
Monday, April 12, 2021

Earl Simmons a.k.a. DMX--December 18th, 1970--April 9th, 2021

It’s a wonderful feeling to get away from the pain, and up under the ceiling, I get away from the rain. And the strain that I feel when I ‘m here is gone, (and) I know real, so I wipe away the tears with a song.”

—DMX, “Prayer” skit, from the album, “It’s Dark and Hell is Hot”

“You’re not gonna’ get peace until you go through hell and conquer it…so you don’t need to feel sorry for yourself when you go through hell, you need to feel sorry for the people who haven’t.”

—Akult, Master metaphysician and Magus 

To the consistent (and patient) readers of this blog:

 DMX was murdered. 

Now fam, I understand anyone can make this accusation—and quite frankly, this statement reminds me of a conversation I had some years ago with a co-working acquaintance of mine. See, one day I was talking to this person and I mentioned some kinda’ metaphysical info. related to a movie I’d seen, to which this person asked, “Oh, are you conscious?” I was taken a back—and in trying to keep this part of myself from public view, I told them, “No, ‘cause anyone can be conscious.” They seemed satisfied with this answer, so I diverted the conversation to another topic—but later, I thought about my response and wondered if I shoulda’ shared more of what I knew.

As I continued pondering on what I told this person, it was right then I realized how far from the truth my statement was. See, in order to be “conscious”, and not just “woke”, it requires you putting in years of necessary research to not only gather this kinda’ esoteric information, but to understand how to apply what you’ve learned. This is especially true if you endeavor to practice any kind of spiritual ritual(s)—and it will determine whether or not you see any results from these practices. Understand fam, the average person doesn’t want to exist outside o’ the white fascist status quo, ‘cause it requires something the average person has an intrinsic aversion to—and this “something” is WORK. Meaning, the average person is so tethered to this simulated reality, they figure it’s better to live their lives by its rules, even if it HURTS them.

With this said, I’d like to go over “3” specific reasons which’ll reinforce why Earl Simmons was sacrificed to serve an elitist agenda. Mind you, what I won’t do with this editorial is try to convince anyone reading this to follow my logic or methodologies in terms of piecing these incidences together to come to my conclusion. To put this in more layman’s terms fam, I’m sayin’, PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY WORD FOR THISGO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Now, what I will do is offer some links to resourceful websites/articles I’ve used to form my hypothesis.  

So, with this sentiment outta’ the way, let’s now dig into the minutiae of the reason(s) why we lost one of the truest and most transparent emcees of a generation to the rapacious ringleaders of white fascism, and let’s see how we can decipher and debunk the misleading info. whitey’s media would have us believe caused the demise of the ingenious soul we knew as “DARK MAN X”.

 —MontUHURU Mimia


Ritualistic assassination

 Elitist metaphysicians and magicians understand how the date of 4/9/21 marks a “New Moon” phase, which coupled with “left hand path” (majik) ritual(s), can open dimensional portals to help white fascists access spiritual entities which help them gain and maintain power—and one o’ the main ways they do this is through human sacrifices. Fam, note this is the same day one o’ the head inbreds in England, “Prince Phillip” (Duke of Edinburg) passed as well—ya’ think this is a coincidence? Hmmmm…

Now fam, if you think I’m officially buggin’, at the end of this post, I’ll leave a link for one o’ my earlier publishings, where an anonymous law enforcement officer leaves a comment detailing one of these kinds of rituals.


Political assassination

Members of DMX’s family said he’d taken the COVID-19 vaccine about a week before his death cause he was slated to perform overseas. On top of this, his relative was quoted as saying, “…I’m in the family (of DMX), and no doctor told me anything about a drug overdose.” This is the info. whitey’s media won’t tell you fam. Also, this is almost exactly what happened to the baseball legend “Hank” Aaron. Hank wanted to be a brand ambassador (of sorts) for this “vaccine” to show Black Americans there was nothing to fear by taking it—and two weeks after he got the shot(s), he was dead.

On top of this, in an age where we have young Black men “twerking” at “Black Lives Matter” protests, DMX was unapologetically masculine. Meaning, he grew up amongst a generation of Black men who hadn’t been conditioned into believing every and any kind of Black masculinity is” toxic”. Now, you might be thinkin’, bruh, almost every time I saw DMX on TV, he was crying. True. However, his aggression when it came to emceeing and the ways he comported himself around his peers, showed everyone how his manhood was never up for debate—in every way he personified what it meant to be a strong Black MAN. So, the white elites also got to destroy a brotha who exemplified what it meant to be an “Alpha male”, thus, making it easier for them to mainstream more effeminate role models of Black manhood to our Diaspora. 

Now, if you’re askin’, bruh, how was DMX a symbol of strong manhood when he was a notorious drug addict? To this I’d say, if you grew up enduring the torturous environment Earl’s sadistic mother put him through as a child, you might develop a narcotics habit to help you forget about the trauma you suffered too. 


Cultural assassination 

Now, Chet Hanks, son of the actor Tom, declared on one of his social media posts, how the summer of 2021 was gonna’ be a “whiteboi summer”. Mind you, when I heard this I was a bit perplexed at what he meant—but when Tariq Nasheed deciphered how this was an allusion to whiteboi’s looking to date and mate with Black women, I thought, it figured for “3” mo’ reasons…1. Since mr. whitefolks understands they’re on the precipice of being bred outta’ existence—meaning white birth rates have fallen below replacement levels for the past several decades, I figured this was just another campaign to lessen the genetic pool of dominate-traited Black babies our women could have, in deference to creating “mixed” children with a lessened ability to breed chez whitey outta’ existence. 2. whitebois will never confess to the fact of being jealous ‘cause they don’t have the spiritual ingenuity which helps Black men create cultural “cool points” they can only mimick and copy from US—this is why Chet says, “…I’m not talkin’ about Trump, NASCAR type white…” in his dumbfounded mini-diatribe. 3. whitebois still can’t figure out why, with all their power and privilege(s), they can’t find a solution to reasons 1 and 2. 

Now, murdering DMX was yet another way the white elites could try to effectively “neuter” Hip-Hop culture, being they can’t find a way to stop this from being the predominate cultural force all over the world.    

With all this said, the reason I felt a kinship to DMX/Earl Simmons is because I liken his emceeing style to the writing of this blog—what DMX did wasn’t business, it was personal. Rapping and being a part of this culture wasn’t a hustle, it fed and fortified his life and soul—and in a very real way, it was wholly therapeutic in regards to helping him survive what he’d been through. 




 —MontUHURU Mimia 

P.S. If you’d like to read one of the website articles where I found this info., you can check it out HERE. 

 Also, if you’d like to read up on the “sacrifice ritual” I spoke about, you can do this in the comment section of my, “Why I no longer listen to Tommy Sotomayor” post—on this post, go to the comment dated, “November 3, 2014 @ 6:16 pm”, there, an anonymous person details why so many Black men specifically, are killed by cops. Check this out HERE. 

Addendum: 4/14/21--In this vid', Russell Simmons gives a heart-felt rendition and retelling of how DMX saved his label "Def Jam" at a low point in the company's existence, and speaks on DMX's travails with drug use thinking Earl died of an overdose. 

 Addendum: 4/14/21--Fam, in the above vid', Russell mentions "Kurt Cobain", who (you probably know) was the famous frontman of the alt-rock band, "Nirvana". I just wanted to share this trailer of a documentary called, "Soaked in Bleach", which details how Kurt's murder was made to look like a drug overdose/suicide--and even though DMX worked in a different musical genre, this doc exposes how white fascists use these same techniques to publicly get rid of celebrities. Lastly, if you're interested, you can watch this doc for free on YouTube. 

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