now, when the Black Panther movie was released on January 29th, of 2018, it was one of the only “stand-alone” Marvel movies which was out-performing white superhero flicks while being presented on less screens, and I’ll leave a link for one of my previous posts which gives you those stats. Beyond this, the above quote I featured where Chadwick Boseman says, “…in times of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build barriers…” which comes during the ending credits of Black Panther, is a direct diss to Donald Trump—‘cause of the “wall” (barrier) dumb ol’ Don was building at the time on Mexico’s border.
So, what I need you to realize is this, white fascists understand there’s “3” methods to programming the masses, and these are: 1. Trauma, 2. Symbols, and 3. Repetition. Thus, the Black Panther movie doing better than the white superhero flicks, symbolically, especially at a time when whitey’s scrambling to keep themselves from being bred outta’ existence, couldn’t stand—so mr. white folks had to make an example out of KING CHADWICK.
Lastly fam, by now I think everyone, especially persons reading this blog know how the majority of cancer patients are killed by chemo, not their cancer—and there’s stats to back this up. Meaning not only can’t chemotherapies distinguish between healthy and cancerous cells, but a by-product of chemotherapy, ironically enough, is cancer. Moreover, even if Chadwick had been battling cancer over the course of several years, don’t you think it’s a bit too much of a coincidence for him to succumb to this illness after he’d been in Black Panther?
At this point ya’ might be thinkin’, well, this could just be a coincidence bruh—I mean, the timing of Chadwick’s passing, considering his condition, wouldn’t be too far-fetched. Well, consider this, right after Black Panther comes out, what happens almost immediately is the separation of the actor Michael B. Jordan and Black Panther’s director Ryan Coogler. The sequel to the movie Creed, the very movie which got Ryan noticed by Marvel studios, is done by another director but Mike B. Jordan still stars in it. Now question: why would movie studios break this duo up when they’ve had a string of hits for their corporate benefactors? Hell, Martin Scorsese and Bob DeNiro have been working together for nearly 50 years—and the last movie Scorsese directed, “The Irishman”, has Bob DeNiro starring in it.
So fam, I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate and celebrate the regal and “real life” superhero KING CHADWICK BOSEMAN for the inspiration and example he left for the Indigenous Black Diaspora—so for a battle well-fought and a life well lived, I say KING CHADWICK, TAKE YOUR RIGHTFUL PLACE AT THE TABLE OF OUR ANCESTORS AND THANK YOU FOR BEING A REAL LIFE KING AT A TIME WHEN WE DEFINITELY NEEDED ONE!
—MontUHURU Mimia
Family, here’s one of my favorite videos of KING CHADWICK surprising some brothas and sistas who’re fans of the Black Panther movie.
And fam, this is the post I’d mentioned earlier detailing how Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks were students at a “communist training” school here.

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