
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 54)..."Crisis consciousness", the curious case of Oludah Equiano, Derrick Jaxn's pimpin' vs. simpin', and a "misfired" Park Cannon...

“We (Black people) established everything in all cultures…so all the things (culturally) that you think are some other race, is US.”

—Bobby Hemmitt, Master metaphysician and occult scholar

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

—Al Pacino as Don Corleone, from the movie, “Godfather 2”

 “The rift between Black men and women is irreparable, and the campaign to save the Black family is officially dead.”

—comment made on this Blog, by a sista named Monique, in 2014

“THERE CAN BE NO RECONCILIATION WITHOUT ATONEMENT; until they (Black women) can confess to and suffer the consequences of screwing us (Black men) over, there’s no use in talking about Black Love/Black Unity.”

—comment made on this Blog, by a brotha named “Kev” in 2017


To the consistent (and patient) readers of this Blog: I guess I should open this post by apologizing profusely for a near total abandonment of this forum, and for letting my last absence from this platform be my longest—but I’d like to approach this post from a bit of a different angle. Meaning, I wanna’ let y’all know about the crisis of “consciousness” which lead me to being away for such an extended period of time—thus, I hope you’ll indulge me for a bit, ‘cause as you can imagine, this kinda’ lengthy absence sorta’ requires a slightly long-winded explanation…well not really, but I’m gonna’ give y’all one anyways, lol! So, if you give me a sec’—I’ma’ do a little mental unpacking... 

Now fam, from the earliest conception of this blog, I was obsessively focused on ways of halting, or at least slowing down the gender-warring ways of Black folks. Meaning, with an ever-growing assortment of fringed factionalism coming from groups like Black MGTOWs, Red Pill communities, Swirlers, Pink Pillers, Black “WGTOWs” (Women Going Their Own Way), SYSBM, IBMORs, etc., I thought I could kinda’ diffuse at least some of the conditioned self-hatred America’s white fascist social order has indoctrinated the overwhelming majority of US into. However, in this blog’s nascent phases, I received the above last two quotes from commenters named “Monica” and “Kev”, who frequented this forum—and I gotta’ tell ya’, they shook me to my core—’cause I started thinking, did I bite off more than I could chew? Is my writing of these posts simply an exercise in futility? Days later, the conclusion I came to was, I might feel differently if I just kept writing—so my nose stayed to the grindstone and I pushed ahead. 

Fast forward to a year ago—as I got deeper into my spiritual practices, something unexpected happened. I began encountering co-working adversaries from a more ethnically diverse group of people than I’d ever seen before. Meaning, I’ve always dealt with my fair share of jerks who I’ve had to fend off, but this particular clan of dunce-like confederates was comprised of one Black man, one whiteboi, and one latin guy. Shortly thereafter, I dealt with another prickly pair consisting of one Black guy who teamed up with yet another genetically dead-ended white person, and both took a disliking towards me. 

Now, being a middle-aged man, I’ve obviously dealt with a lotta’ jerkoffs in my day—but what seemed different was my spirituality started showing me how I might’ve been too obsessed with the theories of Black Nationalism (BN)—so much so, I was kinda’ blinded to any other enemies except for white fascism. Meaning, it felt like God was going out of his way to show me how my enemies will come in every color—so it’s foolish to think otherwise. Now, while I knew this consciously, subconsciously, for the first time, this made me feel unsure about my stance on BN, and how dedicated I could be to this dogma in the future. Then I thought, if this is the case, it’d be wholly disingenuous of me to keep banging the drum of BN. By the way, when I use the term “Nationalism”, this is not to be confused with its more popular and modernist definition, which lends itself to ideological Marxism, Socialism, or what some call “Lenninism”—cause these constructs were created to keep folks working for an “elitist” state and corporations. I’m talking about more of a Black “Hue-manism” which most benefits a general populous of OUR people. So, the conclusion I came to was—maybe I should laser beam my focus on spirituality, instead of ethnicity—and maybe I’m done writing this blog. 

So, for the last several months I’ve directed my focus to meditation and divinating systems which best help me to manipulate spiritual forces in my favor. Then, a coupla’ weeks back, I began pondering on how different my life would be, and the lives of those around me, had I not been raised in a white fascist social order engineered to destroy me and everyone who looks like me. I thought about how european standards of beauty, the media, and darn near every multinational institution has convinced almost every Indigenous Black person how we’re the ugliest, dumbest, and poorest people on the face of the earth. Now, while I know this isn’t true, and I’ve done the research to back this up—I’ve noticed scores of Black people my age who’re still stuck in a morass of feeling like we’re doomed to fail or be inferior via bogus revisionist historical myths like the “curse of Ham” and the trans-Atlantic slave trade narratives. Then, I thought about how all these factors not only work to damage the psyche and spirit of Black people, but how someone reading one of my posts could possibly be healed or enlightened enough, to look beyond whitey’s global initiatives which work to keep me and everyone who looks like US in states of perpetual self-hatred.


Then, I thought about ways psychic damages can directly affect a person’s spirituality. Meaning, even though a lot of leaders in the Black Conscious Community tell us to focus primarily on spiritual matters, I’ve seen how social engineering can have a totally deleterious effect on the spiritual lives of Black folks—so, in my opinion, to keep our focus strictly on spirituality not only puts US at a cognitive disadvantage, but it stunts (and can destroy) our spiritual growth. Moreover, there’s still a lot of research I need to do (related to being an Indigenous Black person) to resolve the historical lies I’ve been taught throughout my life, and to make me personally, feel like a fully evolved “HUE-man” being.


Thus, as you can see by this publishing, I’m back to bloggin’ y’all.


So, with all this said—I’ll let you know how I’m gonna’ structure this particular post. Now, I’ma’ split this editorial up into “3” distinct parts fam—first, I’m gonna’ speak on a matter near and dear to my heart, which is my affections for the particular “logo” or graphic which I’ve chosen to represent my blog and media brand in the face of some not-so-subtle criticism, second, I’ma’ talk about the imbroglio surrounding the exposing of a half-celebrity named Derrick Jaxn, and third, I’ma’ expound on the symbolism behind the theatrical arrest of the door-knockin’ state representative, Park Cannon in Atlanta, Georgia.


So, here we go y’all-it’s about time ta’ get back to our mission of debunking the morally debasing tenets o’ white fascism, in an effort to thwart the dystopia chez whitey’s social engineering has in store for the Universal Indigenous Black man and woman—which is who WE ARE! In other words…once again it’s ON!


One last point fam—for the intrepid and loyal friends of this forum, who kept diggin’ back into my top 10 “Posts people dig most” list while I was away—you’re the reason I stay inspired to write. So, from the bottom of my heart, now more than ever, I’ll once again say, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and THANK YOU!


—MontUHURU Mimia


Prologue: The legend of Oludah Equiano


Now, several posts ago, I wrote about a controversy surrounding the cinematic release of the movie, “The Little Mermaid”, which involved the lead role being voiced by the Black singer/entertainer Halle Bailey—and I’ll leave a link for the post at the end of this one. Basically, this imbroglio involved John and Jane Q. whitebred being disenchanted with having a Black woman representing the Little Mermaid character ‘cause chez whitey thinks Black women shouldn’t be associated with the kind of exquisite and idealized femininity this role represents.


My response was to remind US of how this character was a reinterpretation of the “Orisha” named “Yemaya”, who was decpicted as a mermaid (upper left). Now, I revisited this memory ‘cause of a grocery product I picked up the other day. See, as of late, I’ve been avoiding dairy and jumping on the bandwagon of purchasing plant-based creamers for coffees. So, as I perused this part of the supermarket, I came upon one o’ these bottled creamers which caught my eye due to its attractive packaging design and the autumnal pumpkin spice flavoring I’m a sho’ nuff’ sucker for. So, as I clutched up the creamer, I noticed it was made by a company called, “Califia”.


Mind you, I’ve heard o’ this company before but never took more than a casual glance at the company’s name—but long story short fam, “Califia” was the name of a Black “Amazon” Queen, and the state of "California" is named after her. Mind you, “Califia” is displayed on the left in the above pic y’all. So, here’s another case of whitey “borrowing” from our culture—moreover, this company was founded in 2010, so at this point, there’s no excuse for not displaying Queen Califia as what she was, a Black woman.


Now, the reason I’m mentioning these aforementioned posts is over the last coupla’ years I’ve gotten a considerable amount of flack for the “logo” associated with this blog and my burgeoning “brand” which depicts a likeness of an ancient brotha named “Oludah Equiano”—or at least I thought this was his name—upon further research I found out some pretty amazing facts about brotha “Oludah” suggesting how chez whitey purposely misrepresented yet another one of our ancestors—and I’ll share this info. with you in a sec’.


First off, I gotta’ admit, when I first saw this decpiction of brotha “Oludah” (left) I was immediately smitten ‘cause of “3” factors, and they are as follows…1. Right off the bat, ‘cause of my love for the arts and because I’m an artist myself, I admired this pic looking like a rich oil painting someone might encounter in a modern museum—so much so, it’s encouraging me to start painting again myself. 2. I love the facial features of this pic, meaning, the widened nose, the thicker lips, the dark skin—all of these spoke to my phenotypically “Indigenous” sensibilities. And 3. this to me looks like a brotha of antiquity who’s caught in a moment of absolute grace and splendor—and as a middle-aged brotha myself, I’m invested in enjoying more and more of these kinda’ moments in my own life.


Conversely, I’ve gotten boatloads of flack for liking and using this depiction ‘cause of “3” main points of contention I’ve heard over the years…and they are…1. The clothing this brotha is adorned with looks aesthetically European and reminds people of every white aristocrat we see in museum paintings. 2. This depiction doesn’t look like it reflects a Black man who’s involved in the liberating struggles of our people. And 3. mostly, people see the straight-haired “wig” this brotha’s wearing and say, and someone said this to me directly fam, “He looks like a coon.”—mind you, I wanna’ deep dive into this last point most of all.


Firstly, the reason I included Bobby Hemmitt’s quote stating we (Indigenous Black people) established everything in all cultures, speaks directly to Oludah wearing this wig—meaning, if you look at the pictorial of the whiteboi from the “Whig” party (middle pic above) you’ll see how his wig is fashioned to look like the “Pharonic” or “Nubian” headdresses worn by our ancient ancestors…and fam, this ultimately shows how…




Right now, I imagine your pursing your lips and sayin’, c’mon bruh, what you’re doing now is just rationalizing why you like this pic. Fam, if you look even closer at the whiteboi’s wig (you can click on the pic), you’ll see the wig’s texture mimics our people’s kinky hair. So now you might be asking yourself, if this is the case, why is the brotha Oludah wearing a “straight-haired” wig? Fam, this is ‘cause our people were copying later generations of white folks who wore wigs looking more like their own hair. Meaning, Black Brits (and Oludah) who wore straight-haired wigs are copying white folks who were ultimately copying US—like they ALWAYS DO!


Meaning, this is one mo’ case o’ CULTURAL APPROPRIATION Y’ALL!


Now, if you still think I’m being disingenuous with this argument, I’m open to debates about this in the comment section fam. And a special shout out goes to “KEV”—I still see you—and if you’re readin’ this thinking I’m just looking for ways to justify being a “Pro-Black anglophile”, holla’ at me in the comments. With this said, let me expound on what else I found out about brotha “Oludah” with my research…


I first read up on “Oludah Equiano” in Wikipedia and what I gathered about him from this site was this: he’d been born sometimes in 1745, and died on March 31st, of 1797, he was most notably an abolitionist born in Nigeria, Africa, and after being enslaved as a child he was taken to the “Caribbean” islands where he was sold to a royal Naval officer. Afterwards, wiki states Oludah was enslaved twice more before he purchased his freedom in 1766. Now, according to this source, the Naval officer who purchased Oludah was the one responsible for giving him the alternate name of, get this, “Gustuvas Vassa”. Mind you, Gustuvas Vassa was a 16th century Swedish King who began the Protestant Reformation in northern Europe. Now, one question you might be asking yourself is, why would a “royal” Naval officer name a slave after a Swedish King? I’ll get to this in a sec’.


Mind you, in 1999, other scholars (namely Vincent Caretta, a professor of English at the University of Maryland) fleshed out facts surrounding “Oludah” not being born in Africa at all. According to “Baptismal” and Naval records, Oludah was actually born in America—namely, in South Carolina. Topping this off, Oludah Equiano never used this name in his everyday life—and according to all his friends and acquaintances, he was always known as Gustavas Vassa. Mind you, later in his life, he settled in Europe and died around the areas known today as Westminster and Middlesex, in Great Britain.


So, this says what?


Well, seeing how whitey likes to revise history to their liking, and reading up on scholarly sources which admittedly say they “don’t know” what to believe, and knowing how in the past, whitey’s revisionist (read: fallacious)  historical facts have forced me more than once to read between lines, I’ve come to the following conclusion: the reason brotha Oludah Equiano was known as Gustavas Vassa for the overwhelming majority of his life is because he was either a. related to royalty, or b. he was in fact one of the “Vassa” Kings of Sweden himself. Meaning, not only was the storied slavery of brotha Gustavas a COMPLETE LIE, but the reason I was innately attracted to his likeness is because HE WAS ROYALTY FAM!


Hence, from this day forward, I’ll be referring to the person in my “logo”, or wherever else I see him, as Gustavas Vassa, one of the “Vassa” Kings of Sweden. Additionally fam, if you got a sec’, you should google the Vassa/Vasa Kings of Sweden, or look under the “House of Vassa”  to see how far back this lineage goes.


Like I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again—I LOVE BEING BLACK Y’ALL!


Moving on…


Interlude: Derrick Jaxn and the art of ‘sanctified simpin’


Now, to be real wit’ y’all, I’d never heard of Derrick Jaxn until recently—but as of late, he was involved in some affair with another woman while being married himself, and the grand irony of this is, he’s supposedly a “relationship guru” who was known for giving Black women advice on how to avoid unscrupulous Black men who engage in this kinda’ behavior. Moreover, according to his bio, Derrick is a graduate of Tuskegee University—yeah, the place where whitey conducted the “Tuskegee experiments”, he’s 31 years old, and was born in upstate (Yonkers) New York.


Anyway, beyond my hearing about Derrick’s being a social media “influencer”, a Christian, and an author of several books, the general consensus about Derrick, in regards to what the Black “Manosphere” thought about him, is, this guy’s nothin’ but a bonafide “simp” who panders to Black women. Now fam, I just gotta’ say, this label, is without a doubt, the most disturbing and harmful part of this storied blunder when it comes to Indigenous Black Americans.


Ya’ see, what Black folks need to realize is, Derrick is NOT A SIMP—he’s a PLAYA pretending to be one. Moreover, it’s imperative for Black Americans, and the Diaspora, to be able to make a distinction between the two. So, you may be thinkin’, bruh, not only does this dude have all the classic traits of a simp, but what’s the big deal if we don’t know whether he’s one or not?


Welp fam, I think it’s an appropriate time to give y’all a definitive list of “3” true to life characteristics of a real “simp” and why Derrick don’t qualify for this title—also here’s where we find out why simpin’ ain’t easy…


Trait#1. A real simp is socially akward—meaning, simps aren’t self-possessed enough to be “ladies men”. They generally lack the confidence to copy the social graces of people who successfully mingle in mixed company. Whereas Derrick has shown himself to be the proverbial “silver-tongued devil” who knows exactly what women, especially Black women, want to hear—and he never fails to deliver on this front, on top of this, he’s proven himself to be a masterful socialite.


Trait#2. Real simps are too shallow to be insincere—meaning, more often than not, simps can’t help but tell the unfiltered truth, even when it negatively affects them. Usually, these types come from sheltered and stable two parent households which are very loving, so the classic simp can’t help but exude these same kinds of behaviors in social settings. Conversely, Derrick’s diatribes and personality traits are filled with ulterior motives meant to have women nodding their heads while reaching for their wallets to buy his latest merchandise.


Trait#3. Real simps aren’t very discerning when it comes to their personal appearance—most guys who're ridin’ the simp train are usually content with wearing poorly fitted or mismatched clothing items, or if they’re wearing designer garments they’re clueless as to which ways they can be worn to attract women. Now, whenever I see pictures of Derrick, he’s usually dressed to the nines and he’s got a gym-rat’s physique to go along with his meticulous fashion sense.


Now, you might still be thinkin’ , bruh, I see your point, but you still ain’t told me why I should care about makin’ a distinction between a playa and a simp. Aiiiight fam—here’s why it’s so important…check it, when I first became a card-carrying member of the “Black Conscious Community” (lol!), beyond the community’s wealth of esoteric information, we had, and still have, charismatic leaders who seem tailor-made in regards to introducing new initiates into the fold with lessons on how to apply what they might’ve learned. Take for instance Dr. Phil Valentine (if you don't know who he is, google him), now it was this brotha who kinda’ influenced me into loving the BCC with his extensive knowledge of metaphysics and Kemetic history. Mind you, what I later learned, is how he’s a Moor/MUUR, as well as a white fascist freemason. Now, armed with this info., when I listen to Dr. Valentine’s lectures, I need to make a distinction between the information I can use, and the covert white fascist agenda he’s getting the community to follow. Meaning, the reason I still listen to Dr. Valentine is, he's got a lotta' well-researched data which can benefit me. Ya’ dig?


With this said, lemme give you an even more practical example of what I mean. Over the years, I ‘ve seen my fair share of MUURS kickin’ a lotta’ butt in whitey’s courtrooms on YouTube videos. Meaning, with their extensive knowledge of ordinances, codes, and laws, they tend to do exceedingly well when facing a judge in regards to getting themselves outta’ precarious situations. Now, what you don’t see on these vids is how these brothas, nine times outta’ ten are white fascist freemasons, so they’re “connected” to clandestine fraternities which can get them out of a seemingly impossible court battle. Sadly, I’ve seen a couple of brothes and sistas who’re new to the BCC adopt a little bit of the info. they see on these vids and when they use them in real life, they find themselves behind bars. Moreover, when you see a so-called “leader” of the BCC spouting terms like “The Black woman is God”, they’re NOT simpin’—they’re spittin’ game they got from their white fascist handlers. Kinda’ like Creflo feel me?


Epilogue: A backfired Cannon—or the haunting of Black Americans by the ghost of Civil Rights past.


Aiiiight fam—I think we’ve all seen footage of a well-dressed Park Cannon knocking on the door of Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp—and how she was arrested shortly thereafter. So let’s just cut to the chase by stating how the media wants us believing this happened ‘cause Park got peeved at the possibility of Kemp’s “SB 202 Bill” passing. Cause in a nutshell, this bill (which did pass) imposes new identification requirements for absentee ballots, empowers elected officials to take over local election boards, limits the use of ballot drop boxes, and makes it a crime to approach voters in lines to give them food and water.


Now, I’ma’ just go right in on the info. they don’t tell you about good ol’ Park. Park Cannon has been identified as a “queer” activist—you know, the same kind who’re leading the “Black Lives Matter” organization. Meaning, this is another lgbtq provocateur who’s more or less using this incident as a “Trojan horse” to mainstream the gay lifestyle to Black Americans and the Diaspora. Beyond this fam, there’s a reason why they chose Georgia specifically to stage this incident.


Fam, by all accounts, Atlanta, Georgia is lookin’ like the new “Black utopia” of sorts, in regards to our people living prosperous lives in America—and whenever this happens it threatens the white fascist status quo, thus, whitey’s gotta’ move quickly to destabilize this area and state. Now, with this said, I gotta’ tell y’all how this happenstance is only touching what’s goin’ on at very superficial levels, cause the deeper issue is this…


See, even before the SB 202 Bill passed, the media was calling the measures in it something which looks like “Jim Crow 2.0”—when actually, the tenets of this bill are actually most like “Civil Rights 2.0”, and let me explain why. First off, the reason the whole Park Cannon arrest was staged is so white fascists could gauge how much we’ll fight to maintain our voting rights. Why? Cause, here’s what whitey doesn’t want to happen—they don’t want Black Americans to stop voting en mass—and it’s not because they value our votes, it’s cause they’re afraid we might just decide to leave the very white fascist social order which they’ve created to destroy us.


So, right now you might be like, I don’t follow bruh—okay, let me break it down like this. At the top of this post I included in my listing of quotes, one coming from the film the “Godfather 2”. This would be where Al Pacino as Don Corleone states he keeps his “friends close and his enemies closer”…and lemme tell ya’ fam, this quote was meant for Black Americans specifically. Now, if you’re wondering how I could say this, it’s because this sentiment was meant to keep us in a “integrationist” state of mind. Meaning, if we follow this axiom, we’ll continue to stay close to our enemies, meaning white folks, when what we NEED to do is separate ourselves from this social order and unite amongst each other. Mind you, this doesn’t involve packing up and getting on the next thing smokin’ to Africa, it means we should find ways to start sharing our resources with each other exclusively, until we can physically separate ourselves from chez whitey. Understand, just like integration, the "friends close and enemies closer" mindset was a trick played on us to keep us under the thumb of white fascism…


And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”, “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”




—MontUHURU Mimia 


P.S. Fam, if you'd like to check out the post I wrote on The "Little Mermaid" controversy, and how "Yemaya" was also the inspiration for the "Starbucks" logo, you can do so HERE.


  1. Sup Uhuru.

    Clarifying what I said before, one of the biggest "legacies of slavery" is the socially engineered "Black gynocracy"; the notion that so-called "Black" women are the "superior" gender and de facto authority figures in the "Black" community. The thing about this gynocentric perspective is that it is UNNATURAL, which is why almost all of these female dominated "Black" communities are glorified sh-tholes.

    90-95% of the different factions of people (male and female) you constantly see talking about wanting to "uplift", "protect", and "respect" so-called "Black" women are nothing more than useless grifters and parasites (and in extreme circumstances, outright predators and/or "race traitors"). Be it the mammies, Jezebel's, bedwenches, and jack-legged preachers from slavery, the "woke" Boule Kneegrows and cheating wives during Jim Crow, to the "woke" leftists, female "dating coaches", and "Pro-"Black" simps of the modern era, almost everyone trying to "uplift da queens" have some BS ulterior motive. Or, to put it in spiritual terms, "their hearts aren't pure".

    1. "Kev"...

      Firstly, thanks for commenting, second, I meant to get back to your comment a lot sooner but we all know how life gets in the way, with this said, lemme start this post wit' a coupla' opening points I wanna' make *wringing hands*...

      1. I do understand how "matriarchies" are completely unnatural--and I understand how white fascists have engineered this kinda' social order with the intention of turning Black men and women against one another. And for the record, I was never one to parrot the "woke" slogan or phrase, "The Black woman is God."

      2. I also understand how the Black Conscious Community's (BCC's) "leaders" are almost always guaranteed to be white fascist freemasons with an under-handed agenda to push.

      3. I also understand, the opposition to the BCC and their message are also controlled by white fascist freemasons, like a Kevin Samuels for instance, 'cause the handlers in charge of these people understand how you can't truly win a game unless you control both teams.

      Now, this said, what's missing from these arguments (to me), are the voices, or persons holding up a large sign which says: BLACK MEN AND WOMEN, LET'S STOP THIS GENDER WAR 'CAUSE wHITEY (and their minions) ARE PLAYIN' US BOTH.

      Meaning, I rarely hear anyone BETTING ON "US", when it comes to any kinda' Black "UNITY". Now, I understand how profoundly idealistic and down-right naive this sounds...but Black men and women need to understand, ultimately, WIN OR LOSE, WE, BLACK MEN AND WOMEN WILL MEET OUR FATES TOGETHER. PERIOD.


      And lastly, I want us to understand, the only way to attain ANY kinda' unity, would be to separate ourselves from these biological weapons we call white people, 'cause we'll never be able to peacefully co-exist with them while we have the most genetic power to breed them outta' existence.

      Now again, is the likelihood of this happening looking more and more like a pipe dream...ABSOLUTELY, but I ask you, WHAT'S THE ALTERNATIVE? To me, the alternative is Black men and women continuing our gender war, until we eventually stop dealing with each other altogether...and once this happens, wHITE FASCISTS HAVE WON.

      Mind you, a lotta' people are probably thinking, bruh, which world are you livin' in? The alternative you're talking about IS OUR REALITY. I get it, but being an eternal optimist, once again, I'M BETTING ON US! And actually, I think I see things starting to turn around, as more and more Black men and women are freeing themselves of the white fascist fantasy we once thought would lead us to some kinda' post-racial utopia.

      So long story short, I understand the BCC is over-run with charlatans whose hearts aren't pure, but I'm hoping the spirits of Black men and women are "pure enough" to see our way outta' this integrationist nightmare we're slowing getting hip to and "woke" from.

    2. Don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of "Black" (Ebony) love, I just know that it exists on the OTHER SIDE of bullshit pretenses. "Black" couples that truly love one another strive to DESTROY illusions surrounding intimacy. This is why so many of the older couples that were/are happily married/cuffed are SUPER
      RED-PILLED about dating and relationships. In fact, I would argue that no one is more "red-pilled" about female nature (in regards to dating and relationships) than an 'old-school' "Pickmeisha". This is why they were always so wise and knowledgeable about how to maintain healthy relationships, regardless of their delivery or tone. This is also why many "Pickmeishas" were "cancelled" by a lot of "woke" 'Black' people, because they were indirectly calling out their delusional ideals and sexually irresponsible behavior.

      Our problem is that we wanna promote love while still holding onto bullshit façades and abject dysfunction. We're more concerned about virtue-signalling than actually learning how to actuallybe in a healthy relationship.

    3. “Kev”…

      What I need you and everyone reading this to understand is I am NOT looking at “Black Love” through rose-colored glasses. Meaning, Black men and women, living in this white fascist social order, will ALWAYS face immeasurable odds when we endeavor to be in ANY kind of long-term relationship.

      Moreover, I can tell you from personal experience how it seems like whatever “men” find attractive, Black women seem to enjoy doing the exact opposite—but, unless I see their dysfunction(s) in the context of the white fascist social order which created them, I more than likely will wind up hating them, Black men, Black people, and eventually myself for being Black. Now, you’re probably thinkin’, bruh, you’re just using this as an excuse to stay on the ‘simp train’ in regards to Black Love and women. Welp, I’ll show you how this works using the Black “Red Pill community” (BRPC) as an example.

      As of late, I’ve been paying more attention to the BRPC because of the growing popularity of Kevin Samuels. However, while I like what the other Kevin (lol) has to say about Black relationships, when I listen to the majority of the other brothas in the BRPC, like Donovan Sharpe and Coach Greg, within weeks they start talking disparagingly about not only Black women, but the Black community period (Tommy Sotomayor back in the day). Moreover, I don’t understand how any sane group of Black men can join a community where whitebois are tryna’ pass themselves off as an oppressed minority. Meaning, if whitebois with all their power and privileges can’t have any success with women, then what more advantage do they need? They’re forgetting the fascists who mainstreamed America’s current gynocentrism look like them.

      Additionally, another reason I’m determined to bet on Black Love and the Black community, is every time I start thinking in “ethnically neutral” terms, there’s always something to remind me how Black people really have no friends. Case in point, just the other day I was looking at some footage of the Broadway play, “Hamilton”, ‘cause I was thinking I might’ve prejudged this project ‘cause I wasn’t interested in watching yet another artistic medium which glorified whitebois. Now, while I liked Hamilton’s production value, what I couldn’t stand most about it was how Aaron Burr, the person who fatally shot Alex Hamilton, who was a whiteboi, was portrayed as a Black man in the production—and topping this off, they appropriated Hip-Hop culture while pushing this bald-faced lie. Ironically enough, I did some research and found out Alex Hamilton was half-Black—but I’ll talk about this some other time.

      Moreover, what I hope Black people get out of this “pLandemic” COVID crisis is realizing how at some point in the future we’re gonna’ be FORCED to separate ourselves from every other kind of white and non-Black persons so we can realize our fullest potential, and how, when societal pressures really boil over, every group of brown persons is gonna’ team up with our white oppressors against US.

      Now, do I think Black people are ready to do this now? HELL NO—but, with more and more of us finding out our true history, I hope we can influence the collectives of mainstream Black people enough, so we can offer each other some grace and forgiveness. Then hopefully, this’ll lead to our embracing the psychological work we need to do, so we can not only foster loving relationships, but we can begin cultivating the self-preserving mind set we’ll need to survive the white (and non-Black) weapons aimed squarely at us.

      Thanks again for commenting Kev.
